View Full Version : The Pros and Cons of University Life

02-12-2008, 19:51
For all university Ex/students....
List what you think are..

The best things about University:

1.Moving away is cool... as you’re in a new environment and no1 knows you..tish a lovely new fresh start!<) especially if you've been stuck with the same freakin people for 7 WHOLE YEARS8o

2.You gain more independence!

3.You become more confident

4.You can be yourself to an extent...and not give a poope about others! (but when it comes to group work and seminars you have to be polite!)

5.I only have 10.00 starts and Fridays off! wAooo

6.Traveling with friends!-> tish so much fun when you go exploring!

7.No time restrictions


The bad things about University:

1.You get Home sick! :(

2.When you’re ill...there’s no1 there to look after you ;(

3.You can become very lazy! ?>

4.You can get away with skipping your lectures and seminars very easily.... (well up till now..uff i so have to sort my attendance out for next term!)

5.When you haven’t done your reading...yikes!-You’re in trouble!

6.You can develop insomnia!

7.Managing time...bla i still haven’t learnt how to do that!

8.You get deducted 5% a day if you hand your essay in late!

9.If you've got a main road near by.. you may become dependent on the disgustingly unhealthy take away food!:@

02-12-2008, 19:59

good back up
best place to find people to date..but can pose as a distraction for ur studies.


doesnt teach you how to be successfull


02-12-2008, 20:03
Some More...


Good back up! ..Tish rather difficult to find a good job without it methinks.
You Gain further knowledge and pick up on additional skills
Theres alot of opportunities available..like working or volunteering abroad!- looks good on your CV


Major downside-> Money! If your rich then its all chutney! but if your poor like moi..it sucks big time....but theres always support!-> good ol' loans!

02-12-2008, 20:05
u have to pay back those loan..including interest..when u get a job...

02-12-2008, 20:29
CrazyShaaz Has named most of the pros and cons which I consider to be in my case aswel. Other than specialist roles like becoming a doctor, lawyera degree is Essential I am going to focus on a more general use of a degree.

I have done a degree and have a good resume in terms of the jobs I have done. I will say this if you are considering going to Uni. DO IT.

And don't buy this crap of EXPERIENCE v DEGREE , this is all well n true. But when it comes down to it, if you have a degree and then you gain some experience at whatever level your chances of moving up is far greater.

Now lets say I do a computer related degree. I find a job in the industry I will still probably start at desktop support /1st line support. Qualifications IMO in the real world are just a waste of time, but it GETS you the Interview.

Now I probs could have got the same job without a degree for example by doing an MCP (not a degree).

However this is when the degree comes into use! Now if I wanted from there move to management Level, I will need a degree. A degree is basically credentials, it proves you have an understanding of how Business’ works, ultimately you with it you would be aiming for IT Manager/Director or a consultant role. (Now this is an IT related example, same applies for other jobs.

Having a degree is only really asked for at Management level. The fact that you have one will tick that box!

So yes a Degree does Have its place if you know how to use it wisely.

SO YES DO IT. I hope I converted some Anti Degree potestors in doing one! :D

02-12-2008, 20:34
P.S if anyone needs any advice on doing a degree, or where to start etc. Do not hesitate to ask me. If I can help I will :)

02-12-2008, 20:34
pros & cons of uni..
pros - you're all stuck in the same situation, and you're all poor lol!
more independence bla dee bla dee bla..(same as what crazy shaz said!)

cons - uhm, you actually have to do work :Q
student nights - lots of gross pervy guys looking to pull - ALL THE FREAKIN TIME.
no money..
bla dee bla dee bla. SO know what you mean about insomnia though lol!!

LOL though apparently, ,: im supposed to get bad luck and fail my degree from now on. i stood underneath the clock tower as it was ringing todaay >.< haha. goddamn. x

02-12-2008, 20:39
Uni life rawks. :d

No cons so far? Apart from the workload?

02-12-2008, 23:40
Pros - The fact your in Uni? I find that quite nice... weird.... Like I look around and think 'wow I'm studying at a University'. Sure it ain't Oxford but you know, studying at Unis generally respected...

Cons- I know no one really so I'm a beet lonely.. (not a bit, very:()

02-12-2008, 23:47
pros & cons of uni..
pros - you're all stuck in the same situation, and you're all poor lol!
more independence bla dee bla dee bla..(same as what crazy shaz said!)

cons - uhm, you actually have to do work :Q
student nights - lots of gross pervy guys looking to pull - ALL THE FREAKIN TIME.
no money..
bla dee bla dee bla. SO know what you mean about insomnia though lol!!

LOL though apparently, ,: im supposed to get bad luck and fail my degree from now on. i stood underneath the clock tower as it was ringing todaay >.< haha. goddamn. x

i know u said you're at bham for uni....so does this clear up you're at the main one? i went there...its shit! if u are say hello to my mum who works there...:p

i have nothing to contribute to the topic as my views on uni/degrees are not going to go down well with current students....so enjoy! :D

02-12-2008, 23:47
each person has a different experience at uni or anything you do. so each person would have or atleast should have different pros and cons

02-12-2008, 23:50
pro: i'm at what is supposedly the best uni in the country

cons: they dont give u the money they supposed to give u (scholarships), those in charge can't schedule/coordinate academic events if their lives depended on it, just about everyone but me is asian (i.e japan, china, korea...), class averages...55% and its freaking first year, no parties at this uni..or at least on my floor

05-12-2008, 23:59
i know u said you're at bham for uni....so does this clear up you're at the main one? i went there...its shit! if u are say hello to my mum who works there...:p

i have nothing to contribute to the topic as my views on uni/degrees are not going to go down well with current students....so enjoy! :D

yeah i'm at the main one.. university of birmingham.
:oh you didnt like it? i think its alright...not amazing, but ok. its what you make it of it really isnt it!
lack of fit blokes though, FAIR PLAY.
your mom works here?? :Q i shall pop in and say hello LOL

06-12-2008, 23:39
yeah i'm at the main one.. university of birmingham.
:oh you didnt like it? i think its alright...not amazing, but ok. its what you make it of it really isnt it!
lack of fit blokes though, FAIR PLAY.
your mom works here?? :Q i shall pop in and say hello LOL

Yeah eye-candy was a bit thin when I was there. I'd say blokes have it worse given that I'm guessing your supposed to be one of the higher talents and well...need I say more eh? ;)

Yeah my mum does work there in some admin/receptionist role. Can't remember which school/dept but don't worry I wouldn't send you anywhere near her - as you're the kind of girl she warned me about!

Good for you I do/don't listen though?

PS How much are tuition fees these days?

06-12-2008, 23:49
oomg, don't bring my looks into this :|
you should be glad i don't take the internet seriously :Q
you could seriously have damaged my ego otherwise!
and i dunno how much tuition fees are. parents paying for everything but my retail therapy.
well no, they're semi-funding that too. :rolleyes:

06-12-2008, 23:58
I have kind of lived the uni life without actually being a student lol (if that makes sense).


More independence - you find out what you're like as a person without family telling you what to do

Become more confident being yourself

Making lots and lots of new friends!


No money :(

07-12-2008, 00:01
No money :(

i'm feeling that one :(

07-12-2008, 00:02
Cons: No money

Can't always assume students have no money and some work pretty damn hard to make sure they do and can pay their fees/accomodation etc (mentioning no names on those who don't!)

But I can't see how its a bad point because learning to manage your money, budgets and living with debt is all part of being independent.

I only miss the social side...too bad so many people have to pay to experience the lifestyle...as you say B4VVY you can live it without being one.

07-12-2008, 00:09
Cons: No money

Can't always assume students have no money and some work pretty damn hard to make sure they do and can pay their fees/accomodation etc (mentioning no names on those who don't!)

But I can't see how its a bad point because learning to manage your money, budgets and living with debt is all part of being independent.

I only miss the social side...too bad so many people have to pay to experience the lifestyle...as you say B4VVY you can live it without being one.

Yea my situation was a bit different though, I was living in a totally different city for three years, in a student area and worked in a student area so most of my friends were students and I used to chill with them most of the time in student areas (when I wasn't working or doing CS) I even used to go to the library with some of them lol they used to sneak me in! I did have a few local mates though which was good 'cause when students go home for holidays, I used to chill with the locals!

07-12-2008, 01:04
oomg, don't bring my looks into this :|
you should be glad i don't take the internet seriously :Q
you could seriously have damaged my ego otherwise!
and i dunno how much tuition fees are. parents paying for everything but my retail therapy.
well no, they're semi-funding that too. :rolleyes:

Proof you don't have looks - because if you did you would have been able to get your hooks into some rich guy to fully fund that retail therapy and actually shop in Selfridges or that Mailbox place you avoid like the plague! Still I hear Primark...is actually pretty cool these day! @)

08-12-2008, 00:52

08-12-2008, 01:27

Oi! Contribute something useful to this thread...like all the freaky societies you joined in freshers week?! The university crest fleese you bought in the opening week!

I bet you play sports on Wednesday afternoon just so you can get with the fit instructor or something...

Ohh and is that University mini-supermarket still there?...OMG bet you're sad enough to go there to get stuff on the cheap! :Q

08-12-2008, 01:31
Oi! Contribute something useful to this thread...like all the freaky societies you joined in freshers week?! The university crest fleese you bought in the opening week!

I bet you play sports on Wednesday afternoon just so you can get with the fit instructor or something...

Ohh and is that University mini-supermarket still there?...OMG bet you're sad enough to go there to get stuff on the cheap! :Q

i haven't actually joined any societies...didnt bother going to the fair. EVERY single asian i know has joined the indian/paki society though :rolleyes:
and yes, i do have a uni fleece haha. bought it last week. but haven't worn it out yet. its strictly for whe i'm lazin out at home. i hate wearing hoodies when i'm out - i feel TRAMPY lol.
aaand nope, i gotta seminar on weds afternoon. thouuuuuugh me and a mate are thinking of pole dancing lessons :Q
and yes that mini market is still there. all it sells is gross meat burgers etc and fuckin STINKS the place out. i'd much rather........ fuck a duck :lol:

08-12-2008, 01:40
i haven't actually joined any societies...didnt bother going to the fair. EVERY single asian i know has joined the indian/paki society though :rolleyes:
and yes, i do have a uni fleece haha. bought it last week. but haven't worn it out yet. its strictly for whe i'm lazin out at home. i hate wearing hoodies when i'm out - i feel TRAMPY lol.
aaand nope, i gotta seminar on weds afternoon. thouuuuuugh me and a mate are thinking of pole dancing lessons :Q
and yes that mini market is still there. all it sells is gross meat burgers etc and fuckin STINKS the place out. i'd much rather........ fuck a duck :lol:

I didn't join any either...actually its coming back to haunt me as I'm already getting in the "shit list" at work too for not involving myself with extra stuff!

Hahaha...can't believe you got suckered into the uni fleece! A) Waste of money! B) Unfashionable! C) WTF? Can't believe you did! Hahahaha

Pole Dancing...damn! You reminded my just how seedy Bham is - can't avoid them in the city centre!

"Fuck a duck" - shut it Farmgirl! :Q

08-12-2008, 01:47
I didn't join any either...actually its coming back to haunt me as I'm already getting in the "shit list" at work too for not involving myself with extra stuff!

Hahaha...can't believe you got suckered into the uni fleece! A) Waste of money! B) Unfashionable! C) WTF? Can't believe you did! Hahahaha

Pole Dancing...damn! You reminded my just how seedy Bham is - can't avoid them in the city centre!

"Fuck a duck" - shut it Farmgirl! :Q

haha get involvedd :Q actually no, dont. i fear for your colleagues.
LOOK yeah :Q its nice and warm, and its comfy to wear in bed!
pole dancing isnt seedy! tis good exercise. strip joints just make it seem sleazy.
ehm. shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut it fannymuncher. you need a good kick up the ass you do!

08-12-2008, 01:53
haha get involvedd :Q actually no, dont. i fear for your colleagues.
LOOK yeah :Q its nice and warm, and its comfy to wear in bed!
pole dancing isnt seedy! tis good exercise. strip joints just make it seem sleazy.
ehm. shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut it fannymuncher. you need a good kick up the ass you do!

LOL...work is such a ball-ache. Yeah best not to go there!

Huh? Mixed messages or what? One night Ann Summers lingerie...next Uni fleese? z) Still easy enough for your man to read the signs eh? :Q

08-12-2008, 02:01
LOL...work is such a ball-ache. Yeah best not to go there!

Huh? Mixed messages or what? One night Ann Summers lingerie...next Uni fleese? z) Still easy enough for your man to read the signs eh? :Q

LOL! ehhhmm.. well i didn't say i wear the uni fleece when i've got company now did i..

SPAM SPAM SPAM! durrrrrty. :Q

08-12-2008, 02:06
LOL! ehhhmm.. well i didn't say i wear the uni fleece when i've got company now did i..

SPAM SPAM SPAM! durrrrrty. :Q

LOL...so in other words you wear it all the time?!! :lol:

Yeah so what? I'm a rulebreaker....ooooh such a bad boy! Hahahaha :rolleyes:

08-12-2008, 02:27
LOL...so in other words you wear it all the time?!! :lol:

Yeah so what? I'm a rulebreaker....ooooh such a bad boy! Hahahaha :rolleyes:

mister, insulting my ego, insulting my ego. WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT MY EGO?! :Q
you's a bitch! :sad: damn crushed me you have.
*cough cough*

ooh and you are a bad boy ;) best hide, the ladies gonna be on ya like a rash when they catch wind of this rebellious streak. didn't know you had it in yooou. :lol:

08-12-2008, 02:35
mister, insulting my ego, insulting my ego. WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT MY EGO?! :Q
you's a bitch! :sad: damn crushed me you have.
*cough cough*

ooh and you are a bad boy ;) best hide, the ladies gonna be on ya like a rash when they catch wind of this rebellious streak. didn't know you had it in yooou. :lol:

Damn to be one of those you need to spell it like "bad boi"....must remember that next time!

Anyway Farmgirls shouldn't have an ego = nothing to crush...so go "fuck a duck"!! :Q

08-12-2008, 02:40
Damn to be one of those you need to spell it like "bad boi"....must remember that next time!

Anyway Farmgirls shouldn't have an ego = nothing to crush...so go "fuck a duck"!! :Q

*swears under her breath*
you're using my line against meeeeee!
and EHM, i'm so not a farmgirl. you shlag. bitch on sticks you are..
@) i'm h-h-h-h-h-hooooooooooot. FACE it. :Q

08-12-2008, 02:47
i think the hotness goes right out the window the moment u say u'd do a duck

08-12-2008, 02:49
damn it ,: twas a figure of speech..
i think. :Q i jest i jest.

08-12-2008, 02:55
figure of speech or not we're all gnna chalk one up in the weird column for jellytots, sex with animals...poor animals

08-12-2008, 02:58
gubi.. you're just. unbelievable :Q
fine fine, i'm weird..
but i soo don't shag animals. unless men count as animals.
some are rather.. animalistic, shall we say aha.

08-12-2008, 03:00
poor men who are shagged by jellytots then :p

08-12-2008, 03:02
:Q ehm.
you know what, just for once, i'll flatter myself and pretend you're saying that cos you're merely curious.
not because you genuinely feel sympathy for men that have erm.. crossed my path.

08-12-2008, 03:03
because i'm curious? what are u trying to imply here? :O

08-12-2008, 03:10
,: im not implying aaanything! curious of my weirdness pssht. what else would you think!
gosh, people look into things waaay too much.

08-12-2008, 03:12
lol yes i might be slightly curious as to ur weirdness :) i thought u were accusing me of being curious as to whether one should really feel sorry for such men or praise their greatness

08-12-2008, 03:16
i think you should do neither.
hardly any of them warrant any praise. or sympathy :Q

08-12-2008, 03:19
Breaking news in the morning papers:


08-12-2008, 03:25
Breaking news in the morning papers:


LOLLLLL! that genuinely made me crack up!!!!! hahahahaha.
oh god *cringes* a man making animal sounds in bed :oh i'd diiiiiiiiiiiiie laughing. after kicking him out obviously. :lol::lol::lol:

08-12-2008, 03:31
LOLLLLL! that genuinely made me crack up!!!!! hahahahaha.
oh god *cringes* a man making animal sounds in bed :oh i'd diiiiiiiiiiiiie laughing. after kicking him out obviously. :lol::lol::lol:

Yeah...I feel sorry for you though. All girls dream of being famous or a celebrity but its not an option for you with all the skeletons in your closet! I hear more stuff being revealed in tomorrow's paper too! Stay tuned...:Q

09-12-2008, 12:12
meet new people, make new friends
lots of holidays
..cant think of any more lol

2 much work
borin lectures
n all dis motha fuckin referencin drivin me maaaad

09-12-2008, 12:15
meet new people, make new friends
lots of holidays
..cant think of any more lol

2 much work
borin lectures
n all dis motha fuckin referencin drivin me maaaad
Whatcha studying Ayesha?

I feeel your pain bout the referencing.. :(

09-12-2008, 12:18
Whatcha studying Ayesha?

I feeel your pain bout the referencing.. :(

early childhood studies but its not called dt nemore n i forgot wat they changed it 2 ?>
i swear its soooooo longgg its pissin me off i jus wanna burn all these books!!
d other day i did an assignment n forgot 2 put d page numbers wen i referenced n OMG i wanted 2 pull my hair out
had 2 find them all again in like 5 diff books! :mad::mad::mad::mad:

09-12-2008, 12:22
Lol that's why you should reference as you doing it! But goooooood luck with it..

09-12-2008, 13:31
Lol that's why you should reference as you doing it! But goooooood luck with it..
thanx :( n they say 1st years mena b d easiest! im dredin 2nd then lol
how u findin uni?

09-12-2008, 13:33
thanx :( n they say 1st years mena b d easiest! im dredin 2nd then lol
how u findin uni?
Lol whoever said Uni is easier than college should be shot. What liars!

So long! So much work... but it's bearable... can't seem to make many friends though..:(

09-12-2008, 13:38
Lol whoever said Uni is easier than college should be shot. What liars!

So long! So much work... but it's bearable... can't seem to make many friends though..:(

im only goin cuz my parents made me lol id rather work!
awww y not? im lucky i alredy knew a few people on my course b4. at d start every 1 else was sooo quiet like no 1 spoke n even now they r all pretty borin haha

True Story
15-12-2008, 19:29
why u guys all complaining about the amount of work in uni?? i love going to uni compared to college or school cos i get so much time off! i only go in 3 days a week so i got plenty of time to do my work, with plenty of time left over to relax :D

and before u ask no i aint a slacker lol im getting good results

16-12-2008, 12:01
why u guys all complaining about the amount of work in uni?? i love going to uni compared to college or school cos i get so much time off! i only go in 3 days a week so i got plenty of time to do my work, with plenty of time left over to relax :D

and before u ask no i aint a slacker lol im getting good results

That's the great thing about uni. You get the freedom and so much more free time. So trust me, live up your 'student life', you will regret it once its over. z) Though its not too bad as a teacher, I get the perk of heaps of holidays! Woohoo.. hehe

True Story
17-12-2008, 02:05
im in final year so its almost over :( and this is the year i've been enjoying it waaay more than previous yrs...damn :(

17-12-2008, 02:08
im in final year so its almost over :( and this is the year i've been enjoying it waaay more than previous yrs...damn :(

Or you can study 2 degrees.. lol prolong your student years more (bad I know) :Q

True Story
17-12-2008, 02:24
Or you can study 2 degrees.. lol prolong your student years more (bad I know) :Q

i will probably end up doing a post grad course so i think i'll have an extra year :D

but i dont think that will be as much fun tho cos the work will be waaay harder! plus most of my mates will be gone unless some of them are gonna do the same course, but thats unlikely, everyone will be off in different directions :(

17-12-2008, 02:27
What are you studying, by the way?

23-12-2008, 00:57
Spam Much? 0_o?

Agh being back home truly rocks.


True Story
27-12-2008, 00:41
What are you studying, by the way?

im doing BA Business Studies

my bad for the reply being about a week late i didnt come back into this forum room lol :\

27-12-2008, 00:43
He won't get loans and stuff if he does another degree :p

True Story
27-12-2008, 00:51
He won't get loans and stuff if he does another degree :p

they dont give you loans and stuff for post grad degrees! :mad: gotta pay for ALL of it yourself, plus no personal grant or anything so its either get a p/t job or have no income during the entire year!

27-12-2008, 00:54
they dont give you loans and stuff for post grad degrees! :mad: gotta pay for ALL of it yourself, plus no personal grant or anything so its either get a p/t job or have no income during the entire year!

I never knew that damn thats bad..

i was thinking of doing a postgraduate or PGC as well after i do my degree when i start it... but hmmm

27-12-2008, 00:57
they dont give you loans and stuff for post grad degrees! :mad: gotta pay for ALL of it yourself, plus no personal grant or anything so its either get a p/t job or have no income during the entire year!

They do give you it if you're gonna do a PGCE! And there are other boards which can help you out!

True Story
27-12-2008, 00:57
I never knew that damn thats bad..

i was thinking of doing a postgraduate or PGC as well after i do my degree when i start it... but hmmm

yeah its tough, plus you know post grad courses are way more expensive than undergrad. undergrad is about 3 grand right, the cheapest post grad degree my uni offers in a asubject im interested in is about 6 grand, most of them are around the £10k mark tho!

True Story
27-12-2008, 00:59
They do give you it if you're gonna do a PGCE! And there are other boards which can help you out!

yeah well i aint gonna do pgce, and i was told by my uni that they will only offer grants to students who get a 1st in their undergrad degrees, and although theres a slight chance of me getting it, i doubt i will

27-12-2008, 00:59
yeah its tough, plus you know post grad courses are way more expensive than undergrad. undergrad is about 3 grand right, the cheapest post grad degree my uni offers in a asubject im interested in is about 6 grand, most of them are around the £10k mark tho!

RAAAH boy but then again its like one year i guess... but thats like your 3 years together the price your paying

oh they offer for PGCE? thats good then cuz i might consider that as my backup....

27-12-2008, 01:04
yeah well i aint gonna do pgce, and i was told by my uni that they will only offer grants to students who get a 1st in their undergrad degrees, and although theres a slight chance of me getting it, i doubt i will

That's the uni grants, I'm talking about grants from your LEA, Student Loans etc. If you graduate with an honours, you won't get anything at all for a 2nd undergraduate degree but if you don't get an honours, you will still get the normal loan (not for your fees though).

27-12-2008, 01:05
When you do A PGCE, you get money anyway I think...because there's a shortage of teachers and they want people to go into the profession so they offer quite a large amount if I remember correctly.

27-12-2008, 01:06
yeah its tough, plus you know post grad courses are way more expensive than undergrad. undergrad is about 3 grand right, the cheapest post grad degree my uni offers in a asubject im interested in is about 6 grand, most of them are around the £10k mark tho!

Are you sure? They sound like overseas rates to me! Unless it's a private institution? You need to get it double checked by someone in admin at your uni. Which uni do you go to? I've never come across one years fee for that much!

27-12-2008, 01:08
When you do A PGCE, you get money anyway I think...because there's a shortage of teachers and they want people to go into the profession so they offer quite a large amount if I remember correctly.

Yea, that's right, they get like £6k or something like that and it's a grant too! But that's from the government. But they can still apply for the normal funding from the Student Loans Company too.

27-12-2008, 01:15
So you do get a grant? Ah I thought so...£6K is a lot of money y'know! No wonder my sisters seemed happy doing it even though it was so stressful...they were getting bux!

True Story
27-12-2008, 01:15
Are you sure? They sound like overseas rates to me! Unless it's a private institution? You need to get it double checked by someone in admin at your uni. Which uni do you go to? I've never come across one years fee for that much!

nah its not a mistake, my uni sent me a letter telling me they want me to do a post grad course and they listed the prices of some of the recommended courses. post grad course cost way more than undergrad, £10 is nothing unusual. one of my current tutors is the leader of the post grad MBA course and she told us that particular course costs....£15k :oh

27-12-2008, 01:17
Which uni are you at?

True Story
27-12-2008, 01:24
I'm at middlesex

27-12-2008, 01:28
I'm at middlesex

Business you must be at the hendon campus.. if i was to go middlesex i'd be at the trent park campus....

but blimey that much at middlesex!!!!!!

True Story
27-12-2008, 01:32
Business you must be at the hendon campus.. if i was to go middlesex i'd be at the trent park campus....

but blimey that much at middlesex!!!!!!

yeah i know, imagine how much post grad would cost at other uni's :oh

27-12-2008, 01:34
yeah i know, imagine how much post grad would cost at other uni's :oh

yeah thats scary... seriously

esp if its a uni of london uni or summin like SOAS or goldsmiths one of my choices....

27-12-2008, 01:37
Lol @ you wanting to do the most expensive course at that uni. Thing is, that covers costs of a residential field trip but I'm sure that would be optional.

What you can do though is, if you don't get an honours degree, you can still apply to your LEA and get a Maintenance Loan and you can also apply for a Career Development Loan which alot of banks do like Barclays, you can also try the Business School Loan Scheme, try you uni for the Access to Learning Fund and try looking for a Post Graduate Award Making Body.

See there's still loads of places where you can get moeny from to do your course!

True Story
27-12-2008, 01:41
Lol @ you wanting to do the most expensive course at that uni. Thing is, that covers costs of a residential field trip but I'm sure that would be optional.

What you can do though is, if you don't get an honours degree, you can still apply to your LEA and get a Maintenance Loan and you can also apply for a Career Development Loan which alot of banks do like Barclays, you can also try the Business School Loan Scheme, try you uni for the Access to Learning Fund and try looking for a Post Graduate Award Making Body.

See there's still loads of places where you can get moeny from to do your course!

...yeah i'll look into any possible ways of getting financial assistance, gonna need it ;( i dont even know what course im gonna do yet though, i should really start looking into courses a bit more!

27-12-2008, 01:47
I think that's the only course that costs that much though lol all other post graduate courses cost around £5k!

True Story
27-12-2008, 02:00
I think that's the only course that costs that much though lol all other post graduate courses cost around £5k!

where are you getting your prices from?

27-12-2008, 02:05
where are you getting your prices from?

From my head lol

True Story
27-12-2008, 02:12
just read something on my uni website that says cos i did an under grad course at middlesex, i'd get 10% off the fee for a post grad, thats actually quite a big saving, i'd get 20% off if i can get a 1st class honours degree....which means i'll be getting only the 10% off then lol

and bavvy stop making stuff up :i

27-12-2008, 02:16
just read something on my uni website that says cos i did an under grad course at middlesex, i'd get 10% off the fee for a post grad, thats actually quite a big saving, i'd get 20% off if i can get a 1st class honours degree....which means i'll be getting only the 10% off then lol

and bavvy stop making stuff up :i

I'm not making it up! You dumbo I know these prices because I work at an LEA :p

True Story
27-12-2008, 02:19
I'm not making it up! You dumbo I know these prices because I work at an LEA :p

i've never seen 1 post grad course that costs £5,000 in total, maybe a part time student paying £5k per year for 2.5 yrs or something, but never seen one where you only pay 5k in total

quit messing around :i

my brother is doing a post grad human resources course at middlesex right now, i'll ask him how much he's paying in total next time i see him

27-12-2008, 02:24
i've never seen 1 post grad course that costs £5,000 in total, maybe a part time student paying £5k per year for 2.5 yrs or something, but never seen one where you only pay 5k in total

quit messing around :i

my brother is doing a post grad human resources course at middlesex right now, i'll ask him how much he's paying in total next time i see him

Yea I was talking about per year lol but for full time.

True Story
27-12-2008, 02:32
Yea I was talking about per year lol but for full time.

ok, per year, but how many years long are the courses that you were talking about? it cant be 1 year...right?

27-12-2008, 02:37
ok, per year, but how many years long are the courses that you were talking about? it cant be 1 year...right?

Yea they usually are 1 year full-time, depends on what you're doing, the one you want to do is one year.

True Story
27-12-2008, 18:25
i asked my bro, he's doing a post grad course at my uni, he's paying £7k...

27-12-2008, 18:57
Yea it all depends on the course you do as well. Here, I found a link for you:

http://www.mdx.ac.uk/study/postgrad/docs/PGfees09_10_as_at_20.pdf (http://www.mdx.ac.uk/study/postgrad/docs/PGfees09_10_as_at_20.pdf)

True Story
27-12-2008, 19:34
thanks for that link bav

financial management is possibly something i'd do....£7k :(

27-12-2008, 19:42
I lived out when I went Uni (prolly giving away my age now! lol) and the good thing was obviously your own space, freedom to do whatever you want, and freedom to chill with whoever you wanted! I made LOADS of friends and it was brilliant..

You also learn to experiment with cooking and meet so many people from all over the UK and do some random crazy shizzle you prolly wouldn't do with your local friends.

The downside was of course, when things went a bit pear shaped in between friends, it would effect everyone, and then make the whole living out thing experience turn slightly sour! Also deffo money issues. It's so expensive living out and not only that.. My uni used to charge 5pm per printing page n photocopying, which might sound like a minor thing, but trust me.. When you got all these journals and books to photocopy, the 5p's build up!! And it was like daylight robbery, because the Uni flipping used money to get new signs that bloody lit up with flashing texts and other fancy things!

So that's where our tuition fee money went :i

08-01-2009, 15:49
You also learn to experiment with cooking and meet so many people from all over the UK and do some random crazy shizzle you prolly wouldn't do with your local friends.

That's bollox.

You saying that if you live at home you can't do anything fun with your mates that you grew up with? You can't meet new people, and you can't learn to cook?

I did all that living at home. I did crazy shit with my mates, I learnt to cook at home, I met loads of random people, and not just from the Uk, from all over the world.

Dunno what kind of are you grew up in where you never met any new people, and I don't know what kind of boring mates you had, but that statement is just 100% wrong.

08-01-2009, 16:05
CrazyShaaz Has named most of the pros and cons which I consider to be in my case aswel. Other than specialist roles like becoming a doctor, lawyera degree is Essential I am going to focus on a more general use of a degree.

I have done a degree and have a good resume in terms of the jobs I have done. I will say this if you are considering going to Uni. DO IT.

And don't buy this crap of EXPERIENCE v DEGREE , this is all well n true. But when it comes down to it, if you have a degree and then you gain some experience at whatever level your chances of moving up is far greater.

This is total bullshit. I have been in the IT game for 10 years now. I never went to uni. I started working straight after leaving school. I started low in the IT industry at 1st Line Desktop Support. I can tell you for a fact that when it comes to a job, the employer (in the IT industry) will always take the person that has more "real life" hands on experience than someone with a degree.

When you have a degree you just know the theory side of things. When you have hands on experience you know how to do things practically. You may run into a problem which you don't know and you have to improvise to fix it, and in my experience people who have hands on experience are better at improvising.

Now lets say I do a computer related degree. I find a job in the industry I will still probably start at desktop support /1st line support. Qualifications IMO in the real world are just a waste of time, but it GETS you the Interview.

Granted it gets you the interview, but whats the point of getting the interview if you ain't gonna get the job. If you go up against a person who has even 6 months hands on experience, you most probably will not get the job.

Now I probs could have got the same job without a degree for example by doing an MCP (not a degree).

However this is when the degree comes into use! Now if I wanted from there move to management Level, I will need a degree. A degree is basically credentials, it proves you have an understanding of how Business’ works, ultimately you with it you would be aiming for IT Manager/Director or a consultant role. (Now this is an IT related example, same applies for other jobs.

Again this is total bullshit. You DON'T need a degree to get into management. Again I'll use myself as an example. As I said before I been working in the IT industry for 10 years now, yes I started low, but now I'm 26 years old and I'm a manager.

I manage the IT department. I manage nearly 50 people and 5 different sites. When I was working for Mitsubishi Corporation, I was in charge of 12 different sites across 2 continents.

You don't need a degree to get into management. Your age does not matter. I got all of my qualifications while I was working, and now I have 5 qualifications. I can guarantee you that if I was to go to an interview and I was up against someone who got a 1st class degree in an IT related course, I would get the job, simply because I have the qualifications and I have hands on experience.

I myself have not hired graduates and have gone for the person who does not have a degree because they have the essential experience.

Having a degree is only really asked for at Management level.


But don't get me wrong people, I ain't saying that a degree is useless. It all depends on the field that you choose. As Incredible has said, if you wanna be a doctor, then yes you need a degree, if you wanna be a lawyer, then yes you need a degree.

09-01-2009, 02:54
That's bollox.

You saying that if you live at home you can't do anything fun with your mates that you grew up with? You can't meet new people, and you can't learn to cook?

I did all that living at home. I did crazy shit with my mates, I learnt to cook at home, I met loads of random people, and not just from the Uk, from all over the world.

Dunno what kind of are you grew up in where you never met any new people, and I don't know what kind of boring mates you had, but that statement is just 100% wrong.

Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I was just making a general statement!! Giving some pros of living out! Never said they couldn't be applied to someone living at home. Geez!

09-01-2009, 03:02
That's bollox.

You saying that if you live at home you can't do anything fun with your mates that you grew up with? You can't meet new people, and you can't learn to cook?

I did all that living at home. I did crazy shit with my mates, I learnt to cook at home, I met loads of random people, and not just from the Uk, from all over the world.

Dunno what kind of are you grew up in where you never met any new people, and I don't know what kind of boring mates you had, but that statement is just 100% wrong.

You cant say its 100% wrong... everyone has their own perspective.
No need to get all personal now! :oh She just shared some pros for living out..

09-01-2009, 03:10
I wasn't getting personal. I was stating my opinion.

And I thought her opinions were a bit wrong, thats all.

09-01-2009, 03:16
Actually you said they were 100% wrong.. which isnt really fair to say..
'cos they are her opinions.. and no opinion is 100% right or wrong..

09-01-2009, 16:09
Shatup you fools! Less of the spam!!!

Thanks. =]

09-01-2009, 16:23
the temptation of getting drunk...if you don't drink then that's a con...if u do then that's a pro i guess...

09-01-2009, 16:35
Shatup you fools! Less of the spam!!!

Thanks. =]
You can shut up u twit


09-01-2009, 17:19