View Full Version : Best places to meet the opposite sex?

23-01-2010, 12:48
Where would be the best places to meet the opposite sex?

Like I mean, for hubby/wifey material?

Just it seems there isn't much choice, there the internet, but thats a big no-no, lol, what do you guys reckon? :d

23-01-2010, 12:56
through friends

23-01-2010, 12:59
Yeh, through friends would be a really good idea, BUT what if they dont know anybody, or they might have introduced you to someone, but it didn't work out? lol.

23-01-2010, 13:04
at uni/college/school/work any place where you take part in a group activity...unless u prefer approaching random women that you don't know and just wanna have a one time only fling...then its best to go to a bar or club or something...cant guarantee u'll find wifey there though....but won't hurt to try

unofficial freshy
23-01-2010, 13:28
Where would be the best places to meet the opposite sex?

Like I mean, for hubby/wifey material?

Just it seems there isn't much choice, there the internet, but thats a big no-no, lol, what do you guys reckon? :d
u cant discard the net just like that..... well, u can, but shudnt.... cos, its the way "forward" 4 most people now.... so i'm thinking, while u might not approve of that, what if whoever u end up with, had pinned her hopes on smthn like shaadi.com? maybe even met 1 or 2 people off it, in the hope it leads 2 marriage.... or worse, the person ur keen on, chooses some1 at ur expense cos she felt more comf. knowing the other guy over net before actually meeting him properl?

i admit, just like u i dont know if i'd use the net.... but when u take those factors in2 account, then u cant rule it out - even if its kept as a last resort :,

Spider Pig
23-01-2010, 13:30
unisex toilets

23-01-2010, 13:33
u cant discard the net just like that..... well, u can, but shudnt.... cos, its the way "forward" 4 most people now.... so i'm thinking, while u might not approve of that, what if whoever u end up with, had pinned her hopes on smthn like shaadi.com? maybe even met 1 or 2 people off it, in the hope it leads 2 marriage.... or worse, the person ur keen on, chooses some1 at ur expense cos she felt more comf. knowing the other guy over net before actually meeting him properl?

i admit, just like u i dont know if i'd use the net.... but when u take those factors in2 account, then u cant rule it out - even if its kept as a last resort :,

I totally agree with what you said, but I just think, well I should have stated it before that in my opinion, I wouldn't consider trying the internet, as previous encounters have been a nightmare:Q

It really is a way forward the internet dating scence, but I think, nothing beats a good old fashioned, face to face meeting, then you can say it was love at first sight<3 lol

Rab C Nesbit
23-01-2010, 19:37
Erm, surely you don't go looking for wives?

Oh, wait, I forgot, the whole Asian sub continent does that.
Ask the elders in your family.

Personally, I'd say just live.
If you meet someone, and you end up spending more and more time with that person, you could explore it further.

23-01-2010, 20:28
You'd go "looking" for wives because you'd want to live with someone that you believe would be the most "moral" thing to do. Rather than being an animal.

Not forgetting a lot of people from the western hemisphere also do that.

My best place would be in café in South Kensington.

Pac Man
23-01-2010, 20:40
I got an email asking me to go to some muslim speed dating thing in london. Dont have a clue how that works?:

but i guess thats one option

24-01-2010, 00:25
Specially if your ma nudges you towards a hottie.

unofficial freshy
24-01-2010, 00:32
I totally agree with what you said, but I just think, well I should have stated it before that in my opinion, I wouldn't consider trying the internet, as previous encounters have been a nightmare:Q

It really is a way forward the internet dating scence, but I think, nothing beats a good old fashioned, face to face meeting, then you can say it was love at first sight<3 lol

fill us in on whatever happened :lol:

24-01-2010, 00:32
Lol, yeh weddings would be a good idea, should start going to more now:d

24-01-2010, 00:37
fill us in on whatever happened :lol:

Lol, I just think that its long with like getting to know someone over the internet, because you will talk on msn for like 7 months, exchange pics for 4 months, and so much shit can happen by then, and when you meet the person, your then like mmmmmm, shit aint what it lived up 2 b.

Thats y, face to face is the best way, like straight away, you can be like yeh, me feelin this one @)

unofficial freshy
24-01-2010, 14:34
ohhhh..... i thought there was a bad experience doing tht...... or mayb there was, but u not telling? hmmmm :Q

24-01-2010, 15:44
I totally agree with what you said, but I just think, well I should have stated it before that in my opinion, I wouldn't consider trying the internet, as previous encounters have been a nightmare:Q

It really is a way forward the internet dating scence, but I think, nothing beats a good old fashioned, face to face meeting, then you can say it was love at first sight<3 lol

LOL..!! All sorts of wierdos on the net but way I look it, another funny story to tell :D

I agree with the freshy and and say it's worth a shot. Craploads of people are on asian dating sites these days and there's loads of them..!

On the other hand, if you're looking for someone serious, there's always the numbers from masi's, masa's etc but no guarantee they'll turn out alright as they won't know them personally themselves.

Ooh..! There's speed dating as well or stoopid padlock parties 8& (almost forgot about that one)

24-01-2010, 16:08
come to me I have all girl numbers :D

on a serious note........any girl (well not any but u get the drift) can be a wifey material as long as you both are into same things, have things in common. then I dont see a problem. if you have a good understanding between yourselves then maybe she's the one.

I have recently acquired a new girlfriend :) and I honestly can say she can be 'wife' material for me. I love her to bits. In the past I have had a problem sticking to one girl which meant I never was able to get married cus of the fear of me not being commited in 4 years time. I am a weak guy when it comes to girls, but slowly overcoming this weakness.

If you're a uni/ college student - there's plenty of girls there. get to know them find something in common with them - make your move. I've always tried to shag anything that moves so I've never had that kinda approach, n I have looked at some girls and thought WOW she's FIT. I don't mind marrying her, eventually get bored.

I personally go for girls that are HARD to get. Even if their fit but easy , that buzz goes.

This aint a joke, nowadays if you got a big wallet you can probably pick a girl of your choise. But that will defeat the purpose of the whole 'wifey search'

UnderCover Gurl
24-01-2010, 20:26
through Friends
Erm ...
for now thats all i can think off

you can always go back home n get mummy and daddy to find you a wife?

24-01-2010, 21:14
Lol, I just think that its long with like getting to know someone over the internet, because you will talk on msn for like 7 months, exchange pics for 4 months, and so much shit can happen by then, and when you meet the person, your then like mmmmmm, shit aint what it lived up 2 b.

Thats y, face to face is the best way, like straight away, you can be like yeh, me feelin this one @)

You don't HAVE to wait that long to do stuff you know. Yea, sure you should chat for a while first on the internet/on the phone and get to know the person a bit before actually meeting them but you should try and do it asap so if you don't like them in real life, you can move onto the next but you can always keep your options open and meet people at weddings, parties, going out and I don't just mean clubbing, it could be any social place like cinema, bowling etc.

Iroquois Pliskin
24-01-2010, 21:20
Agree with Knight to a certain extent.

24-01-2010, 22:42
The airport would be a brilliant place to meet people, was watching The Terminal today on telly, and imagine bumping into someone like Catherine Zeta-Jones, very tasty :Q

24-01-2010, 23:02
Ok I know you already said you won't use the net for it but there's lots of sites, let me bore you with my personal experience, I'm on Shaadi.com and at first I wasn't getting anywhere but I guess you've gotta be patient with it, most don't find anyone straight away, I've talked to a few who I've never spoken to again because there was no "chemistry" there or we didn't click or whatever but I started talking to one guy at the beginning of December and we've talked every single day since then, 6 weeks later we met up (this weekend actually :p) and everything went well and now we're just gonna meet up now and again and see how things go.

24-01-2010, 23:40
Thats really nice B4VVY, I wish you the very best, good luck')

25-01-2010, 12:13
You don't HAVE to wait that long to do stuff you know. Yea, sure you should chat for a while first on the internet/on the phone and get to know the person a bit before actually meeting them but you should try and do it asap so if you don't like them in real life, you can move onto the next but you can always keep your options open and meet people at weddings, parties, going out and I don't just mean clubbing, it could be any social place like cinema, bowling etc.

Yeah I agree with that one. If it drags on that long, no point. Best to just speak to them and decide from there if you get on and want to meet up.

Rab C Nesbit
26-01-2010, 21:13
If you're a uni/ college student - there's plenty of girls there. get to know them find something in common with them - make your move. I've always tried to shag anything that moves so I've never had that kinda approach, n I have looked at some girls and thought WOW she's FIT. I don't mind marrying her, eventually get bored.

Are you seriously suggesting that people at university and even college are ready for marriage, or even to look for a life partner?

Your experiences at university and college change you so much; who you are at the beginning, isn't who you are when you leave.
I think it's ridiculous to even think of it at that stage.

The internet needs to get rid of this negative aura that people have put on it.
If you start chatting to someone, and quickly work out that they aren't over 80 and under 16, and don't have any desires to murder people with axes, you should get round to meeting up with them.
You can chat to people as much as you want on the phone, FaceBook and Skype, but you'll never know who that person really is, until you've met them.

Think what you wish, but all of my closest friends are off the net, bar two.
...and I make an effort to meet up as much as I can.

26-01-2010, 21:49
Are you seriously suggesting that people at university and even college are ready for marriage, or even to look for a life partner?

Your experiences at university and college change you so much; who you are at the beginning, isn't who you are when you leave.
I think it's ridiculous to even think of it at that stage.

The internet needs to get rid of this negative aura that people have put on it.
If you start chatting to someone, and quickly work out that they aren't over 80 and under 16, and don't have any desires to murder people with axes, you should get round to meeting up with them.
You can chat to people as much as you want on the phone, FaceBook and Skype, but you'll never know who that person really is, until you've met them.

Think what you wish, but all of my closest friends are off the net, bar two.
...and I make an effort to meet up as much as I can.

I dont think incredible meant that people at uni or college are looking to get married once they meet that certain person. What I think he meant was that you get to know them with time, and if you still close with them after you have finished studying, then why not?

As with internet dating, I'am sure it has worked for many people, but i'm just saying there must be better and other alternatives to meeting someone?

Rab C Nesbit
26-01-2010, 22:39
People still stick with the people they met at college/uni?
Either they're too scared of being single, or they actually like the changes.

...but I think it's so strange.
Having said that, I'm still shagging the same guy from two or three years back.
For some reason, it's not boring yet, and we're both experiencing the same life changes, I guess.

26-01-2010, 22:42
Just trying shopping, it works trust me! i was in stratford last week and this weirdo asked me for my number, i was like er no sorry!!? but thats how you meet people bar the weirdos! if not just ask friends i guess? or ask friends friends? lol its long, the easiet way i reckon is to just go out with friends and meet their friends, thats more simple than anything else.
Maybe you should give the internet thing ago again as a last resort?

26-01-2010, 22:45
Are you seriously suggesting that people at university and even college are ready for marriage, or even to look for a life partner?

Your experiences at university and college change you so much; who you are at the beginning, isn't who you are when you leave.
I think it's ridiculous to even think of it at that stage.

The internet needs to get rid of this negative aura that people have put on it.
If you start chatting to someone, and quickly work out that they aren't over 80 and under 16, and don't have any desires to murder people with axes, you should get round to meeting up with them.
You can chat to people as much as you want on the phone, FaceBook and Skype, but you'll never know who that person really is, until you've met them.

Think what you wish, but all of my closest friends are off the net, bar two.
...and I make an effort to meet up as much as I can.

lol hold your horses sweetheart. The thread question is where can you find the opposite sex. Wherever you find or come in contact with the opposite sex ,your not exactly going to go with a marraige proposal are you? use your common sense lol.

And uni/ college was just an example. Read the post again.

26-01-2010, 23:08
People still stick with the people they met at college/uni?
Either they're too scared of being single, or they actually like the changes.

The boldest statement in this thread yet.

10-03-2010, 15:10
Do Eeenie Meenie Mini Mo - with random people :)