View Full Version : bags under eyes! help plzz

27-04-2006, 23:53
hey ppl...

ne1 got ne remedies for dark bags under ur eyes...jst seems to be gettin worse everyday...tried the whole cucumber/tea bag things...

ne1 kno of ne creams that might help?

fank youz

27-04-2006, 23:54
Lol i find you ammusing, ok love how about trying to sleep ?

27-04-2006, 23:59
lol amusing? do explain

hmm cant sleep...gta revise

27-04-2006, 23:59
drink some "coffee"

28-04-2006, 00:00
plan ur time betta sleep is important
theres this cream u can get that gets rid of bags under ur eyes... ads r on tv

28-04-2006, 00:01
"coffee"? why the speech marks

lol i hate coffe...im so difficult...

28-04-2006, 00:01
cheers navi...mite pop into boots tomoro n hav a luk see

28-04-2006, 00:03
seriously tho get sum sleep
u dont wanna make ur self ill
thats the last thing u need

28-04-2006, 00:13
When i say ammusing you come out with some funny stuff when you do post :) i mean it in a good way dont worry, well dear sleep is more important than work there are a few occasions when you have deadlines to meet apart from nothing is more than sleep :)

28-04-2006, 00:15
last minute revison is utter n total bolloxs.

28-04-2006, 00:25
yupp tell me bt it...oh well gotsa be done

28-04-2006, 00:27
nope last minute causes paranoia etc and more bogus questions pop in 2 yer head hence- u hav a nervous breakdown!

28-04-2006, 00:27
u planned ur time or u crammin???

28-04-2006, 00:30
well im usually a last minute kinda person i.e nite before...but im not quite sure dats gonna work at uni...im cramming just because i realised how much there is...still 2 weeks to exams tho!

28-04-2006, 00:32
ur gonna stress urself out by crammin
make sure u get plenty of sleep
remember 2 eat
drink lots of water

28-04-2006, 00:33
lol aww thanks hun...i think i might have an early nite coz im not much is goin in coz im so knackered

28-04-2006, 00:34
yep do that
have sum lucozade or sumthin 2moro 2 wake ya up

28-04-2006, 12:48
hey ppl...

ne1 got ne remedies for dark bags under ur eyes...jst seems to be gettin worse everyday...tried the whole cucumber/tea bag things...

ne1 kno of ne creams that might help?

fank youz

errmmm well seen as u already tried the whole cucumber things n stuff try eye packs or u cn get this make up like stuff from boots that will cover it up! good luck wid da revising! xxxxx

28-04-2006, 13:07
Sleep deffiantely! i get the odd pibol spots growing if i dont sleep also bags!

Sleep and dont over sleep otherwise u feel soo tierd..., just sleep and make sure you get your daily 8 hours..., wakeup early, go to bed early....

if you go to bed early then slowly u will notice a difference..., dosent happen over night. hope that helps!

28-04-2006, 13:12
yeh u gotta get some sleep n try not 2 stress bout ur exms
a concealer of ur shade wil cover em up
n drink 8 glasses of water a day

ruby angel
28-04-2006, 13:29
yep lyk the rest said, just drink plenty of water 2 clear out the toxins and also help u concentrate more whilst revising,it also helps with bags and make sure u have atleast 8 hours of good sleep.

28-04-2006, 14:06
hey gal i use 2 have the same prob as u theres a product from clinque that i use to use it does wonders it costs 25 but its worth it and just get plenty of sleep!!oh yeh keep a spoon in the freezer and in the morn sooth it over ur eyes 2 get rid of the tierd eyes i hope this is usful!!

ruby angel
28-04-2006, 17:13
a spoon???...lol.....it probably works same as those eye gel masks. u put in the freezer, and then u wear the mask ova eyes.

28-04-2006, 18:34
yeh that spoon things lyk puttin cucumbers on ur eyes it cools em down

28-04-2006, 18:38
yeh its just like the eye covers it does wonders 4me

28-04-2006, 18:43
Or allow the bagz and go out feelin the 'goth' look?8)

28-04-2006, 18:52
Or dream of me and ul have the best sleep ever, no bags and a smile of a million dollars :p

28-04-2006, 19:22
wow miz might just try that lolz

28-04-2006, 19:27
wow miz might just try that lolz

ok but rememeber im warnin u its highly addictive hehe :)

28-04-2006, 19:48
haha lol you sooooo love yourself!

28-04-2006, 20:12
oohhh diva miz is deffo a sight for sore eyes!! u shud check out his pics if u aint already!! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yummylicious!

28-04-2006, 20:18
im with you on that manjy

28-04-2006, 23:59
oohhh diva miz is deffo a sight for sore eyes!! u shud check out his pics if u aint already!! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yummylicious!

im with you on that manjy

thank you ladies, im better in person tho, i thinkhttp://www.theasianplace.net/forum/images/icons/icon10.gif

29-04-2006, 00:41
i bet you are!!saucey!!lol!!

29-04-2006, 11:29
lol @ miz, im yet to have the pleasure!

29-04-2006, 12:01
i bet you are!!saucey!!lol!!

lol @ miz, im yet to have the pleasure!

lol yep im saucy at times, can be sweet and sticky, cna be hot and spicy too! (Depends how ya like it luv! *cockney accent str8 off eastenders*)

good things cme to those who wait http://www.theasianplace.net/forum/images/icons/icon12.gif or we can sod it and u can meet me :p

29-04-2006, 12:41
sticky?,: ....

29-04-2006, 12:45
sticky?,: ....

ehrm plum sauce gets sticky after a while :)

29-04-2006, 12:53
lolzzzzz hahaha! i dnt wana no what u get up to wid plum sauce!

29-04-2006, 14:41
lolzzzzz hahaha! i dnt wana no what u get up to wid plum sauce!

plum sauce, chilli sauce, tartar, sweet chilli, sweet and sour, bbq, mayo, ketchup, mustard, sour cream etc its all the same http://www.theasianplace.net/forum/images/icons/icon12.gif

29-04-2006, 15:53
haha miz you crack me up lol sticky with plum sauce!!