View Full Version : Race & Racism

29-08-2005, 22:03
When I came into college it didnt occur to me about the racism going on in today is so much of a big issue. I learned that race is not real but racism is. We are the same race, there are no different races or species of human being. There are many theories to how humans came to being like we are now and is sad to know that people still think certain ethnic group non human and they are inferior to another group. what are your thoughts?

29-08-2005, 22:17
i no its stupid how pp, judge each ova it dnt matta if ya belive in diffrent it dnt make any1 any diffrent then each ova xxxxxxxxxxxx

29-08-2005, 23:31
Well people need to understand we are all equal, god created us all from the earth hence we shall all go back one day, hence some religions bury the dead. God created man and woman so we are all compatible. Gayness and lesbianess is man made, god created adam and eve not adam and steve..., you see people who are racist are lacking in education their brains are a bit you know...., i think people need some decent education..., otherwise they wont be racisit, only the lord can help them now.

Mr Sandman
30-08-2005, 14:22
Kayz is right, but racism will always be there. Education will make an impact but its not going to totally wipe it out. When you turn on the tv and you hear some kind of major bombing going on, who do you think even a non racist person would blame? Then they start getting angry and pissed off towards people in that ethnic group, thinking the entire community is to blame which would ultimately make them a racist. Some people are sub conciously racists, they'd have nothing against a person on the oustide, have all the fun under the sun with them, but they'd wouldnt want to take things further than a friendship stage.
It goes for every person, whether you be asian, white, black, chinese, whatever.

30-08-2005, 14:34
true me agree ^^ or it could be one of those things that god has given us, the freewill to do and beleive in what we like, hence some people have this racism inside them which they dont always realise.

31-08-2005, 10:13
hmm..it'z sad that it still existz tho..like it really hurts me 2 say this..but 4 sum odd reason..when my mum seez black people in a group..she'll cross the road 2 avoid em.. even tho most of ma matez are black..and even my dad'z best matez are black..
i suppose it'z coz of the negative light she'z seen them in..:S..
o well..

06-09-2005, 11:37
yea even in pakiland even if u are a paki from uk they still treat u as a different race

06-09-2005, 14:12
yea even in pakiland even if u are a paki from uk they still treat u as a different race

hmmm serious?? well i know one thing for sure, when you go abroad they can tell if ur an outsider straightaway in pakiland or any other land. I even tried wearing sandals and tried walking like them, but still they know...., god knows

Its like when you see freshies in this country you can just tell!

07-09-2005, 12:43
hmmm serious?? well i know one thing for sure, when you go abroad they can tell if ur an outsider straightaway in pakiland or any other land. I even tried wearing sandals and tried walking like them, but still they know...., god knows

Its like when you see freshies in this country you can just tell!
So true..^)
but then again peepz stare at me in this country as well coz i wear jilbaab an all.. :d

07-09-2005, 12:47
thats normal, they only stare coz of the jilbab like theyve never seen before...., thats normal dont worry ;)

07-09-2005, 13:56
^^^yeah true say happens :)

08-09-2005, 03:34
UHh..iiVE NEVa FaCeD RaCiiSm..CoZ iiN AuSt-SydNey- iiTz VeRy MuLtiiCuLtUraL...n DeRz LyK MoRe MiiGrANtz DeN Ozzyz..SoOo V DnT HAv MaNy iiSsUes LyK RaCiiSm DwN HErr..:)

DeRz DiiZ TeaCH At sKOoL Hu GoeS Ta GuRdWaRa (SiKh TemPLe) EvRy SaTz..N ShEz Gorii (ozzy)...N ii ThiiNk iTz Gr8 !! In SydNEy V GeT LyK HEaPz Of GOrey(WhItez) Lok...MiiXin WiiF Us SiKhz..n InDIaNz..itZ Gr8 !!!

09-09-2005, 21:12
todays racism has changed so much compared to the racism that took place many yrs ago.. now its ppl fighting against der own ppl, which may sound weird, but is also racism, also another sickening thing is battle of the sexes. males beating females and the other way around too. thats gotta stop too!

ruby angel
12-09-2005, 08:07
^^ i knw wat u mean ...cuz in our skool there is/was a lot fighting between guji's against pakis and bengiz......which i think is really stupid..

12-09-2005, 10:59

i cant rememba it bein that bad..i jus rememba petty argumentz..

ruby angel
12-09-2005, 13:19
trust me..especially the previous yr 11s.....u knw neelum them lots class......it was REALLY bad....evrythin cooled down now tho....

12-09-2005, 15:43
yeh me rememba neelum..no offence 2 her..but she had issues wid bengies..i know she h8z me..:( but she neva sed nefin 2 ma face..

ruby angel
13-09-2005, 18:49
it was all sabina begumz fault anyway.....she hated me jus cuz i had sum guji m8z

13-09-2005, 22:14
sabina?..shut up..she was a lil sweetie..but then thatz how me rememba her..

and evry1 perceives sum1 differently rite?

14-09-2005, 16:06
ENOUGH !!! im the prime example here... im white... on an asian site.....
i prefer to mix with asians than my own race, im racist ...everyone is racist...... and none of you can deny it. i mean if your an asian man and u go out with a white woman that doesnt mean ur not racist .... if ur a black woman and u go out with a chinese man that doesnt mean ur not racist if you bengali n u got out with a pakistani that doesnt mean ur not racist how many different races, colours, origins, traditions are there in this country alone ?? everyone make judgements and we're all a little too narrow minded! ive experienced SO much racism in my life from all different races and yes ive been judged by narrow minded people myself. i think the most racist people are people from your own race. as in im white i get most racism from white ppl if your pakistani you will get most racism from other pakistanis.... u may not realise it... but have a little think. (sorry about the essay) i have very strong opinions on this subjet :|

ruby angel
14-09-2005, 17:28
sabina?..shut up..she was a lil sweetie..but then thatz how me rememba her..

and evry1 perceives sum1 differently rite?

girl wat u on??!!! soon a she step foot in tht skool all hell broke loose..u guyz were lucky u left in tym...i was lucky i got put bak in2 the yr below....i wud hve got depressed if i stayed in tht class the way thingz were goin...and sabina was the cause..she made the paki'z and bengiz get 2getha against the guji'z...most of em went along cuz they wer scared of her..she practiaccally ruled the bloody skool..even the teachers were her lil pets....i started a fight with tht amena which made thingz worse...wasnt me actually i think..was her....but she's gone now and thts tht...sabina a lil sweetie??? come of itt....she was a devil WITHOUT disguise!!!:mad: <::| z) ?:

14-09-2005, 17:34
Yeh Neelam waz a dick...haz 2 b sed...even tho she a distant cuzin...but she n dat Shabnum bullied ma lil sista n i aint acceptin dat from NO fekin retard...

Sabina waz safe wit me but dne u can tell she fort she 'ran da show' weneva she waz wit Neelam...wudnt put it past her 2 b honest...Ruby allow dem dey aint worth ur shit n my shit put 2geva...lol...;)

XxX Naz XxX

ruby angel
14-09-2005, 17:37
i ddnt knw she bullied ur sis....i hate tht shabnam as well...she hardl got any mates now anyway.....my sis is in her class...honestly i cnt believe she ddnt get expelled...amena did in yr 10......good riddance an all....

14-09-2005, 17:41
Yeh ma lil sis Saima...jus bcoz she had Guji m8z...wtf?! Wot made it worse waz dat Saima dint wana tell me coz she waz 2 scared dat i'd go in 2 skool n start on dem...
Itz all gud tho coz dey apologized at d end...dayam rite...kutteh chodz...

XxX Naz XxX

ruby angel
14-09-2005, 17:44
she's lucky 2 hav a sis lyk u.......it caused trouble 4 me wen i told the teacher as well..they wer on my back since.......then she tried 2 be frendz wid me???!!
but i knw she jus wanted me 2 forget bout me guji mates....so i jus told her 2 piss of :)

14-09-2005, 17:53
Awww blesss gud on u!

XxX Naz XxX

ruby angel
14-09-2005, 18:12
ye...do u remeba saikha???

14-09-2005, 18:16
y?..watz wrong wid saikha?..and yup..nobody likes neelum..wid an exception of a few..but then i dont fink many peepz liked me eiva..me was eazy 2 hate..

and mister banana ji..me undastand where ur comin 4rm;) ..and dont worry bout the essay..:d

14-09-2005, 18:23
Yeh...Ruby did u get on wit Saikha?

XxX Naz XxX

14-09-2005, 20:44
^^ i knw wat u mean ...cuz in our skool there is/was a lot fighting between guji's against pakis and bengiz......which i think is really stupid..

dats takes da fuckin piss i hate racsim i cnt stand it even if it is sed nt bwt my cutlure bwt sum1 else i still filp at da person it pisses me off dat much xxxxxxxxxxx

ruby angel
14-09-2005, 20:55
Yeh...Ruby did u get on wit Saikha?

XxX Naz XxX

they went wierd wid her as well jus cuz she as my mate..she got held bak a year wid me so we ended up bein gd frendz, sabina hated her as well then....
she got serious issues man

14-09-2005, 21:01
Shitttt...Iz Saikha still at GISSG tho?

XxX Naz XxX

ruby angel
14-09-2005, 21:02
ye...she came bak in yr10..they decided 2 let her bak in lol..afta expelling her...

14-09-2005, 21:09
Seeeeeeeen...so u guyz in da same year? But i fort her n Neelum r bumchumz?

XxX Naz XxX

ruby angel
14-09-2005, 21:10
ye we in same yr......her nd neelum r frendz....it was sabina who did all the trouble

14-09-2005, 21:11
was sabina that bad?

ruby angel
14-09-2005, 21:13
worse actually..............

14-09-2005, 21:15

*sowwie..only rollin eyez pic i could find*

14-09-2005, 21:17
oooooh theres some GISSG talk going on here i better read!!!
gimme two mins people and ill be replying too!

14-09-2005, 21:18
lmfao u weirdo..:p

ruby angel
14-09-2005, 21:21
haha taz called nemo a wierdo !

14-09-2005, 21:23
and?..so wat if i do?..i could jus as easily call u weirdo..:p

14-09-2005, 21:24
trust me..especially the previous yr 11s.....u knw neelum them lots class......it was REALLY bad....evrythin cooled down now tho....

yup yup yuop!

that wa smy shitty class!!

them lot were all cool with me when i first arrived but then when i became mates with the 'gujis' they started on me too!

i remeber w=onc eint he bus neelum start having a go at me bout something so i just stood up gave her a piece of ym mind she she shut up!

anyways yeha things wer epretty bad in our class and it was all down to neelum and sabina! everyone just used to tag along behind them coz they were scared of them.

and yeah saikhas really nice! safe gal! lol ok i better go now dads back cya!!

14-09-2005, 21:25
haha taz called nemo a wierdo !

dont matter im used to it now everyone calls me a weirdo lol

ruby angel
14-09-2005, 21:25
and?..so wat if i do?..i could jus as easily call u weirdo..:p

i dnt mind..i even call myself weirdo 8&

14-09-2005, 21:26
dayam..gonna hav 2 use uva tacticz..

ruby angel
14-09-2005, 21:30
get thinkin............lol

15-09-2005, 17:50
this whole thread has turned in to a

do u remember such n such

back to the subject in question...