View Full Version : << What Irritates Or Annoys You Most? >>

07-09-2005, 03:56
What things in life or about other people annoy or irritate you the most?

just to name a few of my own :-

People who chat shite 8)
Long queues at supermarkets z)
No parking spaces 8(
When it rains and I have no umbrella and my hair goes all mash up...esp with gel on lol
When people take me for granted :mad:

07-09-2005, 16:21
Mine i hate people who whinge or constanly complain over litle things u jst wana punch them :D
People that tend to back bite and bullshit

Englaand di billo
07-09-2005, 16:25
like liney sed we n ppl constantly complain nd whinge grrr thtz annouyin

i h8 it wen ppl ask stoopid questionz, wen pakiz stare @ u..makes u feel as tho u dun sumfin rong but relly they jus doin wot they gud @! i h8 tht fukker of a gora @ college if i c the racist fukka am gnna knock him out:mad: , i h8 it wen ppl act all bitchy, i h8 it wen ppl point @ u tht totaly irritates me!

ok the list iz neva endin but il stop here...4 nw lol

07-09-2005, 16:28
easy on the swear words billo! Hence i didnt apply the filters as thought people will use them appropriately!

Englaand di billo
07-09-2005, 16:29
easy on the swear words billo! Hence i didnt apply the filters as thought people will use them appropriately!

uh oh...am i in twouble kayzy wayzy? ;(

07-09-2005, 16:56
i hate it wen sumat hapens n ppl jst shrug it off, sayin "shit happens" wen reali u knw dat dey dnt feel dat way bt r tryin so hard 2 shrug it off....jst annoys me dat they'd use such a crud phrase 2 describe sumat dat obviously means so much mo 2 them!

07-09-2005, 18:12
hey they asked this in sociology lesson today!

well what irritates me the most is rude people

07-09-2005, 19:20
How long hav u got?!

*Ppl who go round tryna b 'big n bad' but luk 'small n stooopid'!
*Ppl who chew food loudly!
*Ppl who gossip n bakbite...
*Ppl who fink i'm a walkover...[ko'choz]
*Ppl who dont find ma jokez funny! [Ok mayb it dont 'annoy' me az such...more hurz me :( ]
*Ppl who judge ya wen dey dont kno ya?
*Ppl who cnt c how fuked up anuva person iz...insted dey blive da sun shinez outa der rear?

Bas...kehdiya...4 now... ;)

XxX Naz XxX

08-09-2005, 04:59
ii DnT h8 MaNy PpL...buT iiT tiiX me Off WeN PpL Juz ToK Bout DeMSeLvEs 24/7..LYk GeT Ova UrSeLf !!

PoniiTz aT KaYZ !! hehhe...sry bro..jkz jkz jkz...

08-09-2005, 05:41
ii DnT h8 MaNy PpL...buT iiT tiiX me Off WeN PpL Juz ToK Bout DeMSeLvEs 24/7..LYk GeT Ova UrSeLf !!

PoniiTz aT KaYZ !! hehhe...sry bro..jkz jkz jkz...

eeeeeeeeeek :eek: where did i do that? :eek:

08-09-2005, 06:14
HaHAha..jkz bro..

ruby angel
08-09-2005, 23:10
h8 ppl who..
blatantly ignore u
who repeat same thingz ova nd ova again
and who r 2 faced

23-01-2009, 23:30
There's this guy at work who keeps coming upto me with daft cheesy jokes. Me being polite I "laugh" at them but inside I'm feeling "oh ffs." The fact that I laugh keeps him coming to me! Now that's annoying :sad:

23-01-2009, 23:35
threads like these

Iroquois Pliskin
24-01-2009, 00:05
don't know if anyone has mentioned this but when you're walking behind someone and they suddenly stop in their tracks. :|


24-01-2009, 00:12
don't know if anyone has mentioned this but when you're walking behind someone and they suddenly stop in their tracks. :|


That happens alot in Morrisons. People pushing their trolley and you're following behind them then all of a sudden they stop and start reading the back of the jars, tins etc with the trolley in the middle of the aisle. That winds me up.

24-01-2009, 00:20
dumb ppl/ppl hu litter/girls with too much make up/wedges/crocs/cheaters/bullshiters/players*/drunks/unfunny ppl/loud ppl/chavs with niche on bus/girls talking too much/bitching/grassing ppl up/tite jeans/racist ppl/ il add more in due course