View Full Version : Personal Statement

sheff gal
14-05-2008, 17:37
So most of you go to or have been to uni..

do any of you still have your personal statement for uni?? :D :$

14-05-2008, 17:38
I do. But mines Architecture and Design based. It would be easier if you found someones who was doing the same course!!

sheff gal
14-05-2008, 17:53
Oh Yeah. tru.

well just the opening..

because my form teacher is talking aloud of shit!

everyone in the class doesnt know what shes on about. im sure she doesnt know herself...

could i apply for about 3 different courses or not??

i want to do...:
*Youth worker

14-05-2008, 21:48
Well you only get one statement so if you wanted to choose 3 different courses it'd be difficult but not impossible to manouvere your statement to suit all 3.

14-05-2008, 22:30
remember if your putting it on UCAS which you probably are then it can only have a certain number of words or 47 lines MAX...

so get your good points in where you can and if will be hard to put enough information in for all three courses...

so maybe pick two of teh three and put stuff in for it...

Pac Man
14-05-2008, 22:36
applying for 3 courses will lessen ur chance of getting into 1 of them because u wont have a strong statement on a particular course. U would have to keep it very open and general. But you could keep it broad (I just don't know how to with those courses coz i hate law lol)

14-05-2008, 22:40
what has made you choose such distant courses... they dont really link with another very easily if you know wat i mean so it will.... its going to be hard to focus on just the one course.. so its upto you which one or two you wana write about because choosing all three will decrease your chances of getting into the uni's u wana go to..

14-05-2008, 22:43
ahh this stuff going to help me

i'm thinking of going into something media and business based

so any similar personal statements please share with me :D

thank you ?>

14-05-2008, 22:47
hey cheeky if you online then maybe i can give you afew hints here and there... let me know


14-05-2008, 23:05
ahhh thank you.... i will holla at you near the time which 2 be honest is in a month when exam stuff is out of the way :D

15-05-2008, 02:27
no worries cheeku, just HOLLLAAAAAAA :P

15-05-2008, 02:39
In Australia, we don't actually have to do personal statements in order to apply for uni courses, its all based on your OP score. So unfortunately, I don't really have any knowledge on this topic.

However, I think Shelim mentioned the courses your interested in aren't very similar. I disagree, 2 out of the 3 have a huge link. Criminology and Law .. you could very easily use the same one for either one but just tweak it abit.

Oh Yeah. tru.

well just the opening..

because my form teacher is talking aloud of shit!

everyone in the class doesnt know what shes on about. im sure she doesnt know herself...

could i apply for about 3 different courses or not??

i want to do...:
*Youth worker

sheff gal
09-06-2008, 22:54
Anyone. got there personal statement for uni.. especially eny1 doing law?

im finding it hard to sell my self on some stupid piece ov paper!

ruby angel
27-06-2008, 23:57
Just try looking for examples online, google it! thats what i did for my sociology one and there were quite a few good ones.

05-10-2008, 20:59
Here's an example I just found:

My desire to study law at university is firmly rooted in my interest in world events and also with helping others. Law effects our everyday lives almost without us noticing. If we look at the news, there is always an aspect of law up for debate. Ethical considerations are often brought to the forefront on topics such as cloning, abortion and gay rights. I find these debates fascinating as the complexity of law continues to astound me.
Work experience at the offices of a local solicitor gave me valuable insight into work in the legal domain. I worked there for a week reading cases, helping with research and sorting files. I was given the opportunity to talk to a barrister which I found very useful and also sat in the petty sessions court for a morning. Working here reinforced that I definitely wanted to be involved in law. At the end of term, I intend to sit in the crown court for more experience of a court room situation. In addition to this, I have a placement with a law firm in Manchester for a month next summer.
By studying AS level law without a tutor I feel I am well prepared to work at university as I have become accustomed to independent study. My English lessons have enabled me to write coherently and succinctly to present my view from various different stances whilst my study of French has taught me not only the language but a knowledge of French literature and the ability to debate controversial topics.
In September of this year, I was appointed prefect at my school. This involves helping out younger pupils and carrying out duties. In the past, I have held the responsibility of house captain of badminton and last year I was a bookstore monitor. After my GCSEs, I was given a General Excellence award for my results.
I have been playing the double bass for four years and am currently working towards grade seven. I am at the same level on the piano and last summer, played solo at the town jazz and blues festival. I play in the school jazz band, a string ensemble as well as singing in the choir. Besides practical playing, I have also achieved grade five in music theory. As a member of the French debating team, I have learned to think quickly, not only for a counter argument but to translate it into French. Taking part in two French exchanges has benefited me greatly both academically and in enabling me to realise that I can live away from home. Last year, I joined the WELB Senior Youth Orchestra and before our tour to Madrid, was appointed section principle. As I have some knowledge of basic guitar skills, I volunteered to teach beginners for six months as part of the Limavady Musicians Collective.
Socialising is important to me as I find that it is the best way to unwind after working hard all week. It also is an opportunity to meet new people and relax with friends. Through working in the canteen of a local community centre, I have improved my communication skills by interacting with the elderly, the disabled and those with learning disabilities. Currently, I work at a dog kennels and cattery. To complete our jobs quickly and effectively, we must work as a team. For two years, I attended football training at school and captained a five-side-team in a youth club tournament. This provided me with a chance to work as part of a team and also to develop my leadership skills. For the past year and a half, I have participated in girls rugby training as the intensive workouts keep me fit and I can help with the training of junior pupils. As well as my involvement in team sport, I have been horse riding regularly for the past nine years. Although I rode competitively as a child, I now ride merely for enjoyment.
I am looking forward to starting a law degree and am excited at the prospect of moving away from home. I feel that I am academically and socially equipped for all that university life has to offer and hope that you award me with the privilege of an offer from your university for my chosen course.

05-10-2008, 21:04
The guy is good :D He's found another one lol:

I first realised I wished to study law whilst reading a newspaper, when it suddenly occurred to me that every article was somehow related to the law. I remember thinking how amazing it was that such a diverse range of issues could be linked back to a single word. This truly unique quality of influencing all aspects of life (although I am sure there are plenty of economists who would question its uniqueness) has prompted me to read law as an undergraduate. It intrigues me because it is continually evolving over time, faster rate than anything I have met in my current studies, in order to remain a true reflection of an ever-changing society.
I built upon my initial interest by avidly reading "The Law Machine" by Marcel Berlins and Clare Dyer; it provided me with a firm grounding in the essential principles of the British legal system and highlighted its apparent weaknesses. To further consolidate my knowledge I read "Learning the Law" by Glanville Williams and have kept myself informed of current legal events printed in the "The Times", I have also attended a law seminar at King's College, University of London.
I thought it a wise move to pursue an insight into how the law works in reality. I successfully applied to become a Berkshire Witness Service Volunteer and thus embarked on an in-depth training course. This incorporated an introduction to the functions of the Crown Prosecution Service and discussions of the skills required to work with people from many social backgrounds. My responsibilities mainly involve providing emotional support for witnesses throughout their trials, this has helped me develop an appreciation of what the law represents to someone from outside the court system and how deeply it can impact on their lives.
In order to gain a different perspective of the law, I obtained a work experience placement with a local solicitor's firm. My work evolved from basic office duties, such as filing, faxing and answering telephone calls, into accompanying solicitors to court and liasing with barristers on behalf of the firm. The opportunity to work alongside people who have dedicated their lives to the law has strengthened my resolve to study law and given me the confidence to make a well-informed decision.
Throughout my school life, I have maintained an independent, self-motivated approach to my studies. Having studied a broad range of A Level subjects, I feel I have acquired a wide variety of skills: from Mathematics and Physics I have learnt the art of questioning the world around us and developing a keen sense of intellectual curiosity; from English Literature and General Studies I have understood the importance of expressing myself clearly and concisely through words; whilst from ICT I have developed a sound understanding of an area which is playing an increasingly important role in society.
My role as Deputy Head Boy has helped me gain a sense of responsibility and maturity; tasks such as organising large numbers of people, arranging important school events and making speeches to large audiences have helped me develop strong personal and communication skills. These have been further strengthened through my duties as a sixth form mentor for the lower school pupils, where I provide support and advice for younger pupils who are struggling to cope with the pressures of school life. I have also held positions on the student council, presenting my views and those of my peers to the senior school staff. Above all else, I have learnt the rewards of making a positive contribution towards school life in more than an academic sense and think I can take this understanding with me to university.
Aside from schoolwork I have a strong passion for rugby, representing and captaining my school and district at all levels as well as participating in a sports tour to South Africa. My other interests include football, cricket and I am a keen chess player, competing during the tour to South Africa.
I believe I can contribute a genuine passion and enthusiasm for reading law; I am hoping to study at an institution which presents law as an intellectual discipline in its own right, one which will allow me to develop the skills of analysis, reasoning and discussion required to be successful beyond undergraduate level.

05-10-2008, 23:10
I'm on my 2nd draft of my personal statement...
I'm just showing it to the world now.... showing different people to get different views

i might just post mine up on here later....

06-10-2008, 00:08
What course have you applied for?

I'm on my 2nd draft of my personal statement...
I'm just showing it to the world now.... showing different people to get different views

i might just post mine up on here later....

06-10-2008, 00:18
What course have you applied for?

- Advertisings, public reatlions and media
Media studies and marketing
marketing and advertising with media and cultural studies
Media and communication
Media studies ( public realtions)

I can't seem to get the same course title.. so I've made my statment general to media... cuz they all branch out a bit.. but are kinda the same in a way also...

06-10-2008, 00:21
well f you ever need advice on Marketing. i've done a Masters In it :)

06-10-2008, 00:22
well f you ever need advice on Marketing. i've done a Masters In it :)

Oh thanks

thats wicked

how did you find it?

06-10-2008, 00:23
cheeksta.. if u still need sum help jus ask...

06-10-2008, 00:25
cheeky, it's very intresting. Whe you say you have generalised your PS around media. What do you exactly mean?

06-10-2008, 00:29
cheeksta.. if u still need sum help jus ask...

yeah i wil do thanks... :D

cheeky, it's very intresting. Whe you say you have generalised your PS around media. What do you exactly mean?

cuz my main course is media and its got bits of marketing man its been hard cuz of the slighlty different course titles.. actualy here have a read.. and let me know your view... its only my 2nd draft and thers loads of grammer mistakes but its the main sorta layot etc let me no yeah have a look in ur own time if you can.. just im gettin different people to check it for different views

do you think it fits well for all of my courses?

thank u :)

Ever since a young age media has captured me in whatever form it comes as it changes from time to time or how we receive information. The different technologies we use, it’s an ever-changing industry and that’s what makes me want to study it more in dept and be part of something that is always around us and be able to learn the tricks of the trade as your let into the secrets of the media industry. In the era we live in it is an exciting field to study and 5 years down the line I want to look and be captured by something I created I want to see something I was part of I want to see me in whatever I look at as media revolves around the world and well I want the world to revolve around me.

I’m currently a media studies student and it has changed the way I watch film and read the media it makes me question and challenge why everything is the way it is.
Being one of my main reasons why I want to study this degree and makes me want to challenge certain ideologies ask why there are rules and conventions for nearly everything. Businesses studies and English literature/language have enabled me to develop my writing skills and analytical skills and be able to realize how the market works with the media. 3D design has helped me build on my creative skill as I have been able to come up with different concepts and ideas through it.

My skills building starts of at home with manipulating photos on Photoshop and using Windows movie maker to edit short clips or put together a short movie I’m Part of Newham Councils Track 12 Project where 12 peoples goals are followed and tracked till 2012 so in my spare time I blog for the councils website or write articles for Newham.com.

Being inspired by doing media related workshops with the Architecture Crew Britain’s first architectural forum that I have been part for 3 years now has made me gain and even bigger insight into media. I was able to work 3 days over the summer with Legacy now, my job role was to interview people on camera and communicate with a range of different people. I worked at different sort of events from Pride London to Crystal Palace youth games and had explain to them the legacy and what they want after 2012 the Olympics it made me realise I want to work in a field where communication is the main skill needed and is now one of my strongest skills. Through them I have been able to do many projects from the Promotions video project to being a volunteer that facilitates different workshops or being a tour guide for buildings on Open house weekend. I have also recently won the Jack Petchey award because of my work with the architecture crew. As a student ambassador in college I have been able to work for the college’s marketing team to try and promote the college to prospective students which has lead me to building my teamwork skills, being reliable and be able to adapt my style of communication. In the summer my youth group was able to win investment to start up our young t-shirt customisation business from scratch where I will be leading the marketing and PR team to help start of the business.

Media has been part of me from the start from just building skills at home to building skills at college has enabled me to gain a huge passion to work in this exciting and dynamic industry and I believe I am ready for the challenge that university has to offer.

06-10-2008, 00:31
okay I'm readinf it now.....but remember just show to people, who are not applying for the same course ! dont want them to sending your PS off lol

06-10-2008, 00:34
LOL no i no what you mean..
I'm Showing it to my tutor, my youth work sorta person, my track 12 person, my media teacher and now u, and other randoms or any1 else here on AP that wanna give me tips!

06-10-2008, 00:51
That is a very good Personal Statement. Things to look at:

1) Grammer! Seriousily needs attention to.
2) You, wrote abut media but need to write abit more about public relations n the importance of it - a good brand image/identity (perception of the company by customers) - n how effective communication would achieve this. So here again there is a link with media
3)I see on your syllbus there s quite alot about marketing, advertising etc, something on the lines of:

I think it's worth mentioning, you understand the importance of exceeding n accomodating customers wants, needs and expectations through effective Marketing Research skills. < through your business courswrks in a levels etc
And being able to understand how to implement strategies taking into account ;creating awareness, generating intrest, desire. Give examples of this i.e charity event you took part in, (make it up ) :D

base all this around communication and media - link it together

If you want more pointers, I can provide that, just demonstrate the aspects of marketing you like and the skills you already have. I can tell you that :)

06-10-2008, 00:53
your personal statement should be about yourself, so there is no real right or wrong way to write it.

a personal statement is the university's way of interviewing you so to speak.. SO.... these are the main things that your statement should cover and achieve..

1. do we want this student on this course
2. do we want this student at this university.

you should cover these areas to achieve this.

What you want to study at university and why
Specific aspects of the courses that interest you
examples of coursework you have completed
practical work you have enjoyed
things you have read related to the subject area
work experience or voluntary work in this area
conferences you have attended
personal experiences which lead to the decision to take this subject
where you hope a degree in this subject will lead.

experiences which show you are a reliable and responsible person
part-time job
business enterprise
community and charity work
sixth form committee
helping out at school events and open days.
young enterprise, d of E award, debating societies and what you've gained from these experiences.

your interests and skills
what you like to do in your free time
sport and leisure activities
subjects you study which are not examined
musical instrument which you play
languages which you speak
prizes you have won or positions achieved in your interests

saying why you want to take the course is the most important part of the statement, you can have the best grades in the country but if you don't show that extra enthusiasm and willingness to want to do the course then the tutor wont give you a place.

some guidlines for you

try not to sound arrogant and pretentious.
try not to start any sentences with I
try and have an interesting phrase to start and finish on
try not to quote books, magazines or publications and make it sound like I had only read them so I could put them on the statement
don't lie outright and stay as close to the truth as possible

and finally some goals for you and your personal statement

don't try to be funny or make jokes in your statement
don't start every sentence with I
don't include your hobbies and interests unless they are relevant
don't use vocabulary you don't normally use and just looked up in a dictionary
don't use famous quotes in your statement
don't repeat things already on your UCAS form
don't write a list of all your hobbies and interests without explaining them
don't lie or embellish the truth
don't say you are going to do something before you come to university
don't include boring phrases or hobbies which everyone does
don't take any political viewpoints

hope this helps you

06-10-2008, 01:00
That is a very good Personal Statement. Things to look at:

1) Grammer! Seriousily needs attention to.
2) You, wrote abut media but need to write abit more about public relations n the importance of it - a good brand image/identity (perception of the company by customers) - n how effective communication would achieve this. So here again there is a link with media
3)I see on your syllbus there s quite alot about marketing, advertising etc, something on the lines of:

I think it's worth mentioning, you understand the importance of exceeding n accomodating customers wants, needs and expectations through effective Marketing Research skills. < through your business courswrks in a levels etc
And being able to understand how to implement strategies taking into account ;creating awareness, generating intrest, desire. Give examples of this i.e charity event you took part in, (make it up ) :D

base all this around communication and media - link it together

If you want more pointers, I can provide that, just demonstrate the aspects of marketing you like and the skills you already have. I can tell you that :)

THANK YOU DUDE SERIOUSLY! yeah i was thinking it does need a bit more acedmic stuff so defo gnna add a bit more about marketing and PR and stuff..
yeah thats who in tryna aim for media communication all kinda linked together...
my issue is cuz i do a lot of crap outside college i just had so much to write on that section that my acedmic the MAIN bit was left a bit crappish so just need to tweek that a bit thank u :D

your personal statement should be about yourself, so there is no real right or wrong way to write it.

a personal statement is the university's way of interviewing you so to speak.. SO.... these are the main things that your statement should cover and achieve..

1. do we want this student on this course
2. do we want this student at this university.

you should cover these areas to achieve this.

What you want to study at university and why
Specific aspects of the courses that interest you
examples of coursework you have completed
practical work you have enjoyed
things you have read related to the subject area
work experience or voluntary work in this area
conferences you have attended
personal experiences which lead to the decision to take this subject
where you hope a degree in this subject will lead.

experiences which show you are a reliable and responsible person
part-time job
business enterprise
community and charity work
sixth form committee
helping out at school events and open days.
young enterprise, d of E award, debating societies and what you've gained from these experiences.

your interests and skills
what you like to do in your free time
sport and leisure activities
subjects you study which are not examined
musical instrument which you play
languages which you speak
prizes you have won or positions achieved in your interests

saying why you want to take the course is the most important part of the statement, you can have the best grades in the country but if you don't show that extra enthusiasm and willingness to want to do the course then the tutor wont give you a place.

some guidlines for you

try not to sound arrogant and pretentious.
try not to start any sentences with I
try and have an interesting phrase to start and finish on
try not to quote books, magazines or publications and make it sound like I had only read them so I could put them on the statement
don't lie outright and stay as close to the truth as possible

and finally some goals for you and your personal statement

don't try to be funny or make jokes in your statement
don't start every sentence with I
don't include your hobbies and interests unless they are relevant
don't use vocabulary you don't normally use and just looked up in a dictionary
don't use famous quotes in your statement
don't repeat things already on your UCAS form
don't write a list of all your hobbies and interests without explaining them
don't lie or embellish the truth
don't say you are going to do something before you come to university
don't include boring phrases or hobbies which everyone does
don't take any political viewpoints

hope this helps you

thaaank vodoo for that i'll keep those pointers in mind :D

06-10-2008, 01:05
il try and find my personal statement for you as i did a similar degree it should help you!!

06-10-2008, 01:08
Ohh wicked vodoo thanks :D

06-10-2008, 01:12
no problemo


06-10-2008, 01:23
THANK YOU DUDE SERIOUSLY! yeah i was thinking it does need a bit more acedmic stuff so defo gnna add a bit more about marketing and PR and stuff..
yeah thats who in tryna aim for media communication all kinda linked together...
my issue is cuz i do a lot of crap outside college i just had so much to write on that section that my acedmic the MAIN bit was left a bit crappish so just need to tweek that a bit thank u :D


yes thats good. The practical stuff shows your not a lazy bum, so its good you wrote alot about that!

This is how I would merge it:

Corporate identity is very important for Businesses survival in this day n age. So choosing the correct and most effective commincation channels is essential in order to align the business precieved identity to the objectives and strategies to the coporation. This is an area that I am very....blah blah blah....

Understanding the customer, needs, wants and expectations is the core of any business objective and strategy development. Studying A level in Business Studies has enabled me to carry out effective market Research. Thus being able to identify different customer segments/ profiles and being able to position and target these customers through effective strategic planning and implementation. I have had first hand experience in this when I took part in XXX charirty event….blah fuckin blah. Lol It was essential that people were aware of the event which would generate a wider interest / desire so therefore the objectives of the charity could be met. ....

I think you get the idea.....but link it up..

06-10-2008, 05:49
Hey Cheeky!

I hope you don't mind but I was reading this thread and I thought I'd just comment on a few things. Just some advice so you can take it or pass on it, I don't mind.

Firstly, in a lot of your statement your talking about media and how important it is to have effective communication skills. Therefore, your personal statement should be a shining example of that. There are parts in your statement, that didn't flow or you seem to repeat something you have already said (just using different words). So I would suggest organising your structure the way Voodoo had suggested.

The other thing I notice is, that you haven't mentioned why this particular uni and their course is catering for your needs and why it would benefit you. So you need to bring that in and perhaps use that to tweak your personal statement for your different courses that your applying for. So just go on their uni website, look at their courses, read the structure, majors, opportunities it might give you and use that as a basis to answer why this course and uni is right for you!

I'll give you an example of how you can do this:

As a currently media studies student, I’m learning and understanding how the media works, its impact on society and the issues which shape public debate and concerns regarding the media. It instil the belief in me that to be functionally literate in this world, you need to able to 'read' the media messages that inform, entertain and sell to us on a daily basis, by developing critical thinking skills. I feel University of London's Bachelor of Media Studies course provides me with the potential to blah blah blah and am particular keen to blah blah blah. Talk about the specific course your going for and what it offers you! Ie. Why this uni course is the one for you - make it personal.

Thirdly, have a really good catchy opening line - so it grabs their attention.

The final point - SPELLING & GRAMMAR. :oh

06-10-2008, 09:29
^^It goes to 5 Uni's so you can't focus it on any particular one.

Good draft! Apart from the spelling and grammar(lol reminds me when i used to do.. i mean edit your english coursework for you:p) it's a good one so far... When you looking to send it off?

06-10-2008, 11:31
yes thats good. The practical stuff shows your not a lazy bum, so its good you wrote alot about that!

This is how I would merge it:

Corporate identity is very important for Businesses survival in this day n age. So choosing the correct and most effective commincation channels is essential in order to align the business precieved identity to the objectives and strategies to the coporation. This is an area that I am very....blah blah blah....

Understanding the customer, needs, wants and expectations is the core of any business objective and strategy development. Studying A level in Business Studies has enabled me to carry out effective market Research. Thus being able to identify different customer segments/ profiles and being able to position and target these customers through effective strategic planning and implementation. I have had first hand experience in this when I took part in XXX charirty event….blah fuckin blah. Lol It was essential that people were aware of the event which would generate a wider interest / desire so therefore the objectives of the charity could be met. ....

I think you get the idea.....but link it up..

dudeee your the best! i'm so going to use parts of that..
It just sounds so right and its finally getting that acedemic feel to it...
thanks a million! i shall defo show you the update version when i get round to working on it.. thank you!!!

Hey Cheeky!

I hope you don't mind but I was reading this thread and I thought I'd just comment on a few things. Just some advice so you can take it or pass on it, I don't mind.

Firstly, in a lot of your statement your talking about media and how important it is to have effective communication skills. Therefore, your personal statement should be a shining example of that. There are parts in your statement, that didn't flow or you seem to repeat something you have already said (just using different words). So I would suggest organising your structure the way Voodoo had suggested.

The other thing I notice is, that you haven't mentioned why this particular uni and their course is catering for your needs and why it would benefit you. So you need to bring that in and perhaps use that to tweak your personal statement for your different courses that your applying for. So just go on their uni website, look at their courses, read the structure, majors, opportunities it might give you and use that as a basis to answer why this course and uni is right for you!

I'll give you an example of how you can do this:

As a currently media studies student, I’m learning and understanding how the media works, its impact on society and the issues which shape public debate and concerns regarding the media. It instil the belief in me that to be functionally literate in this world, you need to able to 'read' the media messages that inform, entertain and sell to us on a daily basis, by developing critical thinking skills. I feel University of London's Bachelor of Media Studies course provides me with the potential to blah blah blah and am particular keen to blah blah blah. Talk about the specific course your going for and what it offers you! Ie. Why this uni course is the one for you - make it personal.

Thirdly, have a really good catchy opening line - so it grabs their attention.

The final point - SPELLING & GRAMMAR. :oh

No ranj i don't mind at all any tips from anyone is great!
So thank you.. yeah my english is rather bland so i do need to change words around etc so it doesnt seem repetitive...

And like guji said it goes to 5 different unis so i can't tweek it.. which is why it makes it harder for me!

Any ideas for a catch line???

Hah i know thats the last thing i'm going to do.. its the worst skill i have so its going to do thru a lot of proof reading

^^It goes to 5 Uni's so you can't focus it on any particular one.

Good draft! Apart from the spelling and grammar(lol reminds me when i used to do.. i mean edit your english coursework for you:p) it's a good one so far... When you looking to send it off?

LOL i might just be giving u my statment to proof read..

Hopefully by November.. but college deadline is just b4 half term so yeah :S

06-10-2008, 11:37
I would of sent you mine...Been more then 3 years since I last saw it...:\

06-10-2008, 11:39
hah find it if you can just looking at different samples helps

06-10-2008, 13:37
No ranj i don't mind at all any tips from anyone is great!
So thank you.. yeah my english is rather bland so i do need to change words around etc so it doesnt seem repetitive...

I understand that Cheeky, but what I mean is you can kind of have a standard personal statement because the degrees are pretty much the same thing with different names. However, just change the section where you talk about what that uni course offers you, so its tailored to the uni your applying to, not the whole personal statement.

06-10-2008, 13:56
dudeee your the best! i'm so going to use parts of that..
It just sounds so right and its finally getting that acedemic feel to it...
thanks a million! i shall defo show you the update version when i get round to working on it.. thank you!!!

not a problem. Use whatever yu want of it. Wrote it for u.
Just re- read some of it, seen as I wrote ot last night. Some minor mistakes in it, inluyding spelling whic i didn't check. So show me the final copy when u do it, n i'll sort it for u. :)

06-10-2008, 14:03
Plz ignore my previous comment (I'm still stuck in school holiday mode, so my mind is still on holiday and not thinking properly!).. I just realised what you meant. I find that strange how the same one gets sent out to all 5 unis.

Thankfully we don't have to do this stuff in Australia, we just get a final score and that determines if we get in or not, depending on course numbers!

Anyway, good luck!

06-10-2008, 18:34
not a problem. Use whatever yu want of it. Wrote it for u.
Just re- read some of it, seen as I wrote ot last night. Some minor mistakes in it, inluyding spelling whic i didn't check. So show me the final copy when u do it, n i'll sort it for u. :)

It's a bad skill i have when it comes to spelling and grammer its such a basic skill thou it's never effected my English grade generally its bad i mean i checked to see if i was dyslexic turned out i wasnt.. man in a way i wish i was at least i could blame it on something! lol

But yeah i'm defo going to use bits n bobs of it so thanks again dude :D and don't worry about spelling etc.. i'm just grateful for what you wrote out :)

Plz ignore my previous comment (I'm still stuck in school holiday mode, so my mind is still on holiday and not thinking properly!).. I just realised what you meant. I find that strange how the same one gets sent out to all 5 unis.

Thankfully we don't have to do this stuff in Australia, we just get a final score and that determines if we get in or not, depending on course numbers!

Anyway, good luck!

HAH.... lol yeah so thats why its a bit hard for me

thanks anyways :D

06-10-2008, 18:37
***pressures on Cheeky to provide a Master piece*** :D

17-10-2008, 22:19
***pressures on Cheeky to provide a Master piece*** :D

And here it is.... 6th drafts ahead... any opinions appricated people!

As a child I was fascinated by the small people that lived and worked in my television I can still hear my mum screaming at me to not stare at the television closely. It made me wonder how it all came together how the media industry worked right from the start. I am mesmerized by the different ever evolving technologies we use, that’s what makes me want to study media more in depth and be part of something that surrounds me. I want to learn the tricks of the trade and be let into the secrets of the media industry.

Media Studies has changed the way I watch film and read media it has made me question everything. One of my main reasons why I want to study this degree is to challenge certain ideologies and question why there are rules and conventions for nearly everything. A-level Business Studies has enabled me to carry out effective market research. Thus being able to identify different customer segments/ profiles to target these customers through effective strategic planning and implementation. This would require different forms of media and communication to get the message across. English literature/language has enabled me to develop my writing skills and analytical skills. 3D design has helped me build on my creative skills and problem solving skills.

I blog for the councils website and write articles for newham.com this relates to a council project called Track 12 where 12 peoples goals are followed and tracked till 2012. My skills building starts off at home with writing articles for the Track 12 project. I also manipulate images on Photoshop and use Windows movie maker to edit short clips or put together a short movie.

As a member of Amnesty International I took part and arranged an event in college to raise awareness using my business skills. Being inspired by doing media related workshops with the Architecture Crew Britain’s, first architectural forum, which I have been part of for three years now has made me gain and even bigger insight into media. I was able to work three days over the summer with Legacy Now and the London Development Agency, my job role was to interview people on camera and communicate with a range of different people. I worked at different events to gather people’s opinions on the vision of 2012. Communication was an essential skill needed for this role so therefore my skill developed and it inspired me to do this degree. I have also volunteered and done different projects like facilitating events and making a promotion video for them. I have also recently won two Jack Petchey awards because of my work with the Architecture Crew and also because of my work in college. As a student ambassador in college I have been able to work for the college’s marketing team to try and promote the college to prospective students which has lead me to building my teamwork skills, being reliable and being able to adapt my style of communication. I’m also the colleges’ welfare officer on the student executive board which enables me to help and look out for students’ welfare. In the summer my youth group was able to win investment to start up our young t-shirt customisation business from scratch where I will be leading the marketing and PR team to help start the business.

Media has been part of me from the start from just building skills at home to building skills at college it has enabled me to gain a huge passion to work in this exciting and dynamic industry. Five years down the line I want to look and be captured by something I created, I want to see something I was part of, I want to see me in whatever I look at. I feel I am ready for the university experience and the challenges to be thrown at me.

Rab C Nesbit
17-10-2008, 22:27
The first sentences sound like the beginning of a story.

Your fourth paragraph could be split into smaller paragraphs.

The last paragraph; the bit about building skills.
It sounds odd, to me.
Possibly 'cause you used the phrase twice?

But, it's really good Cheeky.
You make my eyes water sometimes.

17-10-2008, 22:50
How strange...the first paragraph and your last paragraph are 90% identical to how I started and ended mine?! lol...


17-10-2008, 22:58
The first sentences sound like the beginning of a story.

Your fourth paragraph could be split into smaller paragraphs.

The last paragraph; the bit about building skills.
It sounds odd, to me.
Possibly 'cause you used the phrase twice?

But, it's really good Cheeky.
You make my eyes water sometimes.

do u reckon thats a good thing or bad? my form tutor goes its a big unusual but might be good this is how i had it first

My eyes glued to the TV screen as a young child with my mum screaming for me to sit back but I just couldn’t help it I used to think there were small people who lived in my TV.

But yeah just rephrased it a bit better i guess...
yeah 4th paragraph is massive i suppose i could split that into out of college stuff a things in college
yeah its probrly cuz of repetition need to sort that out...

hah thanks 2 u 2 for reading it...
eyes water? why so? do i remind you of yourself or summin? hehe

How strange...the first paragraph and your last paragraph are 90% identical to how I started and ended mine?! lol...


LMAO seriously? pm/email me yours... i wanna see! hah that is funny...
errr great minds think alike? lets just hope ucas don't accuse me of plagiarizing your statement :p

17-10-2008, 23:27
Very good.. Grammar needs a little bit of tweaking and punctuation marks here and there but as a whole it's brilliant. It is unconventional here and there but that could be a good thing.

17-10-2008, 23:31
Very good.. Grammar needs a little bit of tweaking and punctuation marks here and there but as a whole it's brilliant. It is unconventional here and there but that could be a good thing.

mmm u can be my proof reader again..
theres this cool software i been using on college computers where it reads out ur work to you in stephen hawkings voice lol so you pick up mistakes more....

yeah its a bit of a risk but i think it might be good to

17-10-2008, 23:35
mmm u can be my proof reader again..
theres this cool software i been using on college computers where it reads out ur work to you in stephen hawkings voice lol so you pick up mistakes more....

yeah its a bit of a risk but i think it might be good to
That's Microsoft Sam and it comes on Windows... :p

17-10-2008, 23:41
That's Microsoft Sam and it comes on Windows... :p

no its not him...

its this other program they have... but its kool u can change the voice and stuff and speed etc

Rab C Nesbit
17-10-2008, 23:51
The first paragraph works.
Any more story-telling, and admission farts might not like it too much..

...and you remind me of the ambitious Ness.
You're a lot like her.
...only she's disappeared for a while.

17-10-2008, 23:57
The first paragraph works.
Any more story-telling, and admission farts might not like it too much..

...and you remind me of the ambitious Ness.
You're a lot like her.
...only she's disappeared for a while.

yeaah keep it to the minimum i guess

hmm im sure she will return and be ambitious then ever!

Rab C Nesbit
18-10-2008, 00:10
Oh Dear.
I just realised, I should get my arse in gear and start my Personal Statement.
I feel maybe I should get lots of children to help me; quotes from them about how amazing I am should work, if I want to go into teaching, right?

(Cheeky, I fear that a big part of Ness has gone.
There's hope and determination, but the enthusiasm is waning and the ambitions have almost vanished...)

18-10-2008, 00:21
Oh Dear.
I just realised, I should get my arse in gear and start my Personal Statement.
I feel maybe I should get lots of children to help me; quotes from them about how amazing I am should work, if I want to go into teaching, right?

(Cheeky, I fear that a big part of Ness has gone.
There's hope and determination, but the enthusiasm is waning and the ambitions have almost vanished...)

That would be one interesting PS but i'm not sure thats what the adminstartion tutors want!

Noo don't say that... it's because you've took a gap from your busy life.. and studies etc that naturally everything dies down you may feel you have lost your ambitions but trust me its there you just need to find it....

18-10-2008, 01:33
As a child I was fascinated by the small people that lived and worked in my television BOX . I can still hear my mum screaming at me to not stare at the television closely. <<Doesn't link well together>>It made me wonder how it all came together how the media industry worked right from the start. I am mesmerized by the different ( no need fot this word) ever evolving technologies we use, that’s what makes me want to study media more in depth and be part of something that surrounds me. I want to learn the tricks of the trade and be let into the secrets of the media industry.

Media Studies has changed the way I watch film and read media (comma or fullstop) it has made me question everything. One of THE main reasons why I want to study MEDIA AS my degree is to challenge certain ideologies and question why there are rules and conventions for nearly everything (?). I believe My A Level choices have given me a greater insight into the working and complexity of different media ......Studying A-level Business Studies has enabled me to carry out effective market research. Thus being able to identify different customer segments/ profiles to target these customers through effective strategic planning and implementation. This would require different forms of media and communication to get the message across.( I feel that the bit I wrote about coperate Identity was more linked to your studies if I am honest as it talks about actual and percieved identities (branding etc, and how media channels affects it)

English literature/language has enabled me to develop my writing skills and analytical skills (developed better communication and debating/presentational skills etc). 3D design has helped me build on my creative skills and problem solving skills. (A little MORE on these I feel)

(okay I need t get back to the rest of this as i have just had a fone call) BRB :D

I blog for the councils website and write articles for newham.com this relates to a council project called Track 12 where 12 peoples goals are followed and tracked till 2012. My skills building starts off at home with writing articles for the Track 12 project. I also manipulate images on Photoshop and use Windows movie maker to edit short clips or put together a short movie.

As a member of Amnesty International I took part and arranged an event in college to raise awareness using my business skills. Being inspired by doing media related workshops with the Architecture Crew Britain’s, first architectural forum, which I have been part of for three years now has made me gain and even bigger insight into media. I was able to work three days over the summer with Legacy Now and the London Development Agency, my job role was to interview people on camera and communicate with a range of different people. I worked at different events to gather people’s opinions on the vision of 2012. Communication was an essential skill needed for this role so therefore my skill developed and it inspired me to do this degree. I have also volunteered and done different projects like facilitating events and making a promotion video for them. I have also recently won two Jack Petchey awards because of my work with the Architecture Crew and also because of my work in college. As a student ambassador in college I have been able to work for the college’s marketing team to try and promote the college to prospective students which has lead me to building my teamwork skills, being reliable and being able to adapt my style of communication. I’m also the colleges’ welfare officer on the student executive board which enables me to help and look out for students’ welfare. In the summer my youth group was able to win investment to start up our young t-shirt customisation business from scratch where I will be leading the marketing and PR team to help start the business.

Media has been part of me from the start from just building skills at home to building skills at college it has enabled me to gain a huge passion to work in this exciting and dynamic industry. Five years down the line I want to look and be captured by something I created, I want to see something I was part of, I want to see me in whatever I look at. I feel I am ready for the university experience and the challenges to be thrown at me.

18-10-2008, 01:55
hah thanks for it so far thou :D

18-10-2008, 02:15
I blog for the councils website and write articles for newham.com this relates to a council project called Track 12 where 12 peoples goals are followed and tracked till 2012. (this requires great observational skills and being able to pay attention to small detail)

My skills building starts off at home with writing articles for the Track 12 project( no idea what to do with this line lol). I also manipulate images on Photoshop and use Windows movie maker to edit short clips or put together a short movie (why have u put this with the council block stuff, it doesnt run smothly, either make a lil section to do with computer skills or add it in your hobbies. if you do all this for the blogs an articles etc, make a connection.)

As a member of Amnesty International( comma)I took part and arranged an event in college to raise awareness using my business skills. Being inspired by doing media related workshops with the Architecture Crew Britain’s, first architectural forum, which I have been part of for three years now has made me gain and even bigger insight into media. I was able to work three days over the summer with Legacy Now and the London Development Agency, my job role was to interview people on camera and communicate with a range of different people. I worked at different events to gather people’s opinions on the vision of 2012. Communication was an essential skill needed for this role so therefore my skill developed and it inspired me to do this degree. I have also volunteered and done different projects like facilitating events and making a promotion video for them. I have also recently won two Jack Petchey awards because of my work with the Architecture Crew and also because of my work in college. As a student ambassador in college I have been able to work for the college’s marketing team to try and promote the college to prospective students which has lead me to building my teamwork skills, being reliable and being able to adapt my style of communication. I’m also the colleges’ welfare officer on the student executive board which enables me to help and look out for students’ welfare. In the summer my youth group was able to win investment to start up our young t-shirt customisation business from scratch where I will be leading the marketing and PR team to help start the business. (this section is excellent)

Media has been part of me from the start from just building skills at home to building skills at college(comma) it has enabled me to gain a huge passion to work in this exciting and dynamic industry. Five years down the line I want to look and be captured by something I created, I want to see something I was part of, I want to see me in whatever I look at. I feel I am ready for the university experience and the challenges to be thrown at me.

Okay My thoughts are:

1)Sort out the mistakes and add the additional stuff i.e for the a levels
2)need a tad more on hobbies, you have done alot about everything else except what you od in your spare time. Show how you balance your time with your acedmic and none acadeimc life ....show how it makes you a more rounded person/candidate.
3) then show me n i'll have a looks :D


18-10-2008, 11:29
OK opinions time people.. here is part of my personal statement I submitted and I'd like to hear honestly what people think? Improvements?
(1st and 2nd paragraph) At a very young age I saw my terminally ill grandfather lying on a hospital bed unable to speak or breathe; I told him how much I loved him. I saw under his lifeless eyes a tear fall. A few minutes later he died. I sat in amazement that my grandfather had died and there was absolutely nothing I could do. I realised at this point, the enormous responsibility the doctor had whilst delivering their knowledge with compassion and professionalism. Being such an intimate witness to the struggle of life and death left me with a deep sense of human fragility. It dawned on me how remarkable the human body is in its intricacies and complexity. Ever since this experience, Medicine has never been absent from my thoughts. So why did I choose to study e-business? By exploring a secondary interest in business and IT, I sought to allow myself the time to carefully consider my motivations for following such a challenging and demanding career. My love for science combined with the lack of personal fulfilment as a business student has continually amplified my desire to become a doctor. Studying this course has not only tested my mental, physical and emotional capability but undertaking group assignments has allowed me to become proficient in complex problem solving skills and brought my leadership and teamwork ability to the forefront in order to meet time critical deadlines.
(Conclusion) The qualities I have developed from an academic and voluntary aspect have collectively strengthened my commitment, aspiration and affirmed my conviction to make the career transition to medicine. My chosen vocation involves heavy social sacrifices, and extended training but the benefits of serving the community in such a professional capacity will make this career incredibly rewarding for me. My stamina, enthusiasm and compassion will equip me for a life of learning and by applying my scientific knowledge and curiosity with compassion and desire; I hope to become a great doctor one day, one whom my grandfather would be proud of.

18-10-2008, 18:45
I blog for the councils website and write articles for newham.com this relates to a council project called Track 12 where 12 peoples goals are followed and tracked till 2012. (this requires great observational skills and being able to pay attention to small detail)

My skills building starts off at home with writing articles for the Track 12 project( no idea what to do with this line lol). I also manipulate images on Photoshop and use Windows movie maker to edit short clips or put together a short movie (why have u put this with the council block stuff, it doesnt run smothly, either make a lil section to do with computer skills or add it in your hobbies. if you do all this for the blogs an articles etc, make a connection.)

As a member of Amnesty International( comma)I took part and arranged an event in college to raise awareness using my business skills. Being inspired by doing media related workshops with the Architecture Crew Britain’s, first architectural forum, which I have been part of for three years now has made me gain and even bigger insight into media. I was able to work three days over the summer with Legacy Now and the London Development Agency, my job role was to interview people on camera and communicate with a range of different people. I worked at different events to gather people’s opinions on the vision of 2012. Communication was an essential skill needed for this role so therefore my skill developed and it inspired me to do this degree. I have also volunteered and done different projects like facilitating events and making a promotion video for them. I have also recently won two Jack Petchey awards because of my work with the Architecture Crew and also because of my work in college. As a student ambassador in college I have been able to work for the college’s marketing team to try and promote the college to prospective students which has lead me to building my teamwork skills, being reliable and being able to adapt my style of communication. I’m also the colleges’ welfare officer on the student executive board which enables me to help and look out for students’ welfare. In the summer my youth group was able to win investment to start up our young t-shirt customisation business from scratch where I will be leading the marketing and PR team to help start the business. (this section is excellent)

Media has been part of me from the start from just building skills at home to building skills at college(comma) it has enabled me to gain a huge passion to work in this exciting and dynamic industry. Five years down the line I want to look and be captured by something I created, I want to see something I was part of, I want to see me in whatever I look at. I feel I am ready for the university experience and the challenges to be thrown at me.

Okay My thoughts are:

1)Sort out the mistakes and add the additional stuff i.e for the a levels
2)need a tad more on hobbies, you have done alot about everything else except what you od in your spare time. Show how you balance your time with your acedmic and none acadeimc life ....show how it makes you a more rounded person/candidate.
3) then show me n i'll have a looks :D


hmmm thanks for that i will make those edits... but do rememebr i've very limited thats exactly 47 lines adding more means i go above the limit and then have probems

Blackmaiden i really like your begnin it captures attention ... you should get crazyT to have look sinces his a medical student

18-10-2008, 23:19
Im doing Sociology.. so i dont know if it'll be of any help but i'll post it up anways =] Hmmits abit crap but ohwel...it help me get into Birmingham so im not complaining heh:D

Sociology is an integral part of our lives. This is demonstrated by the way in which society and its infinitely intriguing and varying processes affect every aspect of our lives. From the very clothes we wear are dictated by celebrity supermodels influenced fashion trends to society's collective code of morality, which we prescribe to almost subconsciously. The reason why I choose Sociology as my choice of degree is very simple. I want to know why social constructs such as society and class structure have helped to forge my identity and will continue to dictate my outlook for the rest of my life.

During the course of my studies of Sociology at A-level, I have been able to explore various aspects of Sociology. In particular, I have enjoyed studying 'Education' as it explored the educational disparity caused by differences in wealth, class, gender and ethnicity, which ultimately dictates whether an aspiration is realised or not. This has increased my awareness of the impact of society on various levels, which can easily go unnoticed and introduced to various socio-political perspectives. Marxism, a key perspective, in particular has interested me as it explains how specific social institutions benefit the bourgeoisie and facilitate capitalism. Furthermore, it explores the concept of class exploitation and oppression, which arguably underpins our society. Indeed, it has instilled in me a desire and a passion to learn more about the intricacies of society.
Being able to study Sociology at an advanced level at degree will be a rewarding opportunity, as it will allow me to analyse the construction of human relationships and its corresponding problems. Additionally, there are several other perspectives, which will allow me to look at society from a range of perspectives and understand how society determines how people behave, think and feel.

In order to obtain a Sociology degree one needs to have specific skills and attributes, which I have. I have a range of experience and skills, which I believe, will allow me to successfully pursue a Sociology degree. For example, I currently work at a mathematics tuition centre where I help with the administration. I believe this has enabled me to develop my communication skills, improve my ability to work with others and organising skills.

Additionally, I have been involved in various charitable endeavours such as helping a well known organisation called 'Hope', to set up an Asian clothes and jewellery stall, to raise money for the poor in Kashmir. Also as a part of my community action, I helped to organize a Christmas event for the elderly, which I feel helped me to relate to others, regardless of age. Moreover, I have also volunteered in a private day nursery and a primary school, which were both enlightening experiences.

Additionally, I have worked with disabled children, which was an especially emotive experience that once again acted as a revelation and reinforced my ambition to study Sociology. I believe such experiences have helped me to choose my discipline at a university level. For example, it has put me in contact with people who as they grow up will be the next generation, who will be shaped by societal factors, which determined how they are treated and whether they are expected.
I am an enthusiastic, reliable, and a hard working individual who wants to succeed. So, I feel that University will allow me to improve and teach me new skills, which will enable me to achieve my aspirations.

19-10-2008, 01:17
(1st and 2nd paragraph) At a very young age I saw my terminally ill grandfather lying on a hospital bed unable to speak or breathe; I told him how much I loved him. I saw under his lifeless eyes a tear fall. A few minutes later he died. I sat in amazement (? maybe you wantt o change this word with something like shock) that my grandfather had died and there was absolutely nothing I could do. I realised at this point, the enormous responsibility the doctor had whilst delivering their knowledge with compassion and professionalism. Being such an intimate witness to the struggle of life and death left me with a deep sense of human fragility. It dawned on me how remarkable the human body is in its intricacies and complexity. Ever since this experience, Medicine has never been absent from my thoughts. (its a very good way to start, but need a lil more about the course choice, why you chose it ? slightly more specific i.e caring for people, challenges/life learning carear etc)

So why did I choose to study e-business? By exploring a secondary interest in business and IT, I sought to allow myself the time to carefully consider my motivations for following such a challenging and demanding career. My love for science combined with the lack of personal fulfilment as a business student has continually amplified my desire to become a doctor. Studying this course has not only tested my mental, physical and emotional capability but undertaking group assignments has allowed me to become proficient in complex problem solving skills and brought my leadership and teamwork ability to the forefront in order to meet time critical deadlines.
(Conclusion) The qualities I have developed from an academic and voluntary aspect have collectively strengthened my commitment, aspiration and affirmed my conviction to make the career transition to medicine. My chosen vocation involves heavy social sacrifices, and extended training but the benefits of serving the community in such a professional capacity will make this career incredibly rewarding for me. My stamina, enthusiasm and compassion will equip me for a life of learning and by applying my scientific knowledge and curiosity with compassion and desire; I hope to become a great doctor one day, one whom my grandfather would be proud

Looks very good. What other courses did you do in A levels? maybe wanna talk about them more ( I know this isnt your complete statement.) ...list all your voluntry stuff and what acpects of science, medicine you will enjoy more particularly. for example how the immune system responds and the different aspects/ functions of the digestive, resperitory systems. Just to name a few examples. The more specifics you wil put in the more they will think you know :)

Other than that it is very well written and I know you would have an excellent PS when you have completed it. Weldone.

19-10-2008, 01:22
hmmm thanks for that i will make those edits... but do rememebr i've very limited thats exactly 47 lines adding more means i go above the limit and then have probems

Blackmaiden i really like your begnin it captures attention ... you should get crazyT to have look sinces his a medical student

I see cheely princess. Well when you do your final copy let me have a look. I'll see what you should cut out and what to replace it with if you want :) But good luck

24-10-2008, 14:23
I see cheely princess. Well when you do your final copy let me have a look. I'll see what you should cut out and what to replace it with if you want :) But good luck

its nearly there but its so annoyiong i cant send my ucas off yet cuz one of the degrees i want to do is not finalised yet.. .so annoying that... 2days colleges intenral deadline... my tutor said its fine for me to wait... but yh

ok here it is

As a child I was fascinated by the small people that lived and worked in my television box. I can still hear my mum screaming at me to not stare at the television closely. It made me wonder how it all came together, how the media industry worked right from the start. I am mesmerized by the ever evolving technologies we use, that’s what makes me want to study media in more depth and be part of something that surrounds me. I want to learn the tricks of the trade and be let into the secrets of the media industry.

Media Studies has changed the way I watch film and read media; it has made me question everything. One of the main reasons why I want to study media as my degree is to challenge certain ideologies and question why there are rules and conventions. My A-level choices have given me a greater insight into the working and complexity of different media. Studying A-level Business Studies has enabled me to carry out effective market research. Thus being able to identify different customer profiles to target these customers through effective strategic planning and implementation. This would require different forms of media and communication to get the message across. English literature/language AS-level has enabled me to develop my writing, analytical, communication, debating and presentational skills. A-level 3D design has helped me build on my creative skills and problem solving skills.

I blog for the councils’ website and write articles for newham.com this relates to a council project called Track 12 where 12 peoples’ goals are followed and tracked till 2012. I also manipulate images on Photoshop and use Windows Movie Maker to edit short clips or put together short movies in my spare time.

I have been inspired by doing media related workshops with the “Architecture Crew”, Britain’s first architectural forum, which I have been part of for three years now. This has made me gain an even bigger insight into media. I was able to work three days over the summer with “Legacy Now” and the “London Development Agency”. My job role was to interview a wide range of people on camera. I worked at different events to gather people’s opinions on the vision of 2012. Communication was an essential skill needed for this role so therefore my skill developed and it inspired me to do this degree. I have also volunteered and done different projects like facilitating events and making a promotion video for them.

As a member of “Amnesty International”, I took part and arranged an event in college to raise awareness using my business skills. As a student ambassador in college I have been able to work for the college’s marketing team to promote the college to prospective students which has lead me to building my teamwork skills, being reliable and being able to adapt my style of communication. I’m also the college’s welfare officer on the student executive board which enables me to help and look out for students’ welfare. I have also recently won two Jack Petchey awards because of my work with the Architecture Crew and also because of my commitment to my studies at college.

Media has been part of me from the start from just building skills at home to building skills at college. It has enabled me to gain a huge passion to work in this exciting and dynamic industry. Five years down the line I want to look and be captivated by something I created, I want to see something I was part of, I want to see me in whatever I create. I know I am ready for the university experience and the challenges to be thrown at me.

24-10-2008, 18:56
Send it to me before you send it off. I still see grammatical errors or if there aren't sentences could be better phrased. Content is great though!

24-10-2008, 22:55
its nearly there but its so annoyiong i cant send my ucas off yet cuz one of the degrees i want to do is not finalised yet.. .so annoying that... 2days colleges intenral deadline... my tutor said its fine for me to wait... but yh

ok here it is

did you only amend the bits you have highlighted in bald?

27-10-2008, 18:05
did you only amend the bits you have highlighted in bald?

its blud :p


nooo summin werid happened when i copy n pasted

the whole things rearranged....