View Full Version : FCUK-(Project)

Lina Choudhury
06-01-2009, 15:25
Hi, I wondering if any could help me with this project for FCUK (French Connection) that I am currently working at for uni work,

I need a few ideas thrown in, for the FCUK brand and how i could communicate it across to the global audience. I will need define the sub-brand and come up with something, creative, innovative, original, but cheekier-more irreverent and younger, and is stylish, sexy and with attitude.

Whether you like the brand or not, I would like to know what people would want to see in this brand, or any ideas you may have for it, eg.new campagin etc..please feel free throw in as many ideas, no matter how crazy it is


07-01-2009, 22:02
if you have a design brief i maybe able to help a little more, your description of what you are looking for is a little vague!

Graphic Lab
12-01-2009, 00:00
And she disappears :rolleyes: