View Full Version : What's a Girl/Woman's Place In I.T.?

Iroquois Pliskin
08-09-2006, 02:16
I mean.. I've only seen the male point of view that he has the brains..power and money for doing I.T. i.e. forums..web design n shit..but any girls? I mean..I haven't seen any websites or forums made by woman/girls and are admins or somethin except if the male admin gives her that privelege..

by the way..if os is a girl then this thread is useless lol.. Boooze

08-09-2006, 02:17
Girls could do it, they have the brains and intelligence, but they are just not intrested in I.T as much as guys :)

08-09-2006, 02:17
LOL women are human beings just like men they can do what they want.

I don't beleive in discriminating between the two sexes, damn women are more intelligent and better workers than us guys if you wanna be honest about it!

08-09-2006, 02:19
LOL women are human beings just like men they can do what they want.

I don't beleive in discriminating between the two sexes, damn women are more intelligent and better workers than us guys if you wanna be honest about it!

Yahay bowdown

08-09-2006, 02:19
i made a forum etc.. but didnt bother promoting it! ... im jst as capable as a man :)

Iroquois Pliskin
08-09-2006, 02:20
I wasn't discriminating was I? :|

Iroquois Pliskin
08-09-2006, 02:20
i made a forum etc.. but didnt bother promoting it! ... im jst as capable as a man :)

good good! bananadanc

08-09-2006, 02:27
lol .. u made me check it.. and i have a new member .. whooo hoooo :)

Iroquois Pliskin
08-09-2006, 02:29
lol .. u made me check it.. and i have a new member .. whooo hoooo :)

man power @)

joke :D

08-09-2006, 02:30
lol .. u made me check it.. and i have a new member .. whooo hoooo :)

One new member OMFG EUPHORIA @)

08-09-2006, 11:32
lol exactly mack.. i dont really bother with it.. so its kinda exciting wen someone has join it .. its dead and its not advertised anywhere!

08-09-2006, 12:02
LOL women are human beings just like men they can do what they want.

I don't beleive in discriminating between the two sexes, damn women are more intelligent and better workers than us guys if you wanna be honest about it!

I don't beleive in discriminating between the two sexes, damn women are more intelligent and better workers than us guys if you wanna be honest about it!

Isn't that a contradiction? Both sexes have their advantages when it comes to work, women are more organised, but then again men don't have as much emotional issues, PMS or don't get pregnant.

And Banana didn't Kayz like make your site for you?

08-09-2006, 12:04
lol no...he just advised me on msn... i made my own choices anyway!

08-09-2006, 12:05
show some appreciation girl!

08-09-2006, 12:05
I don't beleive in discriminating between the two sexes, damn women are more intelligent and better workers than us guys if you wanna be honest about it!

Isn't that a contradiction? Both sexes have their advantages when it comes to work, women are more organised, but then again men don't have as much emotional issues, PMS or don't get pregnant.

And Banana didn't Kayz like make your site for you?

im really dis-organised.. i dont tend to take my emotional or family issues to work with me... and i dont really get pms.. im a bitch most of the time :)... maybe thats y i got promoted :)

08-09-2006, 12:06
bein a bitch can be classed as pms...so mayb u hav it all the time..i tink i do

08-09-2006, 12:06
what appreciation? ... he was my really good mate back then... ive done him a few favours.. hes done me a few favours... isnt that what friends do... ?

08-09-2006, 12:07
no i dont have pms.. i dont really get mood swings either (A)

08-09-2006, 12:16
im really dis-organised.. i dont tend to take my emotional or family issues to work with me... and i dont really get pms.. im a bitch most of the time :)... maybe thats y i got promoted :)

You get your odd-cases where obviously everything isn't as usual, but then again what did you get promoted for? Obviously you take your emotional issues to work with you thats a common trait in women(not all may I add ), if for that reason women didn't get promoted then there would be no woman ever promoted but then again what did you get promoted for?:)

08-09-2006, 12:21
You get your odd-cases where obviously everything isn't as usual, but then again what did you get promoted for? Obviously you take your emotional issues to work with you thats a common trait in women(not all may I add ), if for that reason women didn't get promoted then there would be no woman ever promoted but then again what did you get promoted for?:)

i deal with work issues in work and personal issues out of work.. i get paid to do my job... so when im at work i do my job as well as i possibly can .. infact i thought of work as a chance to escape any problems i had :) ...

08-09-2006, 12:36
i deal with work issues in work and personal issues out of work.. i get paid to do my job... so when im at work i do my job as well as i possibly can .. infact i thought of work as a chance to escape any problems i had :) ...

Sorry I mis-read your original post thought you said you take your problems to work, well in that case I can see why you got promoted but again there are always few who aren't the usual. But its common knowledge what I stated on my initial post women do have negatives as well as positives just like men. Oh yeh and you forgot to answer where did you get promoted again?

08-09-2006, 21:57
hmmm im studying IT Software at the moment.....i think girls are capable as well as men...jus depends on the girls really what there choices are....i know on my course at college there only 6 girls whereas therz about 10 guyz....i prefer IT more than business....i mean there alot og girls doing business studies than IT and same with guys there's more doin IT than business

09-09-2006, 23:39
With all due respect, 'having' a forum is not difficult at all. So I don't know what all the fuss is about. They're readily available online for you to use.

Try hand coding a script which allows you to add information to a live database, which allows registrations and logins. That's real computing. And I'm not saying I can hand code a forum lol.

This forum runs off vBulletin which wasn't coded by the owner but by the company Jelsoft. Anybody can install one, you just need money for the forum files and web hosting. If you're willing to spend the money, you can pay google and yahoo to put your link at the top of 'Asian Forum' searches so everybody signs up.

10-09-2006, 01:17
I'm still wondering what sophisticated job you got promoted in...

10-09-2006, 01:30
With all due respect, 'having' a forum is not difficult at all. So I don't know what all the fuss is about. They're readily available online for you to use.

Try hand coding a script which allows you to add information to a live database, which allows registrations and logins. That's real computing. And I'm not saying I can hand code a forum lol.

This forum runs off vBulletin which wasn't coded by the owner but by the company Jelsoft. Anybody can install one, you just need money for the forum files and web hosting. If you're willing to spend the money, you can pay google and yahoo to put your link at the top of 'Asian Forum' searches so everybody signs up.

Very well said, simple to install like any other forum phpbb, vb, ipb etc. But you need some basic knowledge to install a forum.

But you also need to know what to do when you come across errors and problems. This forum was installed but the coding errors i had to fix esp when the hacks were installed sent me round the bend.

Took me two weeks back to back to install the modifications/hacks and the finishing touches when we started off with vb, OS being the lazy bum that he is i took over the installation coding aspects of the forum. I dont know about any other forum as ive only worked with vBulletin.... it is quite challenging if you want to add your own modifications like this forum has and counter any errors that may arise... if all fails then you go back to the hack creator for help.

But a simple forum with basic knowledge can be done.

also at solid snakes response i have a female person on my msn and yes she does websites also! So there are women out there! Also in my Uni classes there are a handfull of girls!

10-09-2006, 01:38
That's very true Kayz and you do need a good working knowledge of web servers, php scripts etc

But I was particularly referring to the 'readily available' forums which are already pre-built and hosted for free. All you need to do is sign up lol.

Generally speaking, the technological world is dominated by men.

10-09-2006, 01:40
That's very true Kayz and you do need a good working knowledge of web servers, php scripts etc

But I was particularly referring to the 'readily available' forums which are already pre-built and hosted for free. All you need to do is sign up lol.

Generally speaking, the technological world is dominated by men.

speaking of readily available forums www.forumer.com/asianplace (http://www.forumer.com/asianplace) thats what we started off with back in the days! Was just a trial until we were sure to move and go pro. Also this forum isnt like any other rougue forum, were fully licensed also! :D thats another thing to be proud of me thinks!

Iroquois Pliskin
10-09-2006, 23:36
i heard this guy saying why go to long lengths to create such and such websites/forums when the information is already available on the internet.. i mean there are millions/billion websites with information of what to do and create.. as sharif and kayz said but then again..would it still be cool if you did it on ya own? or is that being stupid?

11-09-2006, 00:31
well i aint one of those men who dominate the IT world...a playstion is as far as my knowledge goes...a few of those last posts sums up why, it doesnt make any sense its all jus random...

Try hand coding a script which allows you to add information to a live database, which allows registrations and logins. That's real computing. And I'm not saying I can hand code a forum lol.

try licking your elbow

11-09-2006, 01:02
i heard this guy saying why go to long lengths to create such and such websites/forums when the information is already available on the internet.. i mean there are millions/billion websites with information of what to do and create.. as sharif and kayz said but then again..would it still be cool if you did it on ya own? or is that being stupid?

You're spot on with that post snake. If something is tried and tested, and it's successful, why change it?

The only time you might want to invent something new is when you want individuality and something which is completely unique and not come across as generic. Or if you work for a large organisation, they might want a custom built system tailored to their own needs.

11-09-2006, 01:06
well i aint one of those men who dominate the IT world...a playstion is as far as my knowledge goes...a few of those last posts sums up why, it doesnt make any sense its all jus random...

try licking your elbow

I wasn't referring to you when I made that post. All I was saying is, the internet and computing has become so widely available and commercial that any tom, dick and harry can use it and become familiar with things based around it.

If computing was so easy, organisations wouldn't pay £30-50k a year salaries to developers and students wouldn't spend years studying in universities to get a degree.