View Full Version : Computing or Computer Science ?

04-10-2006, 17:16
those of u who studied ICT at uni or college....wot do u think is a better degree to do....computing ? or computer science ?

i have to decide which one i wana do....so gve me ur views and opinons on why u choose it xxxxxxx

Iroquois Pliskin
04-10-2006, 18:33
Its more or less the same.. but im thinkin that one degree has computer science it sounds more..whatever you wanna call it.. cool? Employers would think.. he's done computer only.. he's done computer science.. ooo!

if i don't make sense then allow it..

04-10-2006, 20:20
well im doin computer science and well its nuthin like ict

its a very hard course

you study things like e-busniess, mathematics for computing, programming, internet computing for the world wide web. and that was my frist year

this year am studyin things like databases and algorhytems, communications, more java programming plus another one which i forgot lolll

but computer science is better than compting because it ranges in a more wider feild where as computin is more specific. unless u jus wanna do computing then stick to computin.
where as computer science ders alot more to it from programming business databases and gives a better chance in gettin jobs compared to someone whos done a computing degree

04-10-2006, 20:46
Computer Science and Computing is exactly the same thing. Some universities call it computer science, some call it computing.

The actual course varies amongst universities rather than vary across the degree itself.

Computer Science and Computing has pretty much the SAME modules so what the heck is the difference? Java Programming, C+, Oracle/SQL query language, Databases, Systems Analysis, Computer Mathematics and Architecture, Multimedia, E-commerce

The above are 'some' of the modules from a Computing degree. Computer Science has similar if not same modules.

What IS different is Information Technology. That's easy in comparison to Computing/Computer Science as it deals with using computer applications rather than the science and technology behind the applications.

04-10-2006, 20:50
IMO both useless degrees..(EVERYONE if they can/want does computer science and computing is just a lower standard of it).

If you want to make money in the IT field..get into webpage development (guy last year at greenwich got 60k for 6 months work for the nhs)or networking (followed bya ccna). There will always be a DEMAND for network engineers (but it is dead boring)

04-10-2006, 21:12


05-10-2006, 22:56
Hmmm agree with u Sharif.... i have looked at few websites and the course modules are pretty much the same.....the only different i could find it that computer science has bit more maths than just computing degree....but all depends on Uni's i mean Kings College in London....there Computer Science course has lots of maths like A-Level standard....whereas computing has less maths up to GCSE level and maybe bit of As level!!

Vertigo.....Computer Science is quiet a hard course....i dont know if il be able to manage it coz my tutor said it requires quite a lot of maths...iv got my GCSE maths at C but dont have As Maths as all...i attempted in at 6th form and was too hard ending up dropping it!!....i would want to do computer science as there are more job opportunity but then again dont wana end up screwin the degree!!!

Did u do AS or A level Maths by any chance??? and wat kinda maths is involved....algebra?

Solid Snake i get what u mean.....Computer Science does sound more better but is bit more harder than computing degree!!

Sanj....I was thinking of doin web management course but dont know alot about websites and dat yet!! but its my final yr at college and we got two assignments one on web design and da other on web management so i might change my mind and go into that feild but not sure what the course is about reli....im going to few open days for uni in November....probly will decide then wen i find out from uni's wot the course is actually about!!!

Web management has got alot of money in it though....and network engineering is good in job feild but as said by vertigo dead boring...i know few of my mates who wana do dat course!!!

05-10-2006, 23:51
nah i hate maths and im shit at it

i never did it for alevels aswell

this is wot type of mathematics that are involved
Number systems; sets and subsets; set algebra; symbolic logic and logic gates; sequences; summations; elementary counting principles; probability; relations and functions; matrix algebra; systems of linear equations; introduction to the theory of graphs and digraphs.

and it all revolves around binary code, 0's and 1's

it sounds alot and very complicated but if u can grasp the basics then the rest falls into place easily

Iroquois Pliskin
06-10-2006, 00:24
webpage designing is cool and all that but even without a degree someone who spends spare time using dreamweaver or whatever can make a lot of money for anyone who wants a webpage done.. its no biggie..

06-10-2006, 03:18
theres lot of money involved with any kind of website stuff..just hope you like databases if you go down that route! Networking has a fair bit of maths which aint to bad once u get the grip of it but it IS INSANELY boring

06-10-2006, 12:32
i know binary and stuff...did it last year at college ....but wen it cumz to algebra im dumb lolz!....but then again depends how the stuff is taught i can pick up really quickly sumtimes and at times it takes me weekz lolz.....does sound complicated but then again thats with everytin...programming sounds complicated but gets easy wen u know wot ur doing really.

Solid Snake!
yeh web page is good....sum people are good with websites e.g. designing forums and there own personal websites and playing around with the features and stuf...not that hard to pick up once u know wot ur doing really!

Im pretti good with database....once i know where to start and stuff....im might go into web management depends on the uni and wat modules it includes really!

06-10-2006, 13:35
yeah once u get to grips with it then its stright forward from there, and im sure ull b able to to it, if i can do it and im shit at maths then for sum1 like u who did it for alevels etc ull ave no problem.

but dnt let the maths stop ya coz its not all maths n shit, yes maths is involved but the main thing is programming and im doin java object oriented programming and that is as hard as hell but like i said once u start to learn the basics then everythin is jus added on top and u learn as ya go along and becomes fairly simple and plus ders tonnes of help at hand. u can have private one on one sessions with ya personal tutor who really helps alot and gives alot of advice and plus der will b loads of other people der who u can copy from lolllll.

but definatly go to ur tutors surgeory hours where u can ave one on one sessions and turst me if u have tutors who r anythin like mine, ull breeze thru it.

06-10-2006, 15:31
Good question Sidra i guess you've come to the right place to ask! As i can see computing students and multimedia/web students have replied to your questions!

1st Computing and Computer Science not the same thing..

computer science: http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/
computing: http://www.computing.co.uk/

I suggest you look into their differences, and yes like all computer related courses they do share similar charachteristics.

Sanj is right, web related courses do give you Bucks! $$$ as there are so many business now arising requiring different websites for different things.

From our uni the web related course alone we've had people from the uni being sent to Sandiego and even Florida for web related work! But like all computer related courses people do say its saturated but i dont think it is. It has a demand but other industries have higher demands in other areas hence it may seem saturated but not really i dont think.

Computer Science is also awesome and yes it brings in bigger bucks! But its hard :( lol i was going to do computer science but didnt as i didnt like maths! So i stuck with what i do best. Im at university and im making websites for people and businesses and earning bucks already! But thats very minor some of my work is free.

webpage designing is cool and all that but even without a degree someone who spends spare time using dreamweaver or whatever can make a lot of money for anyone who wants a webpage done.. its no biggie..

Your 50/50 right. I learnt web stuff all by myself nobody taught me, it depends if your dedicated to it or not. If your dedicated then you can go very far. Im dedicated and its what i like doing.... but im at university to get something a bit more recognised and official rather than blag on my CV saying "I done this and that" I can actually show my employers that i have a degree and have obtained a Bsc (Bachelor of Science) Degree.

It will come in handy if you apply for jobs.. but also you can start your own business if you think you have what it takes and you wouldnt really need a degree for that.

But this is my advice to you!

Computing, Computer Science or Multimedia/Web - choose one that you know you will be good at! always pick something you think you will do well in i.e. from past experiances, skills, knowledge etc etc... thats how i picked my course and im doing well.

The reason why i say this is because... i have friends who chose something they thought they was good at or never did it before and even sometimes they picked a course just because their friends were in it or they just felt like doing it.. and there struggling now.

But either courses you choose are well good! :D Good Luck!

06-10-2006, 15:36
ew..she's a geek man!

lol..nah she is a nice girl...met her as well

i did speak to her earlier...did wish her all the best :D

think she is gonna speak to her tutor first b4 she can make up her mind :)

06-10-2006, 21:51
yeah once u get to grips with it then its stright forward from there, and im sure ull b able to to it, if i can do it and im shit at maths then for sum1 like u who did it for alevels etc ull ave no problem.

but dnt let the maths stop ya coz its not all maths n shit, yes maths is involved but the main thing is programming and im doin java object oriented programming and that is as hard as hell but like i said once u start to learn the basics then everythin is jus added on top and u learn as ya go along and becomes fairly simple and plus ders tonnes of help at hand. u can have private one on one sessions with ya personal tutor who really helps alot and gives alot of advice and plus der will b loads of other people der who u can copy from lolllll.

but definatly go to ur tutors surgeory hours where u can ave one on one sessions and turst me if u have tutors who r anythin like mine, ull breeze thru it.

yeh true say huni.....
its more about ICT than maths.....and yeh programming is more important than maths i guess....im probly going to go for computer science but after i have been to the open days and stuff

thats true u can get help from tutors and other students...and after all u can help me lol as ur ahead of me Lolz

06-10-2006, 22:05
Good question Sidra i guess you've come to the right place to ask! As i can see computing students and multimedia/web students have replied to your questions!

1st Computing and Computer Science not the same thing..

computer science: http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/
computing: http://www.computing.co.uk/

I suggest you look into their differences, and yes like all computer related courses they do share similar charachteristics.

Sanj is right, web related courses do give you Bucks! $$$ as there are so many business now arising requiring different websites for different things.

From our uni the web related course alone we've had people from the uni being sent to Sandiego and even Florida for web related work! But like all computer related courses people do say its saturated but i dont think it is. It has a demand but other industries have higher demands in other areas hence it may seem saturated but not really i dont think.

Computer Science is also awesome and yes it brings in bigger bucks! But its hard :( lol i was going to do computer science but didnt as i didnt like maths! So i stuck with what i do best. Im at university and im making websites for people and businesses and earning bucks already! But thats very minor some of my work is free.


Your 50/50 right. I learnt web stuff all by myself nobody taught me, it depends if your dedicated to it or not. If your dedicated then you can go very far. Im dedicated and its what i like doing.... but im at university to get something a bit more recognised and official rather than blag on my CV saying "I done this and that" I can actually show my employers that i have a degree and have obtained a Bsc (Bachelor of Science) Degree.

It will come in handy if you apply for jobs.. but also you can start your own business if you think you have what it takes and you wouldnt really need a degree for that.

But this is my advice to you!

Computing, Computer Science or Multimedia/Web - choose one that you know you will be good at! always pick something you think you will do well in i.e. from past experiances, skills, knowledge etc etc... thats how i picked my course and im doing well.

The reason why i say this is because... i have friends who chose something they thought they was good at or never did it before and even sometimes they picked a course just because their friends were in it or they just felt like doing it.. and there struggling now.

But either courses you choose are well good! :D Good Luck!

Kayz Firstly thanks for replying sweeti and givin the info and advice kisshug
Much appreciated :D

But yeh as u said they both aint partially the same....there different ....that wot i looked at today as libray and there are few differnt modules in both of them courses.

web related course do have good job ideas and much better money....but i just started my Web sites and management assignment now at college...so no that keen on web sites yet as stil find them a bit difficult maybe thats coz only had 4 lessons so far!!....but either way i wana study sumtin that i will enjoy as well as knowing what i am doing.!

i dont want to be doing something that i might regret later....thats why i am asking people for views and also going to go myself to the uni;s which im thinking of applying to and see what they say about the courses! Computer science is a good course with lots of money as the end as well....but thats if i can keep to it till the end and not drop out half way! which is why i was thinking of doing computing! ,:

finding a course and uni is so stressful i wish i didnt have to go uni lol.....too much hassle and iv got so much going on alredy with my ICT course and AS course!

06-10-2006, 23:01
Kayz Firstly thanks for replying sweeti and givin the info and advice kisshug
Much appreciated :D

But yeh as u said they both aint partially the same....there different ....that wot i looked at today as libray and there are few differnt modules in both of them courses.

web related course do have good job ideas and much better money....but i just started my Web sites and management assignment now at college...so no that keen on web sites yet as stil find them a bit difficult maybe thats coz only had 4 lessons so far!!....but either way i wana study sumtin that i will enjoy as well as knowing what i am doing.!

i dont want to be doing something that i might regret later....thats why i am asking people for views and also going to go myself to the uni;s which im thinking of applying to and see what they say about the courses! Computer science is a good course with lots of money as the end as well....but thats if i can keep to it till the end and not drop out half way! which is why i was thinking of doing computing! ,:

finding a course and uni is so stressful i wish i didnt have to go uni lol.....too much hassle and iv got so much going on alredy with my ICT course and AS course!

yep follow what your heart tells you thats what i did! and if you do that you wont find your course boring! I always look forward to going to uni! :D I hope thats the way you feel when you pick your course! :D

07-10-2006, 02:20
edit wtf/me starts again

07-10-2006, 02:24
Sidra you want the truth? Fuck the degree, what you need to do..to have great career prospects regardless of the ict course you pick is EXPERIANCE.
EVERYONE these days is gettin a degree followed by a masters.

Yeah you can make your own websites/databases/applications, place them on your c.v, do live demostrations etc, but as soon as your asked what expeirance you got in the field..what u going to say?

Do the course YOU want to do BUT make sure its a SANDWICH course so you get 1 year PAID work experiance..its 4 years but you can thank me later when you finish ;)

07-10-2006, 02:27
yeah thats wot im doin

next year am gna go for my work placement

07-10-2006, 02:28
']Sidra you want the truth? Fuck the degree, what you need to do..to have great career prospects regardless of the ict course you pick is EXPERIANCE.
EVERYONE these days is gettin a degree followed by a masters.

Yeah you can make your own websites/databases/applications, place them on your c.v, do live demostrations etc, but as soon as your asked what expeirance you got in the field..what u going to say?

Do the course YOU want to do BUT make sure its a SANDWICH course so you get 1 year PAID work experiance..its 4 years but you can thank me later when you finish ;)

yes thats right, i forgot to mention that... do a combination course so you get the most out of it.. like some people do Business for 3 years where as u can do Business with IT for 3 years... get my drift? Likewise people in my course are doing just multimedia whereas im doing multimedia and internet technology.

07-10-2006, 22:00
yep follow what your heart tells you thats what i did! and if you do that you wont find your course boring! I always look forward to going to uni! :D I hope thats the way you feel when you pick your course! :D

yeh thats wot im going to do now huni......jus do wot i think will be good!

07-10-2006, 22:02
']Sidra you want the truth? Fuck the degree, what you need to do..to have great career prospects regardless of the ict course you pick is EXPERIANCE.
EVERYONE these days is gettin a degree followed by a masters.

Yeah you can make your own websites/databases/applications, place them on your c.v, do live demostrations etc, but as soon as your asked what expeirance you got in the field..what u going to say?

Do the course YOU want to do BUT make sure its a SANDWICH course so you get 1 year PAID work experiance..its 4 years but you can thank me later when you finish ;)

Lolz i know about the sandwich placement alredy huni...i was thinkin of doing that coz i know sum1 who did that and got a job for sun microsystems!

25-10-2006, 13:36
Computing Science = 60% Practical work

Computing = 60% Theory work

And about the sandwhich course...only do it if your really familiar with the computers and its software or other wise it will be a waste of time

25-10-2006, 22:47
yeh i know alot about computers now and yeh im doin software route.....
im goin for computing thou probly x

01-11-2006, 23:19
I would say neither unless you love maths

01-11-2006, 23:20
i do like maths ....but aint done it for about two years lol so wouldn't say i love it lol....but computing got less maths in it anyway

01-11-2006, 23:23
i do like maths ....but aint done it for about two years lol so wouldn't say i love it lol....but computing got less maths in it anyway

Thats where your wrong Computing has a full maths module, very hard assigments also equivelant to A-level maths if not harder, i got a mate who is a swot and was studying A-level maths even he could not do one of my assignments

01-11-2006, 23:33
Hmm true but there arent any other courses which interest me so im just going to go for it...im going to queens mary uni up at london on monday to check it out and find out about the course and see from there

13-11-2006, 23:47
well am doing BSc Computer Network Technology and think its a really good course. alot to learn. ive jus taken a year out and am working on palcement and the hands on knowledge of the real life is very handy indeed.
by the way OSI LAYER MODEL. ... ur tutor probably says it is very important etc lol NO ITS NOT! u will never sit ther and go right ok the problem is at layer 4 of the model lol!

15-11-2006, 17:16
Lolz....iv decided to do Computing....or Business Computing....and inshallah go to queens mary uni to do that.....went to see the uni yesterday and like the uni ....so lets see wot happenz if i get the drades they will accept me innit if not then dont know lol