View Full Version : 12 yr old kid goes bk home wiv her dad

$xy $onz
06-09-2006, 14:28
wat u lot fink shud dey let her b n let her stay der as she wants 2 or get her 2 cum bk ere 2 live wiv her mother evn tho she wants 2 stay wiv her bravs n sis n dad

wat ur lots view bwt dis??

06-09-2006, 14:51
I saw that on the news...is it that gal who has a Pakistani father and white mother? Her mother ws shaking..!! She wants her back...but there were rumours saying that she ws being forced to get married but she aint really...she wants to stay with her father. No problems with that. :)

06-09-2006, 14:53
But uno shes under age and that to make decisions so the courts will decide who she stays with..and yeah the mum made it up about the arranged marriage. They were on the news and the whole family..the son and daughter were both saying that theres no marriage and that their mums making it up to get them back..

06-09-2006, 17:14
well the courts always take the mums side soooo there

06-09-2006, 18:21
yeh saw this on news.....i reckon if the girl is happy stayin with her father then let it be....no matter bringing her bak to UK where she'z going to be unhappy

07-09-2006, 10:36
Man they should share her, one day with her dad one day with her mum.

It's gonna cost a lot in plane tickets flying her back and forth but I think it's fair

07-09-2006, 14:08
she should stay with her mum.. girls are always better off stayin with their mum

07-09-2006, 14:10
she should stay with her mum.. girls are always better off stayin with their mum

Why is that?

07-09-2006, 14:13
wen she starts pubert.. shes gonna need someone to talk to .. its always easier for a girl to talk to her mum when she starts her period etc...

07-09-2006, 14:15
shud let her b where shes happy
she wasnt kidnapped, she begged her sis 2 take her 2 pakistan.

if she wants 2 chat bout periods she has her older sis aunts and cuzins

07-09-2006, 14:16
wen she starts pubert.. shes gonna need someone to talk to .. its always easier for a girl to talk to her mum when she starts her period etc...

What about all the other kids out there living with single fathers? Same could be applied to boys and fathers 'easier to talk to about puberty...'

Fact is easy option isn't always the best or the right option, girl has stated she wanst to stay with dad and she has her sister to talk to about puberty, which I assume would be easier to do so than with her mother.

07-09-2006, 14:18
.. theres no friend on this earth like ur mum... shes the one and only true best friend you'll ever have... if i was the judge id say keep her with her mum.. when she settles into school makes new friends etc she'llbe as happy as ever... all this fighting is just upsetting her more.. just makes the decision quickly

07-09-2006, 14:20
.. theres no friend on this earth like ur mum... shes the one and only true best friend you'll ever have... if i was the judge id say keep her with her mum.. when she settles into school makes new friends etc she'llbe as happy as ever... all this fighting is just upsetting her more.. just makes the decision quickly

Not all mothers are the same or look after they're kids the same, it's like saying 'all kid's with single parents end up commiting suicide' ;)

She said she is happy where she is, and the fighting maybe upsetting her so why doesnt her mother be a good friend and give her what she wants?

07-09-2006, 14:20
.. theres no friend on this earth like ur mum... shes the one and only true best friend you'll ever have
that just aint true 4 sum ppl

u kno the sayin
mummies boys and daddies lil princesses

shes said she wants 2 b with her dad... its wot she wants

07-09-2006, 14:24
we'll c what the court decides :D

07-09-2006, 14:26
they meant 2 look at the circumstances and wot the child wants
and wots best 4 them... very rarely do they choose the dads side

we dont kno y she doesnt wanna live with her mum

07-09-2006, 14:27
we'll c what the court decides :D

Great another stupid post you make and once you can't give reasons for it you dodge/sidestep the questions 8&

07-09-2006, 14:40
the courts already decided yesterday.. shes now happily living in pakistan.. with her dad.. mom was a psycho and need therapy..

$xy $onz
08-09-2006, 13:44
dats gud 2 hear voodoo i thot dey wud of sent her bk ere i ent seen da news 4 a wile

08-09-2006, 21:52
thats good shez with her dad....coz she was reallly happy in pakistan with her father and siblings