View Full Version : Would You / Have You Ever Had Plastic Surgery To Change The Way You Look?

23-08-2006, 20:48
I have never had it done, and I wouldn't want to, I'm quite happy with the way I look, I know I'm not the best looking of all people but I like being average! I don't really like being the centre of attention or being talked about constantly.

The ONLY time I would ever have it done is if I had a major accident (and unfortunately survived ).

How about you guys? What are your views on this?

23-08-2006, 20:49
nah i wouldnt get nuttin done to me, im pleased the way a look.

23-08-2006, 20:49
True Beauty lies in originality:)

23-08-2006, 20:55
No never.... i feel its for ppl who need it for medical reason..

23-08-2006, 20:59
Personally, Id say, Medical reasons ok then.

But some people are bullied based on looks, they go through emotional trauma for years. So why not. If something that effects your everyday life can be altered and in return you will be happier, then its cool.

Its wierd how looks really do matter alot, and if your not happy with it, and have money to burn go on.

Iroquois Pliskin
23-08-2006, 21:16
hell na.....

23-08-2006, 21:42
no way, be happy with wot god gave u, unless its for health probs then its diffrent, but ppl who go out have boob jobs and face lifts to look sexyer or to stop them self from aging, it isnt meant to be that way

23-08-2006, 21:45
What would you do if your children wanted it done?

i.e. Your daughter wanted a brest enlargement

(This can be answered by everyone)

23-08-2006, 21:50
well i got 2 sons but if i had a daughter who wanted something done then wot can i do? if shes old enough i cud not stop her,all i cud do is tell her how i felt and what the bad things about it, and then its her choice
not that id be happy but hey

23-08-2006, 21:59
id have a bust op just 2 reduce them tho

23-08-2006, 22:06
I would explain to my daughter all the facts about having the op coz I've heard alot of them go wrong plus it might be all good when she has it done, but what about a few years down the line?

Also, I wouldn't let her get it done until she's atleast 18, coz then she'll be an adult and I can't really stop her, but she would have to come up with the funds herself!

23-08-2006, 23:56
Nope, i'm happy with the way I look. :)

But then, I personally think that wearing braces is changing the way you look, and a bit like surgery. :oh

24-08-2006, 01:24
If there was a part of me that I was very unhappy with, then I would think about getting surgery done. After watching sad programs like Extreme Makeover, i've realised that it does make a person more confident and happy, so why not? Ahah, but then there's the religion factor. Okay but if it was allowed in Islam, then yeah, I would think of doing it if there was something wrong with me.:oh

24-08-2006, 11:20
I wouldnt be able to afford it anyway......:)

24-08-2006, 11:28
Im happy the way i look, so there would be no need bananadanc even if had the money i still woundn't :)

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