View Full Version : nicknames!!?

04-10-2005, 14:59
hey i was just wondering what does ur nick name stand for?
mine is from my skool days, my real name is abu khaled but ppl found it complicated to pronounce (dey stil do!!) so for sum weird reason i ended up as 'abzk' (its pronounced abs-kay)
so wats ur story!!?

04-10-2005, 15:02
lol myn is so boring nt even wrth mentionin, its a shortened version of my name, bt ppl used 2 cal me saflee, which in guji means "scruffy, untidy" so i had 2 drop dat quick, bt recently ive made sum new friends hu insist on calin me saflee n its so annoyin! bt the mo i resent it the funi they find it 2 cal me dat, i jst giv up!

(nyc 2 c u got the hang of teh forum ;))

ruby angel
04-10-2005, 15:02
nickz ruby......all my family and evry1s been callinme tht since i was born so i think of it as my proper name, its jus not registered 4 sum reason...lol

04-10-2005, 15:14
hey safi dat wasnt a little insight to ur personality was it!!hey im only jokin, (its a bad habit!!) but safi is nice nickname!

hey ruby, ive herd of dat one before, actually i got a cousin sister whos real name is ruby, by the way i like ur signature!!

04-10-2005, 15:16
if im scrufy its cuz "its a luk" lol!!

i had a friend wid da same name as u n we jst cald im AK

04-10-2005, 15:20
seriously!!? and there i was thinking im the only one!! u say u 'had,' sumtin hapen 2him?

04-10-2005, 15:22
cheeky!!! lol
no he went bak 2 africa...n we aint in touch

ruby angel
04-10-2005, 15:22
hey safi dat wasnt a little insight to ur personality was it!!hey im only jokin, (its a bad habit!!) but safi is nice nickname!

hey ruby, ive herd of dat one before, actually i got a cousin sister whos real name is ruby, by the way i like ur signature!!

thx, sig was made by guji_romeo
so r u paki, guji or bengi?? lol

04-10-2005, 15:28
went bk2 africa!? oh wel dat means i am da only one wid dat name den!!

to ruby, im a bengi, wat bout urself?

04-10-2005, 15:32
bt it is a nyc name, lucky u!

04-10-2005, 15:38
thnx, i hav2 admit u are like a rose but ur thorns are blunt!! just joking! ;)

04-10-2005, 15:46
nt sure quite whether dats a compliment or an insult! lol
bt i tink u got half the irony of it

04-10-2005, 15:49
im sorri if i offended u, but i meant is as a compliment,my turn 2 ask 4givnes

04-10-2005, 15:52
i beleive we're even!
nah im nt ofended jst tryin 2 decide wich 1 u meant...n anyway ur entitled 2 ur opinion!

04-10-2005, 16:24
i really don't know what my nick name was derived from but it was miss tinkerbell no miss bananasuit who called it me (i think she called it to her teacher) but i find it utterly amusing and so i decided to keep it

04-10-2005, 16:52
ha ha !! @ poobum!! i did this thread myself a while ago.... so most ppl no y i chose my nickname.... if i HAD to dress up as somethin n go to work or stand on the street i would wear a banana suit :D

04-10-2005, 17:06
My nickname isn't seeya_a, just summin I made up once wen creating a yahoo id cuz all the aasiya ID's were taken.. and wen i was back in school people used to say to me "I see ya later" because apparently "I see ya" sounds like Aasiya... hmmm.. so take the last a and then flip to the start, u get aseeya.

Otherwise nicknames, I've had quite a few.. some of which were: 'BigBum' and 'Roberto Carlos' (will leave that to ur imagination) and just plain ole asi.

04-10-2005, 17:08
bank ur paisa... seeya_a

04-10-2005, 17:10
i dont know how to do it, teach me :S

[edit] done it :D thanks for the advice :) so people can't steal it now rite?

04-10-2005, 17:12
click on the arrow next to store.... then bank.... then deposit points ... type in 100 cus uve got like 107.... then ok :D n its done:D

04-10-2005, 17:12
yup thanks ;) done :D

ruby angel
04-10-2005, 17:14
went bk2 africa!? oh wel dat means i am da only one wid dat name den!!

to ruby, im a bengi, wat bout urself?

i am bengi as well!!!:d kitha korrai, bala aso ni?? lol

04-10-2005, 17:16
bengalis are cute :)

ruby angel
04-10-2005, 17:17
hey asiya, wat r u then?

04-10-2005, 19:41
yeah it is unique,aint cum across it b4!

04-10-2005, 19:43
oh crap didnt notice the 2nd page, my last comment was a reply to poobumbiggins post about her nickname!!

hey ruby ami bala asi!! wat part of b/desh u from den!?

ruby angel
04-10-2005, 19:44
urrr.....i dunno....urm jogonnathpur......theirs so many names , i dunno which lol, u?

04-10-2005, 19:46
seriously!? jogan-nathpur, im kinda nearby if u go to jpur from sylhet den u hav to pass my place, im from ishakpur!

ruby angel
04-10-2005, 19:51
neva heard of ishakpur, so i mutve passed ur place in 2003!!! lol..i stayed in sylhet 4 quite a bi and then went jogonnathpur...i dnt get how ppl knw cuz theirs all these 'bazaars' and 'purs' lol..how many tymz u been 2 bdesh?

04-10-2005, 20:00
lol! wel byn quite a few times so knda kno my way around but as u sed it so comfusin wid all dese pur and bazaars!! anyways gotta go4 taravi now, c ya later!!

ruby angel
04-10-2005, 20:01
ive only been twice in my whole lyf, when i was 8 then wen i was 14..so dnt knw much..lol

04-10-2005, 20:26
pinky is jus my nickname coz =my fav colour pink n sum ppl call it me xxxxxxxxxxx

04-10-2005, 20:29
wen i re-joined i should have been brownie like u requested :P

04-10-2005, 20:48
yer u shud have u knows sooo funny lol xxxxxxxxxx

04-10-2005, 20:55
hmm maybe ill change it to that... i amost have the funds :P

04-10-2005, 21:04
lol datz kwl xxxxxxxxxxx

05-10-2005, 19:52
Well i gt a few nicknames in ma time.. main ones are choppy and voodookid <originally voodoo child>

well choppy is a family nickname, all ma uncles and ma dad, grandad, basically every1 calls them choppy, so tht kinda was passed on to me.
now. voodoo child was a nik given to me by my uncle. long story, but to cut it short, whn i was a lil kid and i herd the track by jimi hendrix, voodoo child, i used to rock to and go mental. lol so ma uncle started callin me that. so as i grew older and i fink i was about 14, i kinda changed it to voodookid cuz it sounds a bit better than voodoochild.

05-10-2005, 20:29
i dont know how i got nemo as my nickname, gona have to ask one of ym mates....rubyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!! bobsssssssssss!!! how did my name become nemo? lol

ruby angel
05-10-2005, 20:31
itz cuz we jus recently watched finding nemo..and ur name jus kinda goes wid nemo...init? well i dunno...we used 2 call u a lot of stuff but now nemo jus stuck lol
and youuuu obviously prefer it lol

06-10-2005, 14:59
:( oh man i dont have a nick name

06-10-2005, 15:00
wel guji romeo is 1 aint it?

06-10-2005, 15:02
lol yeh but thats not really a nick name per say cause i just made it up for the fun on it, plus now people say i act like a romeo, but im not committing suidside like the film!

06-10-2005, 15:04
lol! dnt u need a juliet 4 dat?

wel wot ppl cal u as a child? or at schul?

06-10-2005, 15:38
errrm i dunno to be honest alot of bad things, i used to be huge (fat back in the days) so u can guess all the fatty names :(

ruby angel
06-10-2005, 20:28
awwww u poor thing

07-10-2005, 10:06
aww.....wot ur freinds cal u den?!

07-10-2005, 12:37
I got mine in 2 parts ...

1st i got the urban part from a friend in geography, cos my name is subhan, she would call me suburban urbanisation, so she just shorted it 2 urban

2nd i got sniper part cos i luv bret hart (old skool wrestler) and he was the hitman & i wanted something similar thus sniper came 2 mind.

Then just joined the 2 2gether

08-10-2005, 23:55
bret the hitman heart! he was my fave wrestler of that time... with his super kewl pink specs.. yeh..