View Full Version : superstitious beliefs!!

19-10-2005, 20:34
when i was a wee little boy we used to believe in all these superstitious crap, for example if u banged your head with another person then you were suppose to bang it again otherwise you'll get horns growing on your head, you shudnt walk under sumones arms cos it makes u shorter, if u come in thru the front door u shud leave the same way and not the back door, there was a lot more but cant remmba atda mo!! just wonderin if ppl stil believe in all this stuff and wat did u used 2 believe in!!?

19-10-2005, 20:37
ahan! well i used to beleive it but when i went to islamic school i learnt that its not real, but most of it was cultral stuff, like my parents said its bad luck to wear all black and the other day my mum came out with the bizarrest thing ever! because ive got a tiny black birth mark on ym neck she said im gona get murdered.......how nice

19-10-2005, 20:41
hahaha my neighbour is a sucker for old wives tales, if theres a crow above someones house she says that persons gonna die, if she drops a dish n breaks it she says she's gonan get mehman... etc... lol theres allsorts of thatkinda stuff in typical indian folk families..

19-10-2005, 20:42
ahan! well i used to beleive it but when i went to islamic school i learnt that its not real, but most of it was cultral stuff, like my parents said its bad luck to wear all black and the other day my mum came out with the bizarrest thing ever! because ive got a tiny black birth mark on ym neck she said im gona get murdered.......how nice

hahahahhahahahhaha, i dunno if i shud laugh at that but it's hilarious. well islamically having a birth mark on the face is a sign of being a "naseebdar" (fortunate) person. so nemo, u n me are blessed :D

19-10-2005, 20:49
oooh yay we're blessed

and so are all my sisters!

we've all got birth marks on our necks!

i wa slike to my mum so you saying all 4 of your daughters are gona be murdered?

shes well funny make sme laugh soo much

19-10-2005, 20:50
oh lol, i dunno about the neck, i thought u said face, there's me being dumb n not reading properly again :p but inshallah ur blessed too :D and u sure the birth mark aint something else? ;)

19-10-2005, 20:52
when i was a wee little boy we used to believe in all these superstitious crap, for example if u banged your head with another person then you were suppose to bang it again otherwise you'll get horns growing on your head, you shudnt walk under sumones arms cos it makes u shorter, if u come in thru the front door u shud leave the same way and not the back door, there was a lot more but cant remmba atda mo!! just wonderin if ppl stil believe in all this stuff and wat did u used 2 believe in!!?
o ma dayz...
that was the case wen i was lil..tho my parentz neva believed that..it was my cuzins that told me that...
and so i blame my shortness on the fact that i walked under sum1z arm...?>

19-10-2005, 20:55
nah dnt believe in tht stuff lol

19-10-2005, 21:05
hey do u peeps know wat it means if u have a beauty spot o ur lips..?
i been told dat it means u gonna have a love marriage..:D
not sure tho? ne1 know nething?

19-10-2005, 21:06
ive heard that if u have a beauty spot above ur lip then it makes u look very luscious n irresistable.... hmmmmmmmmm

19-10-2005, 21:07
hahahahhahahahhaha, i dunno if i shud laugh at that but it's hilarious. well islamically having a birth mark on the face is a sign of being a "naseebdar" (fortunate) person. so nemo, u n me are blessed :D

oooo does that mean im blessed too :D:D

19-10-2005, 21:08
dnt kno about da beuty spot but ive just remebered one, if u have a joint eyebrow then u will have twins!!

19-10-2005, 21:10
i do if i can help it bt if i cnt then jus do it sort of thing xxxxxxxxxxxxx

19-10-2005, 21:11
wot bout havin bad luck if u walk under a ladder, black cat walks infront of u or u see two magpies??? and if u step on crackz ur gonna break ur bak?? n if u break a mirror u will get summit stupid like 7 yrs bad luck

19-10-2005, 21:27
i believe if i dont have eat a cornetto the whole world is gonna get punished:| so i eat them religiously i tell thee. im an ice cream eating machine. i dont want mankind to suffer just cos im selfish by not eating ice cream:( im so nice to you all. now gimme some respect lol:P

19-10-2005, 22:02
loll is that the whole world will be punished or that ur stomach is going to punish you for not eating what its craving!!!

theres many superstitions u cnt help but to sometimes say those that mean goodluck! lol
i dnty believe thme really but i'll say them:S

19-10-2005, 22:07
ok you caught me out again:( my stomach is the boss of me. it tells me to jump and i say how high. waaaaaah! :(

Englaand di billo
19-10-2005, 22:57
oh lol, i dunno about the neck, i thought u said face, there's me being dumb n not reading properly again :p but inshallah ur blessed too :D and u sure the birth mark aint something else? ;)

where abtz on the fce aasiya? i gt 1 on my fce 2..am i counted?

yeh most of this rubbish iz 4m bak hme, mixin tradition rubbish with religion! cnt think of anythinn at the mo, r family dont believe in it, but they do bak hme..

20-10-2005, 03:48
superstitious stuff is bullcrap...
da only one i believe in is dat in xmas if u and a gal standz unda a holly... u get a kiss...:)
but thtz not superstitious is it?? i fink its a custom...
well fair enuf i dnt believe in superstitious crap!!

20-10-2005, 09:42
i tink most ppl stio beleive in the if u break a plate u gona get mehman asi, n if u get hiccups sum1s remmeberin u....duno hw dat wrks out! lol

21-10-2005, 00:40
true safi well sad....superstituos is super stupid!!