View Full Version : Western names

29-03-2008, 19:51
Whats the deal with those?

All these sophies,not sophia,these adams,danyals,harrys and alishas,sara's etc :oh

why are more and more ppl naming their kids with western sounding names?

What happened to good old names that may not sound ''cool'' but have good islamic meanings?


29-03-2008, 21:35
I hate it when people are called muhammad but they shorten it to MO.

Wtf they thinking?

29-03-2008, 21:37
tell me about it^^^^^^^

29-03-2008, 21:40
what eva happend to the good old names like Sakina and Musarat
as in Auntie Sakina and Auntie Musarat lol

29-03-2008, 21:43
It's not only Muslim names; even Sikh names.

All the traditional names are being ignored.


Lady Shyne
29-03-2008, 21:49
LOL those names r no longer cool.der old ppl names. sum of the names r similair, was talking to my cuzzins about this.

for example the singers name 'Rihanna' yeah nw shes barbados born, say that name in a fresh accent n there u go.lol u myt think of it being modern or western but its not actually.

plus i think im the only one in my famo who dnt have an Islamic name.

29-03-2008, 21:56
i know they old peoples names, that was supposed to be the joke
wen we take piss out of a girl, whos actin like a fresh
we call dem auntie sakina or sum ova old skool name lol

29-03-2008, 21:56
whats your name btw lady shyne?

29-03-2008, 21:57
Whats the deal with those?

All these sophies,not sophia,these adams,danyals,harrys and alishas,sara's etc :oh

why are more and more ppl naming their kids with western sounding names?

What happened to good old names that may not sound ''cool'' but have good islamic meanings?


They are also considered Islamic. There Abrahamic names; afterall we're from the same Tree. It's only normal for us to share the names with Christians and Jews. It's just that Christians tend to use Latin/Hebrew names, we use the same names but translated into Arabic (generally). Hebrew is the sister language of Arabic btw. But there are unique Islamic names (as to with other relgions) that are popular in the West such as; Sakinah, Ayesha, Aliyah.


David = Dawood
Jesus = Issa
Mary = Maryam
Adam = Adaam
Danial = Daniyal
Sophia = Safiyya
Sarah = Sara
Harry = Harris
Solomon = Sulemaan.
Moses = Musa
Noah = Nuha


Lady Shyne
29-03-2008, 22:00
whats your name btw lady shyne?

hmm its still Shyne to yu ;) lol

29-03-2008, 22:00
hmmm interesting

29-03-2008, 22:02
hmm its still Shyne to yu ;) lol

erm ok............:oh

29-03-2008, 22:09
i agree completely!

i hate this westernisation in our community...

Whats wrong with the beautiful names of the Prophets and Sahabas?

However Adam (AS) was a prophet and Sara was the wife of Ibrahim (AS).

29-03-2008, 22:44
It's mad.

Like I have two cousins, ones called Rhianna and we call her Ria for short and my other cousins name is Sienna.

Not traditional at all.

29-03-2008, 22:45
Lol some student at the counter had changed her name from "Aliya" to "Aaliyah" so it's like the singers name. Why would you wanna waste your money changing the spelling of your name, it's still pronounced the same way :s

29-03-2008, 22:56
It's not only Muslim names; even Sikh names.

All the traditional names are being ignored.


yea sorry about tht,meant u guys too.

29-03-2008, 22:59
Lol some student at the counter had changed her name from "Aliya" to "Aaliyah" so it's like the singers name. Why would you wanna waste your money changing the spelling of your name, it's still pronounced the same way :s

yeaaa thats another dumb trend. :rolleyes:

29-03-2008, 23:01
one gal went from tahira to tyra :oh

29-03-2008, 23:05
people are moving with the society they are living in and are basically merging into the western culture, ignorant in a way.

30-03-2008, 00:07
I wouldn't change my first name for the world! I like it, even though people use the shortened version of it but my full name does have a meaning and I like it!

30-03-2008, 00:56
I hate it when people are called muhammad but they shorten it to MO.

Wtf they thinking?

LOL the amount of "MO's" i no....

its annoying when they get introduced to you as Mo.... and only after you find out its Muhammad... Mo's on your tounge...

but i see where maddys coming from it is happning a lot... just a way to adapt into society i guess?

i would not change my name for no1... cuz its just 2 unique people may think its not islamic or whteva but it is arabic lol :D

but saying that i just love the name adam/adaam so gnna name one of my kids that :D

30-03-2008, 00:59
I wouldn't change my first name for the world! I like it, even though people use the shortened version of it but my full name does have a meaning and I like it!

Whats your name? ?>

30-03-2008, 01:03
LOL the amount of "MO's" i no....

its annoying when they get introduced to you as Mo.... and only after you find out its Muhammad... Mo's on your tounge...

but i see where maddys coming from it is happning a lot... just a way to adapt into society i guess?

i would not change my name for no1... cuz its just 2 unique people may think its not islamic or whteva but it is arabic lol :D

but saying that i just love the name adam/adaam so gnna name one of my kids that :DIt is. Remember that sahabi? :Q

Spider Pig
30-03-2008, 01:04
Ive had my name "baz" since school, ppl struggled to say my name lol, in most schools I was the only asian around, so they weren't used to it, plus I dnt have a common name.

i got nicknamed baz and its stuck by ever since, even my dad and fam (apart from aunty's and mum) call me it..... just stuck really.....

I dont do it cos its kool but because im used to it now, and for ppl who ain't heard of it and aren't sikh they struggle to say it properly or understand *coughsomeoneoffAPcough* :| therefore I just introduce myself as baz.....

or if im at work/uni and I have to tell someone my name, I do and then I say just call me baz.. and they seem happier with that lol

not ashamed, and never will be but as a kid I guess it did effect me, now, its not a problem, but its just a habit saying "im baz" lol

30-03-2008, 01:10
It is. Remember that sahabi? :Q

LOL oh yeh

man that was a suprise to see my name in a islamic book lol

30-03-2008, 01:10
Ive had my name "baz" since school, ppl struggled to say my name lol, in most schools I was the only asian around, so they weren't used to it, plus I dnt have a common name.

i got nicknamed baz and its stuck by ever since, even my dad and fam (apart from aunty's and mum) call me it..... just stuck really.....

I dont do it cos its kool but because im used to it now, and for ppl who ain't heard of it and aren't sikh they struggle to say it properly or understand *coughsomeoneoffAPcough* :| therefore I just introduce myself as baz.....

or if im at work/uni and I have to tell someone my name, I do and then I say just call me baz.. and they seem happier with that lol

not ashamed, and never will be but as a kid I guess it did effect me, now, its not a problem, but its just a habit saying "im baz" lol

lolll ?> It aint actually hard once u know it.. Quite cool actually @)
I agree wit Rosie though it's mainly to do wit western culture.. And it dont help havin people like IRFAN around :P lol

Personally I'd never change my name to suit anyone. People have always had difficulty sayin my name, mainly cos I was around whites, but even then, I made them learn it :| Although everyone calls me lubz/lubby now.. Which I prefer. Not cos I wanna sound white or anythin.. Full name jus sounds like I'm in trouble or somethin..

30-03-2008, 01:13
LOL oh yeh

man that was a suprise to see my name in a islamic book lolin THAT section..:rolleyes:

30-03-2008, 01:24
Whats your name? ?>

Guess :p

30-03-2008, 01:27
Oh man I don't like this game :( lol

Hangman? :D

True Story
30-03-2008, 01:28
There's nothing wrong with people calling you 'mo' for short :\

30-03-2008, 01:29
Oh man I don't like this game :( lol

Hangman? :D

(I got a white name)

30-03-2008, 01:30
There's nothing wrong with people calling you 'mo' for short :\

Ahahahahahaha just coz you're callen Mo!

True Story
30-03-2008, 01:31
Ahahahahahaha just coz you're callen Mo!

LOL It aint my fault my friends cant be bothered to say the whole thing and they just shorten it to Mo :lol::lol:

30-03-2008, 01:32
Thats a stupid habit.

30-03-2008, 01:33
Thats a stupid habit.

It's just like people calling you "Jav" and people calling me "Bav"!

30-03-2008, 01:33
(I got a white name)

Barbara? :o

30-03-2008, 01:34
Thats a stupid habit.

Says the one called Gijmo :rolleyes:

True Story
30-03-2008, 01:34
its not a big deal z)

30-03-2008, 01:35
Beverly ;)

30-03-2008, 01:36
Beyonce ')

30-03-2008, 01:36
It's just like people calling you "Jav" and people calling me "Bav"!

Fair enuff lol

30-03-2008, 01:36
Really Bavvy?

30-03-2008, 01:40
Really Bavvy?

Lol people at work call me that. Look at my wall on Facebook, they call me Bev :(

30-03-2008, 01:42
So its really Beverley? I don't beliebe u :|

30-03-2008, 01:45
Lol, hmmmmmm...let's see if you can guess, I'll give you a clue. It means "future" in Hindi. (Wicked meaning :) )

30-03-2008, 01:48
Oh now you're jus bein racist.. As if I know any language but english LOLL ?>

30-03-2008, 01:49
Becky.. Belinda.. Bernadette... :D

30-03-2008, 01:52
Lol neither do I, I just know that it means "Future" in Hindi!

Quick go ask your mum!

30-03-2008, 01:54
lolll ?> It aint actually hard once u know it.. Quite cool actually @)
I agree wit Rosie though it's mainly to do wit western culture.. And it dont help havin people like IRFAN around :P lol

Personally I'd never change my name to suit anyone. People have always had difficulty sayin my name, mainly cos I was around whites, but even then, I made them learn it :| Although everyone calls me lubz/lubby now.. Which I prefer. Not cos I wanna sound white or anythin.. Full name jus sounds like I'm in trouble or somethin..

do i see my name mentioned here or is dat referin to sum1 else??? :,

30-03-2008, 01:55
Yeah u see ur name lol

True Story
30-03-2008, 02:01
its kinda funny when they got a western sounding first name but asian sounding surname lol

30-03-2008, 02:02
i dont get it tho, wat did u mean by that (referin to ova post)

Spider Pig
30-03-2008, 02:10
Oh now you're jus bein racist.. As if I know any language but english LOLL ?>

you speak more punjabi than english!

they just dont know what I know!

30-03-2008, 02:14
its kinda funny when they got a western sounding first name but asian sounding surname lol

U know at school there were some indian gurls with proper English names.. Jessica.. Rebecca.. Few more I can't think of right now.

i dont get it tho, wat did u mean by that (referin to ova post)

I cant remember either now lol ?> Sumin to do wit you takin the micheal outta freshy names..

you speak more punjabi than english!

they just dont know what I know!

Lolll shooosh they not meanta know ?>

Chup.. Hoja.. ,:

30-03-2008, 02:17
Tu son ja

30-03-2008, 02:19
lol oh ok auntie sakina n that lol

30-03-2008, 02:21
Yeaaah.. Here's us tryna encourage freshy names and then u come along n take the mick tut :P

30-03-2008, 02:29
auntie sakina is propa old skool though, u cant have a girl these days with that name n then not get the piss taken out of, u even see it in pakistani dramas, they always called the freshy house wife sakinaaaaaaaa lol

30-03-2008, 02:33
LOL.. I dunno u know it dont sound all that old to me.. But hey what do I know

30-03-2008, 02:35
trust me its old skool lol

30-03-2008, 02:47
most people do it coz it sounds good..and dey
dont seem to be bothered about the meaning of the name..
and dey regret when it comes to the meaningss...

30-03-2008, 02:51
hmm its tru naming ur child has gone on to a next level with the zara n alisha, as time goes on its gona get worse, then again i cant talk my name a english name also but that was 20 odd yrs ago lol

03-04-2008, 14:52
auntie sakina is propa old skool though, u cant have a girl these days with that name n then not get the piss taken out of, u even see it in pakistani dramas, they always called the freshy house wife sakinaaaaaaaa lol

Sakina is a nyc name and it means Peace if im not mistaken...

Some of ma bro's mates are called Tony and danny

and I got a few mates called nelly, maria, emily and fred short for forida lol

Its weird tho

Ma name aint got a meaning well i dont tink it has neways I wudn change ma name for ne1

03-04-2008, 15:06
I was told in Islam a name should have meaning. I look at the meaning before the name.

03-04-2008, 15:08
Sakina is a nyc name and it means Peace if im not mistaken...

Some of ma bro's mates are called Tony and danny

and I got a few mates called nelly, maria, emily and fred short for forida lol

Its weird tho

Ma name aint got a meaning well i dont tink it has neways I wudn change ma name for ne1

i didnt say it wasnt

03-04-2008, 15:14
i didnt say it wasnt

seen n i didn say you did im jus saying that its a nyc name thas all

03-04-2008, 15:53
hmmmmmmm ok

03-04-2008, 16:41
suppose u cud change the spelling to skeena,see looks cool already :)

03-04-2008, 16:46
lol, hahaha i like dat 1

N a в ι н a
03-04-2008, 16:56
Yeh, in Islam its the meaning thats important.

I like some of the old school names, like Zainab. Love that name.

The western ones are too too common now.

15-05-2008, 13:31
Whats the deal with those?

All these sophies,not sophia,these adams,danyals,harrys and alishas,sara's etc :oh

why are more and more ppl naming their kids with western sounding names?

What happened to good old names that may not sound ''cool'' but have good islamic meanings?


nt to be rude i understand where ur cumin frm bt yh my name is sara n is nt a western name well yh sarah is but anyw wt i wana say is its one of our prohets wife name if u undertstnd where im cumin frm heehee......

16-05-2008, 11:18
Most of my close family/relatives do have 'traditional' names but it's just the nicknames that advance from them, they tend to become easier for everyone else to say.

I used to hate when teachers said my name wrong. z)