View Full Version : guys wearin makeup

30-09-2005, 11:39
wot u tink of guys wearin makeup?
n if u tink they shud or rather ders nothin wrng wid it, wot shud they wear?
i was watchin 1 of those cheesy asian dramas wen i realised dat the guy had on full makeup! it lukd bad cuz his foundation n blusher was totaly out of place!
n was shockd 2 find dat most guys on TV do in fact wear alotta makeup jst as much as the women! lol

personaly id find it rather weird my guy goin 2 the mirror 2 apply foundation or eyeliner or woteva he has a tendency 2 wear....probs cuz i dnt wear dat much makeup meself n cuz of teh effort it takes!

wot do teh gals tink? cud u live wid a guy hu wears makeup or u tink dats gay?
n wot do the guys tink? cn u respect a guy hu does? or do u wear sum1 urself n knw sum1 hu does?
im intrigued...................?:

30-09-2005, 11:44
hmm matters i dun like gay but if he a hetro wont change my opinion oy anything but if looked like adrag queen or some tranny n shit den fucko

30-09-2005, 14:33
I think guys shudnt wear make up as makeup originaly was made for womem likewise with jewellery u see all these fake gangsters with their crapy chains why bother? no offense to any1 here :)
As for makeup yeh if the guys a model or is a tv presenter why not

30-09-2005, 15:24
tru sed..u gotta hav yer limits sumwhere rite?..in order 2 tell the diff between gyalz and guyz inni?..i mean look..gyalz wear top/ trouserz wateva..which is originally masculine..guyz *not all* grow hair long..

and sumtymz it'z hard 2 tell whether sum1z a guy or gyal ..if u get me..?: ..
but yeh..kinda freaky wen guyz wear make up..

30-09-2005, 15:31
2 tel u teh truth i dnt knw ne guys hu wear makeup...unles they jst nt admittin it...

30-09-2005, 15:50
well i know one person that wears makeup wont say his name, but he got a reason behind it,

he burnt his face when he was lil so like he covers half of his face with mkeup, and you cant tell whether he was burnt or not, anyone that calls him gay i beat the f88k out of!

ruby angel
30-09-2005, 17:09
well i think its totally wierd 4 a guy 2 wear make up, but in this case^^ i suppose its alrite

30-09-2005, 17:19
sounds lyk a valid reason guji, nyc of u 2 stick up 4 im! ;)

Mr Sandman
30-09-2005, 17:42
it seems a bit strange that men would wear make up if its something they can help. However, alot of goth males wear dark make up as its part of their 'cult'. It doesnt make them homosexuals, and quite frankly, it looks alright on some of them.
I dont see why boy bands should wear them though, surely fans enjoy their music more rather than what they look like.
Alot of men are now turning to applying facial cream on a regular basis, such as nivea. Well i'm one of them, and i assure you its just to make my skin look smooth :)

ruby angel
30-09-2005, 17:59
i thought all men put facecream on? my dad and bro do :s

Mr Sandman
30-09-2005, 18:19
nope they dont, typical amongst asians though, alot of them do. But in society as a whole, i wouldnt of thought every man did.

30-09-2005, 23:44
i put face creame on...., and the only time i applied makeup was wehn i was at coll, i remember i had this proper red zit, i then went into my sisters room got the matching colour and did the red zit all over!

30-09-2005, 23:46
lol.. wht ya like kayz.. ha ha

MI$$ J4TT1
01-10-2005, 13:01
guys who wear make-up r jus gay!!!!

01-10-2005, 13:16
I think guys shudnt wear make up as makeup originaly was made for womem likewise with jewellery u see all these fake gangsters with their crapy chains why bother? no offense to any1 here :)
As for makeup yeh if the guys a model or is a tv presenter why not

lolz we got plenty of those in out college ^^^^ :lol:

i dont think guys should wear make up but if you look on the asian dramas most of them do!

ruby angel
01-10-2005, 23:13
nope they dont, typical amongst asians though, alot of them do. But in society as a whole, i wouldnt of thought every man did.

ye it probably is an asian thing
cuz my mum has a big go at my bro 2 put cream on even tho he dnt lyk it lolz

01-10-2005, 23:17
Originally Posted by __________
I think guys shudnt wear make up as makeup originaly was made for womem likewise with jewellery u see all these fake gangsters with their crapy chains why bother? no offense to any1 here :)
As for makeup yeh if the guys a model or is a tv presenter why not

ha ha ha ... i agree.... men shouldnt wear makeup..... well atleast not in reality.. on tv is ok i guess!!

and mr _________ i love that sonic avatar... 8o

01-10-2005, 23:23
ha ha ha ... i agree.... men shouldnt wear makeup..... well atleast not in reality.. on tv is ok i guess!!

and mr _________ i love that sonic avatar... 8o

Thanks like Sonic im alays on the move :lol:

01-10-2005, 23:24
do u remember this cheat...

start ????

01-10-2005, 23:26
Lol yeh and the other one the same direction controllers as uv listed then u hold down Start + A 2gether :) u can start at any level

01-10-2005, 23:27
ha ha my favourite zone waas casino zone... u could get so many points if u got stuck in one of them machines :P

01-10-2005, 23:29
Lol yeh mint game my record was like i once was sad enuff to stay gambling for ages to a machine close to the exit and i collected to sumat like 932'ish rings i cnt rememba the exact figure :)

ruby angel
01-10-2005, 23:31
i thought thsi was a guys wearin makeup thread, not games.....

01-10-2005, 23:31
yea if u get 999 rings... u get to go on to a bonus level !! :Pu should have dun it for a bit longer :P

01-10-2005, 23:31
Someone got me sidetracked no names offcourse (roles eyes)

01-10-2005, 23:33
*sulks* its not my fault *sobs*

ruby angel
01-10-2005, 23:42
and y do u think that 'its not ur fault'???^^ lol

02-10-2005, 08:39
face cream is gud! lol i tink al guys shud keep dat up...if us gals ave 2 keep our skin lukin gud den der shud b no excuses 4 u guys! lol
course its nt makeup.....

02-10-2005, 12:22
i personally don't mind men wearing make-up but not THAT much. :,

03-10-2005, 22:38
I dont need to wear creams i have soft wonderful skin anyway and neither do i get any kind of spots :D

Englaand di billo
03-10-2005, 22:42
I dont need to wear creams i have soft wonderful skin anyway and neither do i get any kind of spots :D

mashallah! gifted i say!! lol!!!!!

04-10-2005, 11:36
woah liney!!!
wots ur secret we al wana knw......

04-10-2005, 22:09
The secret is wearnig no creams nothing what so ever jst plain simple water :) works a treat ;)

Arbash Shaikh
04-10-2005, 22:16
i think onli indian actorz need it especialli Shahrukh khan....lolz

04-10-2005, 22:18
his skin is awful hes got acne craters !

Arbash Shaikh
04-10-2005, 22:22
he suxxx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05-10-2005, 12:40
jst water?!
duno in the nrth west teh water aint dat gud! lol

05-10-2005, 15:59
Actualy Safi up north, water in Yorkshire area to be precise is known for its clean taste :)

05-10-2005, 16:01
yea hard water area !

05-10-2005, 16:48
I don't think theres anything wrong with a man applying a bit of moisturising cream or cleanser n toner.. but make up, nuh uh, definitely not foundation or blusher or eyeliner!! eww.

and water in north west is brill, tastes brill too :) the further up north u get the purer the water.. so in Scotland the water is to die for :D (yup I love my water)

05-10-2005, 16:49
what about nail varnish ha ha ?

05-10-2005, 16:51
no thats yuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

05-10-2005, 16:52
lollllll!!! ha ha i hate guys that do that ...

05-10-2005, 16:54
don't know anyone who does that actually, aprt from goths...

05-10-2005, 16:54
hmmm yea same :|

05-10-2005, 17:44
my mate at college doesn't where makeup, however he does shave the top of his eyebrows so they look smaller... what would you people make of this ?

05-10-2005, 18:00
ha ha thats just funny !! who does that?

05-10-2005, 18:16
oiiiiii no dissing the shaurkh man yeh!!!

05-10-2005, 18:17
mere pyar hai:$

05-10-2005, 20:16
omg which guy wears make up,,, i think thts so gay no offence lol
i dnt wear any make up at all,n its not really for men

07-10-2005, 15:37
aye new trend guys gettin der eyebrows dun! put me 2 shame lol

mad ali
08-10-2005, 19:38
lol i was jus readin the site n came on this thread, some wierd theads in the place, im new by the way, and I know someone at my school who wears fake tan, deos that count as make up? personally i think its all a bit fruity

08-10-2005, 19:41
lol @ fruity !!

post a message in tho into thread ali :D

09-10-2005, 15:43
aye fake tasn count me tink....

10-10-2005, 20:40

10-10-2005, 20:44
li think its all a bit fruity

dnt say u a gay posh guy!!

10-10-2005, 20:51
right you wanna see a guy with make up this is Dark Dante he was on the other forum from before aka Zak! lols this is him with makeup let me know what u guys think!



10-10-2005, 20:55
he used to be a model so this is professional pics!

10-10-2005, 21:05
he does look as if his gay in the 1st pic
otherwise he must be dark n they made him more white

10-10-2005, 21:57
Now thats just GAY!!

Arbash Shaikh
10-10-2005, 22:05
well to be honest if hez a model than i think i am a supa model... hehhehe!!!!!!!!!

i mean if guyz lyk him r model than y d hell we r waitin we mst give a try..lolz

10-10-2005, 22:30
True... but i'll stay away from fame cos of media.... but still u dont need fame 2 be a playa wot do u say ladz???

10-10-2005, 23:36
nah i dont fink thats gay. if thats his profession and he needs to wear makeup in order to do his profession then fair do's.

11-10-2005, 03:00
but i wouldnt put on makeup.... unless u very UGLY and u need a plastic face!!

11-10-2005, 06:22
oooooooh he's cuuuuuuuuuute :D all hollywood actors and british/USA models use make up, but luckily they use the right balance, bollywood actors however use loads, even the women look like an iced cake...

11-10-2005, 13:10
make up.... thts sick... i mean wot av u got 2 hide?? rly wot av u got 2 hide?

11-10-2005, 13:11
hmmm acheived flawlesnes....i want sum of dat!

12-10-2005, 17:27
right well i wouldnt say he's gay but like hes a good prson a good frend n was his birthday y.day but couldnt go cuz of uni! but anyways i think if ur in the profession of the makeup industry then yeh ur not gay!

$xy $onz
13-10-2005, 17:48
guys n make up lolzz dat jus cracks me up but i got a cuzin dat is a bit faminine wil girly lolzzz but his propa safe tho he does his eye brows lol but im glad he ent gone dat far on wearin make up or i wud really cuss him lol