View Full Version : Muslim only Day at Alton Towers

03-08-2006, 21:30
I was in the hofb forum and came across a very intresting post, which was posted by Reena, I hope she dosent mind, i'd like to see what people of this forum think about this?

From the Sun:

BRITAIN’S biggest fun park has sparked a race row — with a MUSLIMS-ONLY day.

Up to 28,000 are expected at Alton Towers on September 17 when there will be no music, booze or gambling.

Instead there will be prayer areas, Muslim stalls and all food served will be HALAL.

Organisers Islamic Leisure have billed it the First National Muslim Fun Day and tickets can only be bought through their website.

Non-Muslims phoning the Staffordshire park have been refused tickets.

One, George Hughes, 19, who rang up for 15 tickets for a pal’s birthday, said: “I couldn’t believe it. “It’s the only day we can go, yet I can’t because I’m not Muslim. Can you imagine all the fuss if there was a Christians-only day?”

George, of Crayford, Kent, added: “My Muslim friends think it’s outrageous.

“What’s the world coming to when people are being banned from flying the St George’s flag yet this sort of day is allowed? If it must be held, then why not on a weekday rather than a busy weekend?”

The event is widely promoted on the internet and the Muslim Public Affairs Committee declared it “exclusively for our brothers and sisters”.

But some Muslims have condemned the idea. One university student on a Muslim website forum said: “It’s hardly encouraging integration.”

Another said: “What next . . . an all Muslims shopping day out in the Trafford Centre in Manchester?”

Abid Hussan of Islamic Leisure insisted the day was open to all faiths, although Islamic laws would apply.

He added: “There will be no smoking, no alcohol and halal food only.

“We’re trying to get Muslims to go to this day because they wouldn’t normally go somewhere like Alton Towers. We’re trying to integrate Muslims into the wider community. People can come down and see the way we live. It will be a peaceful family environment.”

Alton Towers said any organisation could hire the park for a day.

A spokeswoman said “We make no distinction regarding sexuality, religious, ethnic or lifestyle choices.”

She confirmed tickets for the day were now available only through Islamic Leisure. And Alton Towers would promote the fact that the day had been booked.

She added: “As a general rule, there will be no admission on the day to guests who have not booked through the organisation in advance.”


What are your thoughts on the above?

If one religion is being respected surely they should do the same for the other religions too rather than favouring one over them all?

As its a multicultural society..is it right to bring in muslim/sikh/christian only days out? wheres the unity?

Lets here it from you guys!

03-08-2006, 21:33
datz abit racist xxxxxxxx

03-08-2006, 21:33

Incase you think its fake :)

03-08-2006, 21:35
I dont see no problems with that...it says that that it will be open to all faiths....but only difference is that it wont have any alcohol, smoking and have only halaal food. Just media creating a frenzy out of sumfink innocent...no surprise ther.

03-08-2006, 21:35
It shud b open 2 all races n religions...but if they'll hafta abide by the rules of the organiser tho as they've booked it...

03-08-2006, 21:36
Alot Of Muslims I Know Are Goin. . It Not Realli Racial Jus The More 'Over Protective' Parents That Never Let Their Kids Out Because Of Westernised Stuff These Days (not like thats gunna help) It's Nice For Them 2 Go Out. .

Still Gonna Have To Wait Hours For The Daamn Rides :(

03-08-2006, 21:38
Yeh i was told about this from my olda bro and sum mates who are planning to go !!!....in a way its kinda good tingz as there will only be muslimz which means sum people and familys wil be comfortable going out 4da day coz religious families dont like there kids/children seeing galz in bikinis, mini skirts etc....so in dat point of view its a good thing as they wil be able to go out and enjoy da day and stuff!!!

but at da same time its milticulture people go then people can mix and dat....i mean i got some mates who prefer going with different culture people rather dan all asians!!! weneva iv gone out to alton towers/thrope park etc...its ben with many difrnt people white/paki/bengali/indian etc ...i tink u enjoy urself more with various people than all the same kinda people f u get wat i mean Lolzzz....

i know so many galz/guys and families who will be goin to alton towers on dat day in september and most of them are saying da only reason there goin is coz its all muslimz!!!

enuf of da long essay lol enjoy readin ....soz for boring u all !!!

03-08-2006, 21:38
like i said b4
its gonna cause problems
and naughty kayz!!!!

03-08-2006, 21:41
its been cancelled hasnt it, because of the low response to it...kayz u shoulda read the rest of the post on hofb

03-08-2006, 21:43
like i said b4
its gonna cause problems
and naughty kayz!!!!

Why should it....? Thought it was open to all faiths...so whats the hype about...@)

03-08-2006, 21:44
because other faiths will want the same thing

03-08-2006, 21:48
because other faiths will want the same thing

Well noones stopping other faiths from hiring the park... :)

03-08-2006, 21:49
Yeh dats true ....

03-08-2006, 21:50
but thats not fair on other ppl... and yea sexy beast it was cancelled

03-08-2006, 21:59
like i said b4
its gonna cause problems
and naughty kayz!!!!

Hun i will whipp whoevers ass if it gets out of control, it will show who has the power to debate and discuss. Debate and Discussing is something i love! you guys should tune into LBC 97.3 or for those outta london, www.lbc.co.uk (http://www.lbc.co.uk)

03-08-2006, 22:01
I find that quite racist myself

03-08-2006, 22:02
wot bit bav???

03-08-2006, 22:04
i didnt know it got cancelled!! how cumz then

03-08-2006, 22:06

Wow i am famous bananadanc

If you read the topic on the forum... you'll see the day has been cancelled and deemed a flop.. it caused uproar amongst everyone but didnt attract enough attention from the muslim society..

03-08-2006, 22:14
but thats not fair on other ppl... and yea sexy beast it was cancelled

Other ppl can go too....so how is it unfair darling?

03-08-2006, 22:15
Its cancelled....now thats UNFAIR :D

03-08-2006, 22:15
babyash its 1 day dedicated, well was dedicated
sum ppl go 2 celebr8 their bdays and stuff, it inconveniences them

Iroquois Pliskin
03-08-2006, 22:15
Kayz..I saw this stuff in another forum...its a very delicate matter lol.. see what others have to say..

03-08-2006, 22:18
babyash its 1 day dedicated, well was dedicated
sum ppl go 2 celebr8 their bdays and stuff, it inconveniences them

And who was stopping those ppl....?? from celebrating....? They still cud have gone....but celebrate ther bdays with out booze Boooze LOLZZ

I wouldnt be able to celebrate my bday if I was born on Christmas day....cus everything bes closed!! That wud inconvenience me..! LOLLLLZZZ

03-08-2006, 22:22
but thats not fair on other ppl... and yea sexy beast it was cancelled

hows it not fai, jus hire it on behalf of your faith aslong as its open to everyone and not harming anyone whats the big deal??

03-08-2006, 22:23
babyash its 1 day dedicated, well was dedicated
sum ppl go 2 celebr8 their bdays and stuff, it inconveniences them

u dont need to drink b4 6/8pm to celebrate! and how delse does it inconvinience them?? 8&

03-08-2006, 22:25
BRITAIN’S biggest fun park has sparked a race row — with a MUSLIMS-ONLY day.

Up to 28,000 are expected at Alton Towers on September 17 when there will be no music, booze or gambling.

hows that open 2 every1?

03-08-2006, 22:26
hows that open 2 every1?

Read on HUNNN @)

03-08-2006, 22:27
hows that open 2 every1?

go on a different day, simple as, what abt ppl who hav bdays in winter when themeparks r shut?? 8&

03-08-2006, 22:29
datz abit racist xxxxxxxx

its not racist, thats liek sayin all all girls school is sexist, so what its only one day.

03-08-2006, 22:29
Non-Muslims phoning the Staffordshire park have been refused tickets.

One, George Hughes, 19, who rang up for 15 tickets for a pal’s birthday, said: “I couldn’t believe it. “It’s the only day we can go, yet I can’t because I’m not Muslim. Can you imagine all the fuss if there was a Christians-only day?”

thats the bit i was on about

03-08-2006, 22:31
thats the bit i was on about

Its from the Sun newspaper...do u really wanna believe everything they say?? Cus they usually chat out of their arses.. @) They later contradict themselves....in the article.

03-08-2006, 22:32
I didn't read that, but I think it's flippin stupid!
They'll be no music, but you'll still be interacting with the opposite sex.

03-08-2006, 22:34
I didn't read that, but I think it's flippin stupid!
They'll be no music, but you'll still be interacting with the opposite sex.


Hmm..no music or gambling or alcohol, what kind of fun is that!

03-08-2006, 22:37

Hmm..no music or gambling or alcohol, what kind of fun is that!

Thers mor to life than those three..! For eg when ur at Alton Towers....the rides!! :o

03-08-2006, 22:39
That day wouldn't be Islamic!!!
It's stupid!!
And that's all there is to it!

03-08-2006, 22:40
That day wouldn't be Islamic!!!
It's stupid!!
And that's all there is to it!

That day aint happening anymore....so dont get emOtional luv :D

03-08-2006, 22:41
they tryin to accept muslims..the only reason they did it (not to be taken offensively) is to make muslims feel more accepted...after 9/11 and londom bombings and the threat of terrorism being focussed on muslims predominantly to try and make them feel more assured they trying to promote and make tghem generally feel more accepted by society...

03-08-2006, 22:42
imagine if it was an all jew day imagin us muslims we'd go insane

03-08-2006, 22:43
imagine if it was an all jew day imagin us muslims we'd go insane

I wudnt...! Id say 'Wagowan'.....good for them..! @)

03-08-2006, 22:50
Thers mor to life than those three..! For eg when ur at Alton Towers....the rides!! :o

Yea rides are the best part but come on you gotta have some music!

03-08-2006, 22:52
Duuuuude there'll b no mixin of opposite sexes...it sed in the local paper how guyz wud b 1 sextion of park...girls the next...n afta certasin amount of time they will rotate n move along in them lil cable car fingymajiggys...[i duno how thats gona work but hey dont shoot me i'm jus statin wot the deal waz!]

N yes there's more 2 life than alcohol n gambling...even music...tho music playz a pretty big part...?>

03-08-2006, 22:53
Yea rides are the best part but come on you gotta have some music!

Hun when Im at Alton Towers....music is the last thing on my mind. @) Each to its own.

03-08-2006, 22:54
Its up to them i suppose if they want to do it why not, but me personally i dont really approve of it whatever happened to intgeration ?

03-08-2006, 22:54
N yo i find it offensive how on Christmas day i may wana go out wit ma matez or go down the road n buy maself sum chips! But cant cos every flippin place is shut...oh xept 4 the barz n clubs that open in the nite!<:

It works the same way...dont kno y ppl r kickin such a big fuss..azlong az all faiths r welcum it aint racist...i wud go wit all my mixed race n religion mates! Only prob wud b that i cant take the boys along!:o

N itz only 1 day...out of a possible 365 in a year!Insane

03-08-2006, 22:58
Its up to them i suppose if they want to do it why not, but me personally i dont really approve of it whatever happened to intgeration ?

Nah it still allows ppl of different religions 2 cum it jus wantz every1 2 abide by the 'no drinkin, gambling, music, gender mixin' rules...itz good 4 all them yung Muslim girls n boys [girls mainly] who hav strict parentz n arent allowed 2 socialize az much az others coz of how times hav changed...

03-08-2006, 22:58
N yo i find it offensive how on Christmas day i may wana go out wit ma matez or go down the road n buy maself sum chips! But cant cos every flippin place is shut...oh xept 4 the barz n clubs that open in the nite!<:

It works the same way...dont kno y ppl r kickin such a big fuss..azlong az all faiths r welcum it aint racist...i wud go wit all my mixed race n religion mates! Only prob wud b that i cant take the boys along!:o

N itz only 1 day...out of a possible 365 in a year!Insane

Exactly how I feel ... @) Naz, u always on the rite track.... :) With me....lollzz

03-08-2006, 22:59
Duuuuude there'll b no mixin of opposite sexes...it sed in the local paper how guyz wud b 1 sextion of park...girls the next...n afta certasin amount of time they will rotate n move along in them lil cable car fingymajiggys...[i duno how thats gona work but hey dont shoot me i'm jus statin wot the deal waz!]

N yes there's more 2 life than alcohol n gambling...even music...tho music playz a pretty big part...?>
BUT, you're not allowed to travel more than xx km without a mahram.

03-08-2006, 23:00
Whoa! they were gonna keep the males and females seperate? I would have liked to see that!

Lol I bet the kids would run off into the bushes or something "Mum/Dad, I'm just going to the toilet!" and then run off with the other kids to see othr guys/girls!

03-08-2006, 23:01
BUT, you're not allowed to travel more than xx km without a mahram.

What's that?

03-08-2006, 23:02
BUT, you're not allowed to travel more than xx km without a mahram.

No one really follows that rule...really. @)

03-08-2006, 23:03
What's that?
A person you're not allowed to marry. Like a brother, dad, uncle etc.

Then Ash, like I said, it's not Islamic then is it?

03-08-2006, 23:04
BUT, you're not allowed to travel more than xx km without a mahram.

That's y they can take their family with them...brothers, fathers...but onyl prob is at the park they will b separate! We do it wen we go weddins neway girls in 1 hall, manz in the other...get me?! [Mayb not...]

03-08-2006, 23:05
That's y they can take their family with them...brothers, fathers...but onyl prob is at the park they will b separate! We do it wen we go weddins neway girls in 1 hall, manz in the other...get me?! [Mayb not...]
Yeah... but, how what if women go alone?? without their mahrams?

03-08-2006, 23:05
Exactly how I feel ... @) Naz, u always on the rite track.... :) With me....lollzz

Lol gud 2 hear...bananadanc

03-08-2006, 23:06
Yeah... but, how what if women go alone?? without their mahrams?

How ppl choose 2 cum is totally up 2 them? We can only b held responsible 4 our own actions...:)

03-08-2006, 23:06
A person you're not allowed to marry. Like a brother, dad, uncle etc.

Then Ash, like I said, it's not Islamic then is it?

So?? Doesnt mean it shouldnt have happened...nothings 100% Islamic these days....@)

03-08-2006, 23:06
Nah it still allows ppl of different religions 2 cum it jus wantz every1 2 abide by the 'no drinkin, gambling, music, gender mixin' rules...itz good 4 all them yung Muslim girls n boys [girls mainly] who hav strict parentz n arent allowed 2 socialize az much az others coz of how times hav changed...

Yea I don't know if you saw my first post about the Ladies Night with Bally Jagpal? Well that went well, thing is there were mostly Muslim women there and OMG you should have seen them, you could tell that they have never ever been to a gig or something like that before and half of them were running to the toilets to smoke and alot of them were drinking! I couldn't believe it.

But we thought it would be a nice thing to do as a "one off" coz Asian women don't get to go out etc. plus it was ladies only so they would be more comfortable, but there was still a bit of trouble...

03-08-2006, 23:07
we live in a christian country so to say christmas day is inconvenient is a little ...ima start posting in some other forums n leave this religious one...,:

03-08-2006, 23:08
How ppl choose 2 cum is totally up 2 them? We can only b held responsible 4 our own actions...:)
That is my dear, a very good answer! :D

And Ash, why call it an Islamic day then? why not call it "Muslim" day? Therefore it'll include all those people who call themselves muslims too. :)

03-08-2006, 23:09
we live in a christian country so to say christmas day is inconvenient is a little ...ima start posting in some other forums n leave this religious one...,:

Dont gimme that 'we live in a christian country' bollox...the Government, the politicians...all them bastarz go on bout how multicultural n open-minded this country is...if it waz we wudnt hav such issuez...:)

03-08-2006, 23:10
Thats true!!! As asians we HAVE to have Christian days off but of we want a day off for our religion we have to use our annual leave entitlment! Sooo wrong

03-08-2006, 23:10
That is my dear, a very good answer! :D

And Ash, why call it an Islamic day then? why not call it "Muslim" day? Therefore it'll include all those people who call themselves muslims too. :)

It was called Muslim Day..! @)

03-08-2006, 23:11
That is my dear, a very good answer! :D

And Ash, why call it an Islamic day then? why not call it "Muslim" day? Therefore it'll include all those people who call themselves muslims too. :)

They dint call it a Muslim day coz itz open 2 ppl of utha faiths 2...called an Islamic day coz itz tryin its best 2 abide by the Islamic rules...

03-08-2006, 23:11
Thats true!!! As asians we HAVE to have Christian days off but of we want a day off for our religion we have to use our annual leave entitlment! Sooo wrong


03-08-2006, 23:12
we live in a christian country so to say christmas day is inconvenient is a little ...ima start posting in some other forums n leave this religious one...,:

Inconvenient for non-christians...yes! @)

03-08-2006, 23:12
Yea I don't know if you saw my first post about the Ladies Night with Bally Jagpal? Well that went well, thing is there were mostly Muslim women there and OMG you should have seen them, you could tell that they have never ever been to a gig or something like that before and half of them were running to the toilets to smoke and alot of them were drinking! I couldn't believe it.

But we thought it would be a nice thing to do as a "one off" coz Asian women don't get to go out etc. plus it was ladies only so they would be more comfortable, but there was still a bit of trouble...

Duno bout them girls...but they sound like the kind that definitely need 2 get out more...Insane

03-08-2006, 23:13
They dint call it a Muslim day coz itz open 2 ppl of utha faiths 2...called an Islamic day coz itz tryin its best 2 abide by the Islamic rules...
huh? but then I read the first post, and it said that people the person wasn't muslim, they couldn't go.

03-08-2006, 23:15
huh? but then I read the first post, and it said that people the person wasn't muslim, they couldn't go.

Hun wat u been reading....it was called Muslim Fun Day....for ppl of all faiths...but no alcohol, gambling and have only halal foods. @)

03-08-2006, 23:24
Hun wat u been reading....it was called Muslim Fun Day....for ppl of all faiths...but no alcohol, gambling and have only halal foods. @)
I didn't read it all, I read two bits, and left it.
I was informed of this by my buddies.
I did not know.

03-08-2006, 23:26
if people went into india and pakistan and started sayin they want a day of for christmas, wot do u think the reaction would be?

and i dont care to listen to an ounce of what politicians have to say.

I think the reason people are reacting to this story in this way, is the whole issue surronding muslims at the moment. its like the new media buzzword, "islam, extremism, terrorism blah blah" and when things like this day out happens some people get offended as they feel muslims are gettin special treatment

its rediculous

Iroquois Pliskin
03-08-2006, 23:28
I know the title says muslim only day at alton but in a nut shell..someone tell me whats goin on? too many mixed opinions.. 8&

03-08-2006, 23:31
if people went into india and pakistan and started sayin they want a day of for christmas, wot do u think the reaction would be?

and i dont care to listen to an ounce of what politicians have to say.

I think the reason people are reacting to this story in this way, is the whole issue surronding muslims at the moment. its like the new media buzzword, "islam, extremism, terrorism blah blah" and when things like this day out happens some people get offended as they feel muslims are gettin special treatment

its rediculous

India/Pakistan r not so populated with Christianz az UK iz wit utha races/religions...laws ere r different 2...they go on bout 'equal rights' then they shud bloody well prove it!:)

N ur rite its ridiculous...bananadanc

03-08-2006, 23:32
huh? but then I read the first post, and it said that people the person wasn't muslim, they couldn't go.

That waz a misunderstandin or mistake on the poster's part...:)

03-08-2006, 23:33
Oh yeah, terrorists, what if they attack on that day. :o

03-08-2006, 23:35
That waz a misunderstandin or mistake on the poster's part...:)
'twas a misunderstanding.

03-08-2006, 23:35
well it would be one hell of a ride then kwitkicking

03-08-2006, 23:37
n i kno they say we live in a multicultural society, but to be honest they really dont have to.
Theres all sorts of reasons why this community is so mixed now, but if every tom dick n harry wanted a holiday for every religion no1 would work....lol im tryin to remember why thats a bad thing
wot if the jedi people demanded a day off people would think it would be stupid

03-08-2006, 23:40
n i kno they say we live in a multicultural society, but to be honest they really dont have to.
Theres all sorts of reasons why this community is so mixed now, but if every tom dick n harry wanted a holiday for every religion no1 would work....lol im tryin to remember why thats a bad thing
wot if the jedi people demanded a day off people would think it would be stupid

They shud giv holidayz on the special religious dayz...e.g...Christmas, Holi, Eid, Vasakhi,...e.t.c.! Itz only a few dayz n they aint gona lose out much!bananadanc

03-08-2006, 23:48
wot about the jewish days n bhuddist days n the mormon days ...i could name like 15 religious hindu days some1 went crazy when they were makin special days for hindus lol

i kno its annoying to accept and I agree with u guys id love a holiday for diwali but if they were to do that it would cause chaos. look at the reaction alton towers have caused...have the people would prolly piss themselves on the rides anyway and they still moaning that its unfair

03-08-2006, 23:51
India/Pakistan r not so populated with Christianz az UK iz wit utha races/religions...laws ere r different 2...they go on bout 'equal rights' then they shud bloody well prove it!:)

N ur rite its ridiculous...bananadanc

I reckon it should be like America, everyone there is like so patriotic, no matter what background they come from, at least that way noone can complain as they are the ones living in that country, if they don't like it, go and live somewhere else.

India is quite a big country but places like Goa have mainly Christians there

03-08-2006, 23:51
wot about the jewish days n bhuddist days n the mormon days ...i could name like 15 religious hindu days some1 went crazy when they were makin special days for hindus lol

i kno its annoying to accept and I agree with u guys id love a holiday for diwali but if they were to do that it would cause chaos. look at the reaction alton towers have caused...have the people would prolly piss themselves on the rides anyway and they still moaning that its unfair

Well if itz not gona bcum a national holiday 4 the whole population then they shud ATLEAST make allowances 4 the ppl of each faith...4 xample like u sed Diwali u guyz shud get a day off witout havin 2 take 1 of ur own paid day offs! N on Eid i shud b able 2 hav it off witout havin 2 ask 4 it! There's plenty of ppl who wud b willin 2 cover our shifts/hours/positions!

But neway bak 2 the point...it happenz...each 2 their fukin own agen...:)

03-08-2006, 23:53
I reckon it should be like America, everyone there is like so patriotic, no matter what background they come from, at least that way noone can complain as they are the ones living in that country, if they don't like it, go and live somewhere else.

India is quite a big country but places like Goa have mainly Christians there

How u mean? Duz every1 hafta follow the American rules n main religion or sumfin? Insane

03-08-2006, 23:58
Yea they follow the rules and stuff, not sure about the main religion, I don't think they do that but like each and every single house has an American flag in there window or garden or summat

04-08-2006, 00:00
Yea they follow the rules and stuff, not sure about the main religion, I don't think they do that but like each and every single house has an American flag in there window or garden or summat

Lol that sounds a lil OTT 2 me personally...Newayz duznt matter where i am i wont 4get ma roots...no1 duz really...do they?8&

04-08-2006, 00:04
Nope but I think it's a good idea what they do in America, seems more fair and they have more unity that way

04-08-2006, 00:06
yeh being patriotic is a bit different, to be honest i dont feel very patriotic sometimes with this countries past and even what is happening now...whole different topic

Naz thats like the best conclusion ever :)

04-08-2006, 00:07
yeh being patriotic is a bit different, to be honest i dont feel very patriotic sometimes with this countries past and even what is happening now...whole different topic

Naz thats like the best conclusion ever :)

Wots the best conclusion eva?

N wass ur name?

04-08-2006, 00:18
that each to their own malarky u end every post with lol


04-08-2006, 00:57
that each to their own malarky u end every post with lol


Lol it has 2 b dun jus 2 show i aint offendin no1z beliefs or opinions...bananadanc

04-08-2006, 00:58
Nik...short 4 Nikhil?,:

Nice name still...:)

04-08-2006, 01:12
haha close, its nikesh

wots naz short for? nazmeen?

i wonder if when anyone finds out someones name they say "man that names sucks"

04-08-2006, 01:17
haha close, its nikesh

wots naz short for? nazmeen?

i wonder if when anyone finds out someones name they say "man that names sucks"

Oh ma dayzzzzzzzzzzz...i waz contemplatin possible names out loud n Nikesh waz 1 of them! Ma sis waz finkin 'wtf u on?!' Lol

Nah Naz is short 4 Nazia...

N yo 1 of ma sista's name is Isma...wen i got 2 an age 2 undastand dat i waz like 'yeh ur names gay'...so yep it happenz!

04-08-2006, 01:41
lol...nice to kno ur already screamin out my name
:Q hehe

nazia that name sucks

04-08-2006, 01:56
lol...nice to kno ur already screamin out my name
:Q hehe

nazia that name sucks

lol @ screamin out ur name...i fink not...,:

Nazia's a lovely name Nikesh!bananadanc

04-08-2006, 01:58
haha no no im sure it is in a land far away ;) (its a lovely name)

isnt it past ur bedtime

04-08-2006, 04:01
And who was stopping those ppl....?? from celebrating....? They still cud have gone....but celebrate ther bdays with out booze Boooze LOLZZ

I wouldnt be able to celebrate my bday if I was born on Christmas day....cus everything bes closed!! That wud inconvenience me..! LOLLLLZZZ

u live in england and majority of ppl here are white so we celebrate there holidays!!

i think if there gonna do a day for muslims then they shud do it 4 other faiths aswell but theres no point dedicatin 1 day 2 a particular faith...its pointless

04-08-2006, 04:17
we live in a christian country so to say christmas day is inconvenient is a little ...ima start posting in some other forums n leave this religious one...,:

lol jus read ur post nicky boi!! gr8 minds think alike @)

04-08-2006, 04:24
Dont gimme that 'we live in a christian country' bollox...the Government, the politicians...all them bastarz go on bout how multicultural n open-minded this country is...if it waz we wudnt hav such issuez...:)

yeh but its tru.....u av 2 adapt 2 tha way of livin in woteva country u r in!

04-08-2006, 10:00
u live in england and majority of ppl here are white so we celebrate there holidays!!

i think if there gonna do a day for muslims then they shud do it 4 other faiths aswell but theres no point dedicatin 1 day 2 a particular faith...its pointless

Only coz a Muslim group had an initiative to organise such a day!

04-08-2006, 14:35
only cos that muslim group are unwilling to integrate with other cultures people and faiths...n it flopped anyway

04-08-2006, 14:48
Only coz, the muslim group have organised it for themselves coz the women that are going dont wish to mix with men, so its going to be segregated and they paid a huge fee to Tussauds group coz I know the guys who organised it because they go kings college uni! :)

04-08-2006, 14:50
Nah man.....why do i get the feeling its gonna turn into one of those East London mela thingy...

04-08-2006, 14:57
Nah man.....why do i get the feeling its gonna turn into one of those East London mela thingy...

LMAO....East london mela thingy? Not wid the religious police patrolling 'round!


04-08-2006, 14:59
Zero wait and see.......

04-08-2006, 15:04
u live in england and majority of ppl here are white so we celebrate there holidays!!

i think if there gonna do a day for muslims then they shud do it 4 other faiths aswell but theres no point dedicatin 1 day 2 a particular faith...its pointless

It was open to other faithss..so they cud have joined...and other faiths are FREE to do the same..

04-08-2006, 15:09
It was open to other faithss..so they cud have joined...and other faiths are FREE to do the same..

Hear! Hear!

04-08-2006, 15:22
Malkit Singh on the stage bopping lol

04-08-2006, 18:57
haha no no im sure it is in a land far away ;) (its a lovely name)

isnt it past ur bedtime

I'm gessin by that comment ur eitha 'really old' or 'really stupid'? Eitha way u fink ur funny so hey i gess dat makes it alrite! Rite?:)

04-08-2006, 18:59
only cos that muslim group are unwilling to integrate with other cultures people and faiths...n it flopped anyway

They neva went agenst integration...all other faiths r welcum...

04-08-2006, 19:01
yeh but its tru.....u av 2 adapt 2 tha way of livin in woteva country u r in!

But its this country that alwayz bigs itself up about how 'multicultural' it is n open 2 all faiths and their cultural traditions...all that bollox which i've mentioned alredy earlier in this thread so i cannae b assed repeatin...:)

17-08-2006, 23:15
muslims day?

wil there be a sikh day too lol

17-08-2006, 23:16
Oh Lord, not this topic again!

17-08-2006, 23:52
I knew it would flop straight from the start,
First up theres the issue of the free mixing of men and women...this may be a problem however there was going to be no mixing on the rides.
No Pork?? No Alcohol? if it was open to all non-muslims it should atleast have catered for non-muslims who may like a hot dog and pint?

I dont think there should be special days for muslims at events, if other immigrant religions have not demanded such things why should muslims.

17-08-2006, 23:59
I knew it would flop straight from the start,
First up theres the issue of the free mixing of men and women...this may be a problem however there was going to be no mixing on the rides.
No Pork?? No Alcohol? if it was open to all non-muslims it should atleast have catered for non-muslims who may like a hot dog and pint?

I dont think there should be special days for muslims at events, if other immigrant religions have not demanded such things why should muslims.

can u smell datttt?? jelousy;)

why dont u rephrase and be more wishful thinker by saying other religions should organise things for their own people:)

You really beginning to show your true colours...samya must had a big affect on dat head:p....

18-08-2006, 00:04
I think having a Muslim only day is just a way of gathering alot of people who have the same/similar way of life and giving them a chance to feel united. It would be full of people from many different cultures. I think Muslims are differnt from other faiths because were very proactive in keep our faith alive; it seems like alot of other faiths are in decline (correct me if I'm wrong) and seem to be moving away from their core beliefs.
Does anyone have a problem with name our forum the Asian place? or would it be a problem if it was called the Muslim place, I'm sure everyone here would still be allowed to join.
If I was rich and i managed to book a whole day at alton towers and called it Student Day, do you think people would complain? do you think O.A.P's will be discussing it on their bingo nights.
Its just a way to proactively create unity in our faith.
Please dont mention alcohol cos you shouldnt be running around a theme park intoxicated, and pork, who eats pork at alton towers any way. You can still make hotdogs without pork!

18-08-2006, 00:06
I think having a Muslim only day is just a way of gathering alot of people who have the same/similar way of life and giving them a chance to feel united. It would be full of people from many different cultures. I think Muslims are differnt from other faiths because were very proactive in keep our faith alive; it seems like alot of other faiths are in decline (correct me if I'm wrong) and seem to be moving away from their core beliefs.
Does anyone have a problem with name our forum the Asian place? or would it be a problem if it was called the Muslim place, I'm sure everyone here would still be allowed to join.
If I was rich and i managed to book a whole day at alton towers and called it Student Day, do you think people would complain? do you think O.A.P's will be discussing it on their bingo nights.
Its just a way to proactively create unity in our faith.
Please dont mention alcohol cos you shouldnt be running around a theme park intoxicated, and pork, who eats pork at alton towers any way. You can still make hotdogs without pork!

you just killed it man good one!

18-08-2006, 00:07
fuck samya, But do you think its a right time for the community to be demanding such things..esecially during the current climate and misconceptions there is Islam affecting our daily lives? Thats when you feed into the hands of the BNP....not very wise it?

18-08-2006, 00:08
I think having a Muslim only day is just a way of gathering alot of people who have the same/similar way of life and giving them a chance to feel united. It would be full of people from many different cultures. I think Muslims are differnt from other faiths because were very proactive in keep our faith alive; it seems like alot of other faiths are in decline (correct me if I'm wrong) and seem to be moving away from their core beliefs.
Does anyone have a problem with name our forum the Asian place? or would it be a problem if it was called the Muslim place, I'm sure everyone here would still be allowed to join.
If I was rich and i managed to book a whole day at alton towers and called it Student Day, do you think people would complain? do you think O.A.P's will be discussing it on their bingo nights.
Its just a way to proactively create unity in our faith.
Please dont mention alcohol cos you shouldnt be running around a theme park intoxicated, and pork, who eats pork at alton towers any way. You can still make hotdogs without pork!

a dun dat ?> was hammered lol

18-08-2006, 00:09
I think having a Muslim only day is just a way of gathering alot of people who have the same/similar way of life and giving them a chance to feel united. It would be full of people from many different cultures. I think Muslims are differnt from other faiths because were very proactive in keep our faith alive; it seems like alot of other faiths are in decline (correct me if I'm wrong) and seem to be moving away from their core beliefs.
Does anyone have a problem with name our forum the Asian place? or would it be a problem if it was called the Muslim place, I'm sure everyone here would still be allowed to join.
If I was rich and i managed to book a whole day at alton towers and called it Student Day, do you think people would complain? do you think O.A.P's will be discussing it on their bingo nights.
Its just a way to proactively create unity in our faith.
Please dont mention alcohol cos you shouldnt be running around a theme park intoxicated, and pork, who eats pork at alton towers any way. You can still make hotdogs without pork!

hahahaha! datz a great read...u my inspiration maan;)

i can imagine a granny giving me durties in the post office:p

18-08-2006, 00:09
fuck samya, But do you think its a right time for the community to be demanding such things..esecially during the current climate and misconceptions there is Islam affecting our daily lives? Thats when you feed into the hands of the BNP....not very wise it?

Okay, yeh, yeh, yeh.......8&

18-08-2006, 00:10
fuck samya, But do you think its a right time for the community to be demanding such things..esecially during the current climate and misconceptions there is Islam affecting our daily lives? Thats when you feed into the hands of the BNP....not very wise it?

the BNP or people like yourself??

These misconceptions usually occur around bigoted, racist and uneducated people :)

18-08-2006, 00:13
fuck samya, But do you think its a right time for the community to be demanding such things..esecially during the current climate and misconceptions there is Islam affecting our daily lives? Thats when you feed into the hands of the BNP....not very wise it?

You let us worry about the BNP...!newsflash! they dont like you either. R u scared of the big bad BNP, aww do you want a dummy?

p.s neither do I :i why r u still here? can anyone tell me

18-08-2006, 00:14
fuck samya, But do you think its a right time for the community to be demanding such things..esecially during the current climate and misconceptions there is Islam affecting our daily lives? Thats when you feed into the hands of the BNP....not very wise it?

Dont know about you dude but in the times of hardship when we cant do shit all but to pray, we carry on makin and improving our lives and communities..

Do you really think we gonna hide in our holes cuz of few wankers throwing out bad remarks about our faith and trynna potray us as a bad image???

FOK DA LOT OF EM!!!! dey can do what dey want but WE as a united force will stand up after falling over and over again and enjoy r selves and improvise;)

"they plan, we plan.We are the best of all planners"

18-08-2006, 00:17
the BNP or people like yourself??

These misconceptions usually occur around bigoted, racist and uneducated people :)

Well I wouldnt know about that, as an Indian we are the highest achieving group in education in uk :)

why you fear the BNP?

18-08-2006, 00:18
Well I wouldnt know about that, as an Indian we are the highest achieving group in education in uk :)

why you fear the BNP?

OMG Punjabi Munda wat are u likeee....get over urself...and get over this topic.

18-08-2006, 00:20
Well I wouldnt know about that, as an Indian we are the highest achieving group in education in uk :)

why you fear the BNP?

Get a minibus full of men wearing islamic clothing and drive to their area and see how the area goes quite;)

trust me i know about this;)

18-08-2006, 00:20
Well I wouldnt know about that, as an Indian we are the highest achieving group in education in uk :)

why you fear the BNP?

yeh sure, but your probably one of the more embarressing aspects of the Indian community:)

18-08-2006, 00:23
Guys....warning...he wants to wind us up...get us all .... u know, heated...so lets not fall for his traps :) Just keep ur cool like u are. luvhug

18-08-2006, 00:25
Guys....warning...he wants to wind us up...get us all .... u know, heated...so lets not fall for his traps :) Just keep ur cool like u are. luvhug

We just "opinionating".....we are discussing like grown up men:)

BUT if he decides to switch to samya mode..well.....

*phones up homer bin laden*..... i have people waiting for him:p

18-08-2006, 00:25
Well I wouldnt know about that, as an Indian we are the highest achieving group in education in uk :)

why you fear the BNP?

dnt tell me ur bein racsit onces gen ur givin us indian ppl a bad name da way ur carryin on xxxxxxx

18-08-2006, 00:25
Guys....warning...he wants to wind us up...get us all .... u know, heated...so lets not fall for his traps :) Just keep ur cool like u are. luvhug

lol why do u think we kept him on the site ;) we have our reasons :)

18-08-2006, 00:26
maybe because I integrated more :(

18-08-2006, 00:26
dnt tell me ur bein racsit onces gen ur givin us indian ppl a bad name da way ur carryin on xxxxxxx

no way ppl like him are idiots, we wud never mistaken a hot Indian Curry sorry Kuri like you with him?>

18-08-2006, 00:27
maybe because I integrated more :(

'We are Indians, firstly & lastly' - Dr Ambedkar

Integrated sure8&

18-08-2006, 00:28
no way ppl like him are idiots, we wud never mistaken a hot Indian Curry sorry Kuri like you with him?>

im curry nw well i am spicy ;) lol xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

18-08-2006, 00:31
Integration is just a flowery word for conforming to a set normality, its all about control. If you can control someones ideology, you can make them do anything.
Big brother isnt just a TV show, its a revolution in society.

18-08-2006, 00:33
I have friends from all cultures....but none seem as angry about life in the UK as my muslim mates.

18-08-2006, 00:34
I have friends from all culture....but none seem as angry about life in the UK as my muslim mates

well they are...mates with YOU:)

18-08-2006, 00:34
I have friends from all cultures....but none seem as angry about life in the UK as my muslim mates.

ooo stop it nw rele xxxxxxxxxx

18-08-2006, 13:32
You let us worry about the BNP...!newsflash! they dont like you either. R u scared of the big bad BNP, aww do you want a dummy?

p.s neither do I :i why r u still here? can anyone tell me

Why don't they like him?

18-08-2006, 14:57
Why don't they like him?

Maybe because my skin colour is brown, thats the obvious answer. But they have praised Hindus and Sikhs for integration and behaviour as a community (hardworking, educating, liberal) and the only strong hold the BNP has is in muslim populated areas..poor areas with chavvy working class goreh.

18-08-2006, 17:36
Maybe because my skin colour is brown, thats the obvious answer. But they have praised Hindus and Sikhs for integration and behaviour as a community (hardworking, educating, liberal) and the only strong hold the BNP has is in muslim populated areas..poor areas with chavvy working class goreh.

I know, even a Sikh guy has joined the BNP

18-08-2006, 20:49
I know, even a Sikh guy has joined the BNP

Yes but people dont realise once or if the BNP ever do get in power they will slowly go against all asians kicking them all out, alot of Sikhs and hindues think the BNP actualy like them just hating the muslims. The BNP hate everyone who isnt white, only difference is muslims are currently in the limelight thats all

18-08-2006, 20:51
British people are known for their sly tricks:)

Like how irish people are known for their ruthlessness!

18-08-2006, 23:42
when u say british people do u mean white people?

18-08-2006, 23:46
Come on, dont you have white mates??? Not all white people are like that.

18-08-2006, 23:51
do you mean me???

19-08-2006, 00:02
Not all white people..i aint that judgemental!

Just the one who do the dark dirty deeds to gain power:)

19-08-2006, 00:06
cool, was gona say that was a bit of a "stick every1 in the same bag" moment there...

19-08-2006, 00:10
Yeh I know many white people who I can honestly say are some of the most decent and honest people I have met as with every other culture! :)

19-08-2006, 19:15
Yea even though like a majority of the same kind of people that are idiots, there are still quite a few decent ones around

20-08-2006, 13:50
my best mates are white!!