View Full Version : :D...I'm so happppy!

07-03-2008, 14:51
:D:D I'm soo happy!
One of my mates is having a babyyyy!
She's the first in our circle to be a mummy...and wooow! it's soo massively huge! I'm dead excited for her...like literally wanna jump up & down...I've got the goofiest biggest smile on my face at this very moment! :D:D

07-03-2008, 15:13
Nice a baby is a few months of joy a few years pain in the ass :p

So when you having kids then.

07-03-2008, 15:20

Im quite disgusted towards pregnancy since what Sabba told me.

07-03-2008, 15:29
Nice a baby is a few months of joy a few years pain in the ass :p

So when you having kids then.

U have to come and try spoil everything...:Q
I'm dead excited...like u wouldn't believe!

Me? Kids? er...dint u know...I have 1 and 1 on the way...why dya think I'm so excited...I'm thinking ahead...my bubba and my mates can b friends!


Im quite disgusted towards pregnancy since what Sabba told me.

Sabba has a unique spin on most things...:)
What she tell u eh? eh? eh?
Was she too graphic?

07-03-2008, 16:04
Sabba has a unique spin on most things...:)
What she tell u eh? eh? eh?
Was she too graphic?

LOL giving birth is natural i can deal with.

She told me when she was about 7-8 months on....you know Abdul-Wahhab use to move around, and you could see it on her stomach. So like you would see like something moving. I Couldn't deal with that. Just thinking about it makes me cringe :@

07-03-2008, 16:05
LOL giving birth is natural i can deal with.

She told me when she was about 7-8 months on....you know Abdul-Wahhab use to move around, and you could see it on her stomach. So like you would see like something moving. I Couldn't deal with that. Just thinking about it makes me cringe :@

That wouldn't make me cringe...:)

07-03-2008, 16:07
U have to come and try spoil everything...:Q
I'm dead excited...like u wouldn't believe!

Me? Kids? er...dint u know...I have 1 and 1 on the way...why dya think I'm so excited...I'm thinking ahead...my bubba and my mates can b friends!

Man my sister having a baby I just hope they spend more time at theyr crib I don't like when babies cry and there's no bargaining with them.

You try to have a logical conversation with a baby and it don't work.

My niece was annoying man I couldn't do shit to get her to quiet down

07-03-2008, 16:08
That wouldn't make me cringe...:)

Mina you belly you be going all up and down so the baby can make a comfort place. I couldn't deal with it. Shabz couldn't, he would walk away when she told him.

07-03-2008, 16:10
yhhh.. i found out last week that ma mate is 3 months pregnant!!!

07-03-2008, 16:14
Man my sister having a baby I just hope they spend more time at theyr crib I don't like when babies cry and there's no bargaining with them.

You try to have a logical conversation with a baby and it don't work.

My niece was annoying man I couldn't do shit to get her to quiet down

i love the different stages.....I've always had kids around..My lil cousin he's at the learning to read and write...I love helping him and stuffs..:)

Babies need soothing and lotsa cuddles and stuff...Aww....:)

Mina you belly you be going all up and down so the baby can make a comfort place. I couldn't deal with it. Shabz couldn't, he would walk away when she told him.

I seen my Cha-chi's tum tum b4 the ickle 1 were born...I'd b like...'c'mon bubba...movee let's freak Missy out...;)'

yhhh.. i found out last week that ma mate is 3 months pregnant!!!

Congrats 2u...
Wooo...i'm soo happpy and excited...wooop!

07-03-2008, 16:21
i love the different stages.....I've always had kids around..My lil cousin he's at the learning to read and write...I love helping him and stuffs..:)

Babies need soothing and lotsa cuddles and stuff...Aww....:)

LOL they are cute but I still don't know how to make them quiet when they cry, maybe if somebody taught me that I'd have kids one day :p

07-03-2008, 16:25
Azmina it took her 3 days to give birth. Why are you not freaked?

07-03-2008, 16:27
LOL they are cute but I still don't know how to make them quiet when they cry, maybe if somebody taught me that I'd have kids one day :p

They only cry for a cuddle, food/drink or coz they need their nappies changing...or they're ill...or too hot or cold...

Obviously other reasons exist...but they're the basic-y type ones!

07-03-2008, 16:29
Azmina it took her 3 days to give birth. Why are you not freaked?

It's natural innit...
3 days...but a life with Abdul-Wahhab...she'd do it all again for him right? She loves him to bits...

I'm not being deluded and thinking of it with rosey filters...it just doesn't freak me out...:) I actually can not wait for the experience...:)

07-03-2008, 16:30
They only cry for a cuddle, food/drink or coz they need their nappies changing...or they're ill...or too hot or cold...

Obviously other reasons exist...but they're the basic-y type ones!

LOL why can't I get away with that :|

07-03-2008, 16:31
It's natural innit...
3 days...but a life with Abdul-Wahhab...she'd do it all again for him right? She loves him to bits...

I'm not being deluded and thinking of it with rosey filters...it just doesn't freak me out...:) I actually can not wait for the experience...:)

True. I expect her to be poppin another out soon. I don't like the fact he's only child, he loves playing. It freaks me out so much, it really does.

07-03-2008, 16:32
LOL why can't I get away with that :|

If u really wanna cry cz u've crapped urself....buy a nappy:Q

07-03-2008, 16:33
If u really wanna cry cz u've crapped urself....buy a nappy:Q

Yeah but nobody will change me, I hate agism :p

07-03-2008, 16:34
True. I expect her to be poppin another out soon. I don't like the fact he's only child, he loves playing. It freaks me out so much, it really does.

I'll freak u out even more...i'll webcam u when my bump starts moving inside & its visible:)

07-03-2008, 16:35
I'll freak u out even more...i'll webcam u when my bump starts moving inside & its visible:)

:@:@ I won't accept the invitation.

07-03-2008, 16:35
Yeah but nobody will change me, I hate agism :p

And u'd WANT sum1 2 change u....:oh

07-03-2008, 16:38
And u'd WANT sum1 2 change u....:oh

Thats not the point <)

07-03-2008, 16:42
:@:@ I won't accept the invitation.

Like I'd warn u beforehand what I was gonna show u:Q!

Thats not the point <)

That's exactly the point...sooo ner!:p

07-03-2008, 16:42
Generally i won't accept ur invites from today fourth

07-03-2008, 16:47
Generally i won't accept ur invites from today fourth

That's so very mean!

07-03-2008, 16:48
That's so very mean!

Mack thinks im fake. Was it you or bia i webcammed? Prove my innocence NOW

07-03-2008, 16:51
It was Bia...
U broked my heart that day when u camed her not me...The wound is still raw!

07-03-2008, 16:51
she only showed me her hand :(
it was still sexy though.

07-03-2008, 16:53
man I didn't even see a hand, I bet you were tryna glimpse some titties man lmao

07-03-2008, 16:55
It was Bia...
U broked my heart that day when u camed her not me...The wound is still raw!

HOE MY GOODNESS. Im having trampy days lately...or i would cam with you.

she only showed me her hand :(
it was still sexy though.

DON'T forget the sexy book that i showed you.

07-03-2008, 16:58
That's a the Queen of insults...
Riz seen a glimpse of ur body...before me...!

07-03-2008, 17:07
That's a the Queen of insults...
Riz seen a glimpse of ur body...before me...!

Riz saw u before i did

N a в ι н a
07-03-2008, 18:25
I've seen Missy :D. Man I feel special hehe.

Aww Mina congrat's chick! Auntie type like ;)

Missy, sometimes you can see the baby's feet in the mum's tummy. Specially when it's boys.

Weird stuff.. S'all worth it though :)

07-03-2008, 18:30
Wow congrats.. Proper excitin time it is =)
Mina have a baby jaldiii I wanna be an aunty :D

07-03-2008, 18:38

Im quite disgusted towards pregnancy since what Sabba told me.

put me from havng babys.


07-03-2008, 20:09
sigh loadsa my mates are poppin em out...i really wish i cud be at that stage in my life where im ready for kids sigh...i love babies. i want one now.

07-03-2008, 22:23
Aww Congrats :D

07-03-2008, 22:32
aww congrats minaaa

man it really is baby bloom season a mate of mine had a baby and seen so many preggy ladies abt

sheff gal
07-03-2008, 22:44

08-03-2008, 00:02
Thanks people...
hai Lubby...i told DesiMack...i got one already and another on the wayyyy:rolleyes:

08-03-2008, 00:16
I'm way ahead of you mina I got plenty of kids out there apparently :p