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18-03-2008, 19:48
Have you ever like kinda thought someone was good looking and you kinda used to flirt around with them but then you kinda got up close and personal with them and after that they disgust you and you can't stand looking at them? :@

18-03-2008, 19:48
Why did you call the thread untitled...

God man thats a nasty though, you got some issues :p

18-03-2008, 19:49
I couldn't think of a name for it ?>

18-03-2008, 19:51
Man I think I know what you might be saying though.

When your attracted to someone because of their looks its cool but when you get to know them better and dislike their personality it ruins it all.

I've experienced that with a lot of girls hence by barbie dolls thread.

When you see something fine but with nothing other than a pretty face.

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18-03-2008, 19:52
Woah disgusts a deep word man =\

18-03-2008, 19:54
Uh huh thas why I say it's not all about looks =)

18-03-2008, 19:54
yea some guys have annoyed me!!

18-03-2008, 20:02
Man I think I know what you might be saying though.

When your attracted to someone because of their looks its cool but when you get to know them better and dislike their personality it ruins it all.

I've experienced that with a lot of girls hence by barbie dolls thread.

When you see something fine but with nothing other than a pretty face.

No I mean like, you kinda thought they were good looking at first and because they gave you attention, you liked the attention coz noone else ever gives you any so then you kinda flirt with them and they flirt right back at you but one day something happens and you just get right put off them. Even though you used to get along really well and you've had alot of deep and meaningful mature conversations.

18-03-2008, 20:07
No I mean like, you kinda thought they were good looking at first and because they gave you attention, you liked the attention coz noone else ever gives you any so then you kinda flirt with them and they flirt right back at you but one day something happens and you just get right put off them. Even though you used to get along really well and you've had alot of deep and meaningful mature conversations.

It takes a while to know the real person.. It's most likely u won't see their bad traits til later on..

18-03-2008, 20:10
Yea, it's funny how I'm supposed to be the person who sees through people yet when it's me who likes the guy, I can't see through them, I only hear what I want to hear and not the bigger picture or what other people are trying to say. I always say stuff like "Yea but you don't know him like I do" damn I really am fucked up :oh

18-03-2008, 20:14
You should jus take it easy man.. Don't fall for none of the oh my goshhh he's perfect.. Kinda thing. Everyone has a dofferent side to them, sometimes it jus takes longer to show. What do you mean what other people are tryna say? Friends? Maybe they're sayin it for a reason..

18-03-2008, 22:41
Yea they do say it for a reason, the same reason I would say it to them! But now that this guy revolts me, I don't like going anywhere near him and he keeps asking me why I keep avoiding him and why I'm always nervous around him. But the thing is, the other day I really needed his help and I had to ask him for help but I felt really bad coz I don't like this guy and I felt I was taking advantage because he likes me and because I know he would help me out with anything.

18-03-2008, 23:34
Have you ever like kinda thought someone was good looking and you kinda used to flirt around with them but then you kinda got up close and personal with them and after that they disgust you and you can't stand looking at them? :@

Uhmm yeah not looks wise but i found out that this guy was a total pleb.. which really made think 'GET A GRIP OF URSELD HUNIE!'.
Sometimes crushes can be so stupid.

18-03-2008, 23:51
go with the flow babe...dont be so hard on yaself..

19-03-2008, 00:46
yeah i know what you mean , i had a crush on a guy for ages (i made a thread on it) really wanted to do something about it, then when it did i realised he wasn't as great as he looked! looks attract personality keeps! he just didn't have it! a guy with no sense of humour puts me right off!

19-03-2008, 00:55
Have you ever like kinda thought someone was good looking and you kinda used to flirt around with them but then you kinda got up close and personal with them and after that they disgust you and you can't stand looking at them? :@

Well the best thing to do is get to know the person for a long period without jumping the gun.. thats what i do.. get to know then if i feel the need to get any close i will do it when its right.. but you should always test the water before jumping in i say.

Uh huh thas why I say it's not all about looks =)

Aye, i learnt that also.

No I mean like, you kinda thought they were good looking at first and because they gave you attention, you liked the attention coz noone else ever gives you any so then you kinda flirt with them and they flirt right back at you but one day something happens and you just get right put off them. Even though you used to get along really well and you've had alot of deep and meaningful mature conversations.

Hmm that happens... friends can be friends.. friends can like friends.. and yes things happen between friends.. u just gotta be erady for it.. and then apologise when the time comes.. nothing will remain perfect always.. but minor things will happen which will put you off.. but try talking to the person etc.. and solve the problems.