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13-10-2005, 18:40
If you were allowed one wish that was guaranteed to cum true, wot wud it be??

n dnt b greedy, only ONE wish allowed!

13-10-2005, 18:50
id wish that i could have eternal credit on myfone .....

13-10-2005, 18:52
lol gd one! i think i need that!

13-10-2005, 18:53
;) ..........

13-10-2005, 19:38
i wud wish for KEZZA in my arms...:D

13-10-2005, 19:50
awwww........ (})

13-10-2005, 19:50
miss u..:D

13-10-2005, 19:54
hehe ur talkin to me u wolly :P how can u miss me aswell! :P? but i miss u aswell (A) :P LOL

13-10-2005, 19:57
:D u joka...always makin me smile laugh wen i'm down MMMWWWWWAAAAAHHHHZZZZZ :D

13-10-2005, 20:05
r u 2 2getha?
erm id wish for more wishes lol

13-10-2005, 20:07
lol nah we're not together.....we're close mates as shelim sed earlier

13-10-2005, 20:08
nah we not 2gether, we jus reli close friends..:D

13-10-2005, 20:13
hmmm ok i believe u

13-10-2005, 20:20
lol, joka...:D
i'd wish for world peace n disasters to stop over da world..:D

13-10-2005, 20:22
If you were allowed one wish that was guaranteed to cum true, wot wud it be??

n dnt b greedy, only ONE wish allowed!

my wish would be to be with my baby for ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever ...............................

13-10-2005, 20:23
i'd wish 4 eternal happiness...:d

13-10-2005, 20:49
prob my family and friends will always b ok and happy xxxxxxxxxx

13-10-2005, 20:51
prob my family and friends will always b ok and happy xxxxxxxxxx

aww bless thats so sweet Bellydance Bellydance << i love this emotion

13-10-2005, 20:53
lol wt r u lyk bless ya der r kwl aitn they xxxxxxxxxx

13-10-2005, 21:35
ahemmm i found the blaady new emotions and requested them... but noone appreciates me here :(

13-10-2005, 22:04
My wish would b dat I become a (~*Quran*#~) Hafiz so dat I can take my all famili members n friends 2 heaven Inshallah Including 1 person hu is so important in every 1s life but Sorry I can't mension dere name.

13-10-2005, 22:18
hmm interesting zaheem :| .... ycant u tell ?

14-10-2005, 09:34
coz da person will get pissed off n seems lik person has no imtrest in me but I luk afta dat special person sorri but cant tell i will tell u 1s I becum Hafiz n 1 of my m8 is alreday a hafiz he told me da day u bcum hafiz u hv a wish 2 grant n no metta wot its cums tru so ere is wot im gana do da day I strt bcumin a hafiz I will say its 4 pleasure of Allah n 2 go in 2 heaven but den wen I finish It would b 2 b wid dat sum1 special 4 eva n 2 take all my m8s n famili 2 heaven wid me so none of dem hv 2 ansa any of questions at jugment tym. wot u think?


14-10-2005, 09:45
aww bless ya!

myn wud b sumat lyk zaheem, takin evry1 straight 2 jannat...

14-10-2005, 12:53
ooooooh. my wish would be to perfect my lyrical impressions of justin timberlake. i cant get the squeaky bits right! or any other part for that matter. but im trying thats the important thing. to be honest when im in the kitchen and theres no one about, i close the blinds, stick the stereo on and dance around like him:(........ i feel dirty now. please dont hate me. PLEASE! i was twirling around this one time and my niece walked in.....we both know what i was doing but bless her. she just looked at me n walked out without saying a word lmao:|

and id wish for a gold plated dinosaur! imagine how good that would be. he'd be big. and shiny. and all round non terrifying. like barney the purple dino. hes so informative and all round vomit inducing:D

14-10-2005, 12:58
dallo! 1 wiah only...n this goes on ur list of weird stuff, along with takin n KEEPIN santa's pants, the animal hatred/love, besan lovin n much much more...:p

14-10-2005, 13:07
lol ur building a case file for me aint you safi?:P just please dont show it to anyone else, no one will talk to me ever again:( which might not be a bad thing from their point of view lol.

ok ok 1 wish hmmmm. ok if i was being serious (really) id wish for world peace. its sounds cliche'd but if you think about it it really would be the greatest achievement of mankind ever. on the same hand if you think about it it seems a bit nonsensical that ppl have political, racial, other differences in the first place.
actually na......ill just wish 4 the dinosaur. its a the safest thing to do. and im happy. what more could i ask for:D

14-10-2005, 13:10
u bn watchin miss congeniality aint ya? honeslty!

n ur case file jst got bigger i was thinkin id use it 4 me dissertation, im gona name if afta u if u giv me permission, n i hope ur name aint copyright cuz im on a tight budget 4 me dissertation, i cn offer u paisa or rep tho.....u giv it sum thot n let me knw...
i tink in the end il b able 2 ansa y u aint gt no asian chic or ne gal at dis point, n sum1 wil ave 2 close dat thread!

14-10-2005, 13:23
you have my permission to use my copyrighted name as long as you lie about everything and make me out to be a well balanced human being:d i mean tell the truth. yes:)
the reason i havent got a gal at the moment is cos im errrr.......special? hehe:|

14-10-2005, 13:24
let me tell u guyz sumthing its all abt da nxt world not dis its abt wot u hv 2 take wid u frm 2mrw saturday im gana spend all day in mosque n pray n da day i becum hafiz all 7 janat doors gana b opned 4 u n 4eva n most of all i bet u guys didnt kno dis Allah sed 2 his Prophet on each livin thing on right and left side goes lik dis Right 1 strt writing person's emal in ur book even tho his jst thinkin of doin gud thing and sed 2 left 1 dont write anything till his done bad thing n wen his normal den write dat he/she did bad thing u get it? he offers us so much but we dont make no effort.

2) Since we lil kids we strt goin 2 skol n finish frm uni all dose yrs we learn so many books magazinez n stuff but we hardly remember all of it but onli if we but effort towards (QURAN) n remember it its worth both dis shit world which is a test 2 every livin thing on planet. Plus nxt world n can u amagine how close we b 2 ALLAH SubhanALLAH.

14-10-2005, 13:26
ur special alrite!! ne professional psychologists cud tel u dat...

n i nw ave written proof dat u gave me permission 2 use ur name, bt im nt sure bout dat litl clause u put in der, il ave 2 get a lawyer 2 get me out of dat...

14-10-2005, 13:44
well ive got a law degree ill help you out lol. although my bias in the issue would prejudice it so i guess you should get someone else heheL:) i hear ally mcbeal is good! although she is a bit malnourished so dont expect her to stay lucid during ur whole consultation lol

14-10-2005, 13:49
wel since she gt the kid she bn a bit out of it n she keeps avin moments wer she says er thoughts out loud, i gota question dat, n NW dat fact dat u recommended er jst makes me tink i shudnt even tink about it....

u knw george clooney was pretty gud in intolerable cruelty....or am i mistaken?

14-10-2005, 13:58
aint seen it dont think

14-10-2005, 14:00
george n katharine zeta jones? wer she cons al er husbands n get filthy rich? lol
u nt much of a george fan den r ya?

14-10-2005, 14:09
im bout to see george now to discuss his latest role in my film.....well thats what i said to lure him into my house. seeya later hehe:) lol

14-10-2005, 14:10
oh no!! pooor george, bt den again if he's stupid enuf 2 trust u he deserves it, anyhoo cya

14-10-2005, 15:38
y'all makin rubbish wishes....i'd wish 4 immortality!!!

Whatcha fink?

14-10-2005, 16:59
ur rng Playa4life dere is nuffin dat can stay live in dis world coz it has a end wot ever u strt has an end and so does dis world even (QURAN) is gana b lifted up on jugment day straight 2 HEAVEN.

14-10-2005, 17:53
why you getting so serious hes probably only messing around ^^^

14-10-2005, 18:28
lol everyones gettin serious! :P

14-10-2005, 18:32
no im not gettin serious im jst provin da fact nofin much unless ur mind is wrkin in diff way lol

14-10-2005, 18:33
lol, n wot way wud that b ;):P

14-10-2005, 18:35
dat would b 4 example she liks takin piss out of others or she messes alot

14-10-2005, 18:37
lol....k, so how are u?

14-10-2005, 18:39
im f9 fnx by da way y u laffin tho?

14-10-2005, 18:45
coz im bored, wot else is there to do??

14-10-2005, 18:46
nice 1 i do dat sumtym

14-10-2005, 18:48
:P so u in college or uni or workin?

14-10-2005, 18:50
In colj 1st yr A-levels n u?

14-10-2005, 18:51
in college.....2nd year. how old are ya? n wot u takin?

14-10-2005, 18:54
im 18 n doin British National Certificate in ICT n hopefully gana go city of westmister uni

14-10-2005, 18:54
im taking paracetamol. oh thats not what you meant. and oh you werent asking me. trust me to butt in on a conversation. *goes n sits back down on his stool in the corner and put his dunce hat back on*

14-10-2005, 18:57
Dallo da man wot u on abt i didnt atch any of dat can u explain me plz

14-10-2005, 18:57
lol awwww bless, no u can join in :D

14-10-2005, 18:59
awwwww thanks. and dont make me explain. i have a hard enough time understanding what i say myself lol:D you guys carry on and ill ermmm think of something excellent to say. *strokes his goattee thoughtfully* ........dont hold ya collective breaths though lol

14-10-2005, 18:59
lol Kezza I already hv joined in tho

14-10-2005, 19:00
awwwww thanks. and dont make me explain. i have a hard enough time understanding what i say myself lol:D you guys carry on and ill ermmm think of something excellent to say. *strokes his goattee thoughtfully* ........dont hold ya collective breaths though lol

hey hey u have a goattee ;)

14-10-2005, 19:01
lol Kezza I already hv joined in tho

lol not u :P i know ur already joined in, im not talkin to myself! or am i :S?

14-10-2005, 19:03
im lost half way

14-10-2005, 19:06
im losin everyone today :( and dallo_da_man_wiv_da_ isnt talkin either :(

14-10-2005, 19:08
oh my god im sorry i seem to have caused a bit of confusion. ill apologise by doing a curtsy! or do i bow....... i am a bloke. but then i am wearing a skirt. ill curtsy:(

yes i have a goattee and i think it is a rather fine piece of handiwork on my part lol. id feel nekid without it now:| apart from me skirt.

(please note: dallo is not really wearing a skirt, nor has he ever wore one. thankyou:D )

14-10-2005, 19:11
LOL omg ur a nutta! sumone to amuse me! :D :P LOL.....do u have a pic of this fine goattee??

14-10-2005, 19:13
i used to have loads but this is a new computer so i got none at the mo:( and its screaming out to be siplayed to lol. ill get some sorted soon methinks:) and then you can all share the gift of my goatee.....worl peace will break out....world hunger will cease to be.....i dont knwo why. aint like you can eat my goattee hehe:(

14-10-2005, 19:14
dont u hv dem pics on ur e-mail so u load in ur new pc

14-10-2005, 19:17
OH MY GOD at my spelling. i should really slow down my typing. ppl will start to think im really thick. well, ok, confirm im really thick lol. na ive got no pics of me in any format lol

14-10-2005, 19:19
hey peep...:D
i got a goatee..:D

14-10-2005, 19:20
Lolz i thought u sed u got goat

14-10-2005, 19:20
omg wot u do....ur champion of most games......lollllll!!!

14-10-2005, 19:23
hey can i join in?....lol

14-10-2005, 19:23
I will beat him soon Im tryin but I will make it soon watch

14-10-2005, 19:24
hey dude loving the goattee. very stylish lol.

i dont have a goat dude, although it would make a difference from a normal pet i guess. would a be a real winner with the ladies to......or maybe not lol

kezza, im a student/admin type person. i love walks in the country, drinking, dancing, knitting, cross stitchin. errmmmm what else. oh yer i play the games on ere when i can. theyre so godamn hard lol:| i dont know what else to tell you.....oh yer! im a bit odd hehe:D no im not. how dare you accuse me of oddness:O

yer nemoooo join in:D

14-10-2005, 19:24
ya sure u can join in how r u by da way Naimah

14-10-2005, 19:25
hey peep...:D
i got a goatee..:D

u aint got a goattee, u got a weird thing! :P still sezy tho! :P

14-10-2005, 19:26
ok ive joined in!

lol what do u talk about?

14-10-2005, 19:29
hey dude loving the goattee. very stylish lol.

i dont have a goat dude, although it would make a difference from a normal pet i guess. would a be a real winner with the ladies to......or maybe not lol

kezza, im a student/admin type person. i love walks in the country, drinking, dancing, knitting, cross stitchin. errmmmm what else. oh yer i play the games on ere when i can. theyre so godamn hard lol:| i dont know what else to tell you.....oh yer! im a bit odd hehe:D no im not. how dare you accuse me of oddness:O

yer nemoooo join in:D

lol u are odd :P its great :D wot dance u like?

14-10-2005, 19:30
:D u love it neways...:D

14-10-2005, 19:31
im gone bless

14-10-2005, 19:31

14-10-2005, 19:33
me? i just generally dance to anything that gets me going. i admit to loving dance music, garage hip hop n rnb........i dont admit listening to country n western. honestly i dont.....its just a rumour. you cant prove anything:| can ya?:(....... even if you can prove anything what you gonna do about it?:( please dont hurt me!
what about you? lol

hey nemo we're just talking about anything and everything lol. as per usual:p

14-10-2005, 19:35
LOLLLL can dance to anything either, but can safely say i dnt listen to country n western.....unless my mum puts it on loud!!!

14-10-2005, 19:38
byeeeeeeeeeee zaheem dude:)

hmmmmm kezza.........you say you only listen to it if your mom puts it on loud....you might have fooled everyone else but you dont fool me! i can see you now..... with your cowboy hat on and the boots with the spikey things coming out of them. ive also got pictures of you at a line dancing class. and ur enjoying it. im gonna blackmail you! pay me one gazillion faffillion mazillion british pounds and i wont send these pics to teh sun newspaper.

national scandal:O

14-10-2005, 19:41
LOLLLLL.....thats ok, everyone wud love it in the sun, usually line dance naked ;) only the hat and boots on ofcourse! ;)

14-10-2005, 19:44
my oh my. well that told me lol. ill just take a couple of minutes to ponder that image in my head and recompose myself lmao:p

14-10-2005, 19:46

14-10-2005, 19:47
lol i dont think i will join in grandpops!

this conversations too complex for my little brain!

14-10-2005, 19:48
26/ female errr no....male!/west mids. you?:P

14-10-2005, 19:50
ur brain aint little nemo. you got a brain like a big giant..........genius type person. like the man who invented chocolate biscuits:d genius! and the man who first thought of dunking biccies in tea. GENIUS!:D

14-10-2005, 19:51

Arbash Shaikh
14-10-2005, 19:54
i wish for nikol kidman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

14-10-2005, 19:54
ur brain aint little nemo. you got a brain like a big giant..........genius type person. like the man who invented chocolate biscuits:d genius! and the man who first thought of dunking biccies in tea. GENIUS!:D

haha! oh man you soooo funny!

i think im gona bless you again!

awww bless you bless dallo the holy man!


14-10-2005, 19:56
essex girl. wahoo. *stops himself from saying all the obvious nonsense lol* for once in my life dallo is gonna behave himself. honest. *sits on his hands to stop him typing* :D

14-10-2005, 19:58
awwwww keep them blessings coming. one day ill be so holy ill be able to start my own religion! dalloism! in dalloism we believe that donuts are holy and mcdonalds is like the only food you can eat:D and chocolate. and ermmmm......you have to do everything dallo says:) like normal then really lol

14-10-2005, 20:01
hehe sound slike a fun religion!

lmao! everyone join in lets bless dallo!!

aww bless you dallo! bless you! bless you dear grandpops!

Arbash Shaikh
14-10-2005, 20:01
I WISH I CAN HVE NIKOL KIDMAN WIV ME!!!!!!! thtz wht i call a hottt wish!!!!

14-10-2005, 20:03
I WISH I CAN HVE NIKOL KIDMAN WIV ME!!!!!!! thtz wht i call a hottt wish!!!!

okay arbash!!

why do you want that buddhi?

14-10-2005, 20:04
naaa ppl can talk about what they want lol.

but if i had to wish for a woman it would have to sandra bullock or avril lavigne. dunno why. just do lol

Arbash Shaikh
14-10-2005, 20:09
dont u dare callin her buddhi!!!!! grrrrrr.... nobodi messez wiv ma gal get it....

14-10-2005, 20:11
dont u dare callin her buddhi!!!!! grrrrrr.... nobodi messez wiv ma gal get it....

i just called her a budhi what you gona do about it?

Arbash Shaikh
14-10-2005, 20:13
den i lll wish for heidi klum....

14-10-2005, 20:26
essex girl. wahoo. *stops himself from saying all the obvious nonsense lol* for once in my life dallo is gonna behave himself. honest. *sits on his hands to stop him typing* :D

lol.....oi had enuff of them comments! :P

14-10-2005, 20:34
i know i guess you might have lol! thats what i kept my big fat mouth shut:D im polite like that. polite and considerate....like......*thinks of someone polite and considerate*........a care bear. worst example ever:|

14-10-2005, 20:52
LOLLLLLLL!!!! so wot u doin here?

14-10-2005, 20:55
lmao. yer thats a good point. im surely far to polite to hang around here:( lets just say im on to teach everyone the way of politeness and niceness:) caring sharing dallo thats me:d

thats 10 pounds each people! i aint running a charity lol

14-10-2005, 21:00
LOLLLLLLL!!!! u work?

14-10-2005, 21:03
yer i do part time admin. it tides me over. keeps me in chocolate at least. i love the chocolate.....and cakes.....*dribbles*. ah cack ive dribbled all over the place. everything sticky. i should maybe rephrase that last statement:( lol

$xy $onz
14-10-2005, 21:09
i wud wish dat i get da 1 fing i want

14-10-2005, 21:13
lol sonz. go figure!

17-10-2005, 03:32
ur rng Playa4life dere is nuffin dat can stay live in dis world coz it has a end wot ever u strt has an end and so does dis world even (QURAN) is gana b lifted up on jugment day straight 2 HEAVEN.

listen u freaky fool.... im wishing 4 immortality... immortality means living 4eva... doesnt have an end.... get a dictionary and look it up!! and its a wish for gods sake... its not gna come true.... and btw id luv 2 liv in dis world 4 lyf!! so if the world dies, i die wiv it, i die wiv it happy...wiv my legacy!!!

Arbash Shaikh
17-10-2005, 22:33
if i had 1 more wish... i ll definately wish for a decent honest loving gal who ll be ma campanion for rest of ma lyf.....sadangel

17-10-2005, 22:35
dont u hav ruby? 8)

Arbash Shaikh
17-10-2005, 22:39
how can i fgt i got a gal already ....:|

now i hve to wish for sumthin else!!!!! aawwwwwwww!!!!!!! doh!

17-10-2005, 22:40
mr. arbash...

random q...
are u a bengie?...
coz u dont look lyk one...8)

17-10-2005, 22:41
What does one look like? how can u really clarify the difference? Im just curious :)

17-10-2005, 22:43
ai ha..

it'z difficult...
but naz has the best radarz...
ask her...
it'z jus a feelin u get i suppose...8)
wat background are ye mr. liney?...
if ya dont mind ma askin?...~)

17-10-2005, 22:43
I always remain anonymous :)

17-10-2005, 22:44


Arbash Shaikh
17-10-2005, 22:46
mr. arbash...

random q...
are u a bengie?...
coz u dont look lyk one...8)

yeah i am not a bengie... nd lemme wish again dis tym i ll use ma magic wordz HUGA PUGA HUGA ARBASH WANTZ A HARLEY!!!!!!!!!!bowdown

Arbash Shaikh
17-10-2005, 22:48
I always remain anonymous :)

dis guy is da PHANTOM OF FORUM!!!!!!! :p

17-10-2005, 22:48
im so confused :(

17-10-2005, 22:50

mr. liney ji....plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz basher

17-10-2005, 22:51
dis guy is da PHANTOM OF FORUM!!!!!!! :p

Lol Arbash what a way to put it :p less of the phantom though doh!

17-10-2005, 22:52
y the phantom tho?...8)

17-10-2005, 22:52
i dnt like ur dancin guy tho....he scares me :(

17-10-2005, 22:53
Oiiii Kezza leave the nerd alone :)

17-10-2005, 22:55
that pix funky...

tho i like the sonic better...
mr. liney..
u havnt yet told me...
where can i get a zoomin taz 4rm?

17-10-2005, 22:55
lol is it u?? thats why u dnt want anyone to know ur name?

17-10-2005, 22:55
Taz i cnt find a zoomin taz, however i did find the Taz himslf but he wasnt zooming, sorry no luck :)

17-10-2005, 22:56
lol is it u?? thats why u dnt want anyone to know ur name?

?> Yup Kezza how did u guess ?

Arbash Shaikh
17-10-2005, 22:56
Lol Arbash what a way to put it :p less of the phantom though doh!

dis guy is da big daddy cool of our forum.....:|

17-10-2005, 22:57

well thank ye 4 yer tym...
it was most kind of ye and is very much appreciated..:d

17-10-2005, 22:57
Thanks for the compliment mate :) u can be the playboy of the forum :D

17-10-2005, 22:58
who was that in reference to?..8)

17-10-2005, 23:00
Lol Taz unless u class urslf to b abit of a playboy (shocked face) it was aimed @ arbash :)

17-10-2005, 23:01

there was me gettin all worried...~)

17-10-2005, 23:01
btw ur not really 4rm devon are ye?8)

17-10-2005, 23:01
LOL awww bless ur soooo sweet!

17-10-2005, 23:02
Who is the question aimed @ taz?

17-10-2005, 23:02
who'z sweet?..

am gettin confuzzled here now...Insane

Arbash Shaikh
17-10-2005, 23:03
thzzz MR BIG DADDY COOL ... i am realli pleased wiv ma new nik... unless pplz lyk tazz think dey r di PLAYBOY here... lolz....

17-10-2005, 23:03
ur sweet taz!

17-10-2005, 23:04
awww...tanka berry much kezza...

and ARBASH!!
no longer shall i call ye mr...
u hav been demoted in mine eyes...
remember wat i sed bout u and indecency?...basher

Arbash Shaikh
17-10-2005, 23:06
;( hey dis is not fair y dont u pik sum1 of ur own size sorri sum1 of ur own kind!!!!!!!!! Muahaha

17-10-2005, 23:07
so wat if i'm a shorty..u gota problem wid dat?

and waddya mean my own kind?basher

Arbash Shaikh
17-10-2005, 23:11
i mean sum1 of ur own gender... hhehehehhehe

17-10-2005, 23:12
lol only coz u know u cud be beaten by a girl! :P

17-10-2005, 23:12
dont u hav ruby? 8)
WOT??? u goin out wiv Ruby?? fill me in blood!! wots all dis abt?

17-10-2005, 23:13
o ha ha very funny...
waddya mean by the indication of pikin on ma own gender eh eh?basher

17-10-2005, 23:15
wotz appnin wiv abrash and ruby taz?

17-10-2005, 23:16
ai ha...arbash and ruby are a couple...


17-10-2005, 23:18
shit!! wen diz appen??
(Pardon my french)!

Arbash Shaikh
17-10-2005, 23:23
lol only coz u know u cud be beaten by a girl! :P

kezza shez not a gal shez a MONSTAR in a galz skin.....,:

17-10-2005, 23:25
abrash shaikh xplain 2 me wot append pleeeeeeez

Arbash Shaikh
17-10-2005, 23:25
shit!! wen diz appen??
(Pardon my french)!

did sumthin wrong happend??? 8)

17-10-2005, 23:31
nah jst wonderin how u got 2getha

Arbash Shaikh
17-10-2005, 23:33
ask rubi !!!!!!

17-10-2005, 23:36
u shud kno 2 man...pleeez xplain

ruby angel
18-10-2005, 08:31
y this interest playa?
it wud b difficlt 4 me and arbash 2 go out cuz we liv in diff countrys
u cudve sed this urself arbashh!!!

18-10-2005, 10:43
nah no interest.... dnt worry i was jst curious

18-10-2005, 12:46
Who is the question aimed @ taz?
z question was aimed at z phantom ghostie of zis place...:|

18-10-2005, 12:48
kezza shez not a gal shez a MONSTAR in a galz skin.....,:
OR ELSE..basher

18-10-2005, 13:02
or else wot......?
i wna c a fyt!!

ruby angel
18-10-2005, 16:55
oooooohhhh taz is gettin angryy.....

18-10-2005, 16:57
hi ruby... how ya doin? wot u reckn of ma avatar and be truly honest pleez!!!

ruby angel
18-10-2005, 16:57
avatar? ye its k, why??

18-10-2005, 17:02
or is dis one betta ruby??

ruby angel
18-10-2005, 17:03
lol..theyre all nice, jus use any!

18-10-2005, 17:07
i'll use dis one...lukz more evil...lol... thnx 4 da help.... newayz how woz ur day?

ruby angel
18-10-2005, 17:12
u betta bank ur paisa b4 sum1 nickz it! lol

18-10-2005, 17:13
nickz it?? bank it??? wots dat???

ruby angel
18-10-2005, 17:14
ppl can steal ur paisaa....lolz

18-10-2005, 17:18
so how u bank it?

18-10-2005, 17:18
and wot happenz wen u bank it?

ruby angel
18-10-2005, 17:34
u bank by goin 2 top, clik on store and bank, then no1 will b able 2 get their hands on ur paisa

18-10-2005, 19:38
kool ruby thankz alot hun mwah....ooopz sry!!!lol!!

18-10-2005, 20:27
there aint gonna be a fite coz arbash shall apologise...<:

18-10-2005, 20:32
jst fyt.....

18-10-2005, 20:38
nope..i'm not a fighting sort of person..i hate heated discussionz.;( ..tho wen i get mad..i lose it ?>

18-10-2005, 20:42
lol.....hey taz :)

18-10-2005, 20:43
awww...hey kezza!!!..

how are ye?...<)

18-10-2005, 20:47
im gd thx.....hows u??

18-10-2005, 20:48
jst FYT!!!

18-10-2005, 20:48
aww...cool..had an 8.30 lecture...but got there at 9.15..hence missed the whole lecture but was in tym 4 the nxt...:| other than that..the day was all good...

how was ur day?

18-10-2005, 20:56
brilliant pulled anova few birdz... so wot u bin up2?

18-10-2005, 20:58

that was in reference to kezza...but seein as ye ansad...waddya mean pulled a few birds?..wat type were they?..pidgeonz? or wat? bananadanc

18-10-2005, 21:04
lol.....i think his upgraded to duckz! :D

18-10-2005, 21:05
duckz?..well...he'd probably neva be bale to pull a swan...bananadanc

18-10-2005, 21:12
not birdz!! galz...i pulled one fit tanned one....one white one and one asian!!! wot a brilliant day!!!

18-10-2005, 21:12
LOLLL!!! awww bless him!

18-10-2005, 21:13
im white :P LOL u didnt pull me :( LOL

18-10-2005, 21:13

there was me startin 2 hav sum respect 4 ye...
is that all ye fink bout?...
pullin the nxt gyal?:|

18-10-2005, 21:24

there was me startin 2 hav sum respect 4 ye...
is that all ye fink bout?...
pullin the nxt gyal?:|

No i dnt.....
newayz kezza... if u want me 2 pull u then i dnt mind.... so do u?

18-10-2005, 21:28
lol dnt even know u, n havent sin u......u mite be out my league!! :P LOL

18-10-2005, 21:29
8) how do ye pull gyalz?

18-10-2005, 21:34
simple....now thtz a secret....
kezza mo lyk u myt be out of ma league :P lol

Arbash Shaikh
18-10-2005, 21:35
there aint gonna be a fite coz arbash shall apologise...<:

*arbash yawnnzzzzzzz nd lukz at tazz nd offerz her a nice icey peg of vodka*:p

18-10-2005, 21:36
hehe....highly unlikely.....i have high standards ;)

18-10-2005, 21:36

i though there was summit goin on between kezza and mr.shellim 4rm ondon?8)

18-10-2005, 21:38
*arbash yawnnzzzzzzz nd lukz at tazz nd offerz her a nice icey peg of vodka*:p
taz refuses.."i dotn drink..."<:

Arbash Shaikh
18-10-2005, 21:40
*arbash thinkz nd suddenly he tuk sum candiez out for dis sweet little tazzy*Muahaha