View Full Version : wrong dream guy/gal

13-03-2008, 21:22
imagine that you have met the perfect gal/guy.

They are everythng you want


You want to be with tht person,you would happily spend the rest of you're life with them.


they are the wrong religion!!!!!

what then???

for guys can be ok,coz even in islam,they are allowed,but wat about u women?

what wud u do???

Should you just go ahead and marry tht person? fuck wat the world says???

13-03-2008, 21:25
First of all guys can't just marry anyone. It has to be a religon of the book that is Christianity and Judaisam but even that is dodgy and some say your not allowed so im not sure.

To the actual question. No, nothing in my life comes before my religon.

13-03-2008, 21:26
Who the froogle says men can marry anyone..? :l

13-03-2008, 21:27
I know my parents wouldnt mind if i married someone who is not the same religion as me, they wouldnt like me to but if i was happy then they wouldnt see a problem with it...

however personally, i dont know what i would do...
cos i'm tradiotional like that.. i want the whole big hindu wedding where i can do all the tradional stuff coming up to and during my wedding and be able to share that with someone who understood it all too.
i would want to do the whole celbrating diwali and everything, and i think that at one point the fact that we would be of different religions would become and issue, even if we did try our very best to make it work.
its difficult to say unless you've actually been in that position...

My cousin married a English lady - it ended in divorce, i'm not sure why.
My Auntie married and English man - they have three children and seem very happy... he takes part in all the hindu traditions etc... ALL of them and does he's very best to understand them

13-03-2008, 21:30
religion wouldn't stop me from marrying the man of my dreams.

13-03-2008, 21:36
If you marry someone from another religon and you get 'married' it wouldnt be islamically viable and everytime you have sex it'd be classed as sex before marriage.

13-03-2008, 21:38
i would have to choose between him or my family... personally i wouldnt go forward wiv the realtionship cuz it would hurt my family, nd thtz the last thing i would ever want to do... i acutally would acutally talk to my sister bout the situation.. i dont even knw if i am allowed to marry outside my religion...

13-03-2008, 21:43
First of all guys can't just marry anyone. It has to be a religon of the book that is Christianity and Judaisam but even that is dodgy and some say your not allowed so im not sure.

To the actual question. No, nothing in my life comes before my religon.

It's not allowed. This was only temporary during the conquests at which time that verse was revealed [Qur'aan 5:5]. There were obviously Women from the enemy lines. The booty; of Women, children, elderly and crippled had to be look aftered in society and often these Muslim Men would marry them (only the chaste ones). But even then, it was disliked, only in extreme situations it was allowed. Muslim Women had to be the priority. But also during the conquests; it became a habit for the Muslim Men to marry people of the book; neglecting the Muslim Women and later Umar (r.a) forbade this practice. Once Islamic civilisation became stable in it's early stages, there was no need for it.

13-03-2008, 21:49
It's not allowed. This was only temporary during the conquests at which time that verse was revealed [Qur'aan 5:5]. There were obviously Women from the enemy lines. The booty; of Women, children, elderly and crippled had to be look aftered in society and often these Muslim Men would marry them (only the chaste ones). But even then, it was disliked, only in extreme situations it was allowed. Muslim Women had to be the priority. But also during the conquests; it became a habit for the Muslim Men to marry people of the book; neglecting the Muslim Women and later Umar (r.a) forbade this practice.

ohh wow

thanks for tht,never knew tht one! thumbsup;

13-03-2008, 21:52
nope i wont...
simple fact i cant hurt my parents... and this marraige wud only be temp in the world

i mean end of the day i wanna marry sum1 so me and him can build up our umma 2geta and get closer to heaven in the end

13-03-2008, 22:04
For me, my religion comes first.
If i liked some1 who wasnt from the same religion then due 2 personal beliefs i wouldnt take it any further as i know there'd be no point. ( religion wise..)However ,i do know of quite a few people where the dudes have converted 2 Islam..and if' hubby 2 be' wanted 2 convert then all would be good..but like i said..i wouldnt put myself in that situation cuz religion means alot 2 me and my family.


13-03-2008, 22:15
For me, my religion comes first.
If i liked some1 who wasnt from the same religion then due 2 personal beliefs i wouldnt take it any further as i know there'd be no point. ( religion wise..)However ,i do know of quite a few people where the dudes have converted 2 Islam..and if' hubby 2 be' wanted 2 convert then all would be good..but like i said..i wouldnt put myself in that situation cuz religion means alot 2 me and my family.


The convert to marry thing i dont agree with either. You convert only for yourself not to marry someone.

15-03-2008, 20:27
^ I had a bit of a row wit a friend who reckons he can live happily ever after with a gurl who is saying she will convert for him, to please his family. She won't be doing it for herself and thas just wrong. But anyway.. Personally I wouldn't do it. For me to get married to someone they have to be muslim. Thas all that matters.. I'm not bothered about race.. Background.. That stuff dont bother me, as long as they are muslim.

Yeah it is partly for family but mainly because I wouldn't feel right myself. If my family were like.. Go marry who u want.. I still wouldn't feel right getting with someone from another religion.. It's jus the way it is..

15-03-2008, 21:14
My religion makes me who i am. It gives me the path of righteous to follow, it gives me strength and most of all gives me peace. I have pride in being a Muslim. I wouldn't give my religion up for a man, i couldn't. It would make me weak, leave my life meaningless. I wouldn't want my children to grow up half Muslim and half another religion. There would be a sense of confusion and it would cause issues in other matters.

Spider Pig
15-03-2008, 23:14
this top is depressing :(

but..... I know how I would react cos ermm I have done?

no matter how much you want the other person your pulled back, one reason is I could not switch religions as I have full belief in mine, another is family, cannot upset them.

also I would not disrespect the girl or her family by trying to force her to change over, no one should switch religions unless they are going to be fully commited to it for the right reasons.

It might be tempting to try and persuade her but in my experience I could not do it, as I have conscience and if it aint right and would effect her and her fam, then even if you could change them I wouldn't do it.

people that do switch, generally do it for the wrong reasons and theres other consequences that go along with that as well, they do not think, what if they split, then what? you go back to what you were?

15-03-2008, 23:16
I want to get married to a jew.

Spider Pig
15-03-2008, 23:19
/\ oh shit. that totally threw off the earth from its rotation, totally unexpected! lol

kinda like walking into a room where they playing ping pong and.....


15-03-2008, 23:19

N a в ι н a
15-03-2008, 23:21
The guy can't be perfect if he isn't a Muslim. First condition when looking for a guy from me.

To be honest, I wouldnt even marry a Muslim unless he was devoted. Not just a Muslim by name, but by belief.

Im not talking some militant extremist, but someone has an understanding of Islamic principals, and has an interest in the religion. Everything else comes after

sheff gal
15-03-2008, 23:23
I alwayss fall 4 non--muslims.
but neverrrrr would marry sum1. hu aint a muslim..
or go wiv im..

16-03-2008, 02:05
I alwayss fall 4 non--muslims.
but neverrrrr would marry sum1. hu aint a muslim..
or go wiv im..
HA! bet u r taranums sister

16-03-2008, 02:22
Erm...I've been there done that, ended up in tears so I ain't gonna do it next time around. Even though I ain't religious, I want to atleast do something right by my parents before it's too late. But only problem is I can't find a guy! :(