View Full Version : Guys Wat Age Wuld U Lyk 2 Get Married?

06-11-2006, 13:59
What Age Then Guys?

P.s this is 4 the guys.. girls ur poll is the next 1 @)

06-11-2006, 14:57
I picked 25-29. Aint most of us gonna pick that?

06-11-2006, 16:00
oooops i wrote mine in the wrong 1.lol

06-11-2006, 16:20
i wrote 25-29

but ii suppose its when ive got life sorted,
finished studies, good job ,own house, ect ect :)

06-11-2006, 16:50
Can somebody explain to me the point of marriage.. why its essential?

Damn man average asian guy ends up getting married to some ugly bitch from Pakistan, ends up having kids who forget yo ass when they move out and then all that spicy food she been fooding you leads you to an early death.

I seen people sitting on the hospital bed wondering WHY as they dying in they old age too many times man.

Give me the bachelor life, I'll blow up and buy all things nice and spicy while lame-o-s carve out a living with some hoe.

06-11-2006, 19:38
What Age Then Guys?

P.s this is 4 the guys.. girls ur poll is the next 1 @)

Whenever Sexy sonz agrees ?>

06-11-2006, 20:52
Whenever Sexy sonz agrees ?>

:o hope she hurrys up then sexy sidra will b free bananadanc

06-11-2006, 22:12
:o hope she hurrys up then sexy sidra will b free bananadanc

LMAO!!! and why would u want me free lol

$xy $onz
06-11-2006, 22:32
oopshie i voted lol

n liney im always free 4 u lol but wil neva leav my sidney

Random Bloke
06-11-2006, 22:53
i'd say about 25/26

07-11-2006, 00:07
oopshie i voted lol

n liney im always free 4 u lol but wil neva leav my sidney

I dont expect you to leave her i will have you both ?>

sweet sanju
07-11-2006, 00:17
greedy lineyyyyy

Ohh Vee
07-11-2006, 00:29
What Age Then Guys?

P.s this is 4 the guys.. girls ur poll is the next 1 @)

Now ,:

$xy $onz
07-11-2006, 10:53
I dont expect you to leave her i will have you both ?>

nah huni no1 can hav my sidney xcept me

07-11-2006, 19:28
Sonz i can.. so u go to liney n i will have her...

sidra u knw y ;):P:D

$xy $onz
09-11-2006, 11:18
Sonz i can.. so u go to liney n i will have her...

sidra u knw y ;):P:D

nahhhhh sidra is only mine

09-11-2006, 12:27
sonz babes shes mynnnnn

10-11-2006, 14:17
Between 20 - 24...

$xy $onz
11-11-2006, 18:36
sonz babes shes mynnnnn

u wish huni

shes myn n only myn

11-11-2006, 20:14
Sweeti i dnt wish i have :D

$xy $onz
12-11-2006, 19:12
Sweeti i dnt wish i have :D

in ur dreams hun cuz as i said shes only myn

12-11-2006, 20:04
well i duno im already 24 gona be 25 soon

16-11-2006, 20:08
id say abt 24 25

17-10-2007, 00:15
maybe about ... 23 ?

17-10-2007, 00:16
yep as hussain said bout 24/25

17-10-2007, 00:30
i dnt think i ever will. monagamy is a myth

17-10-2007, 03:00
25 man any longer i'll explode turning UK in to a big white kingdom.

Spider Pig
17-10-2007, 12:38
I really wana get a good job first, and then marry around 25 or around my 26th birthday time [summer], 25 is only 2 years away, arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh :o. Im getting nervous already and I ain't even said owt to ma parents yet lool. :lol:

hmmm ofcourse it also depends on if I find "The One" ?>:sad:

Spider Pig
17-10-2007, 12:40
wow it seems the average is around 23-25, which is kool. Students my age generally dont wana marry till later years

17-10-2007, 12:58
Wheres the poll for us?

I wana vote! :(

Lady Shyne
18-10-2007, 12:49
hmm around early 20s.. dts enuff tym lol

Englaand di billo
27-10-2007, 17:14
25-29 or never

03-01-2008, 19:26
For me its already decided, 23 AFTER GRADUATION.

04-01-2008, 16:47
25-29! depends some may have problems others may get married early.

04-01-2008, 16:51

02-12-2009, 00:17

look at how the Asian gals out there fraternise with every next man

i feel sorry for the brothers out there who gotta find a wife out of dem !

Spider Pig
02-12-2009, 00:50
last year

02-12-2009, 20:49
I'm set to take the plunge, jan 2010.. :S

02-12-2009, 23:06
Tomorrow ennit!

Madly Blooming
03-12-2009, 23:26
lol!! ^ Before 30 most def, otherwise idk. id rather get married earlier n spend our time traveling n then kids later!

04-12-2009, 12:59
don't have a set age but preferably before i turn 30.

and congrats on your sentence navee :p

Madly Blooming
09-12-2009, 00:02
some of u like navee are getting married waayyy fast, prolly arranged

15-12-2009, 02:58
did i say jan 2010, i meant jan 2011 lol, and yee might be arranged, that way you can get a finer girl innit ;)

15-12-2009, 03:45
I picked 25-29 cus I will be married hopefully within 2 years time. ideally I think the right age is between 23-25

15-12-2009, 05:41
ASAP. Insha Allah next year.hopefully. depend if i find nice decent gal.. i hope i will one day INSHA ALLAH.

15-12-2009, 20:29
two weeks time.

any volunteers?

15-12-2009, 22:57
Yes 24th January 2010