View Full Version : Wii habilitation..

20-03-2008, 10:04
Wii-habilitation: that's the new word being used at St. Mary's Medical Center (SMCC) for its Acute Rehabilitation Unit to help patients meet their rehabilitation goals by using the Nintendo Wii's intuitive game controls. Physical and occupational therapy exercises have been developed using the Wii to strengthen muscles and coordinate motions.

The program is currently being used for patients to rebuild lost skills, improve concentration and, physical functions through the Wii's interactive format. Patients recovering from strokes, spinal injury, broken bones and surgery have so far undergone this treatment.

Developed by Dr. Justin Liu, chair of back and trauma rehabilitation at SMCC, the program aims to exercise the body in ways similar to traditional therapy exercises. He describes this innovative program as such:

In today's world of constant innovation, it is only natural that we use cutting edge technology to push the envelope of physical rehabilitation while making the overall process more exciting and fun. If patients have great success with achieving functional improvements by using the Wii, it is a very viable option for certain patients to purchase their own Wii system and continue using the program once they return home.

SMCC offers Wii-habilitation video games for tennis, ping-pong, and bowling. The equipment and set up of the Wii-habilitation program costs around US$ 1,300 - a price significantly more cost effective and space efficient than traditional gym equipment.

Lolll mayne if they brought that into our hospikals they wouldn't be such scary places after all... ?>

20-03-2008, 12:57
Man I need to buy a Wii :D

20-03-2008, 12:58
I been wanting one for time ?>

20-03-2008, 12:59
Man they been old out since they came out too popular!

20-03-2008, 20:26
lol id go to hosipital just for that ?>

i want a wiii to..

its 2 much fun thou :D

20-03-2008, 20:28
Lool herd bou this.. was on news months bakkk..

I already ave a wii..

Spider Pig
20-03-2008, 20:33
Ive just had a wii too

21-03-2008, 11:53
Lol imagine playing that on your death bed.

21-03-2008, 11:54
Maybe death wouldn't be so bad then man

21-03-2008, 12:00
got a wii if u want one ring up argos or somwhere reserve it as soon as its in stock they deliver it to ur door jus gotta pay 15 quid more thats wat im doin im enjoyin life got mine 2 months bak

21-03-2008, 15:20
Man, after my exams have finished ima buy 1