View Full Version : Character Evaluation

18-12-2009, 15:37
Being the man that I am, and my constant search for self contentment and betterment, I feel compelled to throw this question out to those here that have now engaged in convo and what not on a level alien to the everyday norm.

So, what I wanna ask is; and please pay mind to constuctiveness and not straight hater shit: Where do you feel I need to improve? As in what have you learnt about me which you feel isn't quite accomodating, appealing, engaging or even interesting may that be on how I speak to you, what I post, what my opinions are, epersonality whatever you want.... This isn't call out for butt kissing, don't post if you gonna tell me about what I do right, tell me about what I do wrong.......

This really is just so I can understand how I'm being perceived by people on the internet..... And perhaps an effort to identify my own shortcomings........ So help me.

Please feel free to say what you want to, I welcome it.. I'll hold no grudges nor attack anyone with verbalities.....

18-12-2009, 15:45
ur too critical on people. U dont jump on bandwagons on here altho i dont see any1 doing that anyway on here. Also u chat so much shit on shoutbox its so unfuckingbelievalbe yet so jokes to read...u also relate everyfing to sexual content like some horny fucker, dnt even fink increds is dat horny, which den u always somehow, in some twisted way end up tlkin bout rab as she is sum goddess of urs. Wat u shud do 2 improve is how u have have common sense 2 help stylez in his programming which i solely blame u for fucking me over. Keep da cockiness 2 a low( YEAH PUN INTENDED BITCH) and maybe da guyz will stop hating. Also u shud post up more slow jamz coz u dont post enuf of those, insted u post up ur jay z retarted-ness.

18-12-2009, 15:59
Stylez, I swear, reading that post felt like there was no full-stops.

Hm, I don't know tbh, the only thing I could point out is that you're a bit too secluded, you aint too open, but you're still frank. I guess thats why people think WTF when they read some constructive post? Although secludedness may not be such a bad thing, since I am myself, to a point. But many people may find it hard to counter any opinions of yours because they don't know what you are as a person and what you stand for.

Note: I'm saying this, purely from an internet-psychological view.

18-12-2009, 16:04
Stylez, I swear, reading that post felt like there was no full-stops.

Hm, I don't know tbh, the only thing I could point out is that you're a bit too secluded, you aint too open, but you're still frank. I guess thats why people think WTF when they read some constructive post? Although secludedness may not be such a bad thing, since I am myself, to a point. But many people may find it hard to counter any opinions of yours because they don't know what you are as a person and what you stand for.

Note: I'm saying this, purely from an internet-psychological view.

im a mathematician. Grammar and puncuation means shit 2 me lol well on AP anyway. When it comes to essay writing i know what im doing. glad u liked my post tho LOL

mind you zero, its were** and not was.

18-12-2009, 16:36
I think that you're knowledgeable person who likes to chat dirty time to time but it's good because you can't be serious all the time! And you speak your mind, you're not part of any of these groups we have on here.

18-12-2009, 18:02
ur too critical on people. U dont jump on bandwagons on here altho i dont see any1 doing that anyway on here. Also u chat so much shit on shoutbox its so unfuckingbelievalbe yet so jokes to read...u also relate everyfing to sexual content like some horny fucker, dnt even fink increds is dat horny, which den u always somehow, in some twisted way end up tlkin bout rab as she is sum goddess of urs. Wat u shud do 2 improve is how u have have common sense 2 help stylez in his programming which i solely blame u for fucking me over. Keep da cockiness 2 a low( YEAH PUN INTENDED BITCH) and maybe da guyz will stop hating. Also u shud post up more slow jamz coz u dont post enuf of those, insted u post up ur jay z retarted-ness.

Most of what Stylez mentioned above sums it up for me.

18-12-2009, 18:30
you are fine just the way you are

18-12-2009, 18:52
I think you're fine as you are.
I don't mean you're perfect, as we all need to improve in different aspects when it comes to character - it's one of lifes ongoing challenges.

I mean it in the sense that, online, you seem as though you're in a good place right now. No fucked up or truly dysfunctional mindset. Then again, thats online. Either way, youve got that straight 'what you see is what you get' vibe.

To be honest, I find your frankness and reserved attitude is quite intriguing.

18-12-2009, 18:55
Thanks all...... LOL thanks Mindstate haha....

The general feeling I get is, I chat too much in shouter, I'm too explicit and sexual, I don't speak about my personal life enough, I need to be more 'sociable' with people, stop chatting about Rab and don't post enough slow jams....

18-12-2009, 19:21
yes from my point of view only though LOL yet ur rep level is off the charts coz every1 is in awe of you. But yeah maybe thats y ur unique, coz most people just socilaise whereas u say things differently...hmm i dunno...but can u plz just post more slow jamz like..none of your gay cRAP music

18-12-2009, 20:15
At the end of the day, it's only net and net hinders true judgement of someones character and allows assumptions to run rampant. However certain parts of someone's net persona come out, because its in their veins; i.e. traits like intelligence, arrogance, bitchyness, geekyness, dont-give-a-crap-ness etc.

I think you can't really tell someone to improve over the net, unless their net antics are not up to par; like one word posts or typin lyk dis cuz itz bare annyin lyk.

To be fair, with EG, you either love him or hate him and no matter what you do (and this is regarding all) they wouldn't be that member on AP if they were different!

19-12-2009, 00:22
I've not really spoken to you one to one at all. Nevertheless, I felt like contributing.

I like reading your posts. You have a way of explaining things that hit the core, sometimes in a raw way. I like that. At times, I read a post written by you and it makes me truly think. The references you make that almost 'lighten' your overall point is also a nice quality.

I am in agreement with JellyTots that you seem to have a 'What You See Is What You Get' aura about you, so when you make a point it comes across as it being truly yours. This does intrigue.. But more I think it gives you substance.

My point is you're fine the way you are.

19-12-2009, 00:55
I agree with the people that say you're fine as you are. I like the crude jokes actually. It's dark humour not to be taken too seriously. You're very critical as opposed to me but I like that about you cos it makes me think more deeply about things and whether I'm too acceptable.
Anyways I completely ignored what you said lol. Sorry.

19-12-2009, 01:04
In other words we can't help but arse lick you cuz your amazing?

Nah seriously my only complain would be is we don't no you personally enough but i guess thats actually a good thing in the long run.

19-12-2009, 01:31
Eg, your bum must be tingling now bruv lol.

19-12-2009, 01:39
hes lluvin da attention.

19-12-2009, 01:46
dno u, ws u smkin

queen bee
19-12-2009, 02:22
I want your babies.
So they'll have your brains and my looks.
Or, worst case scenario, your looks and my brains.

(Just kidding, holds no weight since I've never seen your bootha. Hehe)

You are fine as you are, I don't think you're upsetting anybody - and if you were to be any different - you'd be just another carbon copy. It's good to be differenet, we hear the same opinions all the time, it's refreshing to see another stance on the world and even tiny insignificant things about how you'd go about anally ravaging someone. It's interesting. Everyone loves interesting. I wouldnt worry about the rest, we all have our flaws. It's what makes us intriuging. If you were too perfect prim/poper, it'd make me want to spew. Ive made smpelling mistakes that i cba to correct scuse me, just sleepy. Bedtime!

19-12-2009, 02:36
I've sensed a condescending tone in some of your posts to other members, I'd say your quite abrasive, and you come across like you think your a know it all, but then again you get that with 90% of Asian guys who in truth don't know a damn thing about the world and real life.

The way you type, you clearly take you time to think about what your typing, and it seems like you wanna come across as being articulate. You have a good vocabulary which utilizes a lot of long words which most asians don't/wont understand(without looking it up in a dict) but then suddenly out of no where you start talking Ebonics which i find a bit peculiar to be honest.

I wouldn't say your mundane and monotonous, but sometimes you over elaborate and don't get to the point.

19-12-2009, 14:20
I wrote something here.... But then I deleted it.... I guess, it's not right for me to defend myself as that would be making excuses and refusing to accept that there is a problem....

I can't promise to change so I become eligible to become your friend. But I understand myself better through this exercise...

LOL I can't lie it is quite depressing...

Spider Pig
19-12-2009, 15:30
Wasn't going to post but I do want to ask what the purpose of this thread is? just for the sake of it? wanting to find out how certain members feel about you? wanting to change your perception maybe?

I find it a bit odd simply because it's the internet and it shouldn't be taken too seriously, although I do understand for some the internet is their main social interaction or time pass.

So I was curious about the reason, and what brought this on.

19-12-2009, 15:44
be more like me and you'll be fine :D (maybe not to the Internet world or the Internet 'Experts' :D)

19-12-2009, 15:48
I want your babies.
So they'll have your brains and my looks.
Or, worst case scenario, your looks and my brains.

(Just kidding, holds no weight since I've never seen your bootha. Hehe)

You are fine as you are, I don't think you're upsetting anybody - and if you were to be any different - you'd be just another carbon copy. It's good to be differenet, we hear the same opinions all the time, it's refreshing to see another stance on the world and even tiny insignificant things about how you'd go about anally ravaging someone. It's interesting. Everyone loves interesting. I wouldnt worry about the rest, we all have our flaws. It's what makes us intriuging. If you were too perfect prim/poper, it'd make me want to spew. Ive made smpelling mistakes that i cba to correct scuse me, just sleepy. Bedtime!

:D :D :D

The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 10 characters. (QB's method d-) )

19-12-2009, 16:43
Wasn't going to post but I do want to ask what the purpose of this thread is? just for the sake of it? wanting to find out how certain members feel about you? wanting to change your perception maybe?

I find it a bit odd simply because it's the internet and it shouldn't be taken too seriously, although I do understand for some the internet is their main social interaction or time pass.

So I was curious about the reason, and what brought this on.

Good question man... Hmm...

Every now and again, I go through a period of self evaluation, I dunno, I guess its just to understand where I am, where I came from and where I'm going. Know what I mean, although I agree it's strange that someone would want to do, or even care to do this online.

At work we're told to 'know what you know, and know what you don't know', and I guess this exercise was to understand what I don't know, I'm not an idiot, so I understand the repercussions of what I say, and how it comes accross.. I know when I'm comming accross aggressive, it's far easier to do that when typing then it is actually doing it in real life.

As part of a training exercise at work, we done a psychological test; which is supposed to tell you about yourself through the way you respond to questions, in activities and to people. I was measured an ESTJ - Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking and Judging, and they also said this was a character trait of many people working in IT. I won't explain what that means but anyway.... One of the things that the instructor mentioned in a one to one feedback session, was that I wasn't the best with 'people', I would rather be seen to be fair to all, rather than treat someone specially according to their individual circumstances. That meant that I often overlooked and failed to recognise when I was being insensitive and unaccomodating.

So anyway, I was thinking about when or how this came to be. What happened in my past or what's in my nature that makes me be not so good with people? Certain things in my past and my trust in people that wasn't honoured, the secrets told that wern't kept, the love given that was never returned and the like. Has made me someone who has shutdown to my 'friends'. And that said, I hardly make new friends, I always keep them at arms length so I don't put myself in a position where my energies and effort are put into something that isn't real or truthful. I would rather spend my time with strangers and people that don't know much about me, people which I am not obliged to to tell about myself, people which don't necessarily care or want to know about these things. So I won't be in a situation where I'll be fucked over. Know what I mean? So in reality I've become a unsociable hermit, and online I've become someone who is a strong character, but people don't know much about. Because as Zero said, I don't really say much about myself. The consequence of this is I've never formed a bond stronger than that of a co-member online. There really haven't been any real or meaningful friendships made, I don't really know much about people on this forum, and they don't really know much about me. Much of it is through personal choice and not because of inability.

So I wanted to know how online people felt to how I was behaving, in an effort to understand the other side of the coin. I'm not saying that any of these comments will suddenly make me morph into a new member which lays all down on the table, butt kisses and chats that 'awwwww that's so sad' shit. I understand this is online, but even my online persona is one which belongs to me, doesn't it? It's another viewing angle of me, so I guess I wanted to know how it was affecting other people and their interaction with me. I understand some people like the fact that I act the way I act, and others don't. But I also know I'm a member that forces you to have an opinion of me, whether that is good or bad, and there are a lot of members which you don't have an opinion on at all because they go around saying stuff which really has no meaning at all.

I guess I wanted to see if my personality category was manifesting itself online, in a bid to understand whether what was borne online is now leaking itself into reality.....

Portrait of an ESTJ (http://www.personalitypage.com/ESTJ.html)

Spider Pig
19-12-2009, 17:02
OK, in that case I will make an evaluation of my own opinion, just from what I see and my perception of it. It might be a bit long ass but I'll try and explain from my point of view with reasoning if possible. I didn't want to waste my time blabbering for no reason that's why I wanted to know. Some of what you said was actually what I was thinking, in parts, so it might sound similar at times but it wasn't affect by what you've posted. I'm no expert, but I have experience in some evaluation through my own time and related subjects at university. Don't expect an answer on everything though because on the internet there are many left and right turns and the person can either go one way subconsciously or forcefully, only you will know if it's intentional.

I'll do it in a bit, got some paper to strip.

queen bee
19-12-2009, 19:17
I've sensed a condescending tone in some of your posts to other members, I'd say your quite abrasive, and you come across like you think your a know it all, but then again you get that with 90% of Asian guys who in truth don't know a damn thing about the world and real life.

The way you type, you clearly take you time to think about what your typing, and it seems like you wanna come across as being articulate. You have a good vocabulary which utilizes a lot of long words which most asians don't/wont understand(without looking it up in a dict) but then suddenly out of no where you start talking Ebonics which i find a bit peculiar to be honest.

I wouldn't say your mundane and monotonous, but sometimes you over elaborate and don't get to the point.

I'm leeching of someone else's wireless so I'll make the most if it. Like a clock on my hip I got time to waist (Ok, that was gay)

Anyway I've only quoted Tariq because of the whole you come across articulate but start talking Ebonics. I think we all do that, even you, Tariq! I mean from this post and a few others you've left, you're clearly intelligent but my god you leave just as much crap, too. Don't we all? Point is, you can't always adhere to the same standard of eloquence, not if it's casual chat.

Spider Pig
19-12-2009, 19:25
/\ This isn't a comparison thread, EG asked for people's opinions, and he can decide whether someones is worthwhile listening to or if it was just directed at him with no thought or substance. It's not you're 'this' but I'm not, a lot of people will also share similar traits no doubt.

Right my turn, my knuckles have moved to the left a bit (that's a diff story) and are still swollen so makes it a bit of a pain in the ass (or the hand) to type.

queen bee
19-12-2009, 19:36
SPIG - I know. Do I need to write 'Jus sayin' on the end of everything I'm 'jus sayin'.

Anyway. I just read his post, understand this thread a little better.

Spider Pig
19-12-2009, 20:27
No you don't need to write 'just saying', but you weren't, you wanted to defend EG for whatever reason it may be and also put down Tariqs view, possibly due to previous posts made by him, I find it intriguing that you chose that, and say not Stylez opinion (just an example, but anyway that's just blabber, back to subject). Your opinion anyway, which is fair enough but I've had my say and you've had say, it's no biggie.

Right I'll say it from my point of view.

First of all, on the internet, anybody can be fake, anybody can be real without people believing them, it is easier to manipulate, to lie, to put on different faces towards different people privately etc. Some people do it on purpose, some people do it subconsciously, some for fun, some to waste time, some to fill voids in real life etc. Everyone has their own reasons, which is why it's hard to judge unless you get to know the person for a while and even get views from other people without that person noticing. Either way this is what I think.

I think you are playing a character at times, something which you enjoy, this was probably to pass time but over a period it has maybe gone further than you think i.e. the mystery, the straight forward talk, the following etc. It seems you have taken a liking to it as it gives you a bit of power, something which you may not have in real life, so this could fill a little gap. But in the long run it might not give you what you really want or need. You may want to bring out more of your inner self which you're afraid to do at times because you either don't want to risk losing some of that image and respect that you've created, yet you try and gain some relations with your character because deep down you would like to interact with people in a normal conversation whether it's msn, phone, gaming etc. Sometimes you want to forget the image and just be real, and be you. Whether you do this, only you know, I don't know you enough to form an opinion on it.

From your postings, you like to be in control and use bursts of opinionated posts to gather attention, this makes it stronger because if it was constant it could get repetitive and boring, to you and possibly others. Over time you've gotten mostly positive responses therefore it adds value to your time, you may feel here (AP) you can just come on and you'll get attention when you need it, and this might be because in real life you don't opinionate yourself as much or you're not as confident or open. I've seen the character become stronger in it's role over the time I've been here, when it was much more active the posts would be a bit more articulate and straight forward with less provocative thoughts, in them times you possibly just preferred to view rather than interact, it didn't mean much then, or you were just a bit reluctant to get involved and just keep your image a bit more sweet and tidy.

I've also noticed a trend, on a group of people (mostly female) that will follow your posts or threads, they have subconsciously acquianted themselves to your e-persona, they might even know you on a more personal level now, which makes their following more reasonable. I feel you like this and the sense of power it has, maybe you have had this in real life but you weren't able to act on it, or maybe you've wanted this because you weren't able to express yourself in the manner which you can online. Either way, you do enjoy it, the main interaction is focused around females, now there's nothing wrong with this, a lot of posters on here have done the same, in fact quite a few do it more openly in private and not so much on AP, therefore you don't feel the need to hide that fact, could be an alpha male thing, something which you haven't been able to gain in other aspects of life. You probably didn't expect it to happen but the more it did the more you wanted to keep it going.

I find you're mixed in your emotions but quite direct in the way you release them, when you feel the need to put down a strong opinion on a subject you will most likely do it with a bit of venom, which is normally directed at the poster or in relation to the subject. This might be frustration but it also gives you an opportunity to express yourself without any real drawbacks because at the end of the day it's the internet and you are a character. When you want to express certain sexual thoughts you have noticed you can get away with it, maybe this is unlikely to happen in real life, and therefore you make the most of it on here. I notice you interact with people who generally give you their time of day to communicate, but it mostly occurs with females and you don't really have a continious trend like that with some of the males i.e. you wouldn't go out of your way to start a conversation with one of them but you would if it was a female that you've liked communication with.

It has taken you a bit longer to get into the online gaming side of things, which has been going on with the desi lads for while but you've been hesitant to take part, also in TS, maybe you're a bit afraid of interacting on that level, on a personal level where people will get to know you better and you will likely make e-friends that you like to chill with. Or maybe it could be detrimental to the image you have created and people find you different than what they had presumed, which happens in a lot of cases anyway.

You are a bit secluded although you have had 'lapses' where you've shared personal issues. Even though you probably needed to do that to let off some steam it isn't what you're comfortable with because you don't like to share your life with people. You don't want them to form an opinion of you from it, you don't want to show signs of weakness.

You like to show your knowledge, especially when it gains positive responses, this makes you feel better about what you know, especially when there's people who share like minded opinions i.e. music, rappers, programming etc. You know your strengths in your areas and feel more comfortable in the surrounding of like minded people, that's when you don't hesitate to share your history or personal thoughts.

In conclusion I feel there's a side to you that you want to let out but are reluctant to, mainly because of trust and possibly stubborness, you have gotten where you are by doing it your way, you don't want to have to rely on others or want others to know about your real life and how you really deal with things. I think you should interact more, shouldn't exclude certain members and pick and choose who you want to talk to or block on msn just because they tickle your fantasies. For example we have different types of people on TS, we have a joke and laugh, you've been asked on previous occassions to join in because you're quite active on the shoutbox, which means you like to talk, but maybe on TS you feel you won't have the same impact or there's too many people to get to know and sometimes you just want a quick chinwag lol. Either way you should, and no one is going to judge you, we all talk behind each others back anyway lol messin, but in the end we all respect each other cos we're on a wavelenght that's called 'chattin shit for the sake of it'. It might not be your thing though so that's up to you.

I haven't quite got into depth in some of my points and it is a bit rushed (been coming and going) so it didn't quite come out how I wanted, even though I've just realised it's a long ass reply, my bad.

On a side note, just be you, if you've been happy with how things are going then continue on, no one can judge you or change you and neither should they. Even with some of the opinions I have I wouldn't talk less of a person or talk shit about them for no reason. At the end of the day it's just my own observation and opinion, it could be completely wrong therefore it shouldn't matter to you. I know myself that perception can be manipulatised and that's why I'm open to the opinions I have of people, some 'good' people have surprised me over the years and some people I thought were bullshitters have surprised me in a good way but all those times I had an open mind, I formed my opinion of them but I always had it in my mind that my perception could be wrong and that works both ways.

I won't go into that bullshit talk stuff cos if you look at my old posts I was more of a corny lovey dovey talker, I knew what I was doing and how it could've been perceived but at that time it was all fun and games and time pass but I got bored of it. Doesn't mean I was being fake, it just means that phase I had has come and gone, it happens. Now I don't really care, there's not much interaction anymore, I don't even bother with msn and stuff much so don't need to get to know people or stay in touch with randoms as I did and shit just changes.

queen bee
19-12-2009, 20:40
I've not read your entire post, just the part that was for me to read.

It wasn't a case of defending EG. Lol, I'm not sure if you're insinuating that I jumped on his jock or whatever; sounds like you are. I quoted Tariq over StyleZ because I didn't bother to read StyleZ reply. (No full stops, grammar, blah... murdered my eyes. No offence stylo)

The reason I'd quoted it was because it was the only bit I 'related to' and I wanted to say something. (Although we've already established that's not what this topic is about, hence; ''I'm just sayin'') Call it spam. But there was no need to read into it so much


19-12-2009, 20:42
I wouldn't really take peoples opinions on here entirely serious if your using it as part of self assessment. People are basically gonna interpret you just through what they read as text. I'd say more is also down to perception on a forum then in real life, people are more sheepish on the internet i find. If your brand new on a forum, your opinion of other members is much more likely to be influenced by how you think that member is perceived by others.

Also alot of context gets lost. You can write LOL when your trying to be humourous, but to me it's cringe worthy when people write LOL after they own attempts to be funny. Do people really write laugh out loud, when they write LOL, or are they just picking their nose staring at a monitor with a cheesy grin ?

So basically don't drive to Bridgend and kill yourself over what people over a monitor think of you. An e-persona clearly has a world of difference to everyone's real persona. People are more cocky and confident over the net, where as in real life you know your gonna get capped in the knees.

19-12-2009, 21:33
life doesnt have to be this complicated

Spider Pig
19-12-2009, 22:00
I wouldn't really take peoples opinions on here entirely serious if your using it as part of self assessment. People are basically gonna interpret you just through what they read as text. I'd say more is also down to perception on a forum then in real life, people are more sheepish on the internet i find. If your brand new on a forum, your opinion of other members is much more likely to be influenced by how you think that member is perceived by others.

Also alot of context gets lost. You can write LOL when your trying to be humourous, but to me it's cringe worthy when people write LOL after they own attempts to be funny. Do people really write laugh out loud, when they write LOL, or are they just picking their nose staring at a monitor with a cheesy grin ?

So basically don't drive to Bridgend and kill yourself over what people over a monitor think of you. An e-persona clearly has a world of difference to everyone's real persona. People are more cocky and confident over the net, where as in real life you know your gonna get capped in the knees.

True in some cases but it depends, because the person might be themselves on the internet so only they will know if they want to take the replies and perception seriously. In some cases the persona is not much different at all, where as in other cases it is the complete opposite or a complete lie.

The lol is just an internet thing but I've known people who joke and then laugh straight afterwards at their own comment, it happens. I use it to end sarcasm most of the time, it changes the context of the comment i.e. "you're a bitch" compared to "you're a bitch lol". There's a difference in the meaning, I could type "you're a bitch" but the person reading it might not get it a joke/sarcastic comment unless you place the "lol". Some people are just using it subconsciously or it's become a habit, anyway each to their own.

Anyway, these off topic posts should be moved into a seperate thread.

19-12-2009, 23:29
Some very intresting points by Spig.

My conclusion is that we all need a shag. soon as tariq dies , the long painful wait :(

20-12-2009, 00:24
LOL... Yes... Although I agree with some of the verbose points SP has said, others I don't..... It's true I hide behind my e-persona, but I'm really not that far away from it, because at the end of the day, it is me typing this stuff isn't it? And yeah, I don't spend much time talking to dudes.... I won't defend myself as it will start getting ridiculous.

20-12-2009, 00:36
Lol at incredibles input.
Why must Tariq die? Am I missing something here...?

To be honest, people always use that line "everyones fake on the net". In my experience, and of the few people I have met from the net, they're pretty much exactly the same as their e-persona.
You have to be a really bored individual to invent a whole new identity for yourself thats a polar opposite of your own - just for some e-attention.
Obviously doesnt apply to all, but still.

Spider Pig
20-12-2009, 00:44
There's nothing to defend man, it's just an observation, everyone has their own perception of each action one makes.

Some do that JT but what's more common is rather than a whole fake persona they have certain traits, which are either hidden or are made up for certain purposes i.e. pulling the opposite sex etc. Obviously everyone is different but you get a bit of everything on each website/message board I guess.

20-12-2009, 01:14
Some do that JT but what's more common is rather than a whole fake persona they have certain traits, which are either hidden or are made up for certain purposes i.e. pulling the opposite sex etc. Obviously everyone is different but you get a bit of everything on each website/message board I guess.

Anally narrow-minded 'mandem' and 15 year old 'desiflyprincesses' spring to mind.
Oh, the Plague of the internet..

20-12-2009, 01:38
I've been reading through this thread and waiting for a few decent replied before I gave my input.

I agree with a few people on here; everyone is different and personally I think you're ok just the way you are. The chasing skirt and all of that doesn't even come into this. I like reading your posts, you're one of the very few members who actually makes a good contribution to this forum.

What others think of you shouldn't matter. I've always said that e-life is no-life. once the computer is switched off, who cares what everyone thinks of you?

Online life is all about coming to a place and just letting off some steam, having some fun and chatting away with like-minded people.

20-12-2009, 04:43
Lol at incredibles input.
Why must Tariq die? Am I missing something here...?


its f**kin hilarious.

Anyway funerals are a good place to target women, the best target is usually the widow. Keep in mind she's in her most fragile state, all of a sudden theres no d**k in her life and the genitals react to that, it's very natural. Alot of dudes think they need like 10 years but that's all bullshit. Everything is blurry to her. It's like Billy Bob Thornton in Monsters Ball. That scene where he f**ked the tears out of Halle was not some fantasy, shit like this happens every day. If you play your cards right you're gonna have that teary eyed fruitcake ' on your c**k the very same day they bury that bullet riddled busta.

if u marry i definately will be attending your funeral then matey *)

haha, my wife is all yours .... but only after im dead

Rab C Nesbit
20-12-2009, 11:08
You know that everyone wants to arse rape you.
(Well on here...)

...and at times, I do find you cocky.

You know how much I absolutely hate the fact that you don't give people a chance to work things out for themselves, you explain everything!

I also think you have some issues that you're still working out.
I don't think that's a bad thing at all. Although, when speaking to you, sometimes you just close up and conversation becomes awkward for a few minutes until the subject is changed.
Let yourself talk about the shit, and crap that you've experienced. It'll be easier to forget about it afterwards.

Oh, and Budden Boy, you know how much I'm in love with you so, I hope you don't think this is some sort of hate attack.
I think you're an absolute God, and I wouldn't say things just to offend you.
...and even the things I've mentioned aren't huge things. They're just the only things that I can find that are negative.

Loving you, always.

Rab C Nesbit
20-12-2009, 11:18
Oh, and you need to stop being an Eeyore.
The world isn't as gloomy as you make it out to be.

I've just read through this thread, and I didn't realise you still spoke about me.
I'm flattered, mucho.
But, you know it would be me who'd anally rape you after feeding you a jar of Nescafé.

Mr A
22-12-2009, 00:47
dude, i dont really know you, so cant make any comments on where you could improve, but from what ive read, i suppose you could lighten up a bit, it sort of seems like you take this whole online thing very seriously, if you actually speak the way you type, it could be a little annoying, but then having said this, should you really care what people think of you? what u do in life, how you talk, dress, walk..... is you, right? as long as you're not trying to be something else and people accept you for who you are, fuck what anyone else thinks.

as they say, those who wanna judge you for your character should ask themselves the same question, in a way they just comparing themselves to you.

Spider Pig
22-12-2009, 00:57
so what's your conclusion EG, are you taking anything to account or you just think ppl have the wrong idea or there's some who know you better than others etc.

or after all that you just think, fuck that shit, they don't know so forget it lol

it seems to a lot of us we wouldn't really care of the replies but you obviously made the thread for a reason but has that changed?

22-12-2009, 18:14
i would just like to add that i have made no attempt in reading all the posts in this thread. thank you.

22-12-2009, 20:36
so what's your conclusion EG, are you taking anything to account or you just think ppl have the wrong idea or there's some who know you better than others etc.

or after all that you just think, fuck that shit, they don't know so forget it lol

it seems to a lot of us we wouldn't really care of the replies but you obviously made the thread for a reason but has that changed?

LOL. Nah nah, I'm not gonna be an idiot and throw all this feedback out the window. That said I'm not gonna be a people pleaser and bend over backwards to be everyone's friend. This is just a learning experience like I said...

Errm, I dunno if I want to draw conclusions from what I'm reading, coz most people know sometimes it takes time for something to sink in or for you to be in a position to understand what you need to understand.... I understand through the medium that be that of course people are gonna go up the 'wrong' path as I see it... But that's what I wanna know, so even if it's subconcious feedback on something I know to be untrue, the point is that's the impression they've got so that's what they're basing their assumptions on... And that's what I want to see. So it's all good in the wood.

I just wanted to learn about me; LOL this isn't an effort to change me, that shit takes time. Like Joe Budden said - 'this is called the growth'. But perhaps this be best left unsaid, so I won't conclude, coz it's not the end naaaa meeeeeaan.

I thank everyone for their input; I'm glad everyone had an opinion LOL... That's the whole point of a forum eh? X

23-12-2009, 05:21
EG I didnt read any of the opinions tbh, except for Spigs and JellyTots I think.

My question is did u expect the opinions that have been expressed in this thread to be what they were? if not why? if yes, why do u think so?

lastly if u rather not reply, just say so lol :D

20-02-2010, 18:52
Based on first impressions.. Dude you have a life! You shouldn't care too much on how you are being perceived on the internet, it is not a true reflection. You're giving people too much room for judgement. Ask your family and friends the same thing.

19-07-2010, 14:39
You can't please everyone. So don't try.

If you're happy being you, keep doing what you're doing.

Sod the rest.