View Full Version : Gentleman's Deputy

12-11-2006, 19:21
As you all are (SHOULD BE) aware, I Mizteriouz the VII, Lord of WWW, King of the Asianplace, have secured the rights to my very own exclusive Gentleman's Club.

And as such, this prestigious club requires a gratitious deputy to lend thyself a hand or two when required. The club has garnered many requests for the position of deputy to thyself, I have narrowed it down to four leading contenders whom if it weren't for lack of positionswould all have been my deputies.

Now the four in question are,

Voodookid - Senior Asianplace member and fanatic of all things great in life! Cars, women and fashion! Holder of many cars, wooer of many hearts, prizzle, ishk 666 to name but a few and a self styled fashionista.

Faheem - Previously the elusive barman of the club responsible for getting rid of babyash and generally getting all the gentlemen drunk and in the company strippers.

Manraj - A man with many talents including the ability to illustrate visions of the ap and its future (the yet to be fully done comic), he has humoured us when necessary and has questioned a few peoples sexuality in the interest of the forum.

Zero - A pinoeer in the sig industry this man is undeniably talented in the art of confusing many with his indirectable charms and wit, along with his knack of repping me a record 6 or 7 times!

Cast your vote ladies and gentlemen...be haste for one needs a right hand man (getting itchy, need scratch on arse)

12-11-2006, 19:25
Yes. I got wooed. Yawn. Old. Next.

I vote for Manraj. Cause I love him and that.

$xy $onz
12-11-2006, 19:30
manraj putar lol

12-11-2006, 19:30
I will vote for Manraj as Voodoo sems to have everything anyway as you have just described :)

$xy $onz
12-11-2006, 19:36
i wud of voted 4 u liney jee but u ent in da list lol

12-11-2006, 19:53
ok this is a hard one Manraj or Zero..... i shall vote in due time!

12-11-2006, 19:54
ill remain nuetral till the last min :D

Iroquois Pliskin
12-11-2006, 20:36
I'll watch..

12-11-2006, 21:00
LOl, is that you solid snake? :oh

12-11-2006, 21:01
Cant vote fer myslef innit? lol...

12-11-2006, 21:11
thank to all the people who voted for me so far

12-11-2006, 21:29
i voted for Zero xx

12-11-2006, 21:37
i voted for Zero xx

And I luv you toooooo :d

12-11-2006, 22:53
hes got 2 much dirt on sum of us have 2 keep him quiet!!!!!

12-11-2006, 22:57
voodoo fella u got ma vote.....

13-11-2006, 00:39
wasnt i like the vice president!?

13-11-2006, 00:39
I vote Manraj for he is a true Gentleman.

13-11-2006, 00:39
u also added a name to my list of woo'd dat shud not be on dat list.. and u missed many.. ;)

13-11-2006, 00:46
Manlt Manraj :)

13-11-2006, 00:47
Manly Manraj gets my vote. :)

13-11-2006, 00:52
has 2 b mani!!! :)

tha rite man 4 tha job ;)

13-11-2006, 02:42
ok thats it im not going to vote incase i upset anybody... but i think we almost have a clear cut winner...

13-11-2006, 10:32
i vote 4 voodoo :D

zero will get 2 bigheaded

13-11-2006, 10:36
i vote 4 voodoo :D

zero will get 2 bigheaded

I doubt my hed could get bigger than your watermelon....,:

13-11-2006, 17:37
zero will get 2 bigheaded

Ridz why are you trying to cause trouble in my peacful thread? this isn't India we're we fight at the polls, rigging votes and what not, leave Zero alone.

13-11-2006, 17:42
Ridz why are you trying to cause trouble in my peacful thread? this isn't India we're we fight at the polls, rigging votes and what not, leave Zero alone.

wuld have worked if i was paki bananadanc bananadanc

13-11-2006, 17:43
N i wasnt causing trouble jst gave my opinion... ill b nyc frm now on lyk u all... lie :d even thou my mummy tld me lieing is bad

13-11-2006, 17:52
wuld have worked if i was paki bananadanc bananadanc

What are you on about? I said India, stop ruining this wonderful thread!

13-11-2006, 17:53
N i wasnt causing trouble jst gave my opinion... ill b nyc frm now on lyk u all... lie :d even thou my mummy tld me lieing is bad

Did your mummy tell you to talk like a girl too?

13-11-2006, 23:22

well looks like i win


14-11-2006, 09:43
LOL....congrats Manraj.....:p

And ridz, I could degrade you so much that your face will be imprinted in the mud at no-mans land, but I dont becuase I pity you :)

16-11-2006, 04:06
Did your mummy tell you to talk like a girl too?


she still picks his clothes 4 him aswell

cnt u tell ,:

16-11-2006, 04:18
oh n congratulations mani...

it was clear frm tha start who were gna win champ

16-11-2006, 09:58
lol .................................................. ...

16-11-2006, 12:01
right as my first act as deputy i am goin to reorganise the whole gentleman's club, a new club for a new begining, with fresh new members, as we are goin to have our own seprate part of the forum for only gentlemen members, we need to sort out who we really deserves to be part of our illustrious group.

So later on i will be organising whos in n whos out.... to be continued

16-11-2006, 12:34
Taking initiative! I like it, splendid idea a refurbishment is, this gives a chance for everyone to become members of the gentleman's club but be wary only few will make it to the elite. As I will be away on many engagements I am leaving you, the responsibilty of granting entry into the club, with the necessary means.

17-11-2006, 00:32
Captain Manraj.

Am i too late?

17-11-2006, 00:34
nope i was jus bout 2 make a speach bout the new gentlemen's club so hold on till then

17-11-2006, 00:41
I think we all know who the winner is going to be, and even Miz has made that pretty obvious by typing out manraj's name in italics. *Hint Hint*