View Full Version : Is Paki racist?

21-08-2006, 17:26

Whilst arguing with a few morons here, this question came up

Is saying/using Paki racist???

Why you ask is probably the first question.... alot of my muslim and Indian mates use it....and none have problems with using it.
Also there is this guys trying to reclaim the word by a clothing brand named PAK1..... i dont know if you heard of it... maybe you can enlighten me.

or does it depend of who says it??? If a white guy can say or be called a nigga in songs...why not Paki?

21-08-2006, 17:27
cause calling a white guya paki is blatantly stupid like u and this thread wtf is wrong with u honestly, do u always let that dildo in ur ass slip out or is it only sometimes so u can annoy the world with ur shitty patter and stupid questions, the word nigga and nigger is still classed as rascial, as is the word paki will still be classed as rascial.

Iroquois Pliskin
21-08-2006, 17:29
whites can't say the word nigger/nigga only black guys can..so i think the same thing is for pakistanis say pakis amongst themselves not indians..

21-08-2006, 17:29
This thread was inspired by me being told off for using the word 'paki'...so I was like what the fuck?

21-08-2006, 17:30
ive heard muslims call each other it b4 wen greetin each other
the white ppl have totally turned the meanin of the word round, its meant 2 mean pure but instead its now a racist word
i find it racist because its then encouraging the 1s who use it in a negative term 2 continue using it

21-08-2006, 17:30

Whilst arguing with a few morons here, this question came up

Is saying/using Paki racist???

Why you ask is probably the first question.... alot of my muslim and Indian mates use it....and none have problems with using it.
Also there is this guys trying to reclaim the word by a clothing brand named PAK1..... i dont know if you heard of it... maybe you can enlighten me.

or does it depend of who says it??? If a white guy can say or be called a nigga in songs...why not Paki?

Can you refrain from name-calling anyone that doesn't agree with you!

Being neutral as a Bengali I would say you should apply constraint in the use of the word 'paki', just because your 'mates' use it doesn't mean its ok, nor is it acceptable to or by others.

Also what white guy says nigga...YOU enlighen me please. :)

21-08-2006, 17:31
Personally its one those things where among friends its cool, but when someone else says it, it can be offensive.

Even though technically 'paki' means pure so it isnt really a insult.

21-08-2006, 17:31
Loll...this guy is cracking me up :D

Punjabi Munda yes the word Paki is racist....and I have heard of the guy who is trying to reclaim it so he can start clothing brands PAK1...but its not gna happen cus the term is racist...

21-08-2006, 17:31
Yes, but I use it and theres been no problems.

21-08-2006, 17:32
white guy using nigga?? eminem? lol

21-08-2006, 17:33
Yes, but I use it and theres been no problems.

U use it?? Well try saying it to someone who u dont know.. :)

Iroquois Pliskin
21-08-2006, 17:33
Can you refrain from name-calling anyone that doesn't agree with you!

Being neutral as a Bengali I would say you should apply constraint in the use of the word 'paki', just because your 'mates' use it doesn't mean its ok, nor is it acceptable to or by others.

Also what white guy says nigga...YOU enlighen me please. :)

omario used offensive words..so can't pick on the dude.. ,:

21-08-2006, 17:33
Yes, but I use it and theres been no problems.

Hence why you had to make this thread, just because it is accepted by some doesn't mean its accepted by all.

21-08-2006, 17:34
no he hasnt he said it once and he wasnt made to forget about it and thats the only times he has said it publically

21-08-2006, 17:34
white guy using nigga?? eminem? lol

Please provide proof of where he said or used it openly, without offending anyone :)

21-08-2006, 17:35
white guy using nigga?? eminem? lol
well they shudnt
it was used in the days of slavery in a derogatory way

21-08-2006, 17:36
You what omario?? I havent mentioned it until today on here.....but openly with my friends outside in the real world...we always use it. ..even to our muslim mates.

21-08-2006, 17:37
Forget that...Im offended by him saying it...and especially from someone who has shown such dislike of Pakistanis so blatantly :)

21-08-2006, 17:38
well i dunno what its like down there but if some dude who wasnt paki called one of us paki then hey wouldnt get away with it.....i was talkin about eminem sayin the word nigga.

Iroquois Pliskin
21-08-2006, 17:38
Forget that...Im offended by him saying it...and especially from someone who has shown such dislike of Pakistanis so blatantly :)

exactly.. its probably depends on the person using it..if ya know them well enough then allow it.. if not then no!

21-08-2006, 17:38
What you on about BabyAsh... I use to see a Paki-stani girl :) oops almost forgot to type the full word for you...so your theories on my dislike are unfounded.

21-08-2006, 17:39
What you on about BabyAsh... I use to see a Paki-stani girl :) oops almost forgot to type the full word for you...so your theories on my dislike are unfounded.

OK fine....but u calling anyone PAKI is offensive for me :) Still.

21-08-2006, 17:41
i find paki offensive comming from him, he has no right to say it.

21-08-2006, 17:42
OK fine....but u calling anyone PAKI is offensive for me :) Still.

Whats happen to the typical pakistani line of 'we all asians' lol only applies when you want something? :)

Iroquois Pliskin
21-08-2006, 17:42
keep the peace people..this is a good debate if ya think of it open mindedly.. :D

21-08-2006, 17:43
no right??? paki there I said it!

Also my great grandparents were from Lahore...so just as much right...if not..more than you. :)

21-08-2006, 17:43
Whats happen to the typical pakistani line of 'we all asians' lol only applies when you want something? :)

Wat u on about?? Look, u carry on using the term with ur 'mates' as usual...but Im telling u, if u use the term with anyone outside ur circle of friends..they ARE gna find it offensive :)

21-08-2006, 17:44
nope u dont have more than me, considering more than jus my grandparents are from lahore

Iroquois Pliskin
21-08-2006, 17:45
no right??? paki there I said it!

Also my great grandparents were from Lahore...so just as much right...if not..more than you. :)

what has your grandparents got to do with anything.. just coz they "from lahore"..stupid..

21-08-2006, 17:46
I think its acceptable for an Indian like me to use ...like I said I had family from that part of the world...it doesnt change anything.

21-08-2006, 17:47
Aint lahore in pakistan??? If I had family from there...then sure there should be no objection to using the word paki

'we are all asian after all' :)

Iroquois Pliskin
21-08-2006, 17:48
I think its acceptable for an Indian like me to use ...like I said I had family from that part of the world...it doesnt change anything.

you thought wrong mate.. you're delusional.

21-08-2006, 17:48
iv never said were all asians after all, and i didnt say lahore isnt pakistan, ma whole fuckin family is from there.

21-08-2006, 17:49
Aint lahore in pakistan??? If I had family from there...then sure there should be no objection to using the word paki

'we are all asian after all' :)

It is in Pakistan...but ur family were ther before Pakistan was even a country...so no u cant use it....mate :)

21-08-2006, 17:49
Aint lahore in pakistan??? If I had family from there...then sure there should be no objection to using the word paki

'we are all asian after all' :)

the word is associated with muslims
dont matter where ur family is from

21-08-2006, 17:51
So Indians cant use 'Paki'??? when was this rule made up??? I never heard of this.

When the BNP are attacking muslims in this country, the community insists 'we are all asians' ...we all get the same treatment.

so now a Indian man cant say paki.....just like a white cant ....but blacks can?

21-08-2006, 17:52
So Indians cant use 'Paki'??? when was this rule made up??? I never heard of this.

When the BNP are attacking muslims in this country, the community insists 'we are all asians' ...we all get the same treatment.

so now a Indian man cant say paki.....just like a white cant ....but blacks can?

Yes, u understand! Well done! :)

21-08-2006, 17:53
blacks cant say paki eitha
y wud they?

Iroquois Pliskin
21-08-2006, 17:53
So Indians cant use 'Paki'??? when was this rule made up??? I never heard of this.

When the BNP are attacking muslims in this country, the community insists 'we are all asians' ...we all get the same treatment.

so now a Indian man cant say paki.....just like a white cant ....but blacks can?


Iroquois Pliskin
21-08-2006, 17:54
this guy ain't gonna give in..

21-08-2006, 17:58
he jus annoyed cause he cant say paki, hahhah jealousy is brilliant.

21-08-2006, 17:59
So all this 'we are all asian' is just a load of bollocks?

You got to think... If a Indian saying 'paki' is regard to Pakistanis as the same as if a white says 'paki'

then that statement nearly all muslims bros (bruvs, bredrins, kasme-crew) say ..especially to alot of Indian guys 'we all asians, we must stick thru all this islamaphobia..etc' is not really a valid point?...especially if your treated the same as a white man?

21-08-2006, 18:00
well to this day iv never said were all asians, cause its not pakis that are gettin attacked its all muslims, so think before u speak.

Iroquois Pliskin
21-08-2006, 18:03
what is so hard about saying pakistani...you disability of saying that..?

21-08-2006, 18:05
Well most muslims in this country are paki...and most british born terrorists are of pakistani origin..... so maybe others use the word 'paki' to mean muslims....

I was just proving a point, chill.... if Pakistaniss say we are all asians and must stick together...then why would Indians for example be treated as the same as a white man who says the 'paki'?

21-08-2006, 18:05
'we are all asian' - neva heard that bein used b4
have heard we r brown we gotta stick 2getha

maybe back in the day they mite have used it but after the partition.... nah i dont think so

21-08-2006, 18:09
^ ur boring and u dont even kno what ur arguing about or you would realise ur wrong, ur whats wrong with the world.

21-08-2006, 18:10
omar, u aimin that at me ?

21-08-2006, 18:10
I do realise what im arguing about...its just you seem to have no answers.

21-08-2006, 18:11
we have answers, u just dont seem 2 wanna listen

21-08-2006, 18:13
iv told u the reason and ur blatantly bein a retarded ho

21-08-2006, 18:19
Yes you may have answered whether/if paki is a racist term.... but why its not acceptable for Indians to use it?

For instance...this happened in kindstanding....a white guy shouting paki ...I look around and said 'whats your fucking problem?' He goes 'you' you 'paki'.... I go I aint a fucking 'paki' ...im Indian...(confused look on his face) then he fucked off...not before I pointed at a guy with a salwaar and beard coming out the shops and said hes 'paki' ...but by that time I confused him enough.

Hence if someone calls you a paki...why cant you call it them back...or better still educate them to know who is really a paki?

21-08-2006, 18:22
cos sum ignorant white ppl dont kno the difference
they c brown skin and just lump every1 2getha

21-08-2006, 18:33
yes I was offended to be associated with a guy in a salwaar and nasty beard... ewww. It seems to have gone worse since all thise terrorism bullshit.

Im gonna start wearing some shirts now

how about?

Im a Patel, not a terrorist! .... got loads of gujarati mates so maybe make some money from this one!

Dont freek, Im a Sikh! ... this one should sell alot to my sikh mates.

or just plain old 'INDIAN'.

21-08-2006, 18:39
yes I was offended to be associated with a guy in a salwaar and nasty beard... ewww. It seems to have gone worse since all thise terrorism bullshit.

the person u saw was muslim and u felt offended 2 have been associated with him???? does that make the white bloke the racist or u????

seems u want ppl 2 turn round and say yeah its ok 4 u 2 use that word

21-08-2006, 18:42
come on,

the guy wasnt even clean shaven or anything...he was wearing a salwaar and looked really freakish. Of course I feel offended to be associated with him... why shouldnt I? hes a different age, different religion, different culture,

theres nothing racist about that.

21-08-2006, 18:43
Is the sole purpose of this thread to cause anarchy or is it literal discussion? I can never tell when conversing with this user......

21-08-2006, 18:44
come on,

the guy wasnt even clean shaven or anything...he was wearing a salwaar and looked really freakish. Of course I feel offended to be associated with him... why shouldnt I? hes a different age, different religion, different culture,

theres nothing racist about that.

the bloke u described sounds like sum1 who is religious
like i said white ppl can b ignorant

21-08-2006, 18:49
religious?? fuck that... no wonder didnt want to associate with him lol.

21-08-2006, 18:53
Well most muslims in this country are paki...and most british born terrorists are of pakistani origin..... so maybe others use the word 'paki' to mean muslims....

I was just proving a point, chill.... if Pakistaniss say we are all asians and must stick together...then why would Indians for example be treated as the same as a white man who says the 'paki'?

thats not correct..

what about the thousands of british and american troops in afghanistan that slaughter thousands of muslims everyday? is dat not terrorism? the same goes to all the fighting in iraq, iran, palestine!

a minority of terrorist attacks are by muslims, but ppl seem to forget the horror and terror muslims go thru each and everyday in the muslim countries that are being invaded by non-muslims...

21-08-2006, 18:54
from wantin 2 use the word paki to not wantin 2b associated with sum1 u turned round and said was a paki
seems uve answered ur own question
yes its racist
yes ur racist

21-08-2006, 18:55

21-08-2006, 18:57
Listen just because I dont treat every brown person as brother/sister doesnt mean im racist.

21-08-2006, 18:59
Listen just because I dont treat every brown person as brother/sister doesnt mean im racist.

Yes thats true....its because youve caused racial hatred and indulge in sick acts of racial insults disregarding all humans and that you are secretly a fantatic that gains pleasure in upsetting others on another forum.....Thats why....:mad:

21-08-2006, 19:02
lol your funny.

21-08-2006, 19:05
Listen everybody, this ignorant guys aim is to indirectly abuse pakistani's and muslims in general.
I'm not a pakistani, but i'am a muslim and i dont appreciate somone as ignorant as you talking down to someone who obviously holds his faith close to his heart.
Do you see us saying that we one day saw a man in a turban and were disgusted at being asociated with him.
White racists use "paki" as a generalised term for anyone of asian origin - that means you!
But it doesnt bother anyone here because you aint worth it mate!

p.s Tuare booth pan chate hai?

21-08-2006, 19:05
lol your funny.

I only state the facts......,:

21-08-2006, 19:09
yes yes yes yo nigga...loving the hand movements and ear muffs

I didnt know that guy in salwaar was religious...just thought he was poor or something wearing clobber like that.

21-08-2006, 19:11
then y turn round and say 2 the white guy i aint no paki.. he is
religious or pakistani, u still turned round and said it

21-08-2006, 19:13
yes yes yes yo nigga...loving the hand movements and ear muffs

I didnt know that guy in salwaar was religious...just thought he was poor or something wearing clobber like that.

Listen you fool, I never said I was a nigger. Dont envy mate.

p.s i got this cute punjabi honey on the hook, n she loves it @)

21-08-2006, 19:14
Well isnt part of one life to inform and educate others? Others who may not of had as good or informative upbringing as you???

What you expect me to say??? lie to the guy i am a muslim??? Is that a worse sin?

21-08-2006, 19:16
good for you maac.

I never said you was a nigga....just got the impression ...thats all.

21-08-2006, 19:17
Well isnt part of one life to inform and educate others? Others who may not of had as good or informative upbringing as you???

What you expect me to say??? lie to the guy i am a muslim??? Is that a worse sin?

well u cud have informed the bloke u wasnt muslim, u didint need 2 do nethin else

u say u was educating the bloke, doesnt sound like it
ur tryin 2 justify ur actions

21-08-2006, 19:18
Well isnt part of one life to inform and educate others? Others who may not of had as good or informative upbringing as you???

What you expect me to say??? lie to the guy i am a muslim??? Is that a worse sin?

he never called you a muslim he called you a "paki" paki is a racist term for ALL ASIANS, seriously get that through you thick scull.:)

21-08-2006, 19:20
come on,

the guy wasnt even clean shaven or anything...he was wearing a salwaar and looked really freakish. Of course I feel offended to be associated with him... why shouldnt I? hes a different age, different religion, different culture,

theres nothing racist about that.

that is the most pig headed thing i have ever heard

the islamic dress code is similar to that, by sayin g that infact im nto gonna get into it cause ur little pea head argoant self centered brain wouldnt process what i was trying to say anyway.

21-08-2006, 19:22
At the end of the day....their problem was with pakis...not Indians because they didnt say anything to us.

21-08-2006, 19:24
just try no to reply to any of his narrow minded opinions, if he comes up with any thing close to knowledgeable(not very likely) then there's no problem, but there is no debate without listening and he doesnt listen.
I think we have all settled with "paki" is a racist term right?

21-08-2006, 19:26
no right??? paki there I said it!

Also my great grandparents were from Lahore...so just as much right...if not..more than you. :)

the only whore around here is u mate ;)

21-08-2006, 19:27
I think its acceptable for an Indian like me to use ...like I said I had family from that part of the world...it doesnt change anything.

So your not actually Indian not fully anyway.

21-08-2006, 19:31
Im punjabi and some of it is in pakiland. So had family from the west side before partitions. ... hence I asked if its acceptable to say paki...as I always do with my muslim mates.

21-08-2006, 19:33
Im punjabi and some of it is in pakiland. So had family from the west side before partitions. ... hence I asked if its acceptable to say paki...as I always do with my muslim mates.

I'm a bengali muslim---------> am I a paki you fuck wit?!

21-08-2006, 19:33
Im punjabi and some of it is in pakiland. So had family from the west side before partitions. ... hence I asked if its acceptable to say paki...as I always do with my muslim mates.

so why does your sig say indian firstly and last if anything your not a full indian your less of an indian then my dear friend Navi.

21-08-2006, 19:36
so why does your sig say indian firstly and last if anything your not a full indian your less of an indian then my dear friend Navi.
cos hes a racist tosser
tryin 2 justify his racism

21-08-2006, 19:52
I'm a bengali muslim---------> am I a paki you fuck wit?!

id fuk u ?>

21-08-2006, 19:54
yeh tha word paki can b racist...dependin on who says it or tha context its used in! a say tha word paki....but tha ppl a say it 2 no a dnt mean ne offence by it n am not a racist! :)

21-08-2006, 19:56
id fuk u ?>

now, now, theres plently time for that... :)

21-08-2006, 19:57
so cos u had family from lahore u think u got the rite 2 say paki
Guru Nanak was born there... was he 1????

21-08-2006, 20:01
so cos u had family from lahore u think u got the rite 2 say paki
Guru Nanak was born there... was he 1????

a aint got family in lahore 8& me m8s dnt take ne offense 2 me sayin paki? a didnt fink der was nethin rong wiv it.......a even say nigga lol only 2 m8s pissin bout like!

21-08-2006, 20:02
not u suman!!!!
was 2 punjabi but hes banned so he wont b answerin

21-08-2006, 20:03
not u suman!!!!
was 2 punjabi but hes banned so he wont b answerin

lol ohhh okz :)

21-08-2006, 20:04
not u suman!!!!
was 2 punjabi but hes banned so he wont b answerin

leave her alone shes a bit slow:p...i fear for those primary kids she wants to teach,:

21-08-2006, 20:05
sorry suman my kids wont b sent ur way

21-08-2006, 20:05
leave her alone shes a bit slow:p...i fear for those primary kids she wants to teach,:

lol wot?! a dnt care bout der education... as long as a get gud moneys n holidays @)

21-08-2006, 20:09
sorry suman my kids wont b sent ur way

lol navi..... dats okz coz its u a let u of kisshug

Iroquois Pliskin
21-08-2006, 20:09
the guys banned so end of discussion.. close the thread..

21-08-2006, 20:10
the guys banned so end of discussion.. close the thread..

lol who made u mod :p

21-08-2006, 20:11
lol navi..... dats okz coz its u a let u of kisshug

bananadanc bananadanc i'll just hand them over 2 1 of these lot here
they seem 2 kno wot they on about

21-08-2006, 20:11
lol wot?! a dnt care bout der education... as long as a get gud moneys n holidays @)

I bet you'll be in the headmasters office longer than the kids for some 'extra-curricular activities'


Iroquois Pliskin
21-08-2006, 20:11
lol who made u mod :p

if i was a mod i'd closed this thread time back..

21-08-2006, 20:13
bananadanc bananadanc i'll just hand them over 2 1 of these lot here
they seem 2 kno wot they on about

Im sure babyash can teach them how to flirt if only i had a slight grasp of flirting:(

21-08-2006, 20:13
if i was a mod i'd closed this thread time back..

If you was a mod id doubt this forum would exist :p

21-08-2006, 20:14
I bet you'll be in the headmasters office longer than the kids for some 'extra-curricular activities'


lmfao @ u....not if he luked like dat!!

21-08-2006, 20:14
lol rite miz cos u kno nuttin bout flirtin hypocrite!

nah if they wanna kno bout that id teach them myself or send them 2 omar

22-08-2006, 04:31
Shouldnt call people pakis.

Would you like it if gorey called you pakis?

No, so dont do it !

22-08-2006, 14:45
Im sure babyash can teach them how to flirt if only i had a slight grasp of flirting:(

:o Anything...to bring up my name in the conversation :i

22-08-2006, 15:00
if i was a mod i'd closed this thread time back..

true, i agree! *Puts Snake on the candidate list of Mods!*


22-08-2006, 15:03
true, i agree! *Puts Snake on the candidate list of Mods!*


Isn't that OS's job?

22-08-2006, 15:04
Isn't that OS's job?

let me remind you...., mods get to pick candidates who they feel is suitable for the job.., then it goes to OS to decide who he picks from the list of candidates presented to him. Like when you became mod dont you remember the other mods had to come to a decision whether to have you as mod or not. :D :eek: