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07-09-2005, 04:07
What do you go for in a guy or girl? *)

<< Personality or Looks >> ??? ?:

I personally go for both...needs to be a equal balance of good looks and a sound personality....<3 ...but obviously got to be attracted to him or her....but then again whats inside accounts for more sometimes...depends on the person i suppose! ?>

07-09-2005, 05:44
uhh..wot wud i go fo?? hmmm....%)

Da guy has ta hav lyk an OriiGiinal StyLe.@) ....but den its HArD 2 FiiND eM NowaDaYZ...LOLzz...iiTs haRd Ta DiiStiGuish btw Guyz hu r LyK iiN FAct COOL...to Dose hU JuZ "AcTiiN" CoOL [[ O_o]]--FrEeShiiEZz--

i recon most guyz r sensitive on da inside..altho dey alwayz actin tough..i want a guy huz not afraid ta reveal his tru feelins..lyk da sensitive side..

NewayZ..sOo YEH...ii WaNt A gUy HuZ GoT a NiiCE UnIqUe PeRsOnALiiTY...N GoT dA LuKz ;)

[[ IF u FiiT DiiS DeSCriiPtiiOn JuZ HOLLA At Me Boii ]]

07-09-2005, 07:56

07-09-2005, 12:40
true say, i'd need looks to attract me first to the person then ofcourse personality..., you cant tell about a personality from the distance, but the looks you can. Then i would judge the body language then personality, get deep down inside her! ;)

07-09-2005, 13:46
tru say kayz :)

07-09-2005, 17:02
y nt ave both if u can!! lol!!
bt wud rather sacrifice avin gud luks 4 personality, luks fade bt personality doesnt!

07-09-2005, 17:07
y nt ave both if u can!! lol!!
bt wud rather sacrifice avin gud luks 4 personality, luks fade bt personality doesnt!

awww soooo true!! nice one saf! I rep you for that! :d drat how comes i didnt think of that! :)

07-09-2005, 17:12
u knw wot they say....
gr8 minda tink alike!

$xy $onz
07-09-2005, 17:51
its all bwt da personality but den again wen u c a person we judge em by lukz but i wud rather go 4 a person wiv a personality cuz luks dnt really mata

07-09-2005, 18:02
id go for personality, i think perosnality is the main factor you should look in someone, im saying looks dont matter but personality is more important i reckon

07-09-2005, 18:04
I find it very hard to believe when someone says personality, lets say for instance u go to a bar,club, a place of meeting u see Brad Pitt on one side and Mr Bean on the other side instantly where wud ur eyes luk to? or be attracted i kno even Kays wud go for Brad Pitt :d

07-09-2005, 18:11
Has to be a conbination of both :)

07-09-2005, 19:26
I admit am a bit of a perv n if i c sumfin nice i'll hafta luk...sumtimez more dan 1nce...but end of da day i wudnt make it more dan a luk coz lukz r deceivin...atleast dass wot i've lernt...dass y u shudnt judge book by itz cover? [Am i soundin philosophical yet? ;) ]
Point iz i'd go wit personality all da way...Ppl say i got bad taste in guyz neway so gess it duznt matta...i dont care...no1 ugly...every1 got beauty...so nah!

XxX Naz XxX

07-09-2005, 19:30
well said i agree with you there ^^^

07-09-2005, 19:30
Y thank u chicka! ;)

XxX Naz XxX

07-09-2005, 21:26
personalitly i wudnt wanna spend my lyf wiv sum who jus cares bwt der luks or is mean n evil xxxxxxxxxxxxx

07-09-2005, 21:45
id agree with pinky,

I'd say that personality need's to be better than looks, yes id agree with some of you and say yeh looks needs to be good, but it depends on if your in love, because wen ur in love looks doesnt matter, you care for the person, you love that person, that person becomes your life. you love that person no matter the circumstances, (if that makes sence).

i met a person, not kowing her looks but i didint care, i got into this persons mind, and i found out we make eachother laugh, giggle, blush, as soon as i see her pic, i become more (cant find the word) but your in love and looks dont matter the bond is there is strong, and you wanna be with that person more and more,

well thats my point i might have said somethings rong cuz im really sleepy, but im gonna call my special person in 2hours, need to hear her voice its been 3 days without her voice!

07-09-2005, 21:47
Awwwwwwwwww...almost...n i mean ALMOST made me cry! :(

XxX Naz XxX

07-09-2005, 21:48
<3 hehehehehehe8o

08-09-2005, 00:40
i wont come back to safi's point..., looks change, personalities dont always...., i like that..., always gonna remember it now! lols..., ive learnt something today!

08-09-2005, 11:29
dats y we got the forum rite? lyk they say "u learn sumat new everyday!" hang on dat shud go in dat oda section...wer is it...fave quoe or sumat?....lol

n wen peeps say neva judge a buk by its cova...sumtyms u gotta tink
"well y the heck is it der?" keepin in mind dat knowin this, ppl do tend 2 deceive, its a bit lyk the chicken n the egg, wot cum 1st covers or deception....man!! dat is deep!! lol
sowee me jst chattin crap! eatin 2 much jalebi!

08-09-2005, 13:53
Drat, i cant beleive i made that mistake...., ok my post before safi's i said to begin with: "i wont come back to safi's point....." i was meant to say "i want to come back to safi's point....." it amkes more sense now, :D

08-09-2005, 13:55
kayz zzz wazzzy

08-09-2005, 18:57
im sure this topic was in the old forum too!

ruby angel
08-09-2005, 23:18
evry1 goes 4 lukz frst but then check out personality..but i suppose personality is more important

Mz InNoCeNt
09-09-2005, 10:20
id go 4 personality ova looks, looks do matter but theyre not as important as personality

09-09-2005, 14:23
damn right they're not!