View Full Version : Boyfriends Brother?...

29-04-2010, 12:41
I need a few words of advice from someone.
I've been in a relationship with a wonderful guy for close to half a year. He's amazing, and he treats me great. The only problem is, he's got an older brother, and lately... I've been seeing the two of them differently. My boyfriend's brother is VERY attractive, successful, and has a great sense of humor. Everyone loves him.

He's SO nice to me. We get along great, and I'm not sure if there's something there or not... he always compliments me, and buys me little gifts if I do him favors. -- Not to say that means anything more than it actually is. However...

Lately, I find that every time I get "physical" with my boyfriend, I'm thinking of his brother. They're both just SO great. This is becoming a big problem though. What do I do? Should I confess? Who should I talk to? What if my feelings for my boyfriends brother don't go away? Someone, please help... ;(

29-04-2010, 13:13
Do the brother, a guilty feeling will stike you constantly bugging you, that will make u more distance to him.

sometimes doing the right thing aint doing the right thing.

29-04-2010, 13:47
Can't be koching with next mans brother...

i guess you made your choice when you "fell in love" with the younger brother.
and yeah, as the above poster, sometimes doing what makes you feel good aint the right thing... at the end of the day whose gonna get hurt?

You need to think properly about what is right and what you want in the same context.

29-04-2010, 13:57
Let me tell you one thing straight.

They both might be great guys. Even if you decide to go for the older bruv now, I can assure you it won't last long. he might just use it cus as far as he will be concerned you're his younger bros left overs.

I've been out with my younger brothers ex g/f with no intentions of continuing with the relationship on a long term basis. Ask yourself this question would you get in a a serious relationship which your sister has been doing (even if she hasn't).

Even if both bruvs are ok with swapping you about, their not serious about you and quite frankly using you. Trust me I know how guys head works.

29-04-2010, 14:08
M4RN1: Your right But I cant help the way I feel I have no control over

Pretzel: I have thought about it properly. He wants a serious thing with me

Incredibly: He did mention that at some point, why should I be second best? I dont want to be handling left overs those were his own words.. He called it off which really broke me apart till he himself got in contact and said lets give it a go hes always secretly fancied me. We met up and ever since then he's started callin me baby and giving extra attention to me.

29-04-2010, 14:59
I'd be VERY CAREFUL. I will never get serious with my mates g/f let alone with my brothers. Fling -yeah, but serious -NO. She might be attractive etc, but the thought my bro has been there and done it, would put me off big TIME. I would assume the same for you.

Like I said BE CAREFUL

Spider Pig
29-04-2010, 15:40
get with me, I can make sure you forget about them both. I won't pay for dinner though, although I think we should skip it anyway because having a full stomach when you'll be pole dancing on me later is not the best idea.

29-04-2010, 18:14
You need to tell the older guy to back off to begin with. If the older guys intention is to start something then what a dickhead. You might find you like him but thinking about it subjectively, would you really want a guy who'd go after his own brother's girlfriend?

Plus wtf with the gifts.

29-04-2010, 18:25
Guji Ji: Your absolutly right. Tell my stupid heart who cant stop liking him. I feel so guilty I'e always been a honest straight forward person I hate secrecy and lies... But I just cant stop my feelings growing for him right now.

He said he doesnt mind sneaking around till a few years then come out with it.. and..that I just cant do?

Spider Pig
29-04-2010, 18:49
you want what you can't have, if you get it then it won't mean shit when you get bored because you have it.

29-04-2010, 19:09
End the relationship with the younger brother, and tell the older brother that things have to stop, because you are putting a stop to it.

It’s all deceit……………end it, it’s the right thing to do.

29-04-2010, 21:00
I need a few words of advice from someone.
I've been in a relationship with a wonderful guy for close to half a year. He's amazing, and he treats me great. The only problem is, he's got an older brother, and lately... I've been seeing the two of them differently. My boyfriend's brother is VERY attractive, successful, and has a great sense of humor. Everyone loves him.

He's SO nice to me. We get along great, and I'm not sure if there's something there or not... he always compliments me, and buys me little gifts if I do him favors. -- Not to say that means anything more than it actually is. However...

Lately, I find that every time I get "physical" with my boyfriend, I'm thinking of his brother. They're both just SO great. This is becoming a big problem though. What do I do? Should I confess? Who should I talk to? What if my feelings for my boyfriends brother don't go away? Someone, please help... ;(

LOL - Wicked story... Man... I got nothing to say...

29-04-2010, 21:53
Evil Genious: I dont blame you :( im ashamed and confused really I am

Dark Knight: I know deep down your absolutly right... Sometimes in life you dont always get what you want.

29-04-2010, 21:53
I hope you do get offended but you are a bit of a sick twisted chick, Dont you think?

You are in a relationship with someone but are thinking about his older brother, LIKE WTF? WHY haven't you just let it all go with the younger one? or do you like the whole attention from both brother?

Either way, you are getting nowhere, asking people on a forum what you should do with your weak heart is pointless, as guaranteed you get scolded (like this post, but take it as you will)...

Good Luck with the brother hunt

29-04-2010, 21:56
I actually like her. And would love to get inside her head and watch the fantasies... They probably awesome.

29-04-2010, 21:58
Lol allow it, this chick is on another cloud dude, she has BROTHERLY love, i dont think anything external is needed lol

29-04-2010, 22:00
Shelim: Im not offended. But you've never bin in my situation so cant possible know how I feel. I knew his older brother long before the younger one but at that point we were only attending the same college back then. I have ended it with the younger one btw.

Evil Genious: aree OH Shup kar!

29-04-2010, 22:03
Lol allow it, this chick is on another cloud dude, she has BROTHERLY love, i dont think anything external is needed lol

Its called not having control over who you fall for.. I didnt choose to fall 4 him if it was my choice trust me Id pick somebody elese.

Spider Pig
29-04-2010, 22:05
no direct response, must be something to do with foreskin preference.

29-04-2010, 22:09
Its called not having control over who you fall for.. I didnt choose to fall 4 him if it was my choice trust me Id pick somebody elese.

I know ALL about that!

29-04-2010, 22:10
lol lollll

Iroquois Pliskin
29-04-2010, 22:13
I actually like her. And would love to get inside her head and watch the fantasies... They probably awesome.

lets play a role playin game. any names mentioned is coincidental.

so its like this..

EG is getting the sex but she's thinkin of SPig.


29-04-2010, 22:15
OUCH.... thats like ..... LOL?

Iroquois Pliskin
29-04-2010, 22:16
i was e-bullied on ap. true story.

29-04-2010, 22:17
lets play a role playin game. any names mentioned is coincidental.

so its like this..

EG is getting the sex but she's thinkin of SPig.



Yeh, sick... Man... Nice scenario, lol got me pondering....


29-04-2010, 22:18
And I'm sitting in the corner laughing and touching myself.

Spider Pig
29-04-2010, 22:20
beamer, benz or bent penis

29-04-2010, 22:22
lets play a role playin game. any names mentioned is coincidental.

so its like this..

EG is getting the sex but she's thinkin of SPig.



29-04-2010, 22:22
beamer, benz or bent penis

A.K.A. Banana Cock


Spider Pig
29-04-2010, 22:24
And I'm sitting in the corner laughing and touching myself.


Spider Pig
29-04-2010, 22:25
A.K.A. Banana Cock


obviously false advertising, no way a yellow penis can be that big

29-04-2010, 22:25

repping the Milky bar kid

29-04-2010, 22:26
obviously false advertising, no way a yellow penis can be that big

here you are


29-04-2010, 22:27


Spider Pig
29-04-2010, 22:28


Spider Pig
29-04-2010, 22:29
here you are



29-04-2010, 22:30
Sephiroth: Unnecessary, this will cause problems of breaking up a family; you might create harm in the family, as you said the family loves him; with this they will have 2nd doubts. In the end younger brother will stop respecting his brother.

29-04-2010, 22:31

29-04-2010, 22:39
Guji Ji: Your absolutly right. Tell my stupid heart who cant stop liking him. I feel so guilty I'e always been a honest straight forward person I hate secrecy and lies... But I just cant stop my feelings growing for him right now.

He said he doesnt mind sneaking around till a few years then come out with it.. and..that I just cant do?
You're not seriously considering it?

You know you'd destroy the relationship between the brothers?

I'd disown my brother if he ever did that shit to me. And anyone who knows me knows my brother is the 2nd most important thing in my life after my Mum.

I don't think your guilt is making anyone sympathsie with you. You can't help who you fall for, but you can help what you do with it. And even keeping contact with him, makes you disturbed.

29-04-2010, 22:41
Sephiroth: will become a Tv soap.

DJ Popz
29-04-2010, 22:52
Lol are you crazy trying it with your boyfriend's brother? How you think he's going to react when he finds out? And the fact that your boyfriend's brother is even considering keep it a secret relationship with his brother ex shows he has no respect for his younger brother at all. If he can do that what makes you think he may not be doing other secret things behind your back... say like I dunno... seeing other girls?

Yeah he is "SO" nice to you probably because he wants to get into your pants, he should know better not to go after brother's girlfriend. Don't you find it the least awkward even thinking about getting with a boyfriend's bro?

If I were you I would end it all now, before you ruin it and make a big mess out of it.

On a curious note on what basis did you end it with your boyfriend?

29-04-2010, 22:58
Sephiroth: a Seven deadly sin story.

29-04-2010, 23:03
Firstly the brother should not be fraternising with you on his own. I think most guys would agree here that you don't have alone time or get too friendly with your mates/brothers girl, hanging around in a group is Ok, but there really is no reason for him to be fraternizing with you on a one-to one level.

Really what kind of prick of a brother would do that? As much as my brother is a pretenious prick I would never try it on my wife. there's a unwritten code men have, It's called BRO's before HOES. My mates have some fine girls and when we chilling in a group I know I give them jokes, not meaning to sound like a cocky prick, but I know If I made moves I could be getting something to, however there are things more special and important then my dick.

29-04-2010, 23:35
I cracked up so much with the spamming in this thread. Hahaa

Anyways, Such a shame how you've fallen for the wrong brother lol! But there is a reason why you chose the younger one, having known the older one for longer! You're probably just very attracted to him, lusting, unsatisfied sexually by your man, but as brothers I really don't see them sharing cos that's twisted. It's too late to open up now (your mouth), you'll probs lose both - be careful - sex with one is better than no sex lol? Seriously though, don't consider the brother thing, if he can betray his own brother then he will chew you and spit you out. Doooon't dooo it.
Must be like forbidden fruit, you want what you can't have. Plus he's successful, attractive. Who doesn't want that in a guy. Find out things that are unattractive in the older bro lol.
How strong were your feelings for your new ex? You shouldn't really be eyeing up his bro if it was "love" <) and don't waste your time with either of them!!
Who holds a better convo? Has the old yin ever dropped hints? What a sicko he is!
I like your openess.. lol sick thoughts though! :o


29-04-2010, 23:40
Jootha piyar!

29-04-2010, 23:44
Bewafaa...Bewafaa...Bewaaafaa nikli heh tu!

29-04-2010, 23:50

"pyaara bhaiya mera dulha raja banke aah gaya"

Translate: My brother has came, dressed as a groom.
In this case - my brother came dressed as a groom for meh. Lol

30-04-2010, 04:27
I havent read all the replies on here. Infact I stopped reading after the first page.

Teardrops don't worry there's nothing wrong with you. Most of these guys have never been with a girl/ guy so they wouldn't know.

I've gone out with a girl and then seen her sister and though fck me wow she's hawttt... it's normal...ofcourse some people on here wouldn't know that.

small feet with a big nose can usually be the cause of that pmsl. :D

30-04-2010, 09:54
lol you guys crack me up! I feel a bit better now :) cant stop laughing esp at the above animation lol

30-04-2010, 09:56

Lol I cant stop laughin at this one LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

30-04-2010, 12:56
I'm glad I amused you. ~)

Spider Pig
30-04-2010, 17:03
I'm glad I amused you. ~)

you got no chance unless you have a brother

Spider Pig
30-04-2010, 17:04
Lol I cant stop laughin at this one LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

why you laughin at zero for? he was chirpsin on cam and got caught, his swagger has been baited out.


30-04-2010, 17:40
Love, u dont really love your boyfriends brother, you love the things he's doing (doing favours being really sweet)
If you got something good stick with it and dont fuck about.

sometimes its better that someone loves you 110% then you knowing he dont have much love for you and you love him like crazy.
(thats if your in love? i dunno im just guessing meh)

30-04-2010, 21:55
Sephiroth: Hormone problems...

30-04-2010, 22:50
Lol at incredible being MR girls girls girls..... lol good on you hulk...

Spider Pig
01-05-2010, 00:33

Spider Pig
01-05-2010, 00:34

01-05-2010, 03:50
Lol at incredible being MR girls girls girls..... lol good on you hulk...

don't get your knickers in a twist.


01-05-2010, 15:52
Lol spig that moti was well more attractive anyway ^)

Teardrop.. have you decided what you're gonna do?

Pac Man
01-05-2010, 16:29
i would never do that to my brother and if he did that to me, we wouldnt be brothers any more. like someone said theres a unwritten code. you just dont do that shit.

lol @ incredibles posts tho. hes been thru it all8-) but he's right to some extent.

01-05-2010, 16:30
Www . cojfusedntwistwd . Com/yourbroplease

01-05-2010, 16:34
Www . confusedntwisted . Com/yourbroplease

01-05-2010, 16:37
Lol.. well let's write it then. THE BRO CODE.

A Bro shall not woo the following XX chromosomes:

1. An ex (unless she got a boob job)
2. Your fellow Bro's sister
3. Your fellow Bro's girlfriend/ex
4. Your own blood Bro's girlfriend/ex
5. Your fellow Bro's mother
6. Your own cousin

A Bro's cousin is acceptable in some circumstances. :lol:

Spider Pig
01-05-2010, 16:41
beamer, boyfriend or brother

go for the car and pick me up

01-05-2010, 17:07
I'll take the car, guys aren't worth it, car are more reliable!

01-05-2010, 20:58
I think I wet my knickers at all the spam in this shtooopid thread.

BACCCK to the thread.
Teardrops - you're probably a lovely girl. Hell, I dont judge you, atleast you're honest yeah? And maybe a bit freaky. But Helen Bonham-Carter is a bit freeeaky so s'all good. Whatever, BASICALLY: stop thinking with your pussy.
Its obvious as day; both brothers merge into one, you're confusing em with each other.

Reality check: you can't have both.
Life aint some Vicky Cristina Barcelona movie. (Which, by the way, is one HOT movie. Penelope Cruz and Scarlett Johansson gettin freaky in a dark room. Rawr)

So pick one. Choose anyhow; wallet size, fashiest car, cock size, maybe even bra size.
Whatever you do, you'll have to deal with it and live with the consequences.

Luckily for you, there are a few get-out clauses.

You can:

A) Ditch em both, instead of being greedy.
B) Make love with Spig. He'll screw you to the sky and you'll either become his groupie OR turn to the Greek island of Lesbos.
C) Drug them both, lock them in your sex dungeon and make a movie.
D) Attempt to two-time them in a black PVC outfit. You may get lucky.
E) Run away and become a nun.

Now I think about it, maybe Spig is the best option.

Spider Pig
01-05-2010, 21:04
Now I think about it, maybe Spig is the best option.

best post ever on AP. fact.

I think she just one of those random posters that come on to post random crap. if she posts videos of gettin rammed by each brother then we can vote on who did it best and therefore finalising this tough dilemma.

01-05-2010, 21:06

01-05-2010, 21:10
I just recommended your sexual services to a rampant e-lady - you better BOW to that post, beeeeeeeeetch.

LOL at vids of gettin shagged by each brother! THAT SHOULD SO HAPPEN! It'd keep you occupied and locked in your room for days Spig!

01-05-2010, 21:11
I thought that read "I'd keep you occupied and locked in your room for days".

I almost lol'd

01-05-2010, 21:12
I thought that read "I'd keep you occupied and locked in your room for days".

I almost lol'd

z) Like hell. Hah

Spider Pig
01-05-2010, 21:20
I thought that read "I'd keep you occupied and locked in your room for days".

I almost lol'd

I read that too, she must've edited it, you know its true.

I still believe the original version of "I'd". fact.

01-05-2010, 21:28
I read that too, she must've edited it, you know its true.

I still believe the original version of "I'd". fact.

It totallyy didnt.
However, if it makes you sleep at night, feel free to believe it :Q
*cough cough* Loser. *cough*

01-05-2010, 22:07
B) Make love with Spig. He'll screw you to the sky and you'll either become his groupie OR turn to the Greek island of Lesbos.

Now I think about it, maybe Spig is the best option.


02-05-2010, 00:59
i would never do that to my brother and if he did that to me, we wouldnt be brothers any more. like someone said theres a unwritten code. you just dont do that shit.

lol @ incredibles posts tho. hes been thru it all8-) but he's right to some extent.

ofcourse I'm right lol. I mean think about you pull yourself a chick and then later see her sister and she's fit. the right thing to do is ignore that you fancy her sister more. But the practical thing is, get in her knickers if she will allow it ;)

I think the Brother in teardrops case is fucked up if I'm honest with it and Teardrop is just doing what we all would do. ;)

02-05-2010, 01:09
teardrops dont listen to anyone on here except Incredible. He's the only guy on here that's ever got any pussy.

02-05-2010, 06:18
Tariq hahaha don't let your mum out if u know what's good for u. u know what i mean huh?? u know what i mean? ;) :D

I'm so fitt and i know it ;) it's not my fault! girls love me and you guys wanna be like me ;) :D :D

02-05-2010, 11:06
oh sht..........

02-05-2010, 12:11
Wow ur asshole must be huge to be able to fit ur head in it ... Lol There is a fine line between being confident n being full if it... Lol happy Sunday

02-05-2010, 13:15
I just lol'd wholeheartedly.

02-05-2010, 13:58
Wow ur asshole must be huge to be able to fit ur head in it ... Lol There is a fine line between being confident n being full if it... Lol happy Sunday

let me get this right wasnt you asking me for advise on how to lose weight not long ago? you must have got confused with mine and your asshole.

02-05-2010, 18:55

Spider Pig
02-05-2010, 19:19

welcome to old news.

see previous pages.

02-05-2010, 19:38
^ I know, i was reffering that to someone on here

Pac Man
02-05-2010, 19:59

Iroquois Pliskin
02-05-2010, 22:57
lol fail pac man

Pac Man
02-05-2010, 23:28
lol fail pac man

it was worth a try:sad:

03-05-2010, 00:33
LOL incredible tries using the fact that we have asked him for advice as a way to reply, i did it openly as far as i can remember so i have nohing to hide about it.. whats your point?

03-05-2010, 01:56
loool incred asking someone how to lose weight also doesn't mean they're jealous of you, big headed or fat. So shelim you're right, it didn't really make sense. :S

03-05-2010, 04:07
LOL incredible tries using the fact that we have asked him for advice as a way to reply, i did it openly as far as i can remember so i have nohing to hide about it.. whats your point?

loool incred asking someone how to lose weight also doesn't mean they're jealous of you, big headed or fat. So shelim you're right, it didn't really make sense. :S

relax ladies n gents it was a joke...8-)

Shelim you're taking it too serious man. I hope my help takes you a lonnnnnnnnnnnnng way!~):D

SweetSuga read Shelims previous post before you read mine. you might even get it:d

03-05-2010, 04:11
loool incred asking someone how to lose weight also doesn't mean they're jealous of you, big headed or fat. So shelim you're right, it didn't really make sense. :S
Here I quote the missed/ forgotten joke for your convenience:

Wow ur asshole must be huge to be able to fit ur head in it ... Lol There is a fine line between being confident n being full if it... Lol happy Sunday

let me get this right wasnt you asking me for advise on how to lose weight not long ago? you must have got confused with mine and your asshole.

03-05-2010, 11:01
All good, lets brush it under the carpet now...

In uni library on a bank holiday coz my members of my presentation group are being lazy and not coming in :(

10-05-2010, 15:10
Tariq hahaha don't let your mum out if u know what's good for u. u know what i mean huh?? u know what i mean? ;) :D

I'm so fitt and i know it ;) it's not my fault! girls love me and you guys wanna be like me ;) :D :D

wtf why u talkin about nex mans mum fuckin fat shit, if u wanna say anything say it about me

It's easy to be brave from a safe distance, behind the safety of a monitor... boi best believe i'd have snapped you in half like a kit kat if you was in front if me...

10-05-2010, 18:23
When you say girls like you..what type of girls do 'like' you?
What do they like about you? you smart funny and witty or you just gormless but huge? :p

send some tips:)

12-05-2010, 03:05
This is a very wrong and dangerous situation, I think you should just leave them both alone, if you were serious about your boyfriend, you wouldn't have feelings or fantasies about the other brother.. get yourself out of it altogether, otherwise there will be further problems, and yes its easier said than done, but it's possible.

12-05-2010, 10:38
good thing my brother lives in patiala...and is ugly as shite