View Full Version : 2010

26-12-2009, 13:45
So new years coming up and im going through some big changes. I have a great feeling about 2009 and im really excited!

What does 2010 hold for you?

What are your new years resolutions?

Mine are;

Eat healthy
Make more time for MYSELF.
Find the time to do more photography.
Visit my sisters more often.

share yours..

26-12-2009, 14:08
I never do resolutions. Maybe I should do one this year to get married lol.

26-12-2009, 15:10
haha bav, youv got ages to get married! dont put a time limit on those things.

26-12-2009, 15:30
I know but it's like the next step in my life, I've got a good job, my own car, and I'm thinking of buying a house now, not for myself but to rent, bit of extra income so the next step in life is to get married and start a family now, I ain't getting any younger and kind of tired of living the single life!

26-12-2009, 15:46
Get married
New car
Start plans on a new business venture
Continue to work with the community, twice as much from before.

26-12-2009, 17:25
2009 has been a crazy year for me.. Achievement wise though I could have been a lot more proactive, don't feel I've done enough.

2010 - Less procrastination, lose weight, same as Scrooge and continue my work in the community a lot more, find a bloke and get married, basically same as last year :(

26-12-2009, 17:36
I know but it's like the next step in my life, I've got a good job, my own car, and I'm thinking of buying a house now, not for myself but to rent, bit of extra income so the next step in life is to get married and start a family now, I ain't getting any younger and kind of tired of living the single life!

Ah i see. That's fair enough . Are you thinking of an arrange marriage then?

Get married
New car
Start plans on a new business venture
Continue to work with the community, twice as much from before.

Sounds good.

2009 has been a crazy year for me.. Achievement wise though I could have been a lot more proactive, don't feel I've done enough.

2010 - Less procrastination, lose weight, same as Scrooge and continue my work in the community a lot more, find a bloke and get married, basically same as last year :(

Im with you on the procrastination. Not good.
Well hopefuly 2010 is more more productive than 2009!

Loads AP wedding's coming up LOL.

26-12-2009, 17:51
Get Fit
Read More.. Non fiction and fiction
Campaign more
Carry on with youth stuff
Try to get closer to God

Rab C Nesbit
26-12-2009, 18:25
2008 was a year of loss.
09 proved to be a year of realisation and understanding.
I can only hope that the positive vibes continue, and we have less of the shit for 2010.

Goals to set?
Get through this academic year. If I can atleast get through and complete the Summer finals, then I'll know that I have enough resolve and strength to carry on with the rest of the course.

I'd also like to build up enough strength and courage to either leave and be who I want to be, or just shut up and keep the family happy.
I dislike wanting both.
I can't compromise... I must take action.

I'd also like to get my youth group to keep at getting bigger and better.
I'd also like them to break away from the Bengali umbrella that they've been lumped with.

2010 will hopefully see me go on holiday on my own, and also go abroad, too.
In order to do that, though, I'll need to achieve another goal: a job.

I need a job.

26-12-2009, 18:38
need to get with an oriental chick...

26-12-2009, 18:39
1.get a good job
2.save up
3.spend more time with family
4.get married
5.be a better muslim.

26-12-2009, 18:53
new resolution for 2008 was never to make any more resolutions. so im all good.

26-12-2009, 19:43
Ah i see. That's fair enough . Are you thinking of an arrange marriage then?

Not really but I wouldn't have minded, my parents can't even find anyone for me! But I have started to pull my finger out and try looking myself which is why I joined Shaadi.com because there ain't many of my kind of people living around this area! Needed to widen my search and that's the only option I had!

26-12-2009, 19:45

26-12-2009, 20:01
1) Stop spending stupid amounts of money.
2) Get a second job.
3) Buy a pair of practical shoes.
4) Get through the entire SATC boxset.
5) Show people that I care.

Off the top of my head.
New Years resolutions are like a minefield for me..

26-12-2009, 21:00
Save money....

27-12-2009, 00:07
- Get a first at the end of my year.
- Secure my Internship in the summer.
- Hopefully securing a place for the 2011 London Marathon.
- Be a better Goalkeeper (lol)
- Redecorate my room; time to change the wallpaper. Unlike SPig I will do it in a day. Truth
- Get involved more with my ISoc and other Uni ISocs in London.
- Do more charity work/fundraising!
- Try not be too lazy (but this is going to fail anyway).

Off the top off my head...

27-12-2009, 18:02
Hopefully starting a new job in Singapore some time in mid February, so its going to be the biggest change for me. While i'm there i'll still be thinking whether to do my masters or not

28-12-2009, 16:23
Can't wait 'til 2010..! Gonna be a good year I think..

Going trekking and more travelling along with a new job :D

Also must get my ass back into that gym..! Been slacking off bigtime lately..!

Spider Pig
28-12-2009, 17:24
to be THAT nigga

p.s. I would challenge anyone to have stripped my wallpaper in less than 3 days, 12hrs overall, hardest shit ever. steamer + wallpaper tougher than the china's defense = no love me long time.

28-12-2009, 18:49
- Spend more time with my girlfriend
- Save up
- Stop spending insane amounts on silly things
- Work harder to achieve my goals before I hit 26 (June)
- Be a better friend to those I have neglected in the past
- Be there for those in need (charity work, fund raising etc etc)
- Concentrate on my business and expanding it (already started on that a few months ago) :)
- Get back into the gym

Thats it off the top of my head. I'm usually pretty good when it comes to resolutions for the first few months and then it goes down hill once I hit a few of my targets lol

28-12-2009, 19:23
- Continue to strengthen my faith
- Save up
- Invest in property

28-12-2009, 20:22
- Keep enjoying life
- Try not to dwell too much on a certain someone
- Get into 3rd year
- Try and get into a sandwich year
- Stay smiling

28-12-2009, 20:36
More of good. Less of shit.

28-12-2009, 20:44
2010 is gonna be an amazing year

for all of us...