View Full Version : Valentines Gift ideas?

05-02-2010, 03:56
Well I'm treating my girl to a day spar - various treatments as this one: Packages / Details Page (http://www.waterfallspa.co.uk/package-details.php?package=10010)

She's told me a perfume she likes, so i will be getting her that too. C.K Euphoria for women - hope it's nice!

Is there anything you guys have thought off? ( for girls )

05-02-2010, 15:51
Perfumes,chocolate,flowers ?> get her something she can wear ;)

05-02-2010, 18:36
What kind of a girlfriend is she? Serious or is it casual is it the beginning or have you both been together ages? Cos then you'd have to change the types of presents I guess.

If serious, you should buy her some simple but gorgeous jewellery - anything Tiffanys works everytime. Find something timeless, no cheapo H Samuel shite.
Something sentimental? Special moment or something to remind her of your first date maybe..
Underwear would be another option. Though no tacky PVC style shit. I'm talking Agent Provocateur.
Flowers is a bit obvious, but its something that would make her feel special. Chocolates - maybe Hotel Chocolat or a boutiquey store.

Basically, none of that tacky commercialised shite lining the shelves atm! The thought of it would make anyone ooze Anti-Valentines Day vibes lol.

05-02-2010, 20:17
All the materialistic things in this world wont make her feel happy, buy her flowers, simple and still romantic, and some chocolates, that would be wonderful, in my opinion.

06-02-2010, 03:40
Why show her how much you love her on Valentines Day? You should do that everyday!

Voodookid = Anti Valentines..

queen bee
06-02-2010, 03:42
I agree with Tots.

My love is anti-valentines, too.

06-02-2010, 03:55
I think if you do want to get something, get something personal and sentimental to you both, if you're like that. Write her a poem (or google one), make something for her..

Chocolates, perfumes = Cliche
Me to You teddies = *PUKE*

Like JT said, get her chocolates, but not a box of Roses or Milk Tray, even if its a 'Valentines Day Special Edition'.
Flowers, to show how much you love a girl.. Yet flowers eventually die, your love wont, so I've never got that ideology. Even though flowers look and smell nice.. :)

Thank me please for killing the Valentines Day Spirit :)

06-02-2010, 04:05
Wooooow Voodoooo your hair looks amazing!!! oh and so do you!!

uhmm Im off topic arent I.. lets see.. just be traditional.. buying expensive gifts or asking what she wants is something you should do for birthdays.. Valentines should be different, buy romantic stuff.. like lingerie.. lol joke.. flowers, chocs etc.. you know...

06-02-2010, 06:12
thanks ladies n gents. I am kinda serious with her now (potentially the one ;) )

So this is what I have lined up so far:

Roses, Perfume and a box of chocks sent to her on valentines day (morning). Might go to the cinemas to watch a movie ....Then a a nice meal at Akbars Restaurant ( the favourite bit :D). I don't really want to get her jewllery cus she can get that with me anytime of her choice ( I wouldnt know what to get anyway). But I do have another suprise up my sleeve. I'm getting a Big (HUGE) Photo of me and her printed on a canvas (which she can stick up in her room :D )

Monday I will take her to the spar ;)

I kinda know what she is gonna get me. I have a sneaky feeling that she will get me a these popeye the sailor man Boxers she has been talking about that she's seen in a shop that remind her of me lol. And also an aftershave.

07-02-2010, 00:49
Lol at Dark Knight. OH, you disillusioned one.

And Incredy: sorry bubs, but I HAVE to correct you. Its ***Spa. The word in itself is SACRED! You musnt misspell such a beautiful place lol.

07-02-2010, 00:58
Lol at Dark Knight. OH, you disillusioned one.

Do explain what you mean by that please?

07-02-2010, 15:46
Agree with you :)

Why show her how much you love her on Valentines Day? You should do that everyday!

Voodookid = Anti Valentines..

07-02-2010, 18:32
Do explain what you mean by that please?

your post about women not liking materialistic gifts = FAIL

07-02-2010, 19:29
your post about women not liking materialistic gifts = FAIL

I was asking the question to JT, but as you so kindly answered my question, I’m sure that’s what she meant.

Of course girls like materialistic things, well so do guys, who wouldn’t? But what I meant was the true value of things in life, and the true emotions and etc, don’t need to be proven by buying materialistic things.

07-02-2010, 19:44
If only life was so simple

07-02-2010, 19:55
Id wanna give my man a bit of everything.

Something he can wear, something he can taste/eat, something hes wanted for a while, something iv made/cooked myself and something random.... ;)
(yeah I can afford it :Q)

End result should be a happy face. Something like this > :)

I know love doesnt have to be proven by buying materialistic things. But so what.
If you love someone that much. You wanna spoil them right?

For me. I dont really expect big things. Not bothered if he just got me some cheap flowers and a box of buy one get one free tesco brand chocolate.

As long as I get what I want later on......

lol. *)

08-02-2010, 01:46
As long as I get what I want later on......

lol. *)[/B]


me, js gna hit jd bttle, n pam

queen bee
08-02-2010, 02:26
Am I the only one that has sensed a kinky overtone in Miss's post. Get it girl!
(Lol, just messing - don't be offended)

08-02-2010, 04:14
Lol at Dark Knight. OH, you disillusioned one.

And Incredy: sorry bubs, but I HAVE to correct you. Its ***Spa. The word in itself is SACRED! You musnt misspell such a beautiful place lol.

bloody hell I swear I dont know how I made that mistake *twice*!! :eek: ( i honestly can spell itd-))

All the materialistic things in this world wont make her feel happy

Then I'd be out of business...it's good girls love materials:D

Am I the only one that has sensed a kinky overtone in Miss's post. Get it girl!

actually turned me on :D


08-02-2010, 14:48
I've never had a valentine, so i guess im anti-valentine *hmph*

What i would like... really nice topnoch food like resturant food but eating somewhere secluded... not noisey resturants where theres other couples all googly eyed over eachother.

Wouldn't mind a few beauty treatments here an there...something i havent had before though, not the usual facial and massage.

( My opinion on what a girl would like/what i like! )

queen bee
08-02-2010, 16:24
Tbh with you, I really do think it depends on what type of girl you are.

Sure I ain't complaining if he's serving up to keep up with my love for labels. If it's pretty diamonds etc etc but really am I the only girl that doesn't mind just chilling, minus the gifting. Couldn't care if my valentines was spent with us watching CSI on telly. Why should he have to prove anything to me, and why should I expect it?

I know it's about 'spoiling' one another, but no thank you, we can do that whenever we want not just on valentines. We treat one another often, anyway. Maybe I'm just weird? I'm like that generally though, I like to give, not so big on receiving! I do think he has something planned, though.... which makes a nice change. But I don't think I could deal with a 'full on planned' Valentines every year, surely it gets repetitive? I prefer to go with the flow.... but hey, that's just me. Not knocking any of you love birds <) hahh especially not MiSs

08-02-2010, 16:37
where the hell do we find girls u lot? lol

Rab C Nesbit
08-02-2010, 20:41
If I was just given things that were from Clintons in the "Valentines" section, I'd be truly upset.

I have never expected nor asked for gifts from the HunchBack, nor do I have any desire for materialistic gifts.
However, if he happened upon something which he thought I would appreciate or even reminded him of a moment we spent together, then it becomes more than just a material object.

I've spent two years looking for a Tyrannosaurus Alan, because he loved the Volvic adverts so much.
I just can't find any decent ones.

Then again, we never meet for Valentines and avoid each other around this period.
Too many opportunities for corny moments, and neither of us care for that shit much.

08-02-2010, 22:15
YouTube - Craig David - Rendezvous

08-02-2010, 22:31
Miiiiisss wants some seeexytime! :D

And I agree with QB.
Theres something about unplanned moments that make it all extra special. Whether its on the 14th February or not.

However, I'm deffo not on the anti-valentines epic hate bandwagon. Why make all that extra effort hating a frikkin day in Feb.
The day is there for you to make special, if you please.. celebrating the day doesnt always boil down to corny Clintons moments.
For some, they probably equate more meaning to it than say, their anniversary. Same concept.

Probably caters for those marriages teetering on the edge of "too comfortable" territory :Q
You know, the wives who "forget" to shave their legs and wear granny knickers and the men who decorate the house with dirty boxers and various body odours.
The days just a reminder, I guess - 'relight the fire' and all that shizzle.

08-02-2010, 22:32
Give him a ball bag cupping blow job. Sorted.

08-02-2010, 22:33
Give him a ball bag cupping blow job. Sorted.

:lol: Repped.
That shit could solve any problem, any day of the week..

08-02-2010, 22:35
:lol: Repped.
That shit could solve any problem, any day of the week..

LOL know what I mean though, dudes arn't complicated you know. They don't want much. Just play with his balls. They're not like girls. If a dude actually cared what you got him as in a real object gift, then most probably he a gell and coloured contact wearing poofter.

08-02-2010, 22:37
LOL know what I mean though, dudes arn't complicated you know. They don't want much. Just play with his balls. They're not like girls. If a dude actually cared what you got him as in a real object gift, then most probably he a gell and coloured contact wearing poofter.

You'd definitely get more excitement from a bloke with that method as opposed to the watch/wallet approach :Q
Simple men.

15-02-2010, 15:24
valentines is a load of crap. sorry but it just is rubbish. nothing personal about it.

ooooh, SAINT VALENTINE,got to buy something. anniversary's n birthdays are what its all about!

16-02-2010, 19:02
Valentines is a load of Bullshit.

Today most women have been programed by there mothers/friends/family to only go after a brother whose breaking bread and is comfortable being an ATM machine for a bitch when it comes to commitment/long term/marriage. They need you to buy them the biggest diamond or Presents to show they have a love feeling, Which pretty much is a destruction of the entire idea that love was something that couldn't be bought nor even held in your hand and was suppose to be something on a greater level of emotional intensity between two people.

If you're looking for a woman to love, good luck in that bullshit. Most women are retarded and there's very few who are sincere that are more interested in a brother's characters then how much he makes and spends on you.

17-02-2010, 15:15
Valentines is a load of Bullshit.

Today most women have been programed by there mothers/friends/family to only go after a brother whose breaking bread and is comfortable being an ATM machine for a bitch when it comes to commitment/long term/marriage. They need you to buy them the biggest diamond or Presents to show they have a love feeling, Which pretty much is a destruction of the entire idea that love was something that couldn't be bought nor even held in your hand and was suppose to be something on a greater level of emotional intensity between two people.

If you're looking for a woman to love, good luck in that bullshit. Most women are retarded and there's very few who are sincere that are more interested in a brother's characters then how much he makes and spends on you.

I agree with the first highlighted point but disagree with the second. It's a bit harsh and to be fair, you would have to have come into contact with A LOT of women in order for that comment to hold any weight. Not all women are like that, perhaps you have just been going after the "wrong" type.

18-02-2010, 14:10
Tariq I'm sorry to break it to you. But yeah there are some girls that like succesful guys. and why not?

I've been going out with my girl since sunday to wednesday. I treated her sisters too. Had a fab time! I don't particularly believe in Valentines day, but it's the thought that counts.

I've got soo many flowers all lined up on my dining table and window sill lol in vases.

queen bee
18-02-2010, 17:52
We did nothing, and it was the best nothing we've ever done. So Tariq, don't generalise.

18-02-2010, 19:09
If you're looking for a woman to love, good luck in that bullshit. MOST women are retarded and there's very few who are sincere that are more interested in a brother's characters then how much he makes and spends on you.

MOST being is the important word QB, I didn't say ALL, so how is that generalising ?

18-02-2010, 19:18
Tariq I'm sorry to break it to you. But yeah there are some girls that like succesful guys. and why not?

I've been going out with my girl since sunday to wednesday. I treated her sisters too. Had a fab time! I don't particularly believe in Valentines day, but it's the thought that counts.

I've got soo many flowers all lined up on my dining table and window sill lol in vases.

How do you define 'successful'. Success in terms of financial status or career wise ? Success is very objective.

See i don't get guys like you, you spoil a bitch just to get a suck off, then other women see that and expect a brother to spend on them, and if you don't they feel you inadequate and 'oh that motherfucker ain't shit cos he don't buy shit for me'. You think that's love? LMAO. REAL love has nothing to do with the world that has bought into this idea of personal happiness being the accumulation of physically tangible goods.

18-02-2010, 19:44
I think Tariq never got a valentine in his whole life. :sad:

18-02-2010, 19:49
How do you define 'successful'. Success in terms of financial status or career wise ? Success is very objective.

See i don't get guys like you, you spoil a bitch just to get a suck off, then other women see that and expect a brother to spend on them, and if you don't they feel you inadequate and 'oh that motherfucker ain't shit cos he don't buy shit for me'. You think that's love? LMAO. REAL love has nothing to do with the world that has bought into this idea of personal happiness being the accumulation of physically tangible goods.

shurrup man Your never gonna get a girl with an attitude like that :D

2 ways of looking at it:

1. Some girls go for succesful guys. That could be a a guy with a top job on a nice salary to a badboy who's good at his trade or maybe a good looking guy they can use as a tophey :D

2. Other girls will just go for a quiet type of guy who's not likely to cheat on them.

I'll put a third one in, some girls just go for neither either cus their lesbians or like to be single or even have a different preference.

18-02-2010, 20:08
I think Tariq never got a valentine in his whole life. :sad:

Neither have I :(

queen bee
18-02-2010, 21:00
MOST being is the important word QB, I didn't say ALL, so how is that generalising ?

But you don't have sufficient knowledge to say 'most girls...' How many girls have you been with? What sort of girls are they? Have you been with girls that are all the same, have they differed in any way with their expectations. Saying 'most girls' is to tar all women with the same brush as the women you've been with. So you already have a 'generalisaed' viewpoint on how women behave. You have gained a concept of 'women' through personal experience. Which makes the line 'most women....' a generalisation

queen bee
18-02-2010, 21:15
How do you define 'successful'. Success in terms of financial status or career wise ? Success is very objective.

See i don't get guys like you, you spoil a bitch just to get a suck off, then other women see that and expect a brother to spend on them, and if you don't they feel you inadequate and 'oh that motherfucker ain't shit cos he don't buy shit for me'. You think that's love? LMAO. REAL love has nothing to do with the world that has bought into this idea of personal happiness being the accumulation of physically tangible goods.

I agree with you here!!!!!

Spider Pig
18-02-2010, 22:44

It's not 10 characters

20-02-2010, 00:10
But you don't have sufficient knowledge to say 'most girls...' How many girls have you been with? What sort of girls are they? Have you been with girls that are all the same, have they differed in any way with their expectations. Saying 'most girls' is to tar all women with the same brush as the women you've been with. So you already have a 'generalisaed' viewpoint on how women behave. You have gained a concept of 'women' through personal experience. Which makes the line 'most women....' a generalisation

You don't have had to been in a relationship with a woman to know how conniving some of them can be. There's was 1 woman who I connected with on a mental,emotional and intellectual level, but like a lot of Asian girls she shited it when it came to telling her parents, cos she didn't want 'daddies little girl' to think bad of her. So now my attitude is like f**k it and f**k everybody, I'm in a world where i pretty much dislike every person I can't really say I'd give a b***h a time of day because either A: They'll just be average mindstate wise and won't speak on anything real or B: Chances are the b***h will get tired with me 4 the fact that I can't deal with everyones bullshit. Also the fact i call certain types of women b*****s might be a borderline on Misogynistic ideals. Misanthropy is already viewed as a Inhumane way to view the world, but I rather be inhumane then be a damn hypocrite.

Love is a real thing thugh, its the Emotional part of your brain reaching a intense state of feelings towards a person. The state can result in some really amazing things and maybe even make you do things you wouldn't do for anyone else. The problem is people confuse the state of love with the state of infatuation. Which is why majority of marriages end in Divorces, because they are not truly in love, they are infatuated. Emotions and lust are confused with love. Love last and that other bulls**t is temporary. Same reason that people marriage's don't last because it's built on sand and not rock.

Do I believe in Love? Hell yah. Will I find it? Probably not

Also women want a relationship they see in the god damn movies now. Flawless, perfection no troubles and if there is any, they are fixable within 30 minutes. People no longer work on relationships, build off sacrifices, and grow closer. Moment something goes wrong, either they'll divorce and destroy our financial lives, use ours and there own bloodline for leverage, and denounce anything about you too your kids.

So to summarize, I don't give a fuck about some stupid ass b***h, some punk ass holiday that's been raped by commercialism. In the end, None of the shit will matter because humanity like always is flawed in ignorance, jealously and insecurity that will usually result in any Love being destroyed. If you can find Love, make it work and keep it until you're a dead next to them. Then you have my respect. Cause you actually figured out how Love is. Love is rare and when it's actually LOVE it'll last no matter.

Rab C Nesbit
20-02-2010, 00:32
Ah, boo hoo hoo.
Girlies are bad and only want money, money, money and are never satisfied.

Oh, shut your yap.
You've been done wrong by a girl, and are taking it out on any creature with ovaries.

I, for one, passionately hate girls.
...and even I can't agree with you.

You see, it's not right/fair to generalise.

Anyhoos, back to Valentines.
What did I do to celebrate St. Valentine's life?
I tried my hardest to avoid aggression and physical violence when dealing with the siblings, I kept my mouth shut as much as I possibly could and spent most of the day in solitary confinement whilst cleaning out the bathroom, kitchen before rearranging my room.
...I ended the day by confessing my sins of disloyalty to The HunchBack.
5 steps forwards, 3 steps back.

20-02-2010, 00:37
You don't have had to been in a relationship with a woman to know how conniving some of them can be. There's was 1 woman who I connected with on a mental,emotional and intellectual level, but like a lot of Asian girls she shited it when it came to telling her parents, cos she didn't want 'daddies little girl' to think bad of her. So now my attitude is like f**k it and f**k everybody, I'm in a world where i pretty much dislike every person I can't really say I'd give a b***h a time of day because either A: They'll just be average mindstate wise and won't speak on anything real or B: Chances are the b***h will get tired with me 4 the fact that I can't deal with everyones bullshit. Also the fact i call certain types of women b*****s might be a borderline on Misogynistic ideals. Misanthropy is already viewed as a Inhumane way to view the world, but I rather be inhumane then be a damn hypocrite.

Love is a real thing thugh, its the Emotional part of your brain reaching a intense state of feelings towards a person. The state can result in some really amazing things and maybe even make you do things you wouldn't do for anyone else. The problem is people confuse the state of love with the state of infatuation. Which is why majority of marriages end in Divorces, because they are not truly in love, they are infatuated. Emotions and lust are confused with love. Love last and that other bulls**t is temporary. Same reason that people marriage's don't last because it's built on sand and not rock.

Do I believe in Love? Hell yah. Will I find it? Probably not

Also women want a relationship they see in the god damn movies now. Flawless, perfection no troubles and if there is any, they are fixable within 30 minutes. People no longer work on relationships, build off sacrifices, and grow closer. Moment something goes wrong, either they'll divorce and destroy our financial lives, use ours and there own bloodline for leverage, and denounce anything about you too your kids.

So to summarize, I don't give a fuck about some stupid ass b***h, some punk ass holiday that's been raped by commercialism. In the end, None of the shit will matter because humanity like always is flawed in ignorance, jealously and insecurity that will usually result in any Love being destroyed. If you can find Love, make it work and keep it until you're a dead next to them. Then you have my respect. Cause you actually figured out how Love is. Love is rare and when it's actually LOVE it'll last no matter.

You know - that's a good post..... Repped.

20-02-2010, 00:45
Ah, boo hoo hoo.
Girlies are bad and only want money, money, money and are never satisfied.

Oh, shut your yap.
You've been done wrong by a girl, and are taking it out on any creature with ovaries.

I, for one, passionately hate girls.
...and even I can't agree with you.

You see, it's not right/fair to generalise.

Anyhoos, back to Valentines.
What did I do to celebrate St. Valentine's life?
I tried my hardest to avoid aggression and physical violence when dealing with the siblings, I kept my mouth shut as much as I possibly could and spent most of the day in solitary confinement whilst cleaning out the bathroom, kitchen before rearranging my room.
...I ended the day by confessing my sins of disloyalty to The HunchBack.
5 steps forwards, 3 steps back.

LOL Rab, even if he's taking it out - at least he explained. You know, I can't knock a dudes motivation if he explained it. Even if it was very emotional, that's a good thing coz it shows he believes it. And Tariq will tell you he and I arn't bumchums, but I give credit where due so I'll back his corner on this one.....

Obviously he knows deep down that not all women are the same, because he admits that there is such a thing as "love" so naturally he would agree that women have the capability to love. But that said and what he didn't say is that sometimes the truest love - the realest and most raw form of love can borne a intense and brutal hate. Which is what has happened here - when that happens shit gets ugly. So yeah I see his point of view - perhaps the wrong thread to say it in, because its more Valentines Day based, but whatever.

When you love and that love is real - not no fairytale, media potrayed love, that real love where you would put your life down for it without thinking too much: when that love is not honoured in the way that it should; you get a broken heart sometimes it can break a man. Love can make you hate with deep hatred, just as honest as the love was...... So I gotta let him vent on this one...

Rab C Nesbit
20-02-2010, 00:50
I always thought it was more Passion that made you act like that, and not Love.

Then again, isn't Love an objective thing?

20-02-2010, 02:00
I always thought it was more Passion that made you act like that, and not Love.

Then again, isn't Love an objective thing?

Passion is something that's in shorter term and implies someone doing something in passion i.e. without thinking too much - more impulsive, off the cuff, explosive. Where as crimes of love are more calculated, slower, and so more dangerous. You often hear those stories of dudes murdering their spouses or whatever in the most horrifying cold blood. I mean how can you do that if you love them? Is it because you love them? Hmmm.... So yeah and now. Passion is the younger brother of Love...... Passion doesn't last forever...

Love is objective - but it's not only. It can be unconditional, conditional, dillusional, obsessive, detrimental, etc etc etc. The problem with love is - it's too complicated to write in words - because we think we understand it as humans and humans love - but we don't. Which is OK because we as humans don't understand everything about ourselves and our function...

Am I babbling? I said a lot of shit without answering anything...

Spider Pig
20-02-2010, 13:38
wtf why ppl on valentines penis, wats the diff between having a girl last weekend and not on valentines weekend just cos some marketing ppl said 'this is the day to have a gf and show her love', gtfo here. I would rather not go all out cos the week before it woulda cost half the price to do twice the shit and if you were in a relevant relationship you would do stuff with each other consistently anyway.

20-02-2010, 13:48
Rab C Nesbit are u 9 or 29? a brother pouring his heart out and you mock him, yeh very mature.

and i don't generally dislike women, i generally dislike most people, if you read posts properly and didn't just skim thru them you'd understand what i was trying to say like EG did.

queen bee
20-02-2010, 15:00
Tariq, I understand you a bit better now.

20-02-2010, 15:04

just cruisin thru the thread to see any 'LOL' moments


20-02-2010, 15:54
wtf why ppl on valentines penis, wats the diff between having a girl last weekend and not on valentines weekend just cos some marketing ppl said 'this is the day to have a gf and show her love', gtfo here. I would rather not go all out cos the week before it woulda cost half the price to do twice the shit and if you were in a relevant relationship you would do stuff with each other consistently anyway.

I agree, I'd rather do something not on Valentine's Day so you don't get skanked with extortionate prices!

20-02-2010, 16:57
You don't have had to been in a relationship with a woman to know how conniving some of them can be. There's was 1 woman who I connected with on a mental,emotional and intellectual level, but like a lot of Asian girls she shited it when it came to telling her parents, cos she didn't want 'daddies little girl' to think bad of her. So now my attitude is like f**k it and f**k everybody, I'm in a world where i pretty much dislike every person I can't really say I'd give a b***h a time of day because either A: They'll just be average mindstate wise and won't speak on anything real or B: Chances are the b***h will get tired with me 4 the fact that I can't deal with everyones bullshit. Also the fact i call certain types of women b*****s might be a borderline on Misogynistic ideals. Misanthropy is already viewed as a Inhumane way to view the world, but I rather be inhumane then be a damn hypocrite.

Love is a real thing thugh, its the Emotional part of your brain reaching a intense state of feelings towards a person. The state can result in some really amazing things and maybe even make you do things you wouldn't do for anyone else. The problem is people confuse the state of love with the state of infatuation. Which is why majority of marriages end in Divorces, because they are not truly in love, they are infatuated. Emotions and lust are confused with love. Love last and that other bulls**t is temporary. Same reason that people marriage's don't last because it's built on sand and not rock.

Do I believe in Love? Hell yah. Will I find it? Probably not

Also women want a relationship they see in the god damn movies now. Flawless, perfection no troubles and if there is any, they are fixable within 30 minutes. People no longer work on relationships, build off sacrifices, and grow closer. Moment something goes wrong, either they'll divorce and destroy our financial lives, use ours and there own bloodline for leverage, and denounce anything about you too your kids.

So to summarize, I don't give a fuck about some stupid ass b***h, some punk ass holiday that's been raped by commercialism. In the end, None of the shit will matter because humanity like always is flawed in ignorance, jealously and insecurity that will usually result in any Love being destroyed. If you can find Love, make it work and keep it until you're a dead next to them. Then you have my respect. Cause you actually figured out how Love is. Love is rare and when it's actually LOVE it'll last no matter.

get a grip lad lol.

Nobody has confused a gold digger with a lover lol. I think that's you.

Guys will use gold diggers for their purposes and that's about it. the ones that marry them are fcked.

If you want real love, go to the gym, look after yourself and look good - you wont have a problem ;) it's just as simple as that. You can't expect a girl to LOVE you , just for being a Plonker. Maybe in the fantasy world your living in. But in the Real World be nice, look good and pull a girl of your choise. If you have some lose change, get some on the side too.

Just to add girls love confidence (not arrogance) and hygiene. So make sure you change your clothes n socks every day, wear an aftershave. Every girl I've been out with loves a guy that smells good. This should solve your problem, you might find a girl u like ;) Just remember girls that you probably 'like' will have standards, infact all girls have stanrds. meet them and your half way there d-)

20-02-2010, 17:02
try n tell that to my bird lol.

i know what u mean though lol. Bloody hell try buying 2 dozens of red roses haha and then everything that goes with it!

wtf why ppl on valentines penis, wats the diff between having a girl last weekend and not on valentines weekend just cos some marketing ppl said 'this is the day to have a gf and show her love', gtfo here. I would rather not go all out cos the week before it woulda cost half the price to do twice the shit and if you were in a relevant relationship you would do stuff with each other consistently anyway.

queen bee
20-02-2010, 17:21
Incred, I dont think its a case of him not being able to 'pull'. Think you may have missed the point...

20-02-2010, 18:10
Incred, I dont think its a case of him not being able to 'pull'. Think you may have missed the point...

Well he seems to think all the girls are after his money lol So I may have missed the point

20-02-2010, 19:31
"my bird" lol.

20-02-2010, 19:53
get a grip lad lol.

Just to add girls love confidence (not arrogance) and hygiene. So make sure you change your clothes n socks every day, wear an aftershave. Every girl I've been out with loves a guy that smells good. This should solve your problem, you might find a girl u like ;) Just remember girls that you probably 'like' will have standards, infact all girls have stanrds. meet them and your half way there d-)

I always thought women loved a man to be a little rough and tough??

But of course a guy should always have good hygiene d-)

20-02-2010, 20:02
I always thought women loved a man to be a little rough and tough??

But of course a guy should always have good hygiene d-)

Yea I have to agree with that, I once went on a date with a guy who stank of B.O. it's a good job the weather was good that way the windows of the car were open but when we were in the cinema, just to top it off, he had bad breath too! And then he wonders why we haven't had a second date lol

Iroquois Pliskin
20-02-2010, 20:21
Yea I have to agree with that, I once went on a date with a guy who stank of B.O. it's a good job the weather was good that way the windows of the car were open but when we were in the cinema, just to top it off, he had bad breath too! And then he wonders why we haven't had a second date lol

;( Told ya to keep it on the low.

20-02-2010, 23:45
I always thought women loved a man to be a little rough and tough??

But of course a guy should always have good hygiene d-)

The girls that I have come across do like their men tough n rough ;)

A shower a day if not 2 will do wonders and make sure to slap on some aftershave hehe. :D

If you can't do the above for any reason....there is still hope...

I have mates that are made of money (literally) and they do have cracking birds.

21-02-2010, 02:10
Incred when have i said ALL women are gold diggers ? like Rabies Nesbit you seem to have skimmed through a post.

Why would I need to take advice on women from an 18 stone steroid junkie ? I'm 10 and half stone and unlike you i can see my dick without having to bend forward.

I think you should work out your brain sometimes. Increasing evidence suggests there are exercises we can do to keep our brains in shape. When it comes to women brains >> brawn.

21-02-2010, 06:58
Incred when have i said ALL women are gold diggers ? like Rabies Nesbit you seem to have skimmed through a post.

Why would I need to take advice on women from an 18 stone steroid junkie ? I'm 10 and half stone and unlike you i can see my dick without having to bend forward.

I think you should work out your brain sometimes. Increasing evidence suggests there are exercises we can do to keep our brains in shape. When it comes to women brains >> brawn.

What are steroids? How do you know I take them? Can I not be naturally 18stones without steroids? is it impossible? omg your such a knowlegable guy, what do steroids do? and how do they make people reach 18stones?? please do tell me! oh and is creatine steroids? if I take enough protein shakes would it make me massive? How much protein is in creatine? how much complex carbs is there in dianabol?

10.5 stones not bad!! I'm guessing you're 5ft8. did you use steroids to get to 10.5 stones??? u must have! I bet you use GH and Slin aswel?? what about IGF? MGF peptides?? bet u bang in 2 grams of test a week, shit man! wow! TELL ME HOW U DO IT MAN!??! please..

here listen to this Tupac track whilst answering my questions:
YouTube - In The Air Tonight Remix 2pac phil collins

21-02-2010, 20:38
I'm five eleven

queen bee
21-02-2010, 21:20
Thread rape.

21-02-2010, 21:54
Thread rape.

not all rapist are fucking cunts, some are fucking arseholes

21-02-2010, 22:36
I'm five eleven

u huge bastard! lol. Damn now 10.5 stones doesnt seem that impressive anymore.


21-02-2010, 22:49
yep im so skinny you could wrap the whole of one of those big chunky arms around me

21-02-2010, 22:54
^ That does sound skinny for your height though... i think my brother is the same height but weighs more, but its pure flubb not incred lol.

21-02-2010, 22:54
yep im so skinny you could wrap the whole of one of those big chunky arms around me

mate I rather you find yourself a gold digger chick. if all fails then I don't see no harm of giving you a hug xxx.

oh n btw what did you take to become skinny? Ephedrine? Clenbuterol?

Dinitrophenol (DNP?) though this sh1t was dangerous??

21-02-2010, 22:55
^ That does sound skinny for your height though... i think my brother is the same height but weighs more, but its pure flubb not incred lol.

a man needs some meat on his body. Otherwise how would he keep himself warm?

21-02-2010, 23:01
Pretzel, my BMI is 20.7, apparently people who have a BMI between 20-23 live the longest, so it's all good.

Incred, i used to be bulimic but then i was introduced to anorexia, and it's much cheaper, so now I've stuck with that. Why buy food in the first place, if your gonna throw it up ?

21-02-2010, 23:02
Same could be said about women!

21-02-2010, 23:07
Pretzel, my BMI is 20.7, apparently people who have a BMI between 20-23 live the longest, so it's all good.

Incred, i used to be bulimic but then i was introduced to anorexia, and it's much cheaper, so now I've stuck with that. Why buy food in the first place, if your gonna throw it up ?

I thought it just meant it's 'normal' weight? and dont tell me you by the BMI shitty index lol. It's crap. You could be 15stones at your height with solid muscles and low bf% and it will class you as obese *)

21-02-2010, 23:17
yeh BMI isn't meant to take body muscle into account, it's just a general guideline to look at your weight health wise for overly skinny people or morbidly obese people, rather then how much muscle percentage you have.

20-25 is what you should be (If you don't take muscle factors into account), most people are in UK are 25-30. At nearly 20 and my height being above average it makes me look skinnier and more gangly then I actually am. Also remember 20-25 is a very wide margin. A BMI of 25 is about 2 and a quarter stone more then a BMI of 20, which would show a big visible difference in a person.

21-02-2010, 23:23
yeh BMI isn't meant to take body muscle into account, it's just a general guideline to look at your weight health wise for overly skinny people or morbidly obese people, rather then how much muscle percentage you have.

20-25 is what you should be (If you don't take muscle factors into account), most people are in UK are 25-30. At nearly 20 and my height being above average it makes me look skinnier and more gangly then I actually am. Also remember 20-25 is a very wide margin. A BMI of 25 is about 2 and a quarter stone more then a BMI of 20, which would show a big visible difference in a person.

listen brother just forget the BMI it's a simple indication to shit! don't read too much into it lol.

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