View Full Version : im bored very much bored, also in slight contemplation

04-10-2005, 00:02
which i will not share with you people :P, you probably don't want to know but i thought i would make it clear...
but as i am bored and i really couldn't find a good thread other than my own to start talking in i decided to make another...

that and i had discovered an email in my inbox recently to whcih i remembered 'oh no! my peeps at the asianplace' and my peeps mainly consist of JUST bananasuit :D and my other few acquaintances of whom i can't remember but hello all!!!

i chat a lot of tutti, yes i know! but hey can't blame me:P

so anyways, what have you lot been upto??8o ~) 8)

04-10-2005, 01:01
lols!! i like your attitude, can i be your friend tooo? hey wats your gender by the way?? its got a '?' under your Rep Power look:

04-10-2005, 10:19
lol, thanks about the attitude, im really trying to increase my paisa so i can take over:P joking hehe

im a female

i like to confuse people... and of course you can be my friend

04-10-2005, 11:20
wel nyc 4 u 2 pop in 2 ave a chat....bt u shudnt b bored ders plenty 2 b said no doubt, get postin!! lol

04-10-2005, 11:51
lol ur a pagal kuri 2 lol xxxxxxxxxxxxx

04-10-2005, 14:15
lol at pinky thanks love

i know theres many things to post, its a matter of being interested in what is being said... that and it takes ages getting around this site... my ickle wickle legs cant take it:P

04-10-2005, 14:17
lol at u! surely u wana post ur opinions up?

04-10-2005, 14:21
lol yes as i am very opinionated but there is only so much you can b bothered to type

04-10-2005, 14:33
hmm....im sure u cn get ur point acros is a few wrds...

04-10-2005, 16:19
i could but i prefer explaining everything down to a tee... perfectionist even with words:S even though i know at times i can use them in the wrong context and explain the same thing three times in order to help make more sense

04-10-2005, 16:55
ha ha....but u explain it three times usin the same words u used the time before ... so everyone just nods by the time u get to the third time of explainin just so u stop p)

21-05-2006, 01:22
loooool hayles:\ humphh

Iroquois Pliskin
21-05-2006, 01:33
Hello pooBUMbiggins..nice to meet you..

21-05-2006, 01:38
helo never seen you here before.. not that im on here much either.. hows you?

Iroquois Pliskin
21-05-2006, 01:54
helo never seen you here before.. not that im on here much either.. hows you?

all good thanks <) im a new guy on here..still unknown to many..how are you anyway?

21-05-2006, 02:07
im good very tired should be in bed really...:| aahh i thought so... im a lurker:) at times when im bored

Iroquois Pliskin
21-05-2006, 23:07
yeah i lurk too..just view the first post of the thread..if its good i post lol..

21-05-2006, 23:14
oh i see ..so did u view mine did u look at the time and date???

Iroquois Pliskin
21-05-2006, 23:24
Whew..very old lol..

22-05-2006, 00:25

22-05-2006, 13:53
well well well.. what do we have here... my pooeyassbiggins...hmm.. where are u ?? silly mare :p