View Full Version : What Are You Missing In Life?

15-03-2008, 12:57
A feeling of self importance. I wouldn’t really say I have anyone who I’m really close to, or important to. Maybe because my past experiences have shown me if you get close to people whether family or friends or your girl it can lead to conflict. I don’t really think anyone would be devastated if I was to leave tomorrow.

Also a sense of doing something worthwile. I have goals I wanna accomplish, but the process it takes to accomplish these goals takes forever, progress in indeed a slow progress. I feel like I'm watching the clock tick slowly waiting to achieve my goals in life. I like everything to be 100 miles an hour so i guess I'm missing patience in my life as well...

what are u guys missing?

15-03-2008, 12:58
A husband :|

15-03-2008, 13:01
a kid or two.

15-03-2008, 13:07
A good wife.

15-03-2008, 13:07
^hmm, maybe that should've been plural. <)

15-03-2008, 13:13
I am longing companionship, real companionship, lifetime companionship.
and my minds in a mess about everything.

sheff gal
15-03-2008, 13:14

Lady Shyne
15-03-2008, 14:13
hmm im not too sure what im missing apart frm patience in life, i jus gota learn to take each day as it cums n not rush into things i end up regretin.

15-03-2008, 14:15
I'm missing motivation at the moment...the only motivation i have is the drive to work...which can be fun so long as it dnt rain!!!!!

15-03-2008, 14:24
ain't squeezed a tit in over a month

16-03-2008, 03:11
erm nothing.. im happy with life as it is

16-03-2008, 03:12
Money.. lots of it.

16-03-2008, 03:13
Money.. lots of it.

Money-plenty of it


16-03-2008, 03:15
Money-plenty of it


**pays marni off**

16-03-2008, 03:17
**Gives back his women**

16-03-2008, 03:28
At the moment... a brother.. if I ever could cry on anyone's shoulder.. it'd be a brother (yes, anyone can fall weak..)