View Full Version : Love All The Way-Hate All The Way

11-03-2008, 02:01
Are you the type 'love all the way-Hate all the way'.

Meaning when you love someone you love them too bits and when you hate them, your demon just unleashes out.


When you hate them there's still that feeeling I love them, it's just a bad time.

It could be with family/mates/some bird or fella.

11-03-2008, 02:02
Interesting thread, I love it.. i shall get back at it in half an hour. Time for prayers.

11-03-2008, 02:04
We hate some persons because we do not know them; and we will not know them because we hate them.

11-03-2008, 02:21
i find it very hard to hate someone...i dno what it is..its so annoyin esp when all i wana do is hatee on her him them wtv...

Iroquois Pliskin
11-03-2008, 02:26
hate but feelin of love.. sometimes that hate can go on for days..

11-03-2008, 02:29
me,once the hate sets in then thats it,but they have to have done somethng real bad,so bad that cant forgive!

11-03-2008, 02:52
Right... personally...

When i love someone, i love him or her more than i cherish life... i can go to any extent for them.. for the better. The only people i loved in my life is my family... just a "few" friends that i don't even see now.

So yeah.. let's talk about my siblings... cos they're the only people that had the ability to hurt me.. cos i trusted them, loved them, gave out my everything to them.

My brother.. that i don't talk to anymore for some reasons. Even though he'd text me.. i'd never reply back. Cos i didn't see the point. Not that i didn't try to keep us together, i did.. more than anything but well..

Surely i do hate him for some things, but i love him. I know there's still a soft corner in me for him, and that i'd take him back if he sincerely realised what he's done. That's the thing... you never can trust a person on that, how can you be sure he won't do anything to hurt me again?

So what i would do is.. be more alert, never put my trust in again. Love and trust don't have to go hand in hand.

I don't hate people... i just throw them out of my life. Never look back... but a part of me would always love them. But things could never be the same.. just like a crumpled up paper that can't be perfect again.

ps. That's about the folk i really loved and put my trust in.. folk that meant a lot to me. I still hate many people that never meant shit to me.

11-03-2008, 12:40
when i love someone, i love them dearly... but i've realized tht i do hold grudges.

11-03-2008, 13:01
Are you the type 'love all the way-Hate all the way'.

Meaning when you love someone you love them too bits and when you hate them, your demon just unleashes out.


When you hate them there's still that feeeling I love them, it's just a bad time.

It could be with family/mates/some bird or fella.

When I love or care about people it's fully well dived in love...They mean so much to me...I'll think about em, do things for em without a second thought...Those that I care about should know that I do..:)

The 1st person, I love that person to bits....they hurt me but still the love's there...i hated what they did...but never them...It's weird to explain. Even in the hardest time that love didn't ever disappear.

The second person I've cut ties with; I let that person very deep into my world...and that betrayal hurt...loads. I can't deal with that person or that bitterness that comes when at the mention or sight of that person I'd rather not deal with her coz I hope that if I'd gotten an apology I would perhaps get some closure...It's like the friendship I held pretty high meant so little to her...it's just stuff I prefer to like bury tbh.

Lady Shyne
11-03-2008, 19:47
hmm yesh when i love sum1 i love them too bitsss..lyk unconditional love n affection oOo but it depends what they do to create that hate. if its sumthing minor then hate is actually a strong work, it b more of a 'dislike'.

11-03-2008, 20:33
i hate many people.......but when i love someone i love them lots....

11-03-2008, 22:51
I speaketh to axiima about this before.....

When i get close to someone they become everything to me and i empathise in everything they do. When they happy, im happy, when they sad, i sad and i try and do as much as i can to make them feel better. So be my friend? lol

Hate? Thats a strong word. Theres a lot of people i dislike and i always say 'i hate gujis' but i dont really hate hate anyone i think. Dont really got people to hate. There are a few people are hate to love if anyone gets me.

11-03-2008, 23:07
Are you the type 'love all the way-Hate all the way'.

Meaning when you love someone you love them too bits and when you hate them, your demon just unleashes out.


When you hate them there's still that feeeling I love them, it's just a bad time.

It could be with family/mates/some bird or fella.

I love my family to bits.. Nothing could make me hate them. In fact there's only one person in the whole wide world I actually hate. I doubt I can hate anyone else as much as this.. I don't like the word hate. People can annoy me.. They can hurt me.. But I don't waste ma time hating them. I just let them be. However those that are in my life I care about loads.. If I'm your friend I'm your friend for life.

11-03-2008, 23:27
I love my family to bits.. Nothing could make me hate them. In fact there's only one person in the whole wide world I actually hate. I doubt I can hate anyone else as much as this.. I don't like the word hate. People can annoy me.. They can hurt me.. But I don't waste ma time hating them. I just let them be. However those that are in my life I care about loads.. If I'm your friend I'm your friend for life.

Lubzy... if it's someone that's screwed you up. Remember, there are two sides to a coin (love, and hate)... Any of that side would keep you tied to that person. so i say set yaself free from whoever the rat is. It'll only cause you trouble. But then again not knowing why the hatred is there... i probably make no sense? but i think folk like that don't deserve even your hatred either... i know they didn't deserve mine. So what i do is cut out the rotten parts, for good that is.

11-03-2008, 23:29
Love All, Hate None, Trust Few :)

11-03-2008, 23:32
Lubzy... if it's someone that's screwed you up. Remember, there are two sides to a coin (love, and hate)... Any of that side would keep you tied to that person. so i say set yaself free from whoever the rat is. It'll only cause you trouble. But then again not knowing why the hatred is there... i probably make no sense? but i think folk like that don't deserve even your hatred either... i know they didn't deserve mine. So what i do is cut out the rotten parts, for good that is.

Nah it's not like I'm spending my days thinking about how much I hate them.. But if they step into my house I can just about say Salaam. Cos I have to.. You know when you can't even be bothered being civil? Cos it makes u wanna.. Grr >< I know it's a bad feeling to have but there's only so much you can take. I'm a very very very laidback person, people could get away with so much.. I know that's bad ?> But this is totally diff.. But hey I wouldn't mind kickin their bums all the way to France.. One way of cuttin em out right? :P

11-03-2008, 23:43
Nah it's not like I'm spending my days thinking about how much I hate them.. But if they step into my house I can just about say Salaam. Cos I have to.. You know when you can't even be bothered being civil? Cos it makes u wanna.. Grr >< I know it's a bad feeling to have but there's only so much you can take. I'm a very very very laidback person, people could get away with so much.. I know that's bad ?> But this is totally diff.. But hey I wouldn't mind kickin their bums all the way to France.. One way of cuttin em out right? :P
I totally see where you're coming from. Folk i hate, i don't think about them but if they do come infronta me... they're done for if they tried conversing with me. Otherwise i'd just blank 'em. I don't even say Salaam.. unless they say it then being a muslim i say Salaam back, may be i'm not as nice as you? but when i hate a person my behavior totally shows it.

Hate is indeed a bad feeling to have, cos it holds you down. As long as you're not thriving on hatred, and you're not one of those that put a smile on but hide the hatred inside... it's fine. Folk i hate... know that i do.

If it's about kicking ash.. you know Hexactly where to find me.. :|

Ps. never let anyone take the best of you. No matter how nice you are, there's a different between being nice and foolish. Folk will take from you until everything's gone. Don't let that happen. Ever. I used to be like that, and i've learnt my lesson. What i do is pass it on to folk so that they don't land into the same hole... cos trust me... it's deep.. really.. deep.

12-03-2008, 00:03
I totally see where you're coming from. Folk i hate, i don't think about them but if they do come infronta me... they're done for if they tried conversing with me. Otherwise i'd just blank 'em. I don't even say Salaam.. unless they say it then being a muslim i say Salaam back, may be i'm not as nice as you? but when i hate a person my behavior totally shows it.

Hate is indeed a bad feeling to have, cos it holds you down. As long as you're not thriving on hatred, and you're not one of those that put a smile on but hide the hatred inside... it's fine. Folk i hate... know that i do.

If it's about kicking ash.. you know Hexactly where to find me.. :|

Ps. never let anyone take the best of you. No matter how nice you are, there's a different between being nice and foolish. Folk will take from you until everything's gone. Don't let that happen. Ever. I used to be like that, and i've learnt my lesson. What i do is pass it on to folk so that they don't land into the same hole... cos trust me... it's deep.. really.. deep.

Thas good I like that.. Cos one thing I can't stand is two-facedness.. I can't do fake. I do let things go and carry on as normal with people after a fall out in general, but in this situation, like u I blatently blank them.. As in they talkin to me and I'll just walk out. Out of respect for my mum I keep my mouth shut.. I'd rather just walk away than say something I'll regret?

And yeah I know.. I think I'm still learnin that one.. lol

12-03-2008, 00:04
Hand on heart I dont hate anyone, no fights, no bust ups, no arguments:)

Iroquois Pliskin
12-03-2008, 00:06
.......but there was a time...lol

12-03-2008, 00:06
Hand on heart I dont hate anyone, no fights, no bust ups, no arguments:)

Thas good Marni, you're lucky. Fights, arguements n stuff I hate them.. Tend to stay out of them, but sometimes people bring trouble to you even when you don't want it.

12-03-2008, 00:08
Hand on heart I dont hate anyone, no fights, no bust ups, no arguments:)

No fights, no bust ups, no arguments either. I only fight where i see the point to... it'd be like reading a poem to a donkey. So i just throw them to the curb.
But yeah... if someone asks for it, i say bring it biyash :|

Unless it's someone i still love a lot... i leave it all upto Allah (swt) it's for Him to decide what to do of that person. I believe in Him, i trust Him, He'll do the justice. :)

12-03-2008, 00:11
seriously throughout school life and boarding school life, I only had 1 fight, more of a scruffle..even that he jumped on me to prove to his mate he had a set of bollocks..was only in YR6

family-I never get involved nor bother because I was in boarding and never use to be at home, i was low profile.Still am.

12-03-2008, 00:12
Thas good Marni, you're lucky. Fights, arguements n stuff I hate them.. Tend to stay out of them, but sometimes people bring trouble to you even when you don't want it.

Hun, they always will.. all their lives. They'll bring trouble to you when you didn't even ask for it. Because somehow their life would affect your life. As long as you know you're standing strong like a rock, it'll all be shunned away.
You can overcome it.. when someone rips my scars again i keep telling myself that i can overcome it, and i won't let any of it get to me cos i'm stronger than any of it.. even if at that time i'm not, but when i started believing i was, i became stronger.. do i make sense? may be not... but it works. :)

12-03-2008, 00:14
Hun, they always will.. all their lives. They'll bring trouble to you when you didn't even ask for it. Because somehow their life would affect your life. As long as you know you're standing strong like a rock, it'll all be shunned away.
You can overcome it.. when someone rips my scars again i keep telling myself that i can overcome it, and i won't let any of it get to me cos i'm stronger than any of it.. even if at that time i'm not, but when i started believing i was, i became stronger.. do i make sense? may be not... but it works. :)

Lol I totally get you..