View Full Version : Girl hung her self over Big Brother!

12-08-2006, 14:11
Her mum didnt let her watch big brother and she hung her self....., tut i hate bb sooo much!! makes me sick when i even hear abouit bb! Some people.... they'll do anything to watch big brother!


12-08-2006, 14:15
No thats so unreal , why would u wanna do that :sad:

12-08-2006, 14:26
omg thats soo bad! :o

12-08-2006, 15:33
No thats so unreal , why would u wanna do that :sad:

thats just sooo stupid.lol
that cant honestly be the reason.lol

big brother is crap anyway.lol:)

12-08-2006, 15:38
yh true....

12-08-2006, 15:40
omg thats so sad, maybe there was more to it then jus not being able to watch big bro, she was in the mood b4 that for what seemed a silly reason, may she R.I.P

12-08-2006, 15:42
omg thats so sad, maybe there was more to it then jus not being able to watch big bro, she was in the mood b4 that for what seemed a silly reason, may she R.I.P

i hate suicidal people,
and i dont understand why people try and help them
its a waste of time, and the world is better off without them.llol

12-08-2006, 15:44
^^ lol when its a child who does it then theres normally a sad reason behind it, but when a grown person does it as far as i see it, its the cowards way out, but still sad;(

12-08-2006, 15:48
^ yh thats true... its reali sad hope she R.I.P

12-08-2006, 18:44
That is so sad...but I cant believe it was over Big Brother...there has to be more to it than that...plzzzzz...It sounds very suspicous though, the whole case... :i

12-08-2006, 18:50
That is so sad...but I cant believe it was over Big Brother...there has to be more to it than that...plzzzzz...It sounds very suspicous though, the whole case... :i
yup my thoughts exactly

12-08-2006, 18:57
Taking your life is sometimes a cry for help, Maybe got no one to talk to its sad.. :sad:

12-08-2006, 19:09
i read about that too ....wel shockin .....dat program is so gay neway lol

12-08-2006, 19:25
It's not over Big Brother. That was only used as a headline to catch attention.

The media is pathetic like that. It's the only way they'll get people to read their lies.

I have no sympathy for those who take their own life. There are millions of people who are struggling to just find a single meal to eat everyday let alone have all the luxeries in life. You don't see them giving up do you?

It's largely the parents fault. Come on, divorced parents? Typical scenario where things go wrong.

If you don't want your kids to grow up to become the scum of society, set a good example for them as a parent :)

12-08-2006, 19:43
Oh Lord, how lame, kill yourself if everyone hates you (like me) not over a stupid TV show, I hate that show anyway

12-08-2006, 19:44
Taking your life is sometimes a cry for help, Maybe got no one to talk to its sad.. :sad:

Yea exactly, so I don't know why people keep saying that they can't understand suicidal people, it's usually those kind of people that make people suicidal!

12-08-2006, 21:24
omg wtf thats nutz


Iroquois Pliskin
13-08-2006, 02:45
"tu mujhe jaan se bhi pyara hai" hehe omdz...

13-08-2006, 11:41
Poor Gurl......wat a waste of good, yung, life......

13-08-2006, 13:23
i dont get you ppl.. how can u say u have no sympathy ... SHE WAS 11 YEARS OLD...she probably did it by accident...

13-08-2006, 13:26
It's largely the parents fault. Come on, divorced parents? Typical scenario where things go wrong.

If you don't want your kids to grow up to become the scum of society, set a good example for them as a parent :)

thats like saying all black ppl are theives :| ...
ppl grow up to become who they are because of events in their life ...so how is it their parents fault<:

13-08-2006, 13:35
omg wtf thats nutz


trus u to say that it nutzzz lol

13-08-2006, 13:36
they shud stop bb it loada crap cost sumone ther life

13-08-2006, 13:37
did u read the newspaper report tiger... doesnt look like it ;)

13-08-2006, 14:55
She may have done it to scare her parents, and it went wrong.
Its just a shame that it happened :sad:

13-08-2006, 15:00
thats like saying all black ppl are theives :| ...
ppl grow up to become who they are because of events in their life ...so how is it their parents fault<:

Black people are thieves? Come again? That's a terrible example lol

And how on earth do you tie a a piece of material around your neck by 'accident' and then hook it onto the door hook?!

Oh... and you have to be quite disturbed to even want to do such a thing even as a joke.

The childs mental state has obviously been affected in a BIG way in order for her to have even considering doing such a thing as a joke.

13-08-2006, 15:41
lol.. children do all sorts of things to try to get attention.. she probably didnt think that she would kill herself.. my example about black ppl is just as narrow minded and stupid as ur theory about divorce :)

you forget 1 major detail


13-08-2006, 15:51
Yes, I was kind of upset Imogen left...shes gorgeous :)

13-08-2006, 16:01
It's largely the parents fault. Come on, divorced parents? Typical scenario where things go wrong.

fuck you!!! My parents are divorced <: <: <: <: fucking narrow-minded stuck up peica shite.

13-08-2006, 16:06
Now, the fact that her mother didn't let her watch BB is probably what pushed her to the edge after alot of other things piled up. I knew someone as a child, a family friend, who hung himself when he honestly didn't mean to. He created a noose using the rope his dad had suspended from the attic and was messing around when his foot slipped.

13-08-2006, 16:52
exactly wynter :).. sharif chats a load of shit sometimes.. he doesnt realise that he offends ppl.. i have a stable family life even though my parents are divorced... none of my sisters or brother have ever tried to commit suicide :) .... maybe ur parents shud divorce sharif.. so we dont have to read ur long ass mindless essays anymore:)

13-08-2006, 19:25
Now, the fact that her mother didn't let her watch BB is probably what pushed her to the edge after alot of other things piled up. I knew someone as a child, a family friend, who hung himself when he honestly didn't mean to. He created a noose using the rope his dad had suspended from the attic and was messing around when his foot slipped.

Awww that's really bad, now THAT would be the parents fault

13-08-2006, 19:27
You know what, you're right, it's the way the child has been brought up, look at me, my parents have ALWAYS taught me to do the right things, but I turned out to be a fuck up, no matter what the parents teach you, at the end of the day it's the child's decision to do whatever they want

ruby angel
13-08-2006, 19:29
i dnt think tht was the reason, thts jus soo stupid otherwiseee..

i cnt believe she was only 11

14-08-2006, 00:47
but I turned out to be a fuck up

Wheesht you are not a fuck up x

Iroquois Pliskin
14-08-2006, 01:58
I don't know if i've replied to this thread but i'd piss on this programme..why kill ya self.. plain stupid..

either the girl wanted to send out a message that went wrong or she stressed like someone missing a X v england world cup match..

Commando Dave
14-08-2006, 02:31
# Radio crackles #

There is no security in this life but only opportunity

Commando Dave

14-08-2006, 02:37
fuck you!!! My parents are divorced <: <: <: <: fucking narrow-minded stuck up peica shite.

but didnt u go threw depression and tried 2 commit suicide?

Iroquois Pliskin
14-08-2006, 02:40
hoping to see sharif's reply..

Commando Dave
14-08-2006, 02:53
Black people are thieves? Come again? That's a terrible example lol

And how on earth do you tie a a piece of material around your neck by 'accident' and then hook it onto the door hook?!

Oh... and you have to be quite disturbed to even want to do such a thing even as a joke.

The childs mental state has obviously been affected in a BIG way in order for her to have even considering doing such a thing as a joke.

# Radio crackles #

Sharif would make a good soldier he is right parents play a big role in a childs life how they act can change the childs life, just like the strength of an army lies in the shoulders of the leader

Commando Dave

14-08-2006, 03:10
fuck you!!! My parents are divorced <: <: <: <: fucking narrow-minded stuck up peica shite.

Right, I'm going to say this the one time, but seriously don't use that tone with me. If you have a point to make, then make it. Don't resort to such foul verbal abuse. I'm just as capable of verbally inhialating you but it wouldn't solve anything. I seriously don't appreciate what you just said one little bit.

Now if you read my post properly you would've noticed that I wrote, it's a 'TYPICAL' scenario. It implies that it's not always the case but generally true.

Have you ever studied pyshcology or do you even know anything about it? Do you understand human mental and psychological development?

A close knit 'happy family' plays a HUGE role in a young persons pyschological state. Divorce has many negative effects on a child!

Now I'm sure you're an exception to the rule Meena (but be consistent in your insulting behaviour and you'll just prove my statement correct).

It's a fact that 2 parents can raise a child better than 1 parent. It's a fact that 1 parent can raise a child perfectly well but the former is generally more true than the latter.

14-08-2006, 03:16
.... maybe ur parents shud divorce sharif.. so we dont have to read ur long ass mindless essays anymore:)

That was seriously uncalled for. I don't think there would be many people who would take such an insult.

14-08-2006, 03:58
That was seriously uncalled for. I don't think there would be many people who would take such an insult.

ur comment was uncalled for.. and i hope you get married to a beautiful women.. then i hope she meets someone better than u.. and divorces u :).. then i hope you commit suicide hypocrite!

14-08-2006, 04:01
Highlight which comment of mine was uncalled for and say why. This should be interesting.

14-08-2006, 04:04
It's largely the parents fault. Come on, divorced parents? Typical scenario where things go wrong.

If you don't want your kids to grow up to become the scum of society, set a good example for them as a parent :)

ur saying that ppl whose parents are divorced grow up to b the scum n its all their parents fault ! ... also apparently those who commit suicide have divorced parents... YOUR SO JUDGEMENTAL

14-08-2006, 04:17
I said it's a typical scenario. I didn't say all those with divorced parents have a deprived upbringing.

Where did I say those who commit suicide have divorced parents? (elaborate and explain if you can)

And yes, it's largely the mothers fault. Why would a perfectly happy child commit suicide or even attempt it as a joke if she lived in a completely happy environment at home?!

When I say a child can grow up to become the scum of society, it's because of their upbringing, not whether their parents are divorced or not. In this case it's the mothers fault.

Anything else you'd like to add Banana?

14-08-2006, 04:23
lol... how can u say its the mothers fault now? .. ur deluded ! ...
we obviously dont know the full story.. young girls with hormones rushing around their body do things in the heat of the moment.. how was the mother to know she was goin to hang herself ? ... its not anyones fault.. its an accident

14-08-2006, 04:51
its not anyones fault.. its an accident

Maybe the death was an accident, but attempting something like that and putting a rope around your neck is your idea of a joke?

No sane, happy, normal child would do such a thing be it a joke or not.

Violence and anything related to death is an EXTREMELY disturbing thing for young children.

A child would have to be completely mentally broken down to even contemplate doing such a thing.

14-08-2006, 10:49
It's largely the parents fault. Come on, divorced parents? Typical scenario where things go wrong.

If you don't want your kids to grow up to become the scum of society, set a good example for them as a parent :)

ur saying that ppl whose parents are divorced grow up to b the scum n its all their parents fault ! ... also apparently those who commit suicide have divorced parents... YOUR SO JUDGEMENTAL

No offence Bananasuit but you seriously lack the skill of being able to back your agruments up with valid statements or quotes.

'ur saying that ppl whose parents are divorced grow up to b the scum n its all their parents fault !'

but he said 'if you don't want your kids to grow up to become the scum of society, set a good example for them as a parent'

from his statement it doesn't lay the full blame on the parents or as he mentioned parent, it mentions it as a preventative measure - 'set a good example', meaning you can set an example but it's they're choice to follow!


He said its 'It's largely the parents fault.' not 'its all their parents fault !'


'also apparently those who commit suicide have divorced parents'

I can see where you have drawn this conclusion from, 'Come on, divorced parents? Typical scenario where things go wrong.'

However although I don't fully agree with the statement, I can say there is a lot of truth to it, in general children with a single parent miss out on certain things, bonds, emotions etc that children with married parents wouldn't...however this does not always mean that children with married parents have a happy and stable upbringing or a better one then children with divorced parents. BUT as Sharif mentioned thats a typical scenario and as far as that statement would be concerned, I would agree with it. :)

14-08-2006, 11:03
theres beeen many cases kids have killed them selfs coz they are beign badly bullyed at school, which happens to many children every single day, but sometimes the children cant deal wit it and half the time their parents dont no nothing about it till its to late, or do not take it all to seriously.
but maybe if the parents noticed or knew about this, the child killing them selfs may not have came about.

with this story of the girl hanging her self over BB i think theres more to it. maybe she was bullyed or maybe there was stuff happening at home, who knows.
bottom line is maybe parents should take more notice. not sayiing parents are to blame but parents to take a big role in making their children happy

14-08-2006, 11:45
man dats sooooo sad!!!!! :o
why take ur life like that.....:sad:

14-08-2006, 13:58
My parents were still together when I went through bad depression and suffered from suicidal thoughts.

Now, when I was 17, they divorced, and what you said Sharif was deserving of my reply. I have never lashed out or sworn on AP before, ask anyone.

Do they really let people like him out into public? Don't you have some kind of restraining order? Freak.

14-08-2006, 14:05
Try apologising, Sharif. Or does your pride forbid it. My older brother has just finished his Masters in Psychology from Glasgow Uni and I'm a technology student at Strathclyde, we're both straight A students and I'll be showing him this to see what he thinks, so please don't insult me with trying to be more intelligent.

14-08-2006, 16:06
My parents were still together when I went through bad depression and suffered from suicidal thoughts.

Now, when I was 17, they divorced, and what you said Sharif was deserving of my reply. I have never lashed out or sworn on AP before, ask anyone.

Do they really let people like him out into public? Don't you have some kind of restraining order? Freak.

You make comments like 'freak' at him if he does rinse you when he sees your reply dont you think he will have a good enough reason, there is ways better ways to make a point without using such language

14-08-2006, 16:09
You know what liney, I'm a nice person so I'm gonna stop this right here. Bye.

14-08-2006, 16:18
You know what liney, I'm a nice person so I'm gonna stop this right here. Bye.

Someone took the intiative....good on yer!.....

14-08-2006, 19:09
I would just like to say that my Aunt and Uncle divorced, and my Aunt brought her two sons up all by herself, one was a rebel and the other kept himself to himself they were about 10 and 12, now they are 26 and 28, both graduated with good jobs, so in conclusion: Not all young kids with divorced parents are fuck ups! I'm more of a fuck up than them!

14-08-2006, 20:04
aww... its sad when that happens.

14-08-2006, 20:58
I would just like to say that my Aunt and Uncle divorced, and my Aunt brought her two sons up all by herself, one was a rebel and the other kept himself to himself they were about 10 and 12, now they are 26 and 28, both graduated with good jobs, so in conclusion: Not all young kids with divorced parents are fuck ups! I'm more of a fuck up than them!

Bav i dont know what people are making a big deal out of, he didnt say ALL parents that are divorced are fuck ups 8&

14-08-2006, 21:02
It's not over Big Brother. That was only used as a headline to catch attention.

The media is pathetic like that. It's the only way they'll get people to read their lies.

I have no sympathy for those who take their own life. There are millions of people who are struggling to just find a single meal to eat everyday let alone have all the luxeries in life. You don't see them giving up do you?

It's largely the parents fault. Come on, divorced parents? Typical scenario where things go wrong.

If you don't want your kids to grow up to become the scum of society, set a good example for them as a parent :)

He said that ^^^

14-08-2006, 21:03
Bav i dont know what people are making a big deal out of, he didnt say ALL parents that are divorced are fuck ups 8&

Nah he said their kids are fuck ups

14-08-2006, 21:04
He said that ^^^

Yup a typical scenario not in ALL cases, its pretty much clear what he is saying

14-08-2006, 23:02
lol u lot are strange.. one minute u cuss him the next ur his best mate... :) ... oh well..
kids whose parents arent divorced kill themselves.. kids whose parents are divorced kill them selves... so i dont see his logic at all... ppl blind u with gobbledegook :) .. so ill let you all carry on ... i know in my heart that the statement he made was wrong and uncalled for :)

14-08-2006, 23:06
lol u lot are strange.. one minute u cuss him the next ur his best mate... :) ... oh well..
kids whose parents arent divorced kill themselves.. kids whose parents are divorced kill them selves... so i dont see his logic at all... ppl blind u with gobbledegook :) .. so ill let you all carry on ... i know in my heart that the statement he made was wrong and uncalled for :)

you interpreted his statement wrongly, read it again, its been pointed out surplus amounts of times yet you ignore this fact:)

14-08-2006, 23:08
ppl who get divorced dont show their kids a good example .. you agree?

14-08-2006, 23:10
lol u lot are strange.. one minute u cuss him the next ur his best mate... :) ... oh well..
kids whose parents arent divorced kill themselves.. kids whose parents are divorced kill them selves... so i dont see his logic at all... ppl blind u with gobbledegook :) .. so ill let you all carry on ... i know in my heart that the statement he made was wrong and uncalled for :)

Well you have to update me on something, when did we cuss him 8& furthermore i know Sharif long before this forum i have no reason to cuss him and i actualy get on with him where you got them facts from god knows Insane on an honest note without giving any sides his comment looked genuine to me he even clarified it incase someone misunderstood it

14-08-2006, 23:12
Well you have to update me on something, when did we cuss him 8& furthermore i know Sharif long before this forum i have no reason to cuss him and i actualy get on with him where you got them facts from god knows Insane on an honest note without giving any sides his comment looked genuine to me he even clarified it incase someone misunderstood it

did i say i was on about u hypocrite!

14-08-2006, 23:12
ppl who get divorced dont show their kids a good example .. you agree?

no i dont but didn't he answer this assumption already?

I said it's a typical scenario. I didn't say all those with divorced parents have a deprived upbringing.

Where did I say those who commit suicide have divorced parents? (elaborate and explain if you can)

And yes, it's largely the mothers fault. Why would a perfectly happy child commit suicide or even attempt it as a joke if she lived in a completely happy environment at home?!

When I say a child can grow up to become the scum of society, it's because of their upbringing, not whether their parents are divorced or not. In this case it's the mothers fault.

Anything else you'd like to add Banana?

14-08-2006, 23:13
did i say i was on about u hypocrite!

so who were you on about? 8&

14-08-2006, 23:13
thats not what i asked you miz :)

14-08-2006, 23:15
thats not what i asked you miz :)

if you read my WHOLE sentence then you would see I said 'no i don't' :) Yet no one claimed that :)

14-08-2006, 23:16
well apparently its a typical scenario :)

14-08-2006, 23:23
well apparently its a typical scenario :)

typical being the keyword

ppl who get divorced dont show their kids a good example .. you agree?

that satement you made, scoped divorce parents into one bracket unlike the use of the word 'typical' which leaves room for exception.

lol u lot are strange.. one minute u cuss him the next ur his best mate... :) ... oh well..
kids whose parents arent divorced kill themselves.. kids whose parents are divorced kill them selves... so i dont see his logic at all... ppl blind u with gobbledegook :) .. so ill let you all carry on ... i know in my heart that the statement he made was wrong and uncalled for :)

Don't know who this is aimed at but it quite clearly shows that any arguments made on topics are followed onto other topics/threads(you hold an apparent grudge against him), you still haven't answered who 'u lot' are. :)

14-08-2006, 23:31
typical -Exhibiting the qualities, traits, or characteristics that identify a kind, class, group, or category
scenario - An outline or model of an expected or supposed sequence of events

14-08-2006, 23:41
And you lot are?? I suppose you will do the same as the other thread where you ignore what you don't like to answer,all im saying is the guy had a valid point with valid statements whilst you seem to ingore what you want and answer what you can.

15-08-2006, 00:34

Her interpretation of sharif's comment was her own interpreatation of what someone said and can't be influenced by your views. When people post on public forums they should give thought to how their words may be interpreted. In this case, more than one person interpreted this thing's comment in a certain way. That's cause for concern.

Now, the above link should hopefully show that this little buddy of yours is disliked for his comments by more than a few people.

Cheerio, chuck.

15-08-2006, 00:36
And as I thought, Sharif's pride forbids him from apologising. Are you 2 (liney and miz) gonna rant about that in deep definition too or just let it pass by? Thought so :)

15-08-2006, 01:44
trus u to say that it nutzzz lol

lol shush you

15-08-2006, 02:09
OMG! That's bloody stupid!!
What the hell was she trying to get out of it?

15-08-2006, 14:31
Like i said before...that show should be axed..its nuthing but trouble

15-08-2006, 14:36

Well if her lifes so sad that she will hang her self over BB, then goodbye. Her life wasnt worth living. Dumb bitch.

15-08-2006, 15:32

Well if her lifes so sad that she will hang her self over BB, then goodbye. Her life wasnt worth living. Dumb bitch.

LMAO.....tis a bit harsh dont yer think??

15-08-2006, 16:56

Her interpretation of sharif's comment was her own interpreatation of what someone said and can't be influenced by your views. When people post on public forums they should give thought to how their words may be interpreted. In this case, more than one person interpreted this thing's comment in a certain way. That's cause for concern.

Now, the above link should hopefully show that this little buddy of yours is disliked for his comments by more than a few people.

Cheerio, chuck.

You are very contradictory, you say 'Her interpretation of sharif's comment was her own interpreatation of what someone said and can't be influenced by your views.' Yet you try to change my view/interpretation of what type of person Sharif is by posting that link...this is a forum, people are here to discuss and debate and you can expect views to change...so I disagree with your statement that I can't influence her views.

'When people post on public forums they should give thought to how their words may be interpreted.'

Now as far as I can see its not his fault people cannot see various interpretations of words...even after he explained his views:

I said it's a typical scenario. I didn't say all those with divorced parents have a deprived upbringing.

Where did I say those who commit suicide have divorced parents? (elaborate and explain if you can)

In this case, more than one person interpreted this thing's comment in a certain way. That's cause for concern.

Of course more than one person did think that, but in a healthy debate that is usually the case, but that doesn't mean his view is wrong and yours is right or vice versa. And please refrain from calling names:

this thing's comment

fuck you!!! My parents are divorced <: <: <: <: fucking narrow-minded stuck up peica shite.

I have never lashed out or sworn on AP before, ask anyone.

Do they really let people like him out into public? Don't you have some kind of restraining order? Freak.

If anything it makes you look smaller and shows the adverse effects that 'could have' come across due to your single parent up-bringing.

'I have never lashed out or sworn on AP before' - Also you say you have never lashed out or sworn anyone on AP before, this gives me the 'interpretation' that you have a history of lashing out to people, just haven't done so here..yet. Is that cause of your upbringing? or am I jumping the gun?

My point being is don't always look at one interpretation :)

Now onto your link, as far as I could read it was about violence and how it could or would be used under which circumstances, at no point do I see any real hatred or off-topic hatred...you should give related evidence next time to this thread.

And 'My buddy', my confused dear I barely know the guy, in that case you make a decent post with valid statements without resorting to childish and stoneage-like language and I too will consider you a buddy:)

15-08-2006, 18:19
I've read the posts. Not too sure what to make of it really. All I can say is, people's views vary. No two people share exactly the same views and opinions in life.

I will apologise (I already had to bananasuit) to those who were offended by my post although I did try to clarify what I meant.

Having said all that, what I truly don't appreciate is when people lash out and use verbally insulting language (wynterprincess).

Banasuit, you held a personal vendetta against me simply because I disputed your views regarding open relationships. Now had I agreed with everything you ever said, flirted with you etc... you would've loved me. The fact is, you went out on a mission to look for flaws in everything I said.

Naz, I appreciate what you've said but one thing I also noticed before I even engaged in any discussion with you is, you're quite fiery tempered (the opposite to me). You have a short fuse and generally take the piss quite a lot. You're one person who would EASILY get wound up by the smallest of things. That's quite evident.

Going back to the post regarding violence, I said I would gladly put up a physical fight if it were something as serious as somebody hurting those I love (family etc). When I said violence doesn't solve anything, I was referring to petty little fights over things which can easily be avoided. Prove to me that I said otherwise if you can.

All I can say is...

This site is doing well. It's very popular but I've realised it's pure entertainment. It's not really a 'discussion/debate forum' but more like a chat room.

All discussions are purely conversational. The topics kick in and soon after it turns into picture posting, flirting etc

In life, you'll come across many people who share very different views to you... but on The Asian Place, it seems that many of you have simply jumped on the band wagon to enjoy the ride. You're not really contributing or voicing your true opinions.

Are you telling me that EVERYBODY on the Asian Place shares the same opinion on everything? Why does everybody agree on everything?

The truth is, people feel threatened when somebody new comes along. Somebody who doesn't flirt back and ask for phone numbers. Somebody who actually disputes and questions your opinions.

Just because I don't flirt back, just because I don't compliment you and develop a fake online relationship with you all, I'm an outsider right?

Don't make me laugh.

ps. Thanks for backing me up Liney/Miz.

Iroquois Pliskin
15-08-2006, 18:22
^ well said sharif.. :)

15-08-2006, 19:06
Thats not true, Sharif. Ur not an outsider, not for me anyways. Just cus u dont join in with the flirting etc dont mean ur not part of AP...ur views and opinions are just as good as anyone else. luvhug

15-08-2006, 19:40
ps. Thanks for backing me up Liney/Miz.

don't say that Sharif..next winter will accuse us of being lovers or something8&

15-08-2006, 20:24
Well I don't flirt half of the time, and if I do I don't mean it! It's something that just comes naturally to me!

17-08-2006, 20:55
Her mum didnt let her watch big brother and she hung her self....., tut i hate bb sooo much!! makes me sick when i even hear abouit bb! Some people.... they'll do anything to watch big brother!


thats bollox ther is no way she killed herself coz she cudnt watch BB! what aload of twaddle! so for the ppl hu think shes a "dumb bitch" really need their eyes openin to the real world!

18-08-2006, 21:30
major respect to sharif for the way he's handled himself, especially for that last post...
lol some of the dramatic reactions to his topic were rediculous, its like u read his post missed out a few words and saw "divorced parents = messed up kids"
anyway thats been concluded...

as for the incident its sad that she had to react like that, it must be putting her folks through hell right now

as for banning Big bro (couple of people have posted saying that), are you gona ban hip hop music, films, cartoons etc etc.
This has been the most watched big bro series so far which proves that its popularity is increasing even more.

and to those of you who were sayin to shariff i hope u end up divorced and i hope ur parents divorce and shit...shows u are messed up