View Full Version : How/Why?

11-09-2006, 20:54
"Why" is it that majority of the most successful people never had a degree or a good education?

"HOW" did dey do it?

the owner of virgin richard branson-his office was a red phone booth outside his skool and he use to make his del boy dealings from there and couldnt make it from his skool cuz dey neva allowed him 2 make calls for business purposes.

Anthony hopkins-everyone told him you will never be good at anything.

a most near blind kid who went to a boardin skool aged four but dey never allowed him to do his 0 levels and sed u wont be able to do anything besides a crappy job like fixin a piano.
whatevah he did he became summit,,his name was david blunkett head of whatevah parlimenbt crap his doin:p

my mentor-he couldnt even read a basic book during his a levels cuz of speech defficiancy but now hiz a public speaker to 1000s:)

11-09-2006, 20:57
Cus while others are studying for a degree (three years!)...others are making a good job of working their arses off :)

11-09-2006, 20:59
Its all about each and every persons different outlook and their mentality. :)

J da Don
11-09-2006, 21:07
cos they wasn't like the rest of the people in the world.

What i call R lottery winners......... people who sit on there ass and wait for things to happen hoping that their number will the next big winner...!

They weren't just Can Do people but .... Will do people..... they went out there with sumthing they had a great deal of passion in and DID IT

Simple.... the higher u set ur limits... the harder u work towards them..... the better your life benefits from ....... not just financially????

Why be a Can Do person......When you can be a WILL DO PERSON.

11-09-2006, 21:48
People who don't go onto higher education genarally know what life is about, they have alot more general knowledge and tend to know more about "real life".

People who go onto higher education tend to concentrate more on their degree and know more about that subject than anything else.

I don't know if I made sense there, but that's my opinion :)

11-09-2006, 21:49
People who don't go onto higher education genarally know what life is about, they have alot more general knowledge and tend to know more about "real life".

People who go onto higher education tend to concentrate more on their degree and know more about that subject than anything else.

I don't know if I made sense there, but that's my opinion :)

Very true bav, but there is always exceptions to that opinion of yours! (I think).

11-09-2006, 22:01
No its because its easier to highlight the few success or miracle stories than the normal ones, how often will you hear the wonderful story of how a person from a privileged background made it good, you may hear of him/her making it good but they don't really follow up on the priviledges he/she may have had bestowed upon him/her to help them achieve this.

Why you ask? Simple they want the majority of the working class population to read on these success stories and think 'hey this might happen to me one day, so why don't I try to go about living my normal life or even try to do something but keep dreaming and working hard cause one day it will pay off' instead of 'hang on a second why are we at such disadvantages while these rich toffs get mommy and daddy spoon feeding them success'.

They are the media, those who litter everything you read, watch and hear with anything to subliminally support those who control them. You will always hear the heart rendering battles faced by some and how they overcame it to become a success story as opposed to a simple one because it sells and it keeps people dreaming, and people dreaming is what the country needs for a workforce..sad but true. If none of the above made sense, ignore it.

11-09-2006, 22:03
i gotta disagree with bav on the whole higher educaton thing. you have people thick as two planks who end up with a degree nowadays. higher education isnt education in the traditional sense anymore, its more about broadening your horizons ie living independently (which i never understand cos most people still living off their parents anyway) etc. i rejected the chance to go birmingham university in favour of getting a job because i had confidence in myself that i would be able 2 make a success of myself without doing a degree the traditional way. i am studying from home and doing a full time job with many hours of overtime as a traffic warden. i like to think am good at my job (no smart ass traffic warden hating jokes now, heard em all before) and the degree am doin at home will jus add another arsenal 2 my weapon. thats how i feel and damn i am completely incoherent 2dy!

11-09-2006, 22:10
you have people thick as two planks who end up with a degree nowadays.

Funny you should mention that... :oh

11-09-2006, 22:15
Funny you should mention that... :oh

from the little i know u judging by ur posts, u aint thick! u come across as smart, intellectual and damn sexy!

11-09-2006, 22:19
Miz hit the nail on the nail on the head.

There are generally two things which will (9 times out of 10) help you out. Education AND work experience.

People who have learning difficulties and no formal qualifications will 'naturally' suffer in life. Like Miz said, you do hear of the success stories, but they're only like 1 in every 1000 or something ridiculous like that.

Statistically speaking, the majority of people who are earning a good living are those who have skills, qualifications and experience.

ie. Doctors, Lawyers, Teachers, Accountants, Police Officers etc etc

You don't need a degree to be a police officer but you certainly have to be very smart.

11-09-2006, 22:21
miz's post...quality
n im sure ur not thick bav lol

11-09-2006, 22:33
from the little i know u judging by ur posts, u aint thick! u come across as smart, intellectual and damn sexy!

Lol thank you but I wasn't talking about myself, I work for Student Finance and the amount of thick people we have coming to us is unbelievable! And these are people who are starting a course of Higher Education, continuing or finished. We all just sit there thinking "if they can't even fill out a simple form, and follow simple instructions, how are they going to sit through lectures, and do assignments and sit exams and gain a degree!"

11-09-2006, 22:38
Lol thank you but I wasn't talking about myself, I work for Student Finance and the amount of thick people we have coming to us is unbelievable! And these are people who are starting a course of Higher Education, continuing or finished. We all just sit there thinking "if they can't even fill out a simple form, and follow simple instructions, how are they going to sit through lectures, and do assignments and sit exams and gain a degree!"

lol ok! i agree wid ya, i seen people at birmingham univeristy and aston university doing the courses that i was gonna go for. after 10minutes of chatting to them, and i dont wanna come across big headed or anything, but i know that in terms of knowledge and capability etc they aint even on a levels wid me. i had 2 sit a mates mate down and help her design a marketing strategy for a struggling business. she struggled like a fish out of water. ended up doing the work for her. oh well, she may have been dumb but she had a great set of tits! and she grinded wid me all nyt da next week......aaaah the good old days

11-09-2006, 22:46
lol ok! i agree wid ya, i seen people at birmingham univeristy and aston university doing the courses that i was gonna go for. after 10minutes of chatting to them, and i dont wanna come across big headed or anything, but i know that in terms of knowledge and capability etc they aint even on a levels wid me. i had 2 sit a mates mate down and help her design a marketing strategy for a struggling business. she struggled like a fish out of water. ended up doing the work for her. oh well, she may have been dumb but she had a great set of tits! and she grinded wid me all nyt da next week......aaaah the good old days

Lolz so you go for the bimbos?!

I'm so glad I ain't one! Even though I nevr went to uni, I still feel as though I know more then alot of people who do! (Not being big headed or anything) lol but there's people like Kayz, Miz, Voodoo, Sharif etc who are very wise and they're all doing degrees so I'm not saying it about all students!

Funny thing is, we get some parents who try and argue with us about the smallest things like "It doesn't say you need to see the passport/birth certificate?" and we try telling them that it's clearly written in the notes but then they turn around and try and be smart with us and say "I've got 3 degrees, how many have you got?" I hate it when people throw degrees in your face like that, but that makes them look even more stupid because we show them where it says you need to show evidence and then they all shut up!

11-09-2006, 22:56
Lolz so you go for the bimbos?!

I'm so glad I ain't one! Even though I nevr went to uni, I still feel as though I know more then alot of people who do! (Not being big headed or anything) lol but there's people like Kayz, Miz, Voodoo, Sharif etc who are very wise and they're all doing degrees so I'm not saying it about all students!

Funny thing is, we get some parents who try and argue with us about the smallest things like "It doesn't say you need to see the passport/birth certificate?" and we try telling them that it's clearly written in the notes but then they turn around and try and be smart with us and say "I've got 3 degrees, how many have you got?" I hate it when people throw degrees in your face like that, but that makes them look even more stupid because we show them where it says you need to show evidence and then they all shut up!

lol u student finance people are evil.....but if they all good looking as u, ur forgiven ;)

11-09-2006, 23:03
lol u student finance people are evil.....but if they all good looking as u, ur forgiven ;)

Lol we're not evil!

It's just some stuck up people who think they know everything just coz they have a degree do our heads in!

11-09-2006, 23:05
Lol we're not evil!

It's just some stuck up people who think they know everything just coz they have a degree do our heads in!

nah i know what u mean, i get that kinda hassle everyday 2! oh well we jus gotta accept it at the end of the day, like they say "THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT" yeh right!

11-09-2006, 23:07
Ok , ok...stop dissing ppl with degrees...Im not like that :D

11-09-2006, 23:09
nah i know what u mean, i get that kinda hassle everyday 2! oh well we jus gotta accept it at the end of the day, like they say "THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT" yeh right!

Haha not in this day and age!

11-09-2006, 23:11
Haha not in this day and age!

they are in my job when technically they arent lol ps - when u gonna hold up a i love faheem x x x sign! *digging*

11-09-2006, 23:14
Good thread marni! I have family members similar to that! One has scraped GCSE's O levels back then... hes now an immigration officer..

Another had a decent education but i dont think he was able to get his degree but hes in top comp jobs, having to go abroad to different countries in europe by his company... but there is always a down fall if you dont have the relevant qualifications/degrees then somebody else can always take your post no matter how long you have been working there... that is from what ive seen first hand experiance! I guess its good for the short run... experiance and stuff but for a solid career who knows how long you will last before your employer kicks you out for many reasons... one being they've found someone with better qualificatons than you!

11-09-2006, 23:15
they are in my job when technically they arent lol ps - when u gonna hold up a i love faheem x x x sign! *digging*

What do you work as?

P.S. I don't know you that well to make a sign for you! :p ?>

11-09-2006, 23:16
What do you work as?

P.S. I don't know you that well to make a sign for you! :p ?>

am a traffic warden....... ps - will have 2 get u 2 know me then innit!

Ohh Vee
11-09-2006, 23:35
"Why" is it that majority of the most successful people never had a degree or a good education?

"HOW" did dey do it?

the owner of virgin richard branson-his office was a red phone booth outside his skool and he use to make his del boy dealings from there and couldnt make it from his skool cuz dey neva allowed him 2 make calls for business purposes.

Anthony hopkins-everyone told him you will never be good at anything.

a most near blind kid who went to a boardin skool aged four but dey never allowed him to do his 0 levels and sed u wont be able to do anything besides a crappy job like fixin a piano.
whatevah he did he became summit,,his name was david blunkett head of whatevah parlimenbt crap his doin:p

my mentor-he couldnt even read a basic book during his a levels cuz of speech defficiancy but now hiz a public speaker to 1000s:)

Hmm... there could be many answers to the above but the only word I can think of is "dream"

They all had one and went after it. Here's some of us wanting to go to University to get a degree so we can do the job we've studied for. Once we get that J.O.B we stay there until we're at the retirement age of 65!

Ever thought if that J.O.B will bring you your financial freedom? Do you really want to work till you're 65 and be financially broke or do you want to retire early and enjoy the rest of your life and do the things that you always dreamt of doing?

Make a choice folks...

12-09-2006, 00:22
Lol we're not evil!

It's just some stuck up people who think they know everything just coz they have a degree do our heads in!

Degrees don't mean shit these days, its about experience.

I know people who have got degrees and still ended up with shit jobs !
yet my cousin who didnt get a degree is doing well.

its also about being at the RIGHT PLACE at the RIGHT TIME, luck, and kismet !

But hard work is a major part of it.......

Those who succeed with no hardwork are just jammy buggers!

12-09-2006, 00:36
One of the most successful person I know is a Business Entrepreneur and he's a very good friend of mine. He flopped all his GCSE's and dropped out of college in the first year.

What's his secret?

He just had sheer gut determination, motivation to succeed and prove to everybody that he can make something of himself.

The key to success in anything (career, relationships, family etc) is determination, motivation and will power and also passion.

If you're passionate about what you do, you'll be motivated in wanting to succeed. Just like if you're passionate and love your husband/wife, you'll go to whatever lengths it takes to make that person happy.

The principle is the same.

Commando Dave
12-09-2006, 00:58
"Why" is it that majority of the most successful people never had a degree or a good education?

"HOW" did dey do it?

the owner of virgin richard branson-his office was a red phone booth outside his skool and he use to make his del boy dealings from there and couldnt make it from his skool cuz dey neva allowed him 2 make calls for business purposes.

Anthony hopkins-everyone told him you will never be good at anything.

a most near blind kid who went to a boardin skool aged four but dey never allowed him to do his 0 levels and sed u wont be able to do anything besides a crappy job like fixin a piano.
whatevah he did he became summit,,his name was david blunkett head of whatevah parlimenbt crap his doin:p

my mentor-he couldnt even read a basic book during his a levels cuz of speech defficiancy but now hiz a public speaker to 1000s:)

# Radio Crackles #

A good job doesnt always equal a good education

Same theory applies with war, in a war i would not fear an army of lions if they were led by lambs and I would fear an army of sheep led by a lion

True strength does not come from physical capacity, it comes from an indomitable will.

Commando Dave

Iroquois Pliskin
12-09-2006, 01:03
is that faheem in his pic...mashAllah... anyway back to topic.. my dad got a degree and is still currently a successful accountant since i was born! May Allah give him barkat and success..ameen..

12-09-2006, 07:10
The key to success in anything (career, relationships, family etc) is determination, motivation and will power and also passion.

that's a powerful message.
and it seems all so simple, but i'm sure there are poeple who struggle in bringing themselves up to that point of motivation and thriving will power.

12-09-2006, 08:26
Degrees don't mean shit these days, its about experience.

I know people who have got degrees and still ended up with shit jobs !
yet my cousin who didnt get a degree is doing well.

its also about being at the RIGHT PLACE at the RIGHT TIME, luck, and kismet !

But hard work is a major part of it.......

Those who succeed with no hardwork are just jammy buggers!

Yea look at me, high school drop out, I am now a Council employee :D