View Full Version : Suicide

29-08-2005, 22:06
Do you think suicide is the answer? You die and thinking that dying ends everything. But the people you leave behind, your family, those who will be affected deeply by your act. Suicide is sort of like a coward act in way, you're hiding away from the problems, you're afraid of it, and so you die to get away from it all. If one treasure life, he/she would never suicide. It's not a pleasant thing to do.

29-08-2005, 22:18
no its propa sick killin urself i tink even if ya aint happy jus tink bwt ur family ur leavin inall i cudnt do dat 2 my mum neva xxxxxxxxxxx

29-08-2005, 23:22
Well i really cant say, from what i understand from my religion, suicide will be just another sin you'll be taking with you when you die, its best to die natuarlly get help etc etc,

30-08-2005, 01:05
I agree with ya Kayz suicide is a cowards way out, people commit suicude as they see no other option available not realising they leave their loved ones behind even more upset

30-08-2005, 10:32
i think suicide is completely wrong, its selfish, people may be going through alot but youve got to pick yoursef up and get on with and if you commit suicide your not thinking of all the people around you who love you

Dj Nerve
30-08-2005, 12:18
no its a wimps way out!

Mr Sandman
30-08-2005, 14:01
Everyone is right, but what makes you think the depressed person wont do it anyway? Hardly unlikely he/she is gonna be labeled as selfish or whatever when they've gone ahead with it. It's just a one time process, so i doubt he/she would care about what other people thought - most likely the least of their worries at that stage.
Its not the answer by the way, but sometimes its pretty easy to just disagree with it without actually thinking about what a depressed person could be going through.

30-08-2005, 14:32
Hmmmm, this is a very good discussion, i think its to do with the person metally, if the brain and body feels there is no point living then it will want to end it self, beleiving it will go into a loong deep sleep, but im not sure myself if it is even sleep as i havent experianced death myself, and not yet i wouldnt want to experiance it.

31-08-2005, 14:14
well it wont slove anything it just creates more stress and negitive energy get me, but its the man or galz choice man

Dj Nerve
31-08-2005, 16:50
i think if u was to do anything it would be to sort it out their and then

ruby angel
31-08-2005, 17:16
i think suicide is totally wrong..its against my religion, its just another sin....and the punishment supposed 2 b repeatin the suicide over and over again and never dying.
there shud b other ways out other thn suicide

31-08-2005, 17:25
yeah karly i totaly agree with u but sumtimes lifes just so........ can lead u 2 do stupid things trust me the times im goin thru rite now i dont kno wat 2 do anymore i really dont

Englaand di billo
31-08-2005, 23:17
i agree with u all, if i was 2 say it in mi own wrdz itl b all ur posts put in 1 :D

mystic mami
02-09-2005, 11:17
alot of ya hav sed dat its selfish and a wimps way out but b4 ya say all these i fink ya try ta understand y a person would try ta do such a fing, wen som1 hits rock bottom nufin mattas nemre, ya dunt care if ya being selfish or if ya gona hurt da ppl hu luv u, sometymes ya dunt hav ne1 hu luvs u somtyms ya dunt hav nefing n it reali dunt matta if ya livin or dyin somtymes bein dead seems da best way out, am nt sayin suicide is da ansa bt its hard ta live wen ders no point being alive

Englaand di billo
02-09-2005, 11:36
farwah i strongly disagree with wot u r sayin bcoz allah neva givez a perdon so much tht he is unable 2 cope with it all r difficulties altho at the tym feel hard we CAN cope with

and wot u sed abt no point in livin...we didnt cum 2 this wrld 2 merely go rnd make frendz..live in cosy households nd joke arnd with ur family..itz nt all abt hw close u r with a certain person bocz all muslims knw there target/goal in life which in itself is a life long struggle and this struggle is 2 achieve salvation nd both this wrld as well as the hereafter...thtz the point in livin

im nt sayin we shudnt make frendz or wateva nd yeh i no itz difficult 2 live without any family/frendz but itz nt impossible...

the love we receive 4m ppl around us hav onli tht 1% of luv givin 4m allay whereas the rest 99%allah has...imagine hw much love we r still unaware of...all im sayin iz no matter hu iz in ur life nd huz nt...life iself iz a gift

i dunno if tht made sense but barin in mind itz still early 4 me:D Billoxxx

02-09-2005, 12:21
well said billo ^^^

Englaand di billo
02-09-2005, 12:43
well said billo ^^^

:D tenx...i say islamic skul zindabaaaaaaadddddd!!lukz like the fees paid of eh!

02-09-2005, 12:44
for you yeah!! but for me NO!

Englaand di billo
02-09-2005, 15:19
for you yeah!! but for me NO!

kya matlab??wot happned??y nt zindabaad??

02-09-2005, 15:21
no lo,l it iszindabad i just dont think it worked on me lol
youve come out giving this brilliant advice and me sitting her elsot liek usual!

02-09-2005, 20:16
i jus say its totally wrong.... u shud face the bad tymz as a strong person... be tough bout things.... i know its hard but its the best thing to do.cos if u do suicide., ull b destroyin ur life and ur life after death.... cos whoever does suicide never gets forgiven by allah x x x

02-09-2005, 21:21
farwah i strongly disagree with wot u r sayin bcoz allah neva givez a perdon so much tht he is unable 2 cope with it all r difficulties altho at the tym feel hard we CAN cope with

and wot u sed abt no point in livin...we didnt cum 2 this wrld 2 merely go rnd make frendz..live in cosy households nd joke arnd with ur family..itz nt all abt hw close u r with a certain person bocz all muslims knw there target/goal in life which in itself is a life long struggle and this struggle is 2 achieve salvation nd both this wrld as well as the hereafter...thtz the point in livin

im nt sayin we shudnt make frendz or wateva nd yeh i no itz difficult 2 live without any family/frendz but itz nt impossible...

the love we receive 4m ppl around us hav onli tht 1% of luv givin 4m allay whereas the rest 99%allah has...imagine hw much love we r still unaware of...all im sayin iz no matter hu iz in ur life nd huz nt...life iself iz a gift

i dunno if tht made sense but barin in mind itz still early 4 me:D Billoxxx
mashallah akal mand , na it didnt pay me off aswell im so fucked in da head

Englaand di billo
03-09-2005, 16:26
mashallah akal mand , na it didnt pay me off aswell im so fucked in da head

lol did u go 2 a faith skul iz well billal??

mystic mami
12-09-2005, 17:45
farwah i strongly disagree with wot u r sayin bcoz allah neva givez a perdon so much tht he is unable 2 cope with it all r difficulties altho at the tym feel hard we CAN cope with

and wot u sed abt no point in livin...we didnt cum 2 this wrld 2 merely go rnd make frendz..live in cosy households nd joke arnd with ur family..itz nt all abt hw close u r with a certain person bocz all muslims knw there target/goal in life which in itself is a life long struggle and this struggle is 2 achieve salvation nd both this wrld as well as the hereafter...thtz the point in livin

im nt sayin we shudnt make frendz or wateva nd yeh i no itz difficult 2 live without any family/frendz but itz nt impossible...

the love we receive 4m ppl around us hav onli tht 1% of luv givin 4m allay whereas the rest 99%allah has...imagine hw much love we r still unaware of...all im sayin iz no matter hu iz in ur life nd huz nt...life iself iz a gift

i dunno if tht made sense but barin in mind itz still early 4 me:D Billoxxx

billo ya dutn understand wat am sayin, i knw dat gd will onli put us thru difficulties dat we cn tke, n our purpose on lyf is ta plz god, bt wen fings get ta som1s head dey dunt fink straight ya dunt knw wat ya doin, somtyms fings get so much 4 som1 dat dey dunt fink straight, i dunt agree wv dis suicide business but i fink somtymes we gota put ourselves in ova ppls shoes n try ta see hw der feelin

Mr Sandman
12-09-2005, 21:13
I partly agree with mystic mami on her last post.
Although I find the purpose in life is not to solely please God, but to reproduce (in moderation, ofcourse) to "carry on" so to speak, the human race.
Anything else we do between life and death is just to pass the time.
Some people just want that time to come quicker.

13-09-2005, 09:18
i think it depends on the situation................ this is a subject you cant really judge until youve been feelin like that .

mystic mami
23-09-2005, 21:14
i think it depends on the situation................ this is a subject you cant really judge until youve been feelin like that .

ye i agree wid ya huni

23-09-2005, 21:59
hmm i think guest is right... i mean..... some ppl just feel trapped ..... i dont know....some people say that people theyhat commit suicide are weak... i dont think they are weak.... i think they've been cryin out for help and they havent been given any.

23-09-2005, 22:58
i wouldnt say a person who commits suicide is weak.. i reckon they are mentally unstable and so they are not thinking of the possible outcomes of suicide.. they don't consider the many factors involved; for example; family ? how it affects others?

it is a cowardly act and quite a self conatined act as its the person jst considering themselves and no one else but then again like i sed if you are mentally unstable you are not really going to think of it all are you?

i agree with what billo sed also!

23-09-2005, 23:01
i think it depends on the situation................ this is a subject you cant really judge until youve been feelin like that .

Well u indeed have a valid point but then ur just dumping all the pain on the family members remaining tats selfish itslf

23-09-2005, 23:04

yepp lien agree there.. oooh i didnt see that post about u wouldnt know until u been there post! agree too

23-09-2005, 23:05
how can u say that a person is not weak but the act is cowardly ?? it doesnt make sence ?

23-09-2005, 23:15
how can someone take a knife to themselves knowing the consequences???
i know i would personally shit myself if anyone even bought a knife anywhere near me or i was in threat of death! (i kno its gota happen one day butit don't stop me being scared)

they aint weak for the fact that they actually go through with it.. they are coward because they dont then think of the consequences on others afterwards!

24-09-2005, 00:23
what if they're being abused at home ? by their family members ?

24-09-2005, 00:27
then i dunno...

wat is the cause for the abuse?
then the family is reatrded and they shud get away:$

24-09-2005, 00:44
so suicide is not always rong ?

24-09-2005, 00:52
suicide is wrong
if your beign abused at home

do sumthign about it.. murder ur abuser
nah kidding
move out.. yadda yadda

24-09-2005, 01:26
I believe no one ha a right to take anyones life including their own :)

24-09-2005, 10:38
hmm i dont no.. some situations are difficult tosay.. i dont like to judge other people ... if someone choses to take their life.... then im sure they have their own VALID reason for it.

16-11-2005, 17:24

in islam sucide is wrong becomes human life is considered sacred and it is a great injustice in ending it because on cannot cope with problems. the best thing to do is to seek medical advice and stuff never go those peers who sell taweez for 20 pound each