View Full Version : Homo Asians

21-10-2005, 17:52
This was a controversial thread on an msn group....jus thought i'd check the feedback on this site...

What do you all think of Gay Asians?

Right/Wrong/should be shot?/pat on the back?/don't give a f***?

Mr Sandman
21-10-2005, 18:11
its upto them.
why should they be any different from homosexuals of a different colour?

21-10-2005, 18:38
I agree with what sandman says actually? Why should there be a difference of opinion from a homosexual of another colour/race/religion?

21-10-2005, 18:46
well....it's an asian forum...so just discussing gays within the asian community.

21-10-2005, 18:49
You got a problem with my opinion on it lol? Make your mind up, you did ask<)

21-10-2005, 19:01
oh god im narky.....ignore what i said and apologies....im gonna go and chill out a bit. seeya later peeps :) xxx

21-10-2005, 19:06
huh? lol In response to
'I agree with what sandman says actually? Why should there be a difference of opinion from a homosexual of another colour/race/religion?'

i replied
'well....it's an asian forum...so just discussing gays within the asian community.

meaning, that i was only refering to ASIAN gays becuase this is an ASIAN forum, and do you have a problem with me discussing homosexuality only wth asians?

Uh...all this pointless hulla ballooo.!

why are you getting defensive anyway? one would think you're gay.!

$xy $onz
21-10-2005, 19:21
wil 2 b honest im against it i find it sick n disgusting but den again i wont say nufin cuz u gota xcept a person da way dey r but sum gay ppl r nyc at person

21-10-2005, 19:26
hmm, i don't agree with their sexuality, but what can i do? can't go around killin' 'em can i ? And yeah some gay people are nice, funny etc, but that doesn;t justify the fact tht they like to give back shots.

Because i'm muslim, i'm against it, i reckon it's religiously and morally wrong.
Like they say, god made Adam and Eve, not Adam and StEVE.

Bottom line, i don't like 'em but just have to live and let live i guess.

21-10-2005, 19:34
i dont have a problem with it

gay people are lovely! i have a gay mate and hes wonderful

and as mr sandy wandy man and dallo said why should it make a differnece what race they are?

21-10-2005, 19:37
oh my gosh! it DOESN'T make a difference what race they are.... flippin' heck! for the KAZILLIONTH time, im refering to asians bcoz this is an asian forum... argh!

21-10-2005, 19:38
lolz sorry i didnt bother reading all the posts my bad

$xy $onz
21-10-2005, 19:39
hmm, i don't agree with their sexuality, but what can i do? can't go around killin' 'em can i ? And yeah some gay people are nice, funny etc, but that doesn;t justify the fact tht they like to give back shots.

Because i'm muslim, i'm against it, i reckon it's religiously and morally wrong.
Like they say, god made Adam and Eve, not Adam and StEVE.

Bottom line, i don't like 'em but just have to live and let live i guess.

yeh i agree wiv ya but its 21st century ppl change n dnt follow der religion init

21-10-2005, 19:43
so true, which is why the world is f***** up!
It;s just one of the many signs of the last day.

$xy $onz
21-10-2005, 19:46
yup dats tru unfortuntly

21-10-2005, 20:34
nuffin rong wiv bein gay. lesbo or bi. i tink if u fall in love den u dnt ya cnt stop it xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

21-10-2005, 21:00
nah ther is if i islam or muslim,omg u'd be disowned by family

21-10-2005, 21:03
bt still u cnt help who ur fall 4 xxxxxxxx

21-10-2005, 21:04
yeah i know wat u mean

21-10-2005, 21:09
kiss my ass xxxxxxxx

21-10-2005, 21:11
rite then bend over lol

21-10-2005, 21:12
am lol xxxxxxxxxxxx

21-10-2005, 21:13
well drop the pants already done it with the pants on lol

21-10-2005, 21:15
er...u guys are confuzzlin..8)

21-10-2005, 21:15
haha u wish xxxxxxxxxxx

21-10-2005, 21:16
yep but still drop em then lol

21-10-2005, 21:17
err how bout noo xxxxxxxxxxxxx

21-10-2005, 21:18
u no u wnt to lol

21-10-2005, 21:28
u guyz carry on wid yer lubby dubby talk..8)

Scottish Larka
21-10-2005, 21:32
Think its wrong and pretty disgusting. From a religious point of view im against it but also aside from that I would still be against it. The human race wouldnt survive if everyone was a jobby jabber or a carper muncher, life can only continue from hetro couples.

21-10-2005, 23:02
Personal opinion? yup its gross just is wrong two guys/girls kissing makes me cringe, i mean i wudnt go out like some idiots do go around beating up gays they can do what they want behind closed doors

22-10-2005, 00:39
Yer im gay:|

22-10-2005, 00:41
oh and miss khan? like id give a fuck what you think anyway ya muppet:|

22-10-2005, 00:53
i dnt have a pproblem with it altho i can see what u mean by religiously it being offenive and not acepted.. but if the pope can so can u muhahah:P

anyways back to a story.. we had this discussion once... and someone asked me if i'd prefer seeing two girls or two guys kissing.. because i sed i wasnt against homos btu i wouldnt want my children to grow up beign homos anyways... i replied two girls :$ lol.. two men showign affection to one another how so tuly gay:P.. i love will and grace!!!

i think gayism has brought the world to a new emotional era if you know what i mean; in teh sense that men ahave actually started opening up and there dress sense is also very muchly increasing in a good way hubba hubba!

22-10-2005, 10:54
hmmm..imagine guys givin birth...8)

22-10-2005, 16:42
dallo, dulla whatever you raging homosexual ape

22-10-2005, 16:47
haaa you retard shut the fuck up and go bother someone else.inbred:|

22-10-2005, 16:50
OoOoOooOo gettin' a lil tense? did i hurt your feelings? ya nasty bitch ass pansyyyy!

22-10-2005, 16:52
lmao. oh my god how lame are you? bitch ass pansy? you can do better than that I hope?:( go on try again, you might make me cry if you try hard enough. *snigger*

22-10-2005, 17:00
you know what? you're not important enough to me for me to give you the satisfaction of replying to your gay posts.

So.....hows about you go and DIE! you nasty ass fucker (literally)

22-10-2005, 17:06

(1) I'm not gay. I'm just gauging the extent of your terrible homophobic attitudes. You'e no worse than a skanky ass puss filled racist. Kudos to you!

(2) I'm not going to die anytime soon, i'm gonna stick around to enrich your life and just generally annoy you because you're such a low form of life and you need educating:D

(3) Even though you say you wont reply to my post you will because you're a weak willed biatch:D Go on, you know you want to:)

22-10-2005, 17:29
I got a Gay Cousin man...well f'ed up. He's soo safe and everything but u can't help but act differently around them. He lives in Central London with his bf and everything. Sad thing is his mum and dad don't even kno about it and they still try lookin for girls for him. Tell u one thing tho, man buys the sickest presents.

22-10-2005, 18:57
Dulla man, how the heck am i racist you sap??? just because i don't like gays, doesn't make me racist you dumb son of a bitch.

B'man, havn a gay cousin must be proper embarassing....shiiit he's even living with his BF lolllllllllll!!!!!!!!!! Uh! Shady for the parents though!!

22-10-2005, 19:38
Ok now come on kids supposed to b a friendly discussion take it easy now :)

Mr Sandman
22-10-2005, 19:50
well....it's an asian forum...so just discussing gays within the asian community.

There is a slight problem...its an asian forum, but not all of us are asian.
Theres a healthy mixed community here, even with pink haired trolls who have attitude problems :)
Being gay isnt right, but as i said, its upto them.
I'm pretty sure the human race wont die because of them either.

22-10-2005, 20:00
why the swearin?..

i thought we shouldn't be swearin on this forum?..:|

22-10-2005, 20:32
Dulla man, how the heck am i racist you sap??? just because i don't like gays, doesn't make me racist you dumb son of a bitch.

B'man, havn a gay cousin must be proper embarassing....shiiit he's even living with his BF lolllllllllll!!!!!!!!!! Uh! Shady for the parents though!!

b carefull he sed its cool nt embarssin dnt put him dwn plez xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

22-10-2005, 20:49
oh ym days gurl you need to chill

22-10-2005, 20:51
that was at miss khan btw not you pinky

22-10-2005, 20:52
Their all so childish they have a clash off opinion which is only normal so they resort to abusive language

22-10-2005, 20:54
i wasnt bein abusive..i dint like them swearin..;( ..btw mr. liney..how cumz u still got a red square...

wat u been up to? 8)

22-10-2005, 20:55
Lol Taz im just a victim where the red square is concerned, as for the abusive language its only aimed at the people using it :)

22-10-2005, 20:55
that was at miss khan btw not you pinky

dats aite den nemo lol xxxxxxxxxx

22-10-2005, 20:56

newayz i tried givin u more rep..it wouldnt let me ;(

22-10-2005, 20:56
I think its Pinky's turn now to give me rep :)

22-10-2005, 20:57
howcha give rep xxxxxxxxxx

22-10-2005, 20:57
YAY!!..GIVE LINEY SUM REP!! or else...basher

22-10-2005, 20:58
or else ur gunna beat me is it im nt givein nw na na na naxxxxxxxxxx

22-10-2005, 21:01
heheheh...i'm not gonna beat ya up...

liney is..~)

22-10-2005, 21:02
:) @ Taz...

22-10-2005, 21:02
i dont get y we're meanta call ya dad tho..:S

$xy $onz
22-10-2005, 21:06
line dude dnt u touch my pinky or i'l beat u up

22-10-2005, 21:13
liny u gunna beat me up xxxxxxxx

$xy $onz
22-10-2005, 21:14
he wudnt dare or me wil beat him up

22-10-2005, 21:15
I wud do no such thing can we not get me involved :)

$xy $onz
22-10-2005, 21:16
dats a acha bacha u stay being a gud lad

22-10-2005, 21:26
nah..he jus scared of an angry dadi..

dayamm..imagine that image...
a dadi gettin ready 2 hit ya wid a champal..bananadanc

22-10-2005, 21:27
I wud do no such thing can we not get me involved :)

hehe bless xxxxxxxxx

22-10-2005, 21:38
oi miss khan ya dickhead. i didnt say you were racist ya nob. i said you were homophobic which is as BAD AS BEING RACIST. learn to read first. or try to comprehend what ppl say before you bother replying ya crusty fuckwit:|

22-10-2005, 21:39

stop it..ur gonna make me cry..;(

22-10-2005, 21:39
hai hai firewrks or wt xxxxxxxxxxxxx

22-10-2005, 21:41
and calmness. im a buddhist really8) cant you tell lol?

22-10-2005, 21:41
wateva u say..jus cut out the swearing and i'm happy..~)

22-10-2005, 21:42
are we not allowed to swear in here? since when?:(

22-10-2005, 21:43
since she sed hunn since it started dopey xxxxxxxxx

22-10-2005, 21:47
yup..since i sed...
soz..i dont like swearin..it makes me cry ;(

22-10-2005, 21:48
bless da poor bettix xxxxxxxxxxxx

22-10-2005, 21:50
watz a bettix?

22-10-2005, 22:58
to be honest im totally against homo;s! honestly its disgusting, even les i know u guys think im gay but i dislike things like that,

once me and my arab frend we went to edgware road in london to do some shisha, and we saw 2 15 yr old boys holding hands and kissing! we where like omg (*gna feel sick*) honestly, sorry im totally against it!

23-10-2005, 01:23
ill try and be nice from now on. and if im horrible....just....ya know.....i dunno. pull me up on it.

*bites lip furiously*

23-10-2005, 01:24
lol @ gay at 15! Flippin' heck...what is the world coming to!!! Kids these days eh?

$xy $onz
23-10-2005, 20:55
oh my gosh! it DOESN'T make a difference what race they are.... flippin' heck! for the KAZILLIONTH time, im refering to asians bcoz this is an asian forum... argh!

u dnt need 2 flip at her u knw she jus didnt read it all proply u shudnt jus attack a person lyk dat u shud fink b4 u post u knw

24-10-2005, 00:17
oh right, and whats it gotta do wid u?

24-10-2005, 11:39
well i think up 2 dem allah will punish em when the day comes

24-10-2005, 12:03
quite a heated debate huh?!

i dnt undastand gays...probs cuz im straight, bt hey if they tink they gay n wana act gay, its none of my business....

24-10-2005, 12:08
i hav nuffin against gays/lesbians/bisexuality/and everything else. its der choice to be the way they are. and besides i have many friends hu are either gay or lesbian. and to me der just normal ppl

24-10-2005, 12:12
normal huh?
summat i shud knw dear? lol

24-10-2005, 12:14
yeh.. lol? ur far from normal..

24-10-2005, 12:16
n u r?! pleaz...

26-10-2005, 12:07
oh right, and whats it gotta do wid u?

its got everything to do with her :p

mystic mami
27-10-2005, 13:05
This was a controversial thread on an msn group....jus thought i'd check the feedback on this site...

What do you all think of Gay Asians?

Right/Wrong/should be shot?/pat on the back?/don't give a f***?

i dunt hav neting against dem, it may b agaisnt ma religion but ya gta let b, mst of dem pretty nyc aswell

27-10-2005, 19:31
yeah i agree with u ^^^^