View Full Version : pimple marks

09-08-2006, 15:57
ppl i want to know how to get rid of pimple brown marks on neck area????????????????pls e mail mee and tell meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

09-08-2006, 16:00
Introduce yerself first kuri.....on the appropriate thread, and let us get to know you better okay? ')

And I dunno how can help you out tho! lol....

09-08-2006, 16:54
ppl i want to know how to get rid of pimple brown marks on neck area????????????????pls e mail mee and tell meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Wot kinda pimples r they? Spots? Use sum Clean n Clear treatment gel...that kills most spots...8&

10-08-2006, 18:35
boi oil gets rid of scars n marks, its about £8 for a small bottle from boots, i used to have loads of war wounds from wen i was lil n they have really helped minimise the marks i had, some of them have completly gone!!

10-08-2006, 19:05
On your neck? Are you sure it's not a hickie?


10-08-2006, 19:08
lol bav! well if this thoes kuri we cant help u!

10-08-2006, 19:10
Calomine Lotion? Foundation?


10-08-2006, 21:26
do not put foundation on your neck because it'll slip right off. Instead, try the bio oil. I keep meaning to buy it myself for a couple of chicken pox scars but keep forgettin 8&

Keeping the scarred area well moisturised helps the skin to renew itself, along with gentle exfoliation. So buy a basic face scrub. Also, lemon juice lightens so use a tiny amount every and again but PLEASE don't use it so much that it lightens your skin cause 1) it'll cause thinning and stretch marks 2) you will look like a tellytubby or similar animated character with multiple colours.

14-08-2006, 10:10
Yep bio oil is good for scarring....

another thing you can try depending on how bad scarring has affected ur skin is microdermabrasion... available at most good beauty salons BUT make sure you go for a patch test first and ya dow wanna have a reaction and fcuk up ur face..

14-08-2006, 15:17
rose water gets rid of pimple marks. dats wot i use and not i dont have da marks anymore

14-08-2006, 16:06
I used to use alot of rose water. It's magic. That's reminded me, I should get a bottle. Thanks sexy kuri!

14-08-2006, 16:21
no problemo

17-08-2006, 23:03
drink enough water, eat enough fruit and veg....

and make sure dont have fried stuf

29-08-2006, 10:53
Most marks from pimples, burns, spots, cuts will heal themselves in time naturally...I had a cut on my foot taht left a nasty mark but its all nearly gone now and I cut it 2 years ago!..