View Full Version : Expire date on hair products

01-07-2006, 12:28
hey does any1 know if there is a certain amount of time that a hair product such as Hair straightening serum can be kept.

I got a frize-ease 5 minute hair straightening serum fing and it smells funny now and i had it for ages, you think i shud throw it out now coz i dont use it anymore?

01-07-2006, 13:00
on sum products theres expiry d8s
uise frizz ease 2.... they dont seem 2 have 1
yeah i kno wot u mean wen it starts 2 smell funny... chuck it, makes ur hairy feel greasy wen it starts 2 smell
think ur meant 2 use the product within 3-6 months or sumthin

01-07-2006, 13:04
They dont usually hav xpiry dates but as it startin 2 smell then chuk it away coz gona make ur hair stink n all!:o

01-07-2006, 13:16
hmm fort as much coz i use the tresemme hair protection fing or woteva its called but defi tresemme

02-07-2006, 17:17
ive never really noticed, but i guess if its startin to honk bin it! xxxx

17-07-2006, 15:01
if they do have expiry dates then its really long but dont use it if it smells

24-07-2006, 13:57
I get my hair products from Lush and because the ingredients are as natural as can be, you MUST use them by the expiry. But seeing as previously synthetic products are starting to add more and more natural extracts, I think it'd do you damage to use them after the expiry. Theycan start to ferment and seperate. Kinda like what nail polish does when it's old.

ruby angel
24-07-2006, 18:11
at the bottom theres usually a simbol of a tub with a number of months on it. tht means how long u can use after its been opened.