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Mr Sandman
25-09-2005, 19:16
I was sorting out my profile and came to a box that says "gender". Then as a sub title theres a short message that reads something like "state your sexuality, male, female or bisexual".
I'm pretty sure sexuality and gender are two different things. I've come to the conclusion that someone is trying to join the two categories so they can put an 'icon' for the user to be made public, but theres an icon for homosexuals and lesbians, so why isnt there an option for them? Surely if one was to sign up, they'd find it discriminating.

25-09-2005, 19:29
hmmm true, i see what u mean, are you sure sexuality and gender are two different things? i think there both almost like the same..., i don think theres an icon for bisexuals??

Mr Sandman
25-09-2005, 19:37
yeah, gender is male or female
sexuality is homosexual, lesbian, bisexual or hetrosexual.
i dont think theres an icon for bisexuals either (so why would there be an option?), but male and females have a seperate icon whereas homosexuals and lesbians share an icon.

25-09-2005, 19:44
i see..., so bisexuals are not classified as a gender..., i mean think about it..., u got a sex change, you have male and female body parts..., what can a person like that..., a bisexual say as what his/her gender is?? Say for e.g. someone asked what is ur "Gender" ofcourse they wont say female or male, they will say im a bisexual, wont that be as classifying a gender?

25-09-2005, 19:47
im bisexual i just say to people if they ask my gender bisexual :lol:

Mr Sandman
25-09-2005, 20:20
i see..., so bisexuals are not classified as a gender..., i mean think about it..., u got a sex change, you have male and female body parts..., what can a person like that..., a bisexual say as what his/her gender is?? Say for e.g. someone asked what is ur "Gender" ofcourse they wont say female or male, they will say im a bisexual, wont that be as classifying a gender?

Hmm, i see what your getting at.
A man with female body parts isnt really a man, if they've undergone surgery to become female (e.g with breasts and a vagina) they are officially a female. So when asked about their gender, they can say female. If they were asked about there sexuality, they'd say lesbian, bisexual or even hetrosexual, depending on what gender they prefer to be intimate with.
A man with unintentional breasts and a natural penis is just a fatty or suffering from some kind of disease.

ruby angel
25-09-2005, 20:28
urrrr......ok........wats goin on here then????

25-09-2005, 20:30
hmmm intresting...., i dont know what to say now...., but dont u think a man with female body parts had a sex change..... but is still a man within but a woman on the outside..., wouldnt that be classified as a bisexual? you can classify their gender as a female from the outside ofcourse..., but wouldnt u take into consideration the sex change theyve had...., (have i made my self clear or am i talking gobboldy goo?)

Mr Sandman
25-09-2005, 20:45
yeah you've made yourself clear, but a man undergone a full sex change isnt going to be a man any longer. After the operation he may still think like a man, but physically he's female. What you mentally think is irrelavant to what you physically are in this case. For example, if i was to think and act like a straight woman, it wouldnt make me female, my gender is still male as i have my usual manly parts but it'd make me a homosexual, which would be my sexuality.
bi sexual is a person who'd be intimate with people of the same and opposite sex, regardless if they've had a sex operation or not.

25-09-2005, 20:48
So what do you call a person or classify their gender when they are of both sexes?? i asked voodoo, he said bisexual i wasnt sure my self until he told me, hence bisexual was added...,

Mr Sandman
25-09-2005, 21:00
both sexes? what do you mean? a female with a penis isnt female, a man with breasts and a vagina isnt a man. a man may dress like a female to attract other men, that'd just make him a homosexual.

Mr Sandman
25-09-2005, 21:19
alright we're both right, just looked it up. bisexual has two meanings, the one you've mentioned in having both sexes and the other meaning i mentioned about being intimate with people of same and opposite gender. :S
The context it was used in in the profile is labeled as a 'sexuality,' led me to believe it was a mistake.
The correct term nowadays for people with both genders is a hermaphrodite. I suppose it was to stop people getting confused with the term bisexual. Ironic.

25-09-2005, 21:25
hmm valid point....jst wonderin if mine is a q stil...c afta dis post! lol

25-09-2005, 21:38
alright we're both right, just looked it up. bisexual has two meanings, the one you've mentioned in having both sexes and the other meaning i mentioned about being intimate with people of same and opposite gender. :S
The context it was used in in the profile is labeled as a 'sexuality,' led me to believe it was a mistake.
The correct term nowadays for people with both genders is a hermaphrodite. I suppose it was to stop people getting confused with the term bisexual. Ironic.

lols..., good thing u looked it up so you say hermaphrodite? ive never come across that word..., and...., i dont think anyone would know what that means..., so shall we stick with the common bi??

Mr Sandman
25-09-2005, 21:41
lol yeah that'd do.

25-09-2005, 21:43
oh ok so everyones ignoring my remark ill say it again then hehehe


25-09-2005, 21:50
i can see that ^^

26-09-2005, 12:51
gud on ya wild thing!

26-09-2005, 13:08
ok what about himaphrodite... i think thats how u spellit thats a person who has male and female reproductive organs ....

Mr Sandman
26-09-2005, 14:32
thats right bananasuit, but we've decided to keep 'bisexual' in place of that as it also means the same thing.

26-09-2005, 14:34
hmm i though bisexual only meant that someone was attracted to both sexes....ive NEVER even heard the term used for a gender... im very confused i thought i knew almost every word in the dictionary

26-09-2005, 14:39
ahhaa ive got the answer.....

bisexual used in the term of gender is only for an individual form of life, such as a plant, animal, bacterium, protist, or fungus.

in the UK bisexual means someones sexual orientation... like whether they are attracted to men or women... ahhhaaa so bisexual is rong.. it should be hermaphrodite

Mr Sandman
26-09-2005, 14:40
i was originally in the same boat as you, i've never heard of it being used to describe it that way either, its why i brought the subject up.
Dictionary.com shows it can be used in both context, so i suppose its still correct.

26-09-2005, 14:42
no not really....... the correct word for it is hermaphrodite ... or at least in britain

Mr Sandman
26-09-2005, 14:49
well in britain its widely called hermaphrodite, whereas the term bisexual can be used to describe both meanings.
I see what your saying, but just because its not commonly used to mean bisexual, it doesnt mean its wrong.

26-09-2005, 14:52
hmmm ...maybe not wrong ... but dont you think it makes more sence to call it hermaphrodite??

Mr Sandman
26-09-2005, 14:56
yes i do, may also avoid future confusion.

26-09-2005, 14:56
hmm yes i agree :D well im gettin good at this arent i !!

Mr Sandman
26-09-2005, 15:00
pretty much lol :)

26-09-2005, 15:05
yipeee !!! now gimmi some good rep :P

Mr Sandman
26-09-2005, 15:06
i already did when you first asked :D
but i did feel you deserved it

26-09-2005, 15:14
whooppieee thank you *bows* thank you.. id give you some but it says i cant giv any for 24 hours... looks like ill just have to recieve for a change *grins*

Mr Sandman
26-09-2005, 15:42
such a shame, was getting my hopes up :D

26-09-2005, 15:43
lol only another 23 hours :P

26-09-2005, 20:11
ok when was the last time you called someone hermaphrodite ive never heard of it nor come across, it might be the right term but wouldnt u use something everyone is familair to?? like bisexual??

27-09-2005, 10:01
no i would shout like.... "OI HEMIIII!!!"lmfao !!! ..... i only use the term bisexual for if someone 'does' men and women