View Full Version : Due Date

22-03-2008, 02:18
I know i have done a few threads about me being an aunt but i just couldnt help myself to do another! hehehe

Well today was the due date but nothing happened! grrr we've all been hanging around sis in law all day saying ''anything happning yet?' lol
just swollen feet! lol

argh so frustrating! i want it to happen NOW!
I'm so excited! i cant wait! could happen next week which blows!
hope it happens soon!

22-03-2008, 02:21
Damn I feel sorry for her!

22-03-2008, 02:29
awww.. babies.. too cute.. i always get mushy round babies.. luv em.. cant wait to have my own kids!!!

Spider Pig
22-03-2008, 02:31
that reminds of the friends episode where rachel is in labour for like 18 hrs lools

Lady Shyne
22-03-2008, 02:32
calm down it will happen when the times ryt lol. sme i <3 babiess soo much.

22-03-2008, 02:34
that reminds of the friends episode where rachel is in labour for like 18 hrs lools

the ep before that whn ross and rach go to the docs and she tells them to have sex to rush the process (the look on der faces.. priceless) lol

22-03-2008, 02:46
yeah i feel for her too she was struggling to get up from the sofa just now to go bed bless her!

22-03-2008, 02:51
yeah i love babies!! i can not wait to have a little one running around!!

22-03-2008, 03:16
LOL diva will be time b4 baby starts runnin abt

der kinda borin 2 start wiv but u still go all mushy

lol @ friends episode ahh yh n den in the end rachels like " lets just do it"

LOL awww put whts gnna happen next is labor pain..... shes gnna go throw... ouch"

22-03-2008, 03:48
yeah that episode was funny!

PaKi PwInCeSs
22-03-2008, 12:47
We was like that around my sis & she was a week & a half late... lol

22-03-2008, 18:36
We was like that around my sis & she was a week & a half late... lol

A week and a half!!! woeh! i think im worse than my sis in law complaining about when its going to happen! i bet shes fed up of hearing me ask her if shes ok! lol

Spider Pig
22-03-2008, 18:38
you probably think your saying "are you ok" but I bet its coming out as "whens it due I wana play" lol

22-03-2008, 18:39
Aww.. so sweet.. i jus love babies..


22-03-2008, 18:48
you probably think your saying "are you ok" but I bet its coming out as "whens it due I wana play" lol

hahahah yeah! thats what i mean lol

PaKi PwInCeSs
22-03-2008, 20:19
A week and a half!!! woeh! i think im worse than my sis in law complaining about when its going to happen! i bet shes fed up of hearing me ask her if shes ok! lol

Yup week & a half.. Our house phone would constantly be ringing all my kuzins & fam asking if she's okay... lol

sheff gal
22-03-2008, 23:59
I Hate Babiessssssss.
But yeah gd luk 2 her. hope she has it soon.x

23-03-2008, 00:14
Yup week & a half.. Our house phone would constantly be ringing all my kuzins & fam asking if she's okay... lol

LOL i bet it must of been frustrating for her and quite difficult!

i just hope it doesn't happen when im out or something! id be well gutted!!

23-03-2008, 00:15
I Hate Babiessssssss.
But yeah gd luk 2 her. hope she has it soon.x

hahahha even the cute chubby ones??? lol

thanks doll!

PaKi PwInCeSs
23-03-2008, 15:24
LOL i bet it must of been frustrating for her and quite difficult!

i just hope it doesn't happen when im out or something! id be well gutted!!

It was.. She was being soooo bitchy I dont blame her tho she was biggggg & looked like she was gonna have twins's.. Imagine getting out of bed every morning in that state..

$xy $onz
23-03-2008, 15:55
awwww so cute luv babies we had lyk 7 new born babies in da famly all 1 after da only only lyk 1 weeks differnt in em or a few days dey wer born bk in may/june/july it was jokes we all wer anoying all my cuzns wen da baby cumin cuz dey wer all overdue

23-03-2008, 23:58
It was.. She was being soooo bitchy I dont blame her tho she was biggggg & looked like she was gonna have twins's.. Imagine getting out of bed every morning in that state..

oh dear yeah i would be very moody!

N a в ι н a
24-03-2008, 01:53
Anything yet?

24-03-2008, 02:08
No NOTHING!!! probs happen this week...has to be the week im so busy!! lol

24-03-2008, 02:15
My wife had a baby daughter a month ago, I got bored of her after 4 days.

25-03-2008, 03:39

contractions have started! they've just gone to hospital!! yayyyyy!! now all we can do is sit and wait!

25-03-2008, 03:53
omg i feel so bad for her... ugh i dont want to be in tht position

25-03-2008, 04:28
yeah me to! it was horrible seeing her in so much pain! but shes going to over the moon when all this is over!!!

N a в ι н a
25-03-2008, 17:40
Awwww congrats :D.

25-03-2008, 20:04
i was 3 weeks and 2 days overdue. My sister had contractions 3 days before my nephew was born.


25-03-2008, 20:40
wow missy 3days....

she had contractions for 3days?

man ouchyyyyy

hopefully diva labor n stuff goes smoothly lol