View Full Version : imagination vs knowledge?

10-03-2008, 23:55
so i was watchin snoop dogs new show you know (as you do ) like normal people, cant rember what its called really..sumink bout fatherhood? sumink sumink im sure y'all know what im talkin bout..and yeah so he was goin on bout this sayin:

"imagination is more important than knowlegde"

^now dont quote me on this as it may not be the exact words of Albert Einstein (yes me and him go way back)

anyway it got me thinkin and im jus interested to knw what y'all think bout this statement and whether you think its true or not so plz do discuss.

(desismack dat all on the floor, smack dat till you get sore..yackedy smackedy...hit me) lol

10-03-2008, 23:56
Well Snoop Dogg is supposed to be a rapper and he can't even rap so he's far from a philosopher I wouldn't take anything he says with more than a grain of salt and a bellyfull of laughs.

11-03-2008, 00:01
if snoop said it, it must be true

11-03-2008, 00:01
Well Snoop Dogg is supposed to be a rapper and he can't even rap so he's far from a philosopher I wouldn't take anything he says with more than a grain of salt and a bellyfull of laughs.

But i think he meant something like imagination is something of your own and knowledge is something you learn/gain... but like.. i think gaining knowledge is a lot more of an effort than imagining? Bleh i dunno.. normally knowledge is a lot more important than imagination.. sometimes imagination can't get you anywhere.. it really depends on what you're doing career-wise..
Like for Snoop Dogg, imagination is a lot more important in his field for lyrics and stuff.. and as for folk that are into biology or other educational fields they gotta use knowledge..
Dunno if i make sense really but that's the way i see it!

11-03-2008, 00:02

But i think he meant something like imagination is something of your own and knowledge is something you learn/gain... but like.. i think gaining knowledge is a lot more of an effort than imagining? Bleh i dunno.. normally knowledge is a lot more important than imagination.. sometimes imagination can't get you anywhere.. it really depends on what you're doing career-wise..
Like for Snoop Dogg, imagination is a lot more important in his field for lyrics and stuff.. and as for folk that are into biology or other educational fields they gotta use knowledge..
Dunno if i make sense really but that's the way i see it!

No he's just a stupid motherfucker and he's trying to make up for his lack of knowledge because he knows his hallucinations during smoking weed count as imagination in some context.

11-03-2008, 00:03
No he's just a stupid motherfucker and he's trying to make up for his lack of knowledge because he knows his hallucinations during smoking weed count as imagination in some context.
Totally dood i despise rappers they suck :|

11-03-2008, 00:05
Totally dood i despise rappers they suck :|

Not all rappers just most ')

11-03-2008, 00:20

yep its einstein alright^^

snooop dog maybe me high from the shit he smokes but his got this one right..

11-03-2008, 00:24
Man Einstein was a genius in his day but most of his theories have proven to have been wrong in this day and age.

It's no longer true that imagination is greater than knowledge because we are enterting the information age where information is the most valuable and indispensible thing on the planet.