View Full Version : Oxbridge

14-11-2008, 15:03
For those that aren't familliar with the term, its the collective term used for the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge.

Would you apply there if you had the chance?

I don't want to know about any people you know that went there, I want to know about YOU.

Say, if you did get the grades, would you apply?

Well, people with AAA stil get rejected because they lack flair...and flair is really what these guys want right?

The cream of the cream in English Education for sure.

14-11-2008, 15:45
when i was filling out my ucas a couple years back, i put down oxford, just for the sake of it and they didnt reply lol

i wouldnt even if i had the chance to. i couldnt conform to a 'toffee nosed' environment, not the way iv been brought up....

Rab C Nesbit
14-11-2008, 16:06
It was in my plans at 17.
Then a guy named Sod fucked me over.

14-11-2008, 18:24
They ain't as toffee nosed as people think. From what Ive read and heard they are just as wacky and crazy as any university.

If I had the chance, of course I would! To go to one of the most prestigious universities in the WORLD would be a massive opportunity to miss.

14-11-2008, 19:17
u need more than grades to get into those unis...

u can get 100% in all your exams and they'll still look at your wallet...

look at where are you from...

14-11-2008, 19:24
Milliband..that dude from the Labour Party...

He got BBBD...he still got into oxford...

14-11-2008, 19:27
Cuz he had yung MOOOOLA baaaabbbyyyyy

14-11-2008, 21:59
Yeah if oxbridge did my course yes i would apply there... My grades arnt that bad.. but one thing i have a lot is extra cricular stuff... and they always like things like that on top of your academic stuff..

and theres not toffs seriously...my mates sister is there and there like any other uni with partys etc... offcourse generally there more middle class whites but its pretty much changing now... cuz ethnic minorities are catching up.

14-11-2008, 22:22
People need at least 3 A's to get into these places.

Plus an extraordinary character and an interest in some sport.

I was wrongly advised at my first sixthform to do a lot of extracurricular activity to get into uni. I didn't do much, but I did something solid which was ongoing. Its better than having loose ends tied up here and there.

A lot of students think they can getaway with meagre grades and a lot of voluntary work to get into uni. Well if thats the case polytechnics would still be around.

14-11-2008, 22:33
People need at least 3 A's to get into these places.

Plus an extraordinary character and an interest in some sport.

I was wrongly advised at my first sixthform to do a lot of extracurricular activity to get into uni. I didn't do much, but I did something solid which was ongoing. Its better than having loose ends tied up here and there.

A lot of students think they can getaway with meagre grades and a lot of voluntary work to get into uni. Well if thats the case polytechnics would still be around.

You need at least one sort of extra cricular activity,... like one big project you took or an event you might have helped out with.. if it links to the course your applying to like mine do it makes it even better... the thing is... it also depends on what type of course your applying to..

Obs if your going for something like medicine ur PS needs to be very academic, science blad dee blah.. if you got for a creative course.. extra cricular stuff helps a lot as it shows you go beyond your course and do creative stuff etc

and yeah they might not have good grades? but they've done a lot of voluntary work... maybe to get into uni or just for there ucas or maybe cuz they actually want to help? Every Student is different if student is not able to get into uni acedmically there are always other ways to get into uni.. if they really want it.. it may not be a top uni...but there still trying there best.

14-11-2008, 22:41
You need at least one sort of extra cricular activity,... like one big project you took or an event you might have helped out with.. if it links to the course your applying to like mine do it makes it even better... the thing is... it also depends on what type of course your applying to..

Obs if your going for something like medicine ur PS needs to be very academic, science blad dee blah.. if you got for a creative course.. extra cricular stuff helps a lot as it shows you go beyond your course and do creative stuff etc

and yeah they might not have good grades? but they've done a lot of voluntary work... maybe to get into uni or just for there ucas or maybe cuz they actually want to help? Every Student is different if student is not able to get into uni acedmically there are always other ways to get into uni.. if they really want it.. it may not be a top uni...but there still trying there best.

I disagree.

Well for one thing I know is that if you're applying to an elite uni, it doesn't matter what course you're doing, you need to have excellent grades. Throughout GCSE to A-level. If you have these grades, then they'l consider you're personal statement and extra curricular activities. Its like a sort of filtering system.

And for medicine your statement doesnt have to be all academic and science blah blah, thats quite ignorant. Applicants for medicine have to be quite balanced in terms of academic performance, voluntary work and of course the person's character (which is taken note of at the interview). Universities don't want bookworms. Neither do they want people who won't suceed. Everyone who has gone into uni has made it better for themself, because the admission tutors know that this person is ideal for the course and are able to pass it successfully. Every student is different yeah, thats why they have a different type of course, e.g. a foundation year or an access course.

14-11-2008, 22:52
i was an a/b grade student throughout my GCSE-alevel times..and i had tutors try and persuade me but for sum reason it didnt feel like the ryt thing to do for me..xbridge wasnt for me..i visited both of them you know..can you belive it? axii yeah.her....if i cud go back tho maybe i wuda..i wuda have loved to have studied PPE i think that wuda been hectic!!! Politics, Philosophy and Economics..the onl LONDON uni at the time dat did it was London Met and i wasnt feelin them at all..not one bit...

my days imagine how my life wuda turned out...lol...im too asian lol..

15-11-2008, 00:09
If I was living in the uk and I could get in, why not?

15-11-2008, 00:11
i was an a/b grade student throughout my GCSE-alevel times..and i had tutors try and persuade me but for sum reason it didnt feel like the ryt thing to do for me..xbridge wasnt for me..i visited both of them you know..can you belive it? axii yeah.her....if i cud go back tho maybe i wuda..i wuda have loved to have studied PPE i think that wuda been hectic!!! Politics, Philosophy and Economics..the onl LONDON uni at the time dat did it was London Met and i wasnt feelin them at all..not one bit...

my days imagine how my life wuda turned out...lol...im too asian lol..

Lol you did? Ditto...! I went with my Maths class in year 8, but it was more of a fun day out rather than considering it for academic reasons.

Ranj, whats the Australian equivalent of Oxbridge?

15-11-2008, 00:20
Lol you did? Ditto...! I went with my Maths class in year 8, but it was more of a fun day out rather than considering it for academic reasons.

Ranj, whats the Australian equivalent of Oxbridge?

Hm probably ANU.

15-11-2008, 01:14
I disagree.

Well for one thing I know is that if you're applying to an elite uni, it doesn't matter what course you're doing, you need to have excellent grades. Throughout GCSE to A-level. If you have these grades, then they'l consider you're personal statement and extra curricular activities. Its like a sort of filtering system.

And for medicine your statement doesnt have to be all academic and science blah blah, thats quite ignorant. Applicants for medicine have to be quite balanced in terms of academic performance, voluntary work and of course the person's character (which is taken note of at the interview). Universities don't want bookworms. Neither do they want people who won't suceed. Everyone who has gone into uni has made it better for themself, because the admission tutors know that this person is ideal for the course and are able to pass it successfully. Every student is different yeah, thats why they have a different type of course, e.g. a foundation year or an access course.

im not dismissing the fact you need good grades to get to uni.. even if it is an "elite one" or a crap one....

Yes medical students actually a lot of them go out of there way to find work placements in the summer etc cuz of there ucas in hospitals etc.... but an admission tutor herself said that acedemic sorta PS are abt 3/4 about the course and 1/4 about there work experience where as creative courses are 1/2 and 1/2.

Everyone that has gone to uni has made it better for themself i even if they went to an elite uni or your normal average uni as long as they passed that is.

DJ Popz
15-11-2008, 02:37
I personally did not apply for oxford or cambridge when I applied for my course even though I could have. Reason being I have seen what kind of life I would have had to endure had I got into Oxbridge.

It would have changed me into someone who I think I would not want to be or who I am not. I personally would not be able to stand the life at uni away from home like that. I think it also depends on your background and what you expect, see I come from an asian background and my religion. Had I gone to oxbridge my faith would have been compromised greatly. At oxbridge if you do not conform to student life of partying/clubbing all the time you will be somewhat an outcast. I have had friends who have applied to oxbridge and have told me the interviewers were right up there arse and those who did get in I have seen them change to something they are not, it is like a part of them was lost when they went to to that uni.

Rest assured you will have that prestigious education on your CV but is it worth comprising who you are or endure life with students who are so up themselves? I think not.