View Full Version : Parents hitting you..

Iroquois Pliskin
07-03-2008, 03:30
I mean like proper physical damage to either face or body.

What would you do?
Keep quiet about?
Get police involved?
Should age matter?

Discuss. No spamage.

07-03-2008, 03:43
Erm my parents NEVER hitted me ever... not even a slap. Never even raised their voice on me. But yeah if that ever happened i woulda talked to them rather than going to the police and putting my parents to shame y'know?
But if parents are really abusive like.. really.. abusive.. then they have some psychological problem i think and children should involve someone in it.. someone mature that is.. not just anyone. Or things can get worse than better.

07-03-2008, 03:45
shud age matter too?

Iroquois Pliskin
07-03-2008, 03:47
shud age matter too?

done babes..

07-03-2008, 03:50
done babes..

thanks.:) ...........

07-03-2008, 03:52
Nah age doesn't matter... why would it?

Iroquois Pliskin
07-03-2008, 04:39
Nah age doesn't matter... why would it?

say as an example you're 25 goin on 30.. and you get beaten up badly by your parents.. then?

07-03-2008, 04:50
Nah age doesn't matter... why would it?

so say ur my age early 30s wud u be ok if ur mum slapped u and messed ur face up?

i mean i wudnt even do tht to a 10 yr old,but to lay ur hand on a grown woman,is that even right?

coz from where am stood,thats just wrong,u cant 'smack' and adult,and anyone who messes ur face/bod up well thts hardl classed as smackng even,smackngs for kids!!!

07-03-2008, 05:13
say as an example you're 25 goin on 30.. and you get beaten up badly by your parents.. then?
Oh sorry i didn't get that at first...

Badly? Hmm if it's just a slap like slightly then it's ok but if it's badly.. violence isn't what parents should be teaching their kids. You can gets your point across children in a calm manner, and if not.. then you can't in any way.

But some parents don't get that.. or perhaps they're getting their frustration out on children. That's just wrong i think they should talk it out to their parents.. how they feel about it. Or like i said involve another person (somebody mature enough to handle stuff)

I say those parents that hit their kids badly really have some psychological problems.. either going through really hard times and getting it out on their kids. They need a doctor..

Otherwise if it's just a slap or something.. but just slightly, it's fine. But as a kid grows up you gotta get a lot more friendlier towards him or her.. so no slapping, but just explaining to them in a calm manner.. cos you can't control them.

So yeah.. either solve it yourself by talking it out or involve a mature person in.

Iroquois Pliskin
07-03-2008, 05:18
suppose you end up with a bruised eye.. and the bruise is visible coverin the whole eye.. solvin the problem goes out the window don't it..they left a mark on you..

07-03-2008, 05:28
suppose you end up with a bruised eye.. and the bruise is visible coverin the whole eye.. solvin the problem goes out the window don't it..they left a mark on you..
That's awful.. but at least you'd know you tried. You know.. you can't always punish folk that hurt you, especially when it comes to parents. There are stuff you just leave upto the creator.. but yeah children shouldn't have to put up with all that abuse.

The second option is to involve someone in.. if that doesn't work.. well... i guess leave them to their own for a while, they normally should realise what they're doing to you isn't just causing you harm physically but mentally too.

They're probably just going through some rough times. If it were me.. and either my mom or dad were abusing me like that. My first option would be to talk to them.. some parents have a hard time being "friendly", taking the first step doesn't hurt.

Gah i don't know if i'd leave home if they still wouldn't get the hint.. seriously you have to be in that position to understand how it feels. I personally hate turning my back on problems.. i'd stay and tackle them i think.. I wouldn't just leave. Then again, only the child could understand what it feels like... it's awful i think.

What are your views..?

Iroquois Pliskin
07-03-2008, 05:34
That's awful.. but at least you'd know you tried. You know.. you can't always punish folk that hurt you, especially when it comes to parents. There are stuff you just leave upto the creator.. but yeah children shouldn't have to put up with all that abuse.

The second option is to involve someone in.. if that doesn't work.. well... i guess leave them to their own for a while, they normally should realise what they're doing to you isn't just causing you harm physically but mentally too.

They're probably just going through some rough times. If it were me.. and either my mom or dad were abusing me like that. My first option would be to talk to them.. some parents have a hard time being "friendly", taking the first step doesn't hurt.

Gah i don't know if i'd leave home if they still wouldn't get the hint.. seriously you have to be in that position to understand how it feels. I personally hate turning my back on problems.. i'd stay and tackle them i think.. I wouldn't just leave. Then again, only the child could understand what it feels like... it's awful i think.

What are your views..?

well i live with my mum.. she can't do anythin bad as im a male.. and i can handle it, but she knows i can flip. so i dunno.

07-03-2008, 05:39
well i live with my mum.. she can't do anythin bad as im a male.. and i can handle it, but she knows i can flip. so i dunno.
Communication gap is the root of the problem dood. Either of them should try to solve it.. no attitude such as (why should i when my parents don't?)

Suppose... if your mother hits you and stuff out of frustration. I'd say you should talk to her in a friendly manner.. tell her you're there for her and you'd rather have her talking stuff out to you than taking things out in an abusive manner. Cos well it's doing you and her no good..

Involving police solves nothing i say nothing.

I'm only giving an example.

Lady Shyne
07-03-2008, 09:05
hmm once ur over 20 wudnt it b weird getting beats from ur rents lol..iv neva got murkd by my parents.But if that happend i think i wud keep quiet about it, but theres only soo much a person could take. If it was getting worse then id get the police involved n stay at a relatives house.that a show them! children r gifts to parents not flipin punch bags.

07-03-2008, 10:10
^ lol get me...imagine a 30 year old boy gets beats from his rents because he wont move out or get married...

but yea...i think we are the result of how are parents treated us in our childhood...

07-03-2008, 10:19
light hits i don't mind etc.
i got big time beats when i was little, still do now. lol
but it makes me learn or see at times.

if it's extreme though, then there are problems,
when you need to go to other people for help.

07-03-2008, 11:53
I got beats as a kid...never proper hardcore tho.
Dad doesn't & hasn't since i be abt 13...i think i got a slap after that but yeh, mum'll still give me slap on rare occasions.

If it's hardcore...it's wrong but the way it's been with me it's been in the extreme situations so i be in the wrong. I aint the type2ring the coppers for it.

Extremely hardcore when it borders on abuse...then help's needed.

07-03-2008, 16:11
Man I can't remember ever being hit by anybody.

Violence is wrong but self defense is common sense, if you get hit you should return the favour.

God bless the child that can hold his own.

Spider Pig
07-03-2008, 23:17
I got hit when I was a kid but only if I did something bad, not like beated up or got any marks just ya know the slaps, I remember my mum used the plastic chappals, they stinged but she wouldn't use a proper jutti, they would just like taps, I used to pretend they hurt n then when she realised they didn't she would say im telling your dad, and he has hands like a heavyweight boxer, so I ain't wanting one of those! loools

my sis got a few as well but not much, like I said nothing harmful, just reminders.

it's natural I think, especially when you get so frustrated that the kid is not listening to you that you result to a little bit of slapping to put them into place.

if it's harmful then I would agree its wrong, otherwise its ok for few taps.

07-03-2008, 23:28
sme but ma dad n ma brotha kinda fought n he felt bad afterwards but dey r kl nw

07-03-2008, 23:43
Imagine your dad was Bruce Lee

In chinese accent "why did you get F you little bastard"

**lifts leg up**


07-03-2008, 23:50
Imagine your dad was Bruce Lee

In chinese accent "why did you get F you little bastard"

**lifts leg up**

Lol I remember Russell Peters saying something like that on a show.. the phunny moo

07-03-2008, 23:52

07-03-2008, 23:53
Lol I remember Russell Peters saying something like that on a show.. the phunny moo

Are you following me around replying to everything I say today or something :p

08-03-2008, 00:10
Are you following me around replying to everything I say today or something :p
I was the first to reply to this thread dood get outta ya dreamland fool :|

08-03-2008, 00:11
Actually i'm tryna spam.. shee? 801 posts.. 37 reppies.. woo :D

08-03-2008, 00:14
lol even ive got more rep than you :p

08-03-2008, 12:24
It happened to me once and only once I'd just turned 17 I think and it was for no reason, left me with a swollen face and everyone kept asking me but I didn't tell anyone, I just took revenge in my own way :)

Spider Pig
08-03-2008, 13:13
hmm interesting, obviously when you young you react like "I hate them" etc. thats just a flash reaction, but I don't think I could ever take revenge in sone way, on my mum or dad no matter how pissed off I am about it, end of the day I got too much respect, but I would argue lol.

10-03-2008, 01:41
intresting thread. i know someone who parents hit them all the time, and for no reason though, just when they want to take anger out. they just do it and they have caused so much damage to their children, they have messed their life up and still till this day, its happenin, and there not saying anything to anyone. all due of the fact that its their parents and they dont want them harmed in any way or go through anything whcih might bring ruin their respect....

Iroquois Pliskin
10-03-2008, 02:57
It happened to me once and only once I'd just turned 17 I think and it was for no reason, left me with a swollen face and everyone kept asking me but I didn't tell anyone, I just took revenge in my own way :)

Revenge? How?

10-03-2008, 13:21
Well that's a long story lol, I'm sure I've posted it enough times on AP already lol. Well it did start off as revenge but then things got out of hand but it ended up with me getting married, running away and then moving to Leicester!

10-03-2008, 14:05
Ma parents ave never HIT me..
And evan if they did it would have a reason!! n no i wouldnt runawayy... get police involved 4 fuk all..

Family matter!!

10-03-2008, 15:07
i dont think they would hit you for no reason, so it wud be your own fault anyway

10-03-2008, 19:34
^^ I think you're wrong

$xy $onz
10-03-2008, 19:38
neva beat hit n i fink im a bit 2 old 2 b hit nw lol but if it did eva apen i wud talk 2 em n go 2 my daddi hehe