View Full Version : weight loss

11-08-2006, 22:41
does anyone have any healthy weight loss tips that don't involve cutting out carbs or any other crazy nutrient depriving strategy?

11-08-2006, 22:42
y do u need to know.. ur skinny anyway :|

11-08-2006, 22:42
Lotsssssss n lotssssssss of water...

Dont snack 2 much...n if u must swap sum of ur junk snaps wit fruit snacks...:)

NO fizzy drinks...

NO smoking...

NO alcohol...

Light exercise every day...bananadanc

11-08-2006, 22:47
alchohol makes you gain weight? But it's a drink.

water I've started. I'm trying to get as much as I can a day. Exercise - goin cycling with ben. Scared of getting muscely legs though. I've got really nice legs bananadanc don't want to break fences with my thighs.

11-08-2006, 22:50
Yeh alcohol is a weight gain...2 much of it espesh! Where u fink 'beer bellies' originate from?,:

Cyclin will tone ur legs wont make them so muscly as ur assumin lol...i had nice legs wen i went gym...betta get bak in 2 the routine coz i can feel me lettin maself go!:o

11-08-2006, 22:50
alcohol has SO many calories in

11-08-2006, 22:54
*slowly puts down her martini* ok ?> thanks

I'm dancin to promiscuous girl by nelly furtardo, see, am all ready skinnier :)

Do you lose your boobs if you lose lots of weight? :o I hope not! Can you share them out to your cheeks and lips and backside instead?

11-08-2006, 22:57
lol generally ur boobs do shrink if u lose weight

11-08-2006, 23:00
Boooze Aw man, am havin bad flash backs of the reception after party at ben's sister's. One too many. I was dancin into evryone and getting dragged across the floor by my legs... then I crawled on my hands and knees up Ben's parent's house stairs only to tumble back down again and land on his cat. Thank God I was there alone. Dyou know I was alone, in a council estate, at midnight - and somone had left the key in the front door... ON THE OUTSIDE. :i I got dropped off and told to sleep by the boss.

Anyway, does green tea help?

11-08-2006, 23:01
*ben's sister's wedding

11-08-2006, 23:09
aww.. that mustof hurt.. thats dangerous that the key was left in the door

11-08-2006, 23:12
You're tellin me?! The worst part is that I let the cat in when I shouldn't have cause it's got fleas!!!

I slept well that day...

11-08-2006, 23:13
LOL @ ur drunken incident...Drunk ppl r toooo funny!bananadanc

N yeh boobz usually lose weight along wit rest of ya body...its the 1st place i lose weight on!:(

11-08-2006, 23:15
awwwwww, when we lose weight together, you can some of mine 8o

11-08-2006, 23:17
awwwwww, when we lose weight together, you can some of mine 8o

Lol fanx i'ma need it!?>

21-08-2006, 23:36
Just exersise innit.

-ski machine,
-exersize bike,
and if you got a boyfreind get him to give you a work out.

21-08-2006, 23:42
Have sex :rolleyes: