View Full Version : my cheek feels alot better thank you for asking

19-10-2005, 09:39
yes the incident i think had caused my cheek to bruise and now it is fine... although when i talk and smile there is a sudden ache which i can't bloody handle.. but im sure its fine... it better not leave a mark:|

i have enough marks on that cheek as it is...argh!

19-10-2005, 13:18
hmmm u taken some pain killers my darrrrllinnnn?!

19-10-2005, 13:20
im not sure what happened to your cheek or what marks you're talking about but I hope it gets better soon:) im nursing my ankle at the moment. i twisted it. again. now it looks like someones implanted a tennis ball to my ankle:| curse you god of ankles..........damn you to hell. *shakes fist at no one in particular*

19-10-2005, 13:22
hmmm i broke my ankle last year and it look like its got a ping pong ball on it cus the blaady staff at telford hospital dont no wot they're doin... they told me to try and walk on it as much as possible!

19-10-2005, 13:27
hmmmm i think the good ppl at telford hospital are just tramps pretending to be doctors and nurses maybe lol? i think they stormed the hospital and imprisoned the real staff in the dark dank basement:( they do experiments on them and everything......i just hope they dont get loose. i couldnt handle dealing with strange ppl. hehe. theres enough of them on here. although i dont think any flesh eating zombies frequent this room. if not why not?:| i love zombies. they love their pursuit of brains. admirable:)

19-10-2005, 14:01
hmm i think they didnt no wot they were doin tellin me to walk on it i was in so much pain :(

19-10-2005, 15:45
awww dallo thanks such a sweethearted thing to say...

oh ermm well.. what happened was yday morning i was sleepign and mom was hooverign .. i could hear the stupid knowcking on the door constantly... kept waking me up from my dream... and so half asleep walk down the stairs .. towards the door open it and smacked my cheek into it... went upstairs fell asleep completely forgot what i ahd done and then realised afterwards when it was paining me:$

19-10-2005, 16:53
awwww bless ya huni. u been doctors xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

19-10-2005, 18:28
your welcome.

walking into a door huh? what are you like lol. and i hate it when someones hoovering when you're asleep and they bang into everything. i mean EVERYTHING. ugh. even worse is emptying the bag from the hoover and getting dust on yourself.....that is like.........sooooooooooo.....SOOOOOO.....nasty. just feel icky thinking about it. shudder. i vote that carpets should be banned and wood flooring should be the norm.

im such a tool of the timber trade:(

20-10-2005, 01:21
lol my mums house is ALL wooden flooring :D she took tips from the DIY dallo handbook :D

20-10-2005, 15:49
lol DIY dallo handbook...

nah carpets are fine ... i just reckon everyone should get a dyson NO BAG!!!! :P
that is nothing... banging the hoover into things... my mom always walks into my room in the morning opens the window even in the winter its freezing outside:| and then starts ranting and raving top of her voice about how muhc of a slob i am that i can't even put my clothes away properly once i've taken them off.. or how i can never be bothered to bring down my laundry yadda yadda yaa

20-10-2005, 16:07
yes the incident i think had caused my cheek to bruise and now it is fine... although when i talk and smile there is a sudden ache which i can't bloody handle.. but im sure its fine... it better not leave a mark:|

i have enough marks on that cheek as it is...argh!

wat actually happened 2 em???????????????

20-10-2005, 16:14
read it and stop spamming my threads:| arfhhhhh

20-10-2005, 16:18
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh i read it nw ouch dat must of hurt tho
sowie hw am i spammin u're threads meano!!!!!!!!

20-10-2005, 17:22
aww bles sya wat happeend? i hpe it gets betta soon

20-10-2005, 23:50
awwww miz im goin to london for the weekend with runda!! ill be back on monday with some gossip 4 ya ... maybe .... and ill have a look at ur cheek :D any questions please refer to msn :d

21-10-2005, 11:11
what happened to you cheek?

i didnt even know you hurt it 8)

well i hope it gets better soon