View Full Version : diff btwn flirtin n friendlines

12-06-2006, 14:43
wot wud u say was the main diff btwn flirtin n bein friendly
ive often wondered myself...bt nt cum up wid much except 4 whether u fancy the person, i.e. ur intentions...?>
ne ideas?

12-06-2006, 14:50
It IS all bout the intenions...if u fancy sum1 n ur talkin 2 them there's ways u'd do it...sum get shy...sum flirt...sum play with their hair...sum giggle like twats...lol...

Majority of guyz...hmmm wen they flirt they a lil more obvious...n if ur talkin bout a Brummy guy then geeez they likely 2 b a lil tooo 4ward...az i've xperienced...ahem...,:

Cant xplain main diff between friendly n flirtin but itz all in d body language n tone...:)

12-06-2006, 14:58
hmm...so basically u jst gota b gud @ readin dem
imagine u gt dat wrng! ud b buggered n embarrased

12-06-2006, 15:00
hmm...so basically u jst gota b gud @ readin dem
imagine u gt dat wrng! ud b buggered n embarrased

Lol read them rite! N dont act upon them signs untill u 110% sure! LOL...let him make d 1st move...;)

12-06-2006, 15:02
lol i tink i knw wen sum1s flirtin wid me! its usualy nt subtle esp if tehy knw me wel they knw dat i wnt ave them coyin! they'l ave 2 say sumat or else i wnt pay atention n jst mes wid der heads! ohh hw mean am i!?

12-06-2006, 15:06
lol i tink i knw wen sum1s flirtin wid me! its usualy nt subtle esp if tehy knw me wel they knw dat i wnt ave them coyin! they'l ave 2 say sumat or else i wnt pay atention n jst mes wid der heads! ohh hw mean am i!?

Mess wit heads?!:o In that case VERRRYYY mean!:o

12-06-2006, 15:08
lol i knw i admited it b4!
im a nasty piece of wrk, bt u ave 2 keep the men @ bay sumhw!
2 tel u the truth the amount of guys up 2 the chalenge r rare, bt wen u do find dem....ahem....neva mind!

12-06-2006, 15:28
lol i knw i admited it b4!
im a nasty piece of wrk, bt u ave 2 keep the men @ bay sumhw!
2 tel u the truth the amount of guys up 2 the chalenge r rare, bt wen u do find dem....ahem....neva mind!

Lol tell me moreeeeeeeeeeee...wot 'challenge' mite this b?;)

12-06-2006, 15:30
my game playin n messin wid heads!
onli few guys cn fight bak or cnt b askd...
wrks wondas @ keepin der distance

14-06-2006, 19:29
wot wud u say was the main diff btwn flirtin n bein friendly
ive often wondered myself...bt nt cum up wid much except 4 whether u fancy the person, i.e. ur intentions...?>
ne ideas?

well its hard to say since it depends on the frame of mind of the other person, i swear once i was just normal and friendly yet this girl must have thot i fancied her and went around tellin everyone we both fancied each other and worst of all i never did and then she denied fancying moi so it looked like it was me who did! And also generally i do joke abt once in a while but to sme its flirty but i always make a point of saying hey im not flirting no way!

ruby angel
14-06-2006, 19:37
errr...i cant realli tell the difference much...sum1 could be flirting with me and i wudnt even realise...lol

14-06-2006, 19:47
errr...i cant realli tell the difference much...sum1 could be flirting with me and i wudnt even realise...lol

lol is that why u havnt notice liney all this time!

ruby angel
14-06-2006, 19:52
lineys difficult 2 ignore lol

14-06-2006, 21:22
lineys difficult 2 ignore lol

Thats cos your heart doesnt want to ignore me :)

14-06-2006, 22:21
if u talkin about glosta girls dey blatantly flirt.

come on-ppl wink smile etc by flirting but i recall 1 glosta girl pulls out her camera phone and records my ass:o

tried to grind me aswell by walking backwards as if she neva knew i was behind her, i just side stepped:)

14-06-2006, 23:42
if u talkin about glosta girls dey blatantly flirt.

come on-ppl wink smile etc by flirting but i recall 1 glosta girl pulls out her camera phone and records my ass:o

tried to grind me aswell by walking backwards as if she neva knew i was behind her, i just side stepped:)

bet u sidestepped into a guy ;) :p

15-06-2006, 02:10
bet u sidestepped into a guy ;) :p

Nah it was her mate.im telling you she is ..booom thinggg:)

15-06-2006, 15:37
lol dats gud stuff! thanx 4 sharin....

15-06-2006, 15:45
u flirt wiv ppl hu u like, sum1 u feel close to and sum1 hu u wud like to get more out of the relationship that u may have with them

friendliness is whn 2 ppl are truly liking eachother as mates,

15-06-2006, 15:47
yah bt hw cn u physically knw the diff? its so hard dnt u think?

15-06-2006, 15:47
awww nice one voodoo

16-06-2006, 01:28
chek dis "i luv u- bt nt in a mushy way"
cud it get ne clearer! lol

16-06-2006, 01:29
safi i love you so much:)

16-06-2006, 01:32
y thanx!
guys ur al the same!
ul say nething...;P

16-06-2006, 01:34
y thanx!
guys ur al the same!
ul say nething...;P

women! all the same..alwayz actin tuff n hard 2 get:p

huh! kiya samajti hae:)

16-06-2006, 01:34
safi.. dats my line.. its wht i always use on the chicks that want me.. lol

16-06-2006, 01:37
u werent supose 2 identify urself!!
u bill!

n marni wid sily boys lyk u around hw else r women meant 2 defend themselves
i already threatened u wid my fist!

16-06-2006, 01:39
u werent supose 2 identify urself!!
u bill!

n marni wid sily boys lyk u around hw else r women meant 2 defend themselves
i already threatened u wid my fist!

oh i c..."threatened"...i thought it was some kinky way to flirt;)

16-06-2006, 01:43
c wot i mean?!
point made perfectly i tink
thankyou dear!