View Full Version : New Phone....help!!!

18-04-2006, 18:14
ok i wanna get a new phone

it has to be fairly small....i really want a flip phone....

but thing is..i only like nokia phones.....hehe...or samsung phones

i av the 6230...but im soooo bored of it

you lot av any suggestions?? it has to have a good camera, and an mp3 player in it....


*~*LiL MiSs PaGaL*~*
18-04-2006, 19:21
ive got the pink 6111 DONT GET IT......

d bes fne.... smasung D600..... :D

18-04-2006, 19:33
lolz i wer jus gonna recommend d 6111

sweet sanju
18-04-2006, 20:57
i got samsung d600 it's da bet phone in da world lolz

they have got a lota new nokia's about! have a look ova da net

18-04-2006, 20:58
Nokia N70 or N90

18-04-2006, 22:23
if u want a samsung u shud go for da samsung Z320i or da D600 and if its a nokia u want dem u shudnt go fo rda n70 or da n91 coz rthey too big trus me i work for orange i know... :p if its a nokia u want dem go for da nokia 7370 its a reli cute lil fone n its a slide fone i love da looks even tho its a women fone :p good luk on watever u choose if u need ne more help den jus ask me u know wer i am ;p

sweet sanju
18-04-2006, 22:57
wot distingushes a woman's phone and a man's phone?

18-04-2006, 22:58
wether its a man or a woman who own's the fone :)

sweet sanju
18-04-2006, 23:03
haha!!! not i mean da way he sed it, it's like only certainphones r for women and others r for guys! u get me?

18-04-2006, 23:14
yeh i got u the 1st time im jus messin :p , i guess it depends on what catches on, i think that motorola pink fone maybe for girls and gay/camp/crossdressers/transexuals. :)

sweet sanju
19-04-2006, 00:07
lolz yh tru.....

19-04-2006, 00:12
any fone dat marni has, is a girls fone

19-04-2006, 00:21
haha.....nic suggestions ppl

yeaaah 6111 is sexxxy

but my mum got samsung d600...kinda borin lookin lol

yh i saw the new phone-----nokia 6136? its sexxxxy but it not released till later this year...grrr

7370? hmm which 1 that shelim?? i might av to come 2 u 4 advice...since u work in a phone shop lol

19-04-2006, 00:21
Jus buy a 5110 old is gold :)

19-04-2006, 00:26
naff phone liney...i want summat sexydoh!