View Full Version : Heart breakage

Iroquois Pliskin
06-03-2008, 22:57
.....You could also call me an ungrateful bastard but lets not go there..

So anyway.. Your mother makes you salan and you appreciate the time and energy required to make it but why make it if it doesn't match your needs? Why make somethin that your kids won't eat, know what I mean?

Also heartbreakage.. She gave me some next achar which didn't tickle my taste buds and then she bought another which I did like but mixed it with the previous achar. :|

I lost my appetite and ate little but c'mon.. that achar was too good to be true but I held back and gone for seconds, ketchup. :|


06-03-2008, 23:02
Give mommy a break dood. There are times i complain and stuff like why did you made gobhiiiiii you know i don't like that! But then think about it... i watched her work in the kitchen a lotta times n it's not an easy workage to do... i tried making rottis for my parents and myself once and it took me ages, and i'm like damn mom how do you do it?

She looked after you for all these years think you should try doing it for her now... you know give her some restage and stuff..? like "here mom, you looked after me all these years, lemme try this time" You'll know how tough it is... it really is.

I can't cook for sheet dood... toooooo hard. But cos i'm the only child i'm tryna learn.. to give my parents some rest... my dad cooks really well too but time for them to take a lil break y'know?

06-03-2008, 23:03
My mum goes crazy at me if i don't like the salaan. She says "Theres people out there in the world who don't have even a glass of water to drink and heres you who is being picky about what food you have, make ur own then,"

I don't make my own. I just don't eat.

and Roti with ketchup? :| Hai Hai....That don't sound appealing.

Lady Shyne
06-03-2008, 23:03
Lol this always happens with my famo, my mother spends hours cooking.when it comes to dinner time no1 eats.Then we get this long lecture about apreciating food..She knows wer not fans of salan but she still makes it lol,so shes jus sitting at the dining table by herself while da rest r orderin food.i sumtyms eat it jus to please her :)

06-03-2008, 23:04
We forget that mothers aren't robots... they're humans... with needs too...

Iroquois Pliskin
06-03-2008, 23:06
I can MAKE roti and cook roti but its not always round. So I got roti down to a T..well almost. Just grab atta no2 from bazaar. throw some in a bowl, trickle of water and punch it till the whole thing can be picked up into a ball if it falls keep punchin it. hehe.

salan im gonna learn it. and then i won't be angry coz its my fault if it fucks up.

06-03-2008, 23:08
We forget that mothers aren't robots... they're humans... with needs too...

Im the only picky one. I admit it. I just don't like some foods.

Its a mother's nature to be a mother. Its her instinct to be. I mean if i get ill, she will be worried. She won't be like "O, Misbah your ill im going to rest". When i want to help around the house she tells me not to do her job, she said that it makes her, her if you know what i mean. She told me once that she likes doing it, so we understand the importance of being a wife and a mother.

When im a mum, i won't expect my children to wait on me hand of foot. You can never stop being a mother and nurturing your child. My mum loves the fact im different from the rest of my sisters, she laughs and jokes with me. It really depends on how you look at situations.

06-03-2008, 23:10
Why do Rotis have to be round? I don't understand? Why do they have to be round if they gna get ripped apart?

Iroquois Pliskin
06-03-2008, 23:11
if its round there's more roti on the table.. it can be divided without any arguments. just my theory on round rotis. my roti's are pair shaped, tricky part for me is slammin it on the tava and it always lands in wrong places thus i gotta cut the roti thats hangin of it.

06-03-2008, 23:12
Im the only picky one. I admit it. I just don't like some foods.

Its a mother's nature to be a mother. Its her instinct to be. I mean if i get ill, she will be worried. She won't be like "O, Misbah your ill im going to rest". When i want to help around the house she tells me not to do her job, she said that it makes her, her if you know what i mean. She told me once that she likes doing it, so we understand the importance of being a wife and a mother.

When im a mum, i won't expect my children to wait on me hand of foot. You can never stop being a mother and nurturing your child. My mum loves the fact im different from the rest of my sisters, she laughs and jokes with me. It really depends on how you look at situations.
Yeah my mom's been looking after us all n the house for years dood but then i feel really guilty cos.. now that i've grown up think i should give her a hand cos it's not just her job.. it's us children's job too. It's a family's job to do it not just a mother's job.

I mean she's human too.. she gets tired too. Even if she doesn't tell me she gets tired... she too would need someone to look after her, and her needs. I think it's selfish of us... if we don't think about it and act over it.

06-03-2008, 23:13
I can NEVER make a round rotti!!! I make funny shapes :( good thing? May be not... 8(

Iroquois Pliskin
06-03-2008, 23:14
we're only talkin about when its time for some chow. makin a big deal out of it. other stuff like household chores, shoppin, bills. thats on me.

06-03-2008, 23:15
we're only talkin about when its time for some chow. makin a big deal out of it. other stuff like household chores, shoppin, bills. thats on me.
Oh... hmm.. i was just talking generally.

06-03-2008, 23:15
if its round there's more roti on the table.. it can be divided without any arguments. just my theory on round rotis. my roti's are pair shaped, tricky part for me is slammin it on the tava and it always lands in wrong places thus i gotta cut the roti thats hangin of it.

Why can't they be sqaure? You can divide that shape equally. You know my sisters roties right....they sooooo big....they cover the whole taavaa. I can't do the clapping with the roti thing

Yeah my mom's been looking after us all n the house for years dood but then i feel really guilty cos.. now that i've grown up think i should give her a hand cos it's not just her job.. it's us children's job too. It's a family's job to do it not just a mother's job.

I mean she's human too.. she gets tired too. Even if she doesn't tell me she gets tired... she too would need someone to look after her, and her needs. I think it's selfish of us... if we don't think about it and act over it.

Not only my mum that works. My elder sister helps too and i go house work when im at home. Sometimes my mum chills all weekend. But i understand what u mean. But Okra/Lady Fingers aren't nice.

Iroquois Pliskin
06-03-2008, 23:16
clappin is piss. its slammin it thats hard lol.

Lady Shyne
06-03-2008, 23:16
I can NEVER make a round rotti!!! I make funny shapes :( good thing? May be not... 8(

same here..just think their known for being round, making shapes is more intresting <)

06-03-2008, 23:16
You mean bhinddiyaaaaaaa? ARE YOU KIDDING?!!! I FOOKING LOVE THEM!!! Sigh... They're so yummy... mmmmmmmm

Iroquois Pliskin
06-03-2008, 23:17
lady fingers? right thats my next salan, no complainage there.

06-03-2008, 23:17
You mean bhinddiyaaaaaaa? ARE YOU KIDDING?!!! I FOOKING LOVE THEM!!! Sigh... They're so yummy... mmmmmmmm

They nasty. Aubergines now them things are loooovely. Bhindiya....they make me :@

06-03-2008, 23:18
clappin is piss. its slammin it thats hard lol.
I can't clap either... i just slam it on the tava n mom goes... "Doesn't really look like you're tryna cook... you're not in your martial arts classes here, that's a kitchen :|"

Iroquois Pliskin
06-03-2008, 23:19
I can't clap either... i just slam it on the tava n mom goes... "Doesn't really look like you're tryna cook... you're not in your martial arts classes here, that's a kitchen :|"

if thats not harsh i don't know what is.

06-03-2008, 23:19
I used to have fights over Bhinddiya with my brother.. i used to pack some n hide them in the fridge somewhere he can't get his hands at.. wihihihi. Or sometimes in my cupboard but that's not a velly good idea... bleh

06-03-2008, 23:20
im guessing salan in salad?

i dont have to worry bout tht.. my mum hardly ever cookz so i hardly get mad at her in those matterz...

06-03-2008, 23:20
if thats not harsh i don't know what is.
Nao that's not harsh pagal.. mothers joke with you and it's fun <) she was giggling when she said that... she wasn't serious..

06-03-2008, 23:21
im guessing salan in salad?

i dont have to worry bout tht.. my mum hardly ever cookz so i hardly get mad at her in those matterz...

Salaan is Curry...the actual thingy mijiggy

06-03-2008, 23:22
Salaan is Curry...the actual thingy mijiggy

ohhhh ok... thank u! :\

06-03-2008, 23:23
Me and my mum cook together, or me and dad, or sometimes mum cooks or sometimes i cook or sometimes dad cooks.
if i got a lot of work on i wont cook... but i help clean up etc...

if i dont like wots been cooked i wont eat it....oh and my rotis a perfectly round :)

Iroquois Pliskin
06-03-2008, 23:24
Oh yeah.. I like my eggs on the side, in a little cup holder dish or somethin.. not in the salan.

Iroquois Pliskin
06-03-2008, 23:25
Nao that's not harsh pagal.. mothers joke with you and it's fun <) she was giggling when she said that... she wasn't serious..

okay thats cool then. <)

Iroquois Pliskin
06-03-2008, 23:26
Me and my mum cook together, or me and dad, or sometimes mum cooks or sometimes i cook or sometimes dad cooks.
if i got a lot of work on i wont cook... but i help clean up etc...

if i dont like wots been cooked i wont eat it....oh and my rotis a perfectly round :)

psht.. :|

bit harsh i mean i would taste it. if the dish don't look nice don't mean it don't taste nice

06-03-2008, 23:26
Well my mum always asks me before cooking anything.. she asks me what i want ta eat n stuff... No complaining. Sometimes i just order a pizza.. cos mom n dad wanna eat something i don't like. Gotta think about them too.. what they want to eat... No selfishness.

06-03-2008, 23:27
Kofte/moong and kabuli chanae:)

Iroquois Pliskin
06-03-2008, 23:27
Kofte/moong and kabuli chanae:)

meeeeeat baaaaaaallls..

06-03-2008, 23:28
psht.. :|

bit harsh i mean i would taste it. if the dish don't look nice don't mean it don't taste nice

wot do u mean psht.. hmfh

not like that... i mean i wud try it.. but if its something thats been made before and im not really a fan of it then i may not eat it!

Iroquois Pliskin
06-03-2008, 23:30
ah okay.. i get u..

06-03-2008, 23:53
u no wht i never complain abt wht mum cooks if i dnt like it i dnt eat it simple... but my little brother whos 12 throws tantrums and what not... it pissis me off cuz mum cooks all nice food etc.. but he doesnt like it or its summin we had ysday... its like jeeee be nice.. he propa shouts at my mum as well.. i just shout at him.. ahhh nice family eh?

07-03-2008, 00:07
my mums cookng YUM.


07-03-2008, 00:25
If i dont like what my mums made il eat a little of it but i would never complain.

It really pisses me off when Dad does it cos its like 'Be thankful for what you bloody got!'.

07-03-2008, 00:31
My rotis r round:)
Mum has a rough time tryin 2 cater for every1...what my dad likes we don't...what i like my brother doesn't. There's very rare one thing we ALL eat!

She tries her best...but if it's sumthin i dont like i'll sort myself out...:)
I help tidy afterwards if i can't help cook