View Full Version : Access HELP

18-08-2010, 15:46
hello APer's, does anyone here know much about Microsoft Access, need some help with this, may seem preety basic to you but its driving me up a wall trying to solve it

basically i have two tables Service & Order, in the service table i have 3 fields where i have stored all the services that my database is suppose to hold, ServiceID(primary key), Service(what the services are) and Price (price of the services)

now in my second table Order is where the user makes orders for whatever and have 11 fields, one of the fields in the order table (ordertype) gets the services from the Service table, which is fine, but the other field in the order table is what is giving me the problem, this is the Price field.

What i am trying to do is, when the user selects an order type from the order table, i want the price of that order to display in the price field in the order table , it should look at what has been selected and display the price

18-08-2010, 15:51
I know that in my CV it says I am proficient in it...

18-08-2010, 15:52
well if you are, then i got lots more questions for you, but first help me with this one

18-08-2010, 21:18
hold down alt and then press f4. it does it all for you.

18-08-2010, 21:25
There is no question in that wall of text. What's the problem? Looks straight forward one to many relationship (I'm assuming - because your Order table references one Service table entry).

18-08-2010, 23:56
the question was how do i autopopulate the price field when the order type has been selected

but ive found a microsoft help on that issue which solves my questions

so thanks anyways