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14-05-2006, 02:56
whos eva cheated in an exam

cummon im sure sum of u lot have so i wnt take i neva cheat as an answer

so share ur tips on cheatin

14-05-2006, 03:02
write it on ya legs and cover it up wid socks!

i knew sum1 who dun dat ;)

14-05-2006, 03:03
lol how u suppose 2 look at dem den not very cleaver

14-05-2006, 03:04
sit crossed legz on da chair!

if u want 2 delay an xam- tell sum 1 to set da firealarm off! :)

14-05-2006, 03:08
here r sum methods i no of

write in a booklet in stick it in ur shoe, go 4 toilet break every now n den n check ur answwrs

write in ur hand

if u wear a hijab get a ear peice and get sum1 to read answers to u

if u wear a turban wear it so it covers ur ears and get an ear peice

copy sum1 elses paper

ders still more but i shall leave at this for the time being

14-05-2006, 12:23

14-05-2006, 13:31
The only exams I cheated in was English Lit. and French at GCSE

14-05-2006, 13:36
open the toilet roll holders put ure answers n tingz i n there, den jus go for a toilet break, check, close the toilet roll holder again!!!!!!!!!!!works 4me

14-05-2006, 14:09
The only exams I cheated in was English Lit. and French at GCSE

what did you do

14-05-2006, 14:17
Well in your English Lit u can take your Poem book in with you but the night before, you go over all your notes really hard with pencil and then you lightly erase it so you can still see it.

In French you can take your vocab book in with you, I wrote a whole coursework at the back of the book!

14-05-2006, 14:20
so u had open book questions bla thats no use to me

ive got a maths exam. im thinkin of hiding my answers in my calculator

14-05-2006, 14:20
Lol, I never cheated on important exams like that, I used my brains!

14-05-2006, 15:59
hmm maybe ive cheated too! but my schoool was corrupt, if i told you some of the cheating that went on then you will be shocked!

14-05-2006, 16:15
lol write up ur arm and wear long sleeves
it works

14-05-2006, 16:30
Lol, if it isn't a proper exam, keep your book/folder on the floor on the page that you want it on and it helps!
We've all done it many times, but it doesn't help if the teacher asks you to close your book. :|

14-05-2006, 18:53
kayz do tell

nav i dnt like 2 write on my self

kwitkicking its a propa exam der no room for mistakes

14-05-2006, 18:57
ill do the writin on u

14-05-2006, 19:00
uve done enought of that

thank you very much

14-05-2006, 19:02
that alwaz wrks wiv me rabz
n i alwaz copy off mi m8s
but in propa exms we cant cheat coz we sit 2 far aprt
n eng we aint allowd 2 tak our texts with us, they gonna giv us new 1s in th exms so wnt hav any notes frm them

14-05-2006, 19:03
uve done enought of that

thank you very much
wen????????? ,:

15-05-2006, 19:27
tut tut! ive neva cheated in a exam not a proper one in primary school i did, i just left blank spaces for my marking partner to fill in for me!:d

15-05-2006, 21:17
ahh that reminds me, my teacher helped me a lil at my SATs at primary i think..., i think it was the london reading test, not sure which one it was but one of my teacher did help me on it.

Iroquois Pliskin
15-05-2006, 21:19
whos eva cheated in an exam

dude..its hard to cheat now-a-days..if u get caught kiss ur qualifications good bye 8o (couldn't find a suitable smiley)

15-05-2006, 21:54
well so far ive done 3 exams

each 1 u can have as many toilet breaks

dey dnt search u or nethin

ive seen a couple of ppl go toilets check up answers and cum bck

im gna do that. go early morin print out formuleas, expressions, symbols etc den stick it in my shoe and go toilet and check up on the answers every now n den
ill jus say i have a weak bladder must ave been sumthin i ate last night

Iroquois Pliskin
15-05-2006, 21:56
well so far ive done 3 exams

each 1 u can have as many toilet breaks

dey dnt search u or nethin

ive seen a couple of ppl go toilets check up answers and cum bck

im gna do that. go early morin print out formuleas, expressions, symbols etc den stick it in my shoe and go toilet and check up on the answers every now n den
ill jus say i have a weak bladder must ave been sumthin i ate last night

lol good luck

29-06-2006, 00:43
Only exam I cheated on was for English, I wrote up all my notes on the pages in the anthology. so saved lots of time, as didn't hav to read tru all them stories.

29-06-2006, 01:57
tut tut at u... :D welcome to the forum

PaKi PwInCeSs
29-06-2006, 09:40
that alwaz wrks wiv me rabz
n i alwaz copy off mi m8s
but in propa exms we cant cheat coz we sit 2 far aprt
n eng we aint allowd 2 tak our texts with us, they gonna giv us new 1s in th exms so wnt hav any notes frm them

Aaah dass a shame when I done my G.C.S.E. english exam we was aloud 2 take our texts in with us and that had all the notes in it..so that was kool..!

29-06-2006, 10:12
These days your not allowed to have your mobile phone with you, so forget about someone texting you the answers :i .....they wont let you go to the toilets so you can have a quick look at some answers.....try ingraving the answers on to the wooden table (not to big)....some students use to do that from previous years.

30-06-2006, 12:09
hmmm neva in owt important only yr exams, 1 tym i sat nxt 2 a yr 11 gal int eh exam hall n she helpd me wrk out teh ansa! pays 2 ave friends in high places n in return i tried 2 help er out, nt dat i was of much use 2 er

n 1 tym in a smal arabic exam wen i got caught tryin 2 sneak out teh paper frm under the desk! lol gt a detention 4 dat! he he

17-08-2006, 22:50
ive cheated in coursework, got some guy to do it for me,.., i wud have failed otherwise lol.